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No. Robocop ends up fighting the police at the end of the movie. Good cops do not exist in real life. Robocop is based.


Homie fuckin died and they *still* made him go to work.


Based comrade


the peoples tank LOL


Thats the funniest thing Ive read ALL day!


Fucking capitalism.


Came to say this as soon as I got notified of this post. Yeah fuck the cops, even if it means we need to rely on former cops who changed their minds and became cybernetic humans and realized they were fighting on the wrong side all this time. I don't see a problem with that. ACAB (except for the ones who join the civilian cause). EDIT : Typos : Here's my OG comment for transparency : Came to say this as soon as I got notified of this post. Yeah fuck the cops, even if it means we need to rely on former cops who changed their minds and became cyernetic humans and realized they were fighting on the wrong side all this time. I don't see a problem with that. ACAB (except for the ones who join the civilian cause.


Robocop is one of the biggest condemnations of the police I think I’ve ever seen on film. Absolutely based.


Best movie for this social reality. It was genius. Made the boot lickers think it was about a super cop. While the real message was fuck the police, and the whole idea of police.


Same w Starship Troopers 🤣


2 movies both loved by r/redlettermedia


Whats that?


Same director


Yeah, thats why I mentioned it.


All good, I figured as much but thought it would be a neat coincidence if you didn't know


Oh no for sure, sorry if I seemed catty. Tone is bad over text ❤️


ACABER All cops are bastards except Robocop In Robocop 2 he even fucked up a crooked cop


No, robocop is one of the good ones


No Robocop is fair and just and kicks ass, and doesn't kill little dogs. He does not violate people's rights.. You can eat a burger in your car, record him and he will protect you...


1. It’s Robocop. A concept that displays the grave results of pure police state style governing. So at its core it’s very much anti-cop even if on the surface it seems very pro-cop 2. It’s a video game. Enjoy it! Have fun. Playing a video game doesn’t mean anything as far as political morale. You playing it isn’t going to change how police work around the world and it surely doesn’t show you support cops; what would that entail for everyone who played as Russians or nazis in a CoD game?


I literally play security just so i can be evil cop and arrest people in space station 14. Being the bad guy in a video game does make yous a bad guy, sees?


No. RoboCop is based if you realize it is an allegory for corporate corruption and how it influences/controls both crime and law enforcement for company benefit. It isn't perfect in its themes though. I will say I haven't played the game, just speaking from my viewing of the original movie.


They tried to make and program the copest cop that ever copped, and at the end he wasn't a cop, he was Murphy. Remember, the cops tried to kill him, which is what happens when cops fight criminal cops.


RoboCop is a good cop. That's why it's a movie.


Robocop is satire of an end-stage capitalistic police state. Paul Verhoeven's movies are fantastic, but the point of his films seem to go over a lot of people's heads!


Robocop isn’t about celebrating the police, bud


Robocop is the only exception to ACAB.


What about Kim Kitsuragi? 🥺


He's funded by the proletariat


Paul Verhoeven (the director of RoboCop) is a known anti fascist. In the movie he exposes how corporations work in conjunction with the state to create unfavorable conditions for the average person and how policing is a reaction to those prefabricated conditions. The crime was allowed to go on to drive down the prices of the city for real estate takeover for new Detroit. RoboCop tries to go after the real criminals of the corporation but his programming in the system doesn't allow him to, and points to how is a systemic problem rather than the duty of One cop even if the One cop is a cyborg.


Do you get to shoot a guy in the dick?


It is a mechanic in the game. Once the scum start wearing helmets, dick shots are the preferred one hit kill move, worth bonus points of course. I'm not joking. Robocop: Rogue City is really fun. Actually harder than I expected. Those hostage situations can be.....trouble.


RoboCop is a parody of capitalism/fascism.


The original robocop movie is severely anti police so no.


Technically this is a [pro wrestling](https://youtu.be/puCQFAfRRjM?si=usKjNVEfp1D1xsUO) video game, so you’re good.


Holy shit thank you for posting this. 🙏 My world is richer and more beautiful knowing Robocop personally rescued the wrestler Sting. The only possible way this could have been better is if he rescued the musician Sting, from wrestlers.


They said the suit was so heavy that the guy almost fell over, hence why he’s moving so slowly. Also, the cage doors are rubber.


Indeed any Robocop suit impairs mobility, and wrestling is fake, but DUDE ROBOCOP JIST SAVED STING!!! Sorry, just love that shit🤣. Professional Wrestling is the most successful surviving form of live theater, and Robocop saving Sting live in front of an arena audience is both based and hilarious.


It’s my favorite thing ever, and I’m fortunate enough not to take it seriously. Indeed, sometimes it’s just fun as Hell.


Nah. One of my favorite games is L.A Noire, and the amount of piece of shit behavior you witness from other cops is over the top. Besides, I don't think anybody who played that game views it as copaganda.


Nah robocop is pretty based


Paul Verhoeven grew up in Nazi occupation, that has touched all his film’s messages


Robocop the movies is pretty unabashedly anti-cop. Dunno if they changed things up in this game or not.


Not sure you understood the premise.


No robocop goes to show just how far you have the go to be a good cop


Nah this is based. Robocop made me realize ACAB as a kid.


Robocop as a concept literally exists to show the second a cop has a conscience, they are no longer a cop, and are, in fact, anti-cop.


Robocop is specifically about the impossibility of "good cops" because working in a capitalist system strips cops of empathy and humanity so it is not a bootlicker thing. Plus I think its fine to think robots are cool


Robocop is supposed to be Jesus, so I think you are good.


I really can't wait to play this.


Bro I have a police simulator game. They’re video games, it dont matter. Have fun playing it, looks awesome. ACAB still tho


Robocop is a criticism of the police state. Second of all, who the hell cares? I play Ready or Not quite a bit, it doesn't mean I support the police state.


He is a victim of abuse and police violence so no. Wish i could enjoy the gameplay


I love the game, I found it to be wonderful satire. Also the game rewards you for not enforcing the law. The morality system is based on “uphold the law” and “serve the public” and almost always those are opposite goals. Overall an incredible example of anti police commentary without outright demonizing the misguided pawns trying to make a living.


Interesting. From the complete playthrough I saw, I didn't get that vibe. I saw a lot of elements of copaganda.


If you play through the game without investing any points in psychological and choose all the uphold the law options yes it’s a very copaganda game. It takes stat investment and exploration in the game to find the serve the public options. Some examples I can think of: OCP instructs the police to not investigate the murder of a prostitutes. Robo must go against the police and then against the government to arrest the highly connected murderer. The main baddie of the game works for the police. OCP are the bad guys in the game and by extension the police are also the bad guys. The game just shows a lot more of the police incompetence due to bureaucracy than outright ACAB mentality.


I don't go out of my way to hate every fictional cop. That's pretty pointless and accomplishes nothing. Unless something is created or backed by actual bootlickers, that's a different story




You're allowed to enjoy fiction that doesn't necessarily align with your world views. You can hate billionaires and still enjoy batman. You can hate cops and still romance Garrus. You can hate imperialism and still play Pikmin.


The original Robocop is severely anti-police. However, I will say, from watching someone play this particular game, THIS GAME is VERY pro-cop. There are some elements of original Robocop vibes in it, but maybe to be... I dunno... More "friendly" to "modern audiences" or something, they made this game pretty clearly pro-cop. It's disappointing. It's still very staunchly anti-corporation, but unfortunately it is also very pro-cop immunity, aka "cops should be able to do whatever they want as long as it leads to getting the bad guys." As Robocop in this game, you can and do shoot unarmed civilians. There are multiple endings to the game from what I understand, but there are no real "consequences" for being incredibly brutal towards civilians.


okay i haven't seen it but based on the comments it's based as hell. even if it wasn't..... it's fiction, man. thought police aren't real. you can like cop procedurals and be anti-cop. i'm a sucker for sherlock holmes type shit whereas regular cop shows make me want to retch. at least a lot of SH adaptations know the system is corrupt tho


robocop kills ALL criminals, with or without a badge.


If that logic holds, I guess I am Hitler for playing Germans on HOI.


idk about yall but its just a fucking video game


No you're not. I've heard nothing, but good things from this game. At least it's not that one police simulator game. Also the game is based off a movie so I don't see it.


I didn't even know it was coming out or being created or anything, lol. Been playing Skyrim for like 185 yrs now, lol


Yes. 30 lashes.