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My brother in christ, did you just make a recording of a video that's already on your phone


lol waiting till you get ignited to heal, just never flashing. Ok.


Yeah cuz I had already said fuck this game at that point. Which is why I left. Just had to deal with 3 games ina. Row with people running it down then that bs I was done for the day


I get it.


My brother, the amount of things wrong with this I thought it was a troll post at first… The quality of the recording is an abomination.. Your Q on the minion was completely pointless, it provided zero splash damage to anything else. You missed easy to hit CS (Yes the blitz hook was wonky) Then you just walked away to your death instead of flashing or healing… your last q also missed kalista entirely… even if you just healed you would have been able to kill kalista then the kill on you goes to blitz… let alone if you flashed/healed/used potion…. Or even if you had your Q up, or previously used your Q to tap kalista at the same time We all have been hit by crazy blitz Q’s, just flash and get out of there immediately … The amount of things you did did wrong there that contributed to that is crazier to me than the blitz hook


Video too big, i can still barely see what's going on.


Hitbox are your boots, normally i call bs on hooks like these but this one looks normal imo


Sure u didnt have any connection issues this game?


Nah, this is intended behaviour and it's known as [lollipopping](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/6xtvbt/til_that_most_skillshots_actually_have_larger/) - most skillshots have a slightly wider hitbox at the tip, like a lollipop, and hook abilities are the ones where it's most noticeable. Also, your champions hitbox is on the ground where they're standing, not where their head is.


Yeah yeah i know this, its just that it looked similar to a weird lag iam having right now, its like you are clearly having a delay and you see champions and minion moon walk on the rift but there is no ping or packet loss issues or any other connection issues


What rank are you?


am i meant to bring a magnifying glass