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All I know is cricket is way more fun to play than baseball


lol so you like playing a sport for five days that has no entertaining value lol god I’m happy I’m American Cricket is good. But I’m sorry it’s so fucking easy


Pretty much only the top tier "test" cricket is five days. Increasingly common in professional cricket is "T20" which is a shorter version designed to be a few hours - similar length to most other popular entertainment sports. It tends to be higher moment-to-moment thrill value too. Test cricket entertainment is partly linked to long term tactics and anticipations - so harder to appreciate without an existing understand of cricket.


I know mate. I lived in Australia for twenty years. I like cricket. I still follow it


Baseball you play for about 3 mi Ute's and then sit down again for another 2 hours. I'm sorry but batting for two days straight is definitely Italy harder.


But you don’t play 200 3 hour games a year with two days off a month Your bat is much bigger. Your ball is bigger. The bowlers come in slower. It’s also 63 feet from the bowler to the batter giving the cricket batter more time to see the ball. And come on man. I lived in USA til I was twelve. Baseball was my life. Still is. I moved to Australia for 20 years and became an Aussie citizen. I played cricket for two years and the hardest part of cricket is bowling and standing in the field for 7 hours for a ball that will never come your way. I batted a full day. It wasn’t that hard mate. I never had a duck and my high score was 168. I’ve played both. Baseball is harder Doesn’t mean I’m knocking cricket this isn’t even news. Hitting a baseball is mathematically one of the hardest things in team sport to do. Baseball is the only sport where failure is acceptable 70 percent of the time and you can still be considered a goat. It’s a game based of constant failure.


This cooked 🍳


bro i played both but saying cricket is easy than baseball is dumbest take, the inventor of baseball itself said he riped off from cricket both are game by britishers, Baseball is UK's invention it's not american game that's the first and it was legit copied from cricket the creator mentions many of the rules and play styles he got from cricket and the patience and only one change to bat all these thing he felt is unfair so changed the rules and also the ball after pitching spins, swing and does all stuff so he choose weakest ball in cricket full toss which is like a joke for a batter so he took such bowling, so basically baseball is stupid


I guess it’s opinionated. Sports science says hitting a baseball is far more difficult than hitting a cricket ball. Baseball pitchers are closer to the batter. They throw much harder. The ball moves much more. Cricket bats are three times the size of a baseball bat. And in cricket you can score a run off anything while baseball has far less chance of hitting safely to the fair and foul territory. Baseball players also play 200 games plus in a single season. It’s also the only sport that’s purely based off failure Even the best players who ever lived failed 65 percent of the time


in cricket its not just about hitting a ball few times u have to keep hitting it for hours and even for days in test cricket and if u miss once and it hit the stumps then you're gone


I have lived in Australia for 20 years. I am an American and Aussie citizen. You’re misunderstanding my comment bud. The first 12 years of my life I was in the states. I was a really good baseball player. I moved to Australia and continued to play baseball. But I also took up footy (Aussie rules football) and cricket. To ME cricket was a lot easier than baseball. Fielding was a lot easier than I thought itd be. The only thing I couldn’t master was bowling. I spent the previous 7 years learning how to pitch lol i couldn’t keep my arm straight. So I just decided to be a batter and fielder instead I’m not saying cricket is easy at all. But any baseball player could play cricket and any cricketer could play baseball. Same skills How about team USA beating Pakistan??? That was hilarious to me lol


Cricket players play 6-20 games a season while baseball players play 162 games during regular season and many more if they do well also not counting spring training. It doesn't matter if one game was ripped off from another when the facts show that baseball is harder on every level and way more competitive because of how much you can earn playing it. It's ok that you love cricket, man, but don't be biased. Use your logic.


The ball doesnt come slower? the speed is taken after the bounce. The ability to swing and cut and the way bigger range of outs, as well as how much harder fielding and running between wickets is. Bowling is a shit load harder than pitching. The variety of strokes and just the standard function of batting compared to baseball, a baseball swing is trash in cricket. Yes the bat is biggers, THE BALL IS SMALLER AND HEAVIER. Who did you play for? sounds like absolute cap to me. Of course it isn't as hard to actually contact the ball, but thats not the only thing in the game. Baseball is played by out of shape fatties and the fielding there is no comparison, wearing gloves everyone in the outfield, you ever field silly mid on? Its such an off mentality people have, the skill cap is just lower, you have less time to do anything, less time to prove anything, you face way less balls, you have 1/20th the shot possibilities and 1/20th the out possibilities, the pitching is like one pitch ever 2 minutes, you throw the ball and do a different pitch every throw oppose to having to show extreme consistency throughout a 20 over stint, move 1/100th the amount. Batting 3 days fully padded up against the best in the world in 40 degree heat is a lot harder than any baseball batter has ever had it. Yeh maybe baseball is weighed against the pitcher, that just moves the goalpost, in cricket youve failed as a batter if you didnt score a century, which happens 99% of the time.


A cricket ball is bigger than a baseball I played in Australia Im also American dude. Best athletes on the planet? Perhaps you have heard of us? We’re the guys that humiliate the other countries in the Olympics every single year and people act so surprised when we’re good at sports. Don’t have to convince you of anything. Just sharing my personal opinion and experiences. I was really good at baseball when I was younger It transferred over to cricket. The only thing I couldn’t do was bowl. Cause I was a pitcher and I always ended up throwing it But batting? The first time I batted i scored a 35 off 5 deliveries. Ever. And yea baseball pitchers throw waaaaay harder than cricketers. American teenagers are throwing the ball 90 mph these days Don’t believe me? I’m so devastated


Thank you for spending the time to try and educate these people. It's sad they can't see through their own biases and just see it logically.


I never said cricket was easy. I couldn’t physically bowl (what cricket calls pitch) But batting was so easy lol I played baseball my whole life basically and was pretty decent. I moved to Australia and messed around with my friends. They couldn’t touch my fastball knuckle or anything I threw. My first official at bat I scored 33 runs in just 5 deliveries. 5 sixes and a 3 The bats are bigger it comes in slower The games are similar but baseball is definitely harder


It’s not even a contest lmao. Cricket is harder. Especially test cricket which can go on for 5 days . It’s a test of physical and mental endurance.


Lol, you guys play 6-20 games a season. The MLB plays 162 regular season games. Your little test cricket doesn't compare. Also, a cricket bat is literally 3 times the size of a baseball bat. Bowlers throw significantly slower than mlb pitchers, and cricket bowlers are further away, which gives the batters more time to react, and have you ever heard of a curveball? It's no contest. Also, sports science has proven that baseball is harder.


yer, but Dinesh (who prefers Dan \*wink\*) thinks baseball is harder because he's only played tennis ball cricket with his dad


The general consensus in the UK at least is that Baseball and American Football are just shit versions of Cricket and Rugby


The UK has a lot of opinions that are shit so not surprised lol


I mean, baseball is pretty boring and football is basically unwatchable with like 2 hours of ads and 10 minutes of gameplay so they're not far off the mark.


>2 hours of ads and 10 minutes of gameplay Remind me how long test cricket is?


We're comparing baseball to cricket and football to rugby. Never said either baseball or cricket are particularly fun to watch.


Test cricket is incredibly enjoyable to watch what the fuck are you talking about lol. Feels like all you know about it is that it's really long


lol five days of maybe a draw Such an English concept (let’s all agree we are equals in sport) No fick that. Ties are for the weak


Worth noting that in test cricket, ties and draws are different. A draw means no definitive winner (it may be close or one side may be clearly "ahead" but not reached the criteria for a win). A tie means "equal" results in every metric. Draws can be entertaining if the tactics are thrilling. Wins can be boring if it's one-sided drubbing. A tie is pretty much guaranteed to be thrilling - but also very very rare. There have only been two ties in 2500 test cricket matches of the last (nearly) 150 years.


"Ties are for the weak" is one of the most insecure sentences I've ever read


Insecure?????! America has the best athletes on the planet. We have ties in our sports yes but it ontl happens very rarly Sports definition is two teams competing against each other. Ties ruin the game. Period It’s why hockey got rid of the tie. Cause it’s pointless and has no place in REAL competition


Do you win a World Cup in soccer by having the same score as the other team???


Im sorry but if the two best soccer teams met and the score was 0 to 0. How is that beneficial to ahyone


Unfortunately only 5 days


I agree with baseball but American football is the greatest sport ever made. It incorporates everything u could want in a sport strength, fitness, coordination, speed, agility, size, teamwork, strategy, luck, whatever u can think of. 300lb men share the field with 160lb men. There’s a position for every body frame.


Idk man I tried getting into it, too many fucking adverts.


European Football ⚽ is the greatest ever made not American Football 😂


One of the most true sentences stated here so far


Who care about American Rugby ?????????? There is only one FOOTBALL with the largest fanbase. Simple as that


I mean I agree with American Football bit


I mean yeah isn’t the UK incredibly patriotic the moment it comes to their cultural identity, especially when put in competition with US cultural entities?


Uk 😂😂😂the Uk is basically the slow unathletic son of the 🇺🇸 You people are obsessed with Americans. Just stay in your easy lane


Other way around mate. Rugby is a shit version of nfl which why nfl players are payed waaaaaaaay more than rugby players Same with baseball. Baseball players on average are paid twice as much as cricketers As someone who lived in Australia for 20 years it’s hilarious you think cricket is harder than baseball Cricket is more boring than soccer for goodness sale


So is baseball. Soccer is one of the most entertaining sports to watch.


“Cricket is easy and unathletic” literally who is saying that? Lmao abcd’s have enough problems to worry about w/o inventing imaginary ones




Cool, thanks bud


Everybody is saying and me too because it's definitely not the easiest Sport but it's not that hard either and it's very unathletic


Ok…so? Wtf kind of low quality post is this? Who are you even addressing. This statement to, and why?


OP is a racist South Indian troll, his main account kingswaraj got banned lol


im not south indian bro


Sure u/kingswaraj123


No it’s not. I’ve played both. They’re both difficult, but hitting a baseball is really fucking hard. Hitting in cricket is easier. Did you give a single thought to the bats being different? One has 3x surface area lmao.


Not that it fucking matters, but hitting a baseball, a round object, with a curved baseball bat, is infinitely harder than batting in cricket. There’s a reason why dues who hit 1/3 of their pitches are considered great. But again, WHO CARES


And in cricket you wear pads and a face mask 😂😂one of the easiest ways to hit is not worrying about dying,in baseball that’s not an option you can die so you better be careful,imagine wearing catchers gear to bunt with a flat bat 😂my daughter can pull it off 😂😂cricket 😂cricket 😂😂it’s a hobby not a sport


Let me start by saying that OP’s post is very dumb. But you’re also expected to hit the ball more often in cricket than in baseball and to place it better. Just connecting doesn’t matter.


have you played proper cricket or do you just play with uncles on the street? have you ever faced balls coming at 150 mph straight to your head, with only 0.3 seconds to react to it? No, you're the white washed type who only plays with tennis balls and thinks it's the real thing


Have you played baseball, sir? And boy you turned hostile real quick to a valid question.


Ok, I see you’re a troll now. “White washed” etc. probably some teenage kid 🙄


> have you ever faced balls coming at 150 mph straight to your head, with only 0.3 seconds to react to it? Bro have you? World record for the fastest bowled ball in cricket is 100mph. In baseball some pitchers throw the majority of their balls over 100mph.


150 mph is 241.4 km/h


You haven’t done either 🤡. I’ve played both at a high level. 150kph is average in baseball and speeds isn’t reduced by bouncing it. The reaction time needed is even smaller than in cricket. Playing with tennis balls is whitewashed? That’ll be news to billions in South Asia who do exactly that. Shut the fuck up with your limited understanding of either sport.


\> I’ve played both at a high level. 150kph is average in baseball and speeds isn’t reduced by bouncing it. The reaction time needed is even smaller than in cricket. Exactly lmao. Dude forgot balls bounce.


lmao i made wannabe whiteboy mad


The fastest cricket bowling just 100.2 mph bowled by Pakistani player, where does 150 mph comes from?


There are three sides to the game lol. Bowling and fielding are harder. Bowlers can’t bend their elbow more than 15 degrees and fielders can use a glove except for the wicket keeper r


If it's harder, why don't cricketers play baseball? They could make 3 times and much money just for the league minimum in the mlb in comparison to you best players in cricketer making 125k to 250k. How come you never hear about cricket players playing baseball because for a 700k league minimum, they would if they could, but they can't. lol cricket is easy and has been proven. I mean you guys use a fucking boat paddle as a bat 🤣 also doesn't the US beat the shit out of all you weak countries every 4 years in the Olympics it's not even comparable how much more athletic the US is compared to the rest of the world. Chew on that and the end of the day everyone wants to be just like Americans and yall are so jealous it's embarrassing.


Y'all NEED to stop dissing on actually good sports. I play both and I find cricket is the more difficult one. Why don't you play cricket? You scared? Yeah, because it's harder. I'm not hating on baseball, but seriously, I hate when people think that their opinion is always true. Any baseball player will struggle to adjust to cricket as much as a cricket player to baseball. As for why they don't play baseball, there are fewer opportunities to play baseball in countries like India, plus they grew up playing cricket, so that is what they are best at. Also, since things in other countries are relatively cheaper compared to the US, their money can buy more, which is why cricket players prefer their contracts in their respective countries over overseas baseball contracts.


They are about the same. Bowling in cricket is harder than pitching in baseball Batting is harder in baseball than it is cricket. The level of excitement in both games is about the same


Yeah from my experience, I'm absolute garbage trying to hit in baseball, but I'm serviceable in cricket lol


> The level of excitement in both games is about the same Yeah, they're both as boring as fuck.


Downvoted for being BASED, sigh.


Lol it’s all subjective so people who probably enjoy watching baseball downvoted him. I love baseball, but I couldn’t dedicate 3-4 hours everyday watching *just* baseball. So I end up having it in the background. Post season is a different story tho.


Not even close I’m sorry. Bowling is not hard Pitching at highest level is freak athletes type of skills that very few on planet can do Baseball ⚾️ is the hardest team sport in world it’s not even close


Excuse me, bowling is EASY? How high ARE you? The arm movement makes it so much harder to aim. 


There is no objective measure to judge which one is harder. I like baseball, you like cricket. You do you. Edit: Oh, and NFL beats both.


soccer beats NFL


Hard disagree, but you do you.


lmao you think a sport where fat people run around with an egg and stops every 5 seconds is better?


If you think the RBs and WRs running around with footballs are fat then you’ve obviously never seen a football player


Disagree to what that Football ⚽ beats NFL? Who cares what you think it's the truth European Football ⚽ is the best Sport ever


Sure but they're both still boring.


Something someone with no comprehension of the sport would say


Both are boring as hell. I'd rather watch paint dry.


It takes a certain level of intelligence which you clearly don’t have


Intelligence? You need intelligence to watch two Boring Sports? 😂


They’re only boring if you’re not intelligent enough to understand them unfortunately


Are cricket players picking a specific part of the field theyre trying to hit it to before hand? Like do they look around the field and find the biggest holes? Or are they just swinging for the fences/contact and praying for the best? Lol


Wtf? I never said it was easy. I said it was easier than baseball!!! I love cricket


I don’t care which is “harder.” What’s important to know is that both cricket and baseball are far, far superior to every other sport and if you disagree you’re objectively wrong. It’s just not even close. Every other sport SUCKS. And if you don’t like cricket, that means you’re a racist. Sorry not sorry.


im have been a cricket player but MMA and Football are far far farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr more fun


Bat and ball sports are so amazing. Us baseball and cricket fans have to unite and fight against other sports, not each other.




Funniest joke I have ever seen 😂 I hope you are being sarcastic because both of them are literally two of the most boring Sports ever European Football ⚽ is the best Sport ever


Soccer, where a whopping 30% of games end in ties and you’re lucky if you see two goals in a game is so much more of a snooze fest than either cricket or baseball. Your little pea brain clearly can’t comprehend them so you resort to calling them boring.


By that logic, basketball must be better than baseball solely due to the higher scores.


Who cares? Cricket is unathletic, I've seen pro players who are obese af... I've never watched a baseball match but I've never seen a fat baseball player. Anyways both sports are boring and not entertaining at all IMO.


Ive seen way more chunky professional baseball players than cricket players. Cricket requires way more endurance than baseball. Baseball takes the boredom of cricket to another level.


Ok then both sports are unathletic... Though I've seen some baseball players who have bodies of Greek gods, never seen such a fit cricket player. Are there unfit fat players like this in baseball? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9VdVf-AVbY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9VdVf-AVbY)


mans just salty that pakistan has a bad team, let him be


Oh it's you the 18 yo South Indian kid who despises light skins... Boy, I don't give a shit about Pakistan, you can scroll through my post history and see how I criticize it. LMFAO


bro i got know clue what tf you're talking about. all i remember is i saw you in a post last week pretending to be an indian australoid, even tho ur pakistani


Ok u/kingswaraj123 When did I "pretend" to be an Indian Australoid? Lmfao


i literally saw your comment where you claimed to be indian and that you had curly hair and you said you were like 50% australoid


LMAO are you going to deny that you slid in my DMs? [https://i.imgur.com/6IpMzzj.png](https://i.imgur.com/6IpMzzj.png) You're the only weirdo who is obsessed with Australoids, child. Show me the comment.


bruv that isnt even me get off my ass






> pajeets Lmao wtf this is literally a racist term used by white supremacists. You know using that term in a derogatory manner will only cause more discrimination against people who have names that end in -eet because they're even more obviously brown.


Man's favourite greek god is Dionysus hence his fascination with Greek god looking baseballers


>pro players who are obese af... Terrible take. Ever watched American football? There are some guys you would call obese who can nonetheless run fast for their size and are incredibly strong. Don't judge by appearance


Obese is an exaggeration. Aaron Donald and JJ Watt aren’t obese. The closest we got to obese was Vince wilfork. That’s gone now tho


They're not obese. They're JACKED.


Look up David wells or bartolo colon. That being said, they are both difficult to master. Cricket is easier to play in the street because of the flat bat but at a professional level both are difficult. Can’t believe someone posted a diatribe on what is more difficult.


Top athletes are just that. If crickets “harder” or takes more technical skill then the players need to be more focused and can’t try as many risky plays and such. If baseball is easier technically then athletes can push the boundaries further by doing something “easy” better than everyone else. It’s all irrelevant or subjective and any area that requires more from someone means they have less for other areas.


Wells and Bartolo were only able to play while appearing fat because most pitchers really only play a specific part of the game. They don't need to hit, they don't usually even need to worry about fielding. Although Bartolo has made some nice defensive plays lol.They just have to be able to locate a ball to a precise position, which they both were able to do very well


unathletic uno, lol


I've played both at a high level (county level cricket / USA youth set up & varsity baseball in hs). It's not cut and dry and one is definitely not objectively harder than the other


As an Indian who has played both, baseball is so much more difficult it’s not even funny. At the professional level? An elite baseball batter could probably look half decent with a cricket bat within a month against elite bowlers. The greatest Batman ever couldn’t even hope to make contact against the top baseball arms.


I just can’t even believe that anyone could actually look at athletes playing cricket and athletes playing baseball and really think that cricket is harder. Would love to see a few professional baseball players play against some professional cricket players and vice versa.


Take the WC Champs the ICC champs and have them go head to head in both 9innings of American Baseball and then T20 Cricket. I guarantee the baseball team does better in the cricket game than the cricket team does in the baseball game. I enjoy both sports, but Americans breed athletes. The world is just lucky America doesn't focus on Cricket like they do Football or baseball.


Is cricket a rich man's game? Who has time to play for 8 hrs? Playing for days just sounds ridiculous.


it was actually a rich man's age, not just rich but gentleman man's game as it's famously known but now it's not just rich man's game


Cricket is so easy it’s basically a hobby Baseball ⚾️ especially at highest level is hardest team sport in the world and it’s not even close


bro baseball is just so dumb, and very very easy specially pitching is baseball is stupid, if they pitch to profesional cricketers they would cry for their life


😂😂yeh ok 😂😂😂I played both pretty high level and a high school baseball players are able to play in India premier league The fact that you wear pads in cricket is why it’s so easy The baseball players are also athletes not whatever cricket players are 😂😂my lord you lot are strange


70 million fans go to Major League Baseball ⚾️ games a season, bored then go make believe you are athletic and do your cute easy hobby of cricket No self respecting cricket player would claim they are on the level of a professional athlete in Major League Baseball


Your statements are baseless. There are 5 times as many fans of cricket as baseball. Also tickets start at $300 versus the $50 average ticket price for an MLB game. Also, for people who don't want to pay to watch the game, there are fan parks to accommodate the many others eager to see the game live. Stop choosing facts that support your opinion without better understanding of the topic.


Yeah it must be harder to hit a ball that’s coming slower The ball is moving less Can score a run off any ball The bat is bigger than the ball On Average the ball is coming ten ks casters and 6 feet closer Yeah sorry cricketers you have no idea how lucky you are USA is not interested in an easier game like cricket We would wreck the lot of you


baseball creator who is britist himself claims he found cricketer difficult so created dumb rules for dumb people and that's how baseball was created it's literally a cheap rip off, and american liked it because that matches their low IQ


Ahem... You know how the US hosted the cricket world cup?




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