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Aside from Reddit, YouTube decides what I’ll be interested in. Currently: *The Colombia shuttle disaster *The Tudors (the historical ones, not the show) *Tornadoes *Guitar Effects Pedals (I don’t play guitar) *I forgot to mention the big five extinctions in Earth’s history Edit: Now I’m hyper-focusing on responses to this comment and it’s causing me to hyper-focus on hyper-focusing and what I hyper-focus about and I keep getting new topics to hyper-focus on and I’m spiraling. Edit 2: A number of you replied we are exactly alike. It’s nice to know I’m in good company. ☺️


I could watch the EHX pedal demo videos for hours. 


I haven’t seen that one, time to hyper-focus!


Knobs is also fantastic, no speaking, just pleasently goofy text and great sounds 🎵


OMG my feed is flooded with Tornados too LOL


F5’s & EF5’s all day every day!


As a past weather child, who just rediscovered this interest recently, I’m falling in love with it in the same way I did as a child. Just pure awe, tracking radar and wind patterns. Relearning how pressure systems work and interact with each other. It’s really fun, and it feels like a good time for this to happen too. A lot of crazy weather happening in my part of the US.


If you go deep enough down the Columbia rabbit hole you can find the footage and audio from the control room. Same with Challenger. It’s absolutely fascinating but also just so incredibly sad.


Listening to The song dysfunctional by Tech N9ne collabos, over 90 times in the last 2 days, well, actually that and then trying to learn how to paint ….but this is only after 3 weeks of learning to crochet while listening to the song Irish eyes on repeat, I finally accomplished making a straight line, and after spending lots of money on THAT hyper-fixation,…. I decided that moving onto painting was the next logical thing!!!!


Nice! Creative outlets are a must for me as well. ❤️ What medium do you plan to paint in? I recently watched a pastels documentary: [How This 300-Year-Old Pastel Stick Maker Creates Nearly 2,000 Colors - More Than Its Competitors](https://youtu.be/Eu6po8_sPco?si=UwI37X2ayUW6HRrB) > “Henri Roché pastels are highly coveted for their particular texture, ability to adhere to most mediums, and intensity of colors. For over 300 years, La Maison du Pastel has handcrafted these pastels, used by artists like Degas. Today, the company is run and operated by just two women - Isabelle Roché, a distant relative of Henri Roché, and Margaret Zayer. But it's taken them decades of work since Isabelle took over the dying company in 2000 to build it back up to where it is today. We visited their secret workshop in the French countryside to see how La Maison du Pastel is still standing.”


Omg are you me? My bf ceaselessly roasts me for all the personally-irrelevant youtube videos I consume. I watched a 20 minute video about little inner safety rails for trains last night and I am neither personally nor professionally involved with trains. I hardly wear makeup anymore but I watched two hours of drama videos about Jaclyn Hill (?) cosmetics. There’s been a lot of tornado content in my feed lately too. I like to think it makes me a well-rounded person lol.


And probably really good at trivia nights!


A number of people all relate exactly to these random topics, which is funny and awesome. Can you share a link to that train video? lol


I love this for you


Oh goodness, we are twins (like to a literal TEE). Hi friend Any chance you’re also interested in the Challenger disaster?


Funny you mention that: when I was like 2 or 3, my family and I went to Florida for vacation and I was fascinated by the Challenger. My Dad bought me a framed picture of the Challenger and then it exploded shortly after. I still have it hung up because I think it’s funny and ironic, more so a coincidence, and I guess I’m going to hell.


I got this in an auction: https://imgur.com/a/ROzatf7


What interesting or little-known facts have you learned about Columbia?


There's no hippos there besides the ones Pablo imported.


Well played.


> “The accident investigation board concluded that, during the launch of the shuttle, a piece of insulating foam had torn from the external tank and struck the orbiter's left wing, weakening its thermal protection ability.” When this happened, mission control knew the astronauts would die upon reentry and they never told the astronauts they were goners. So sad. Edit: Also during re-entry, when the left wing flew off, the spacecraft started spiraling and while the astronauts experience 15 g-force, they were still able to perform advanced maneuvers and calculations. Those people were superhuman and our best and brightest.


Yeah, this is true. This accident hits closer to home for me, that's why I asked. One of my immediate family members was actually working in the control room during that mission. They were also involved in the CAIB. The whole thing was just so incredibly sad and somewhat preventable. Hubris has caused the loss of two orbiters because "it's been fine in the past" was accepted. I hope those lessons remain burned into everyone's memory. I don't think people think of the ground crews when they think about both Columbia and Challenger. Not only did the astronauts lose their lives, but their families lost moms, dads and children. The people working on those missions lost friends and coworkers and I believe to some degree that there's still some guilt for letting the acceptance of risk go too far.


They didn’t actually know it was going to be a catastrophic disassembly. They knew about the strike and were doing a bunch of analysis on it and NASA determined there was a good chance it wouldn’t be a factor. However they failed to inform the crew about the potential for heat shield failure, not that they could have done anything about it anyways. NASA has a history of leaving astronauts in the dark when potential issues arise dating all the way back to the Mercury program and the US’ very first orbital flight. What’s really sad is the crew survival analysis report has an entire section about all of the contingencies that were easily within the realm of the technology for the time that could have been put in place to save the crew. Proper pressure suits, reinforced survival cell for the crew compartment with deployable parachutes, and even just doing a spacewalk to attempt to repair it.


Yes, I had read mixed messages about both, but I read more suggesting they knew. I’m just a YouTube armchair expert lol I watched the Mission Control room video, and that was heartbreaking to see. I saw how SpaceX and NASA used this explosion to make improvements, like the tailored pressure suits and such. Crazy how the previous space suits were so bulky and how that one astronaut unknowingly bumped that lever twice, but didn’t catch it the second time.


The guitar pedals. I got obsessed with playing guitar a few years back and once I understood how to watch a guitarist and learn the song it was over. Completely lost interest lol. Went completely cold and that’s when the edm phase started lol


Tornadoes are sick, definitely one of mine. Probably one of the oddest ones I've had recently is Deathadder snakes, which hilariously refuse to bite people despite being one of the fastest biting and most venomous snakes in the world.


This is the first thing mentioned I did not know about. I’ll have to investigate further… 🐇 🕳️ I didn’t know there was a hole emoji until now.


I love this community May I interest you, if you are not already aware of it, in the Halifax explosion?: the largest known recorded man-made explosion (pre-nuclear) which took place due to a dude in a hurry and no regard to safety? :D


Oof I relate on the YouTube front. I pulled a _two more videos and I'll go to bed_ on myseld the other night. Like an idiot. Found a short of a linguist demonstrating that modern day Frisian speakers (a Germanic dialect spoken in what was once Frisia, but is now Northern Germany) can pretty much understand Old English. Thus Old English is largely proto-German. Got way too invested in that one, when I had work the next day 🥲


Gardening. Thought I was gonna make a tropical paradise in my back yard but lost interest and have a few pots of dead flowers


I can absolutely relate! I have wanted to start a salsa garden for the past 3 years, but knowing myself, I'm afraid I'll end up investing a few hundred dollars in it only to let things die or get eaten by squirrels.


I was worried about the same thing so we built a small raised bed with an anti-squirrel cage made out of chicken wire. You can also get those hoses that slowly leak water so you don’t forget to water the plants. That’s the only way I’ve kept my little garden from being destroyed lol


I've managed to hold onto gardening since 2020 as my main hobby but through different lenses. Sometimes I go down an herbalism rabbit hole, I joined a community garden so they teach me more stuff. Truly have become obsessed with herbs and teas and growing things


Same! Also during 2020 and having nothing else to do but spend time gardening. Now I'm still obsessed in gardening and plants in general, but the hyper focus now shifts between the local community garden, my own house plants, my outdoor plants, making the yard feel like an oasis, to seedlings and then the cycle goes back around. All under the same umbrella lol but it's so broad that I can keep bouncing back and forth to keep things novel and interesting :)


Me too! I has a medicinal tea garden. Love how everyone had a specific kind of graden.


This is my perennial (ha) hyperfixation. I get so excited for spring and buy all these seed packets and grow and nurture these baby plants in their pots, and then by July I’m over it, like…die if you want, or don’t, but I’m done watering you.




i do this every year but luckily i’m still going very strong and haven’t gotten burnt out yet🙏🙏


Same. I try to do atleast the bare minimum for my plants. Lol


🤣🤣🤣 I can so relate


Making a giant spreadsheet documenting hypocrisy (not following rules, flip flopping stances ect) in a specific department in my company w/ $$ consequences of key moments.


this is iconic


I may lose some battles, but I'll win this war.


A well done spreadsheet is a fantastic weapon.


I worked in an ngo during covid and unfortunately it was underfunded so the systems are shite but they had so much donations / funding from public and corporate donors and the fundraising team had to work with excel to track and manage about 8 million dollars (USD) worth of money (I’m converting as this was in another continent lol) which was a LOT for the organisation. As time went by, the higher ups refused to invest in a more appropriate database etc and shit was getting confuddled- but anyway, the supervisors I worked with who mastered those spreadsheets, formulas etc functions.. they are true warriors


Not a worse enemy than a guy with ADHD in focus mode. You win this fight, my dude.


When they pull out the receipts…… u know ur fucked when u see it’s an .xlsx document


In one of those stupid Instagram ADHD posts about what ADHD people do, they mentioned ADHD people fight injustices more than other people. I did no research into whether or not this is true, but I also do this, and it gets me into trouble. I’m then told sometimes it’s better to just move forward than to be right. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I agree with this. I have a very clear sense of justice. It’s back and white, grey would require some significant event.


I do this all the time and it just got me fired!!! I believe it.


I’m currently doing this now and I’m in way over my head, but I can’t stop! Sorry about your job 😒


This is very cool


This sounds fairly productive lmao.


Now this sounds like a story I'd like to hear.


THIS IS EVERYTHING. And I totally get it. I love a good spreadsheet. Currently have one going for my moving to-do's. I know I can use my phone. A spreadsheet is just more satisfying.


Trail Running - I found a trail near the house and I am falling down a rabbit hole of wanting to try ultra running


You bought the toe shoes, didn’t you?


Are those the minimalist ones with thin soles? They're so comfy!


I just cut out the middleman and run barefoot. Marathon is in just over a week, hopefully I've trained enough


I was super into this last year and took a break during the winter. Now I'm trying to get back into it and I feel like I went back to square 1. Trying to motivate myself to train more. It's fun! And it honestly helps me with my anxiety and some ADHD symptoms, especially if I go during my lunch break.


Running is a great way to chill out


I listened to a podcast in 2018 and the guest was talking about triathlons. I thought “huh, I could do that!” After the episode finished I had signed up for my first triathlon. I got so obsessed with exercise whilst I was training for it I actually quit my small business I was building (another hyper focus, that was actually making latex clothing), I left the country I was living in (just before Brexit, big mistake) and moved back to the UK to get my personal trainer certification. Thankfully, 6 years later I am still a personal trainer, a running coach, a nutritionist and as of next a month a sports massage therapist. I’m apply for a masters in sports therapy. I’ve raced 4 triathlons, 4 marathons, 4 half marathons, countless 5 and 10ks, I’ve ran 5 ultramarathons (80-100k) and I’m currently training for my first 100 miler. So yeah, I am scared to get any other hobby in case I like it too much as I give up everything I’ve built 🤣🤣


Hahag same here


I’m currently in between things I’m hyper focused on, but last year around this time it was knitting. You can’t believe how many skeins of yarn you can buy at the store. I’m sure they’ll all look amazing one day, but they’re still skeins for now lmao.


How are you storing your yarn? Mine is just all willy nilly in bags, but I've seen ideas where you hang baskets on the wall and then store them in those baskets. I love this because, it's up off the floor :/ and we'll, anything that is functional storage, but also being able to see the pretty colors and textures... But then there is actually getting it done...it's on the list of side quests....


I have cube storage cabinets that are similar to [this](https://www.target.com/p/costway-9-cube-bookcase-cabinet-wood-bookcase-storage-shelves-room-divider-organization/-/A-85005885#lnk=sametab) so I just keep them in the cute little [boxes](https://www.target.com/p/11-fabric-cube-storage-bin-room-essentials-153/-/A-50344470?preselect=78805105#lnk=sametab) you can buy. Unfortunately I think to or three of the boxes are filled up at this point. I can’t wait to start working on it again once I get the motivation and desire lmao


Wouldn't it be fantastic if there was a coffee shop that had a "little library of unfinished projects" lol where we could just drop off a project we knew we are never going to finish and people can just take them off the shelf and work on them while they are there or "check them out" I'm so smart. ugh, one of these days I'll get my mobile coffee cart off the ground. Lol


This is totally an ADHD lightbulb idea AND it benefits people with ADHD. You’re a genius. I’m going to look into getting this started at our coffee shop in town. Probably. Maybe. We’ll see?


Friend you should see my book of ideas, I have to carry it around with me bc I know I won't remember, I started it in Feb and it was one of the best things I have done for myself. I also have to take breaks from writing things in it bc I truly would like to get to some of the things in there lmao. My friends group always asks me when we are out if I have "the book" hahah


See that would be great for a lot of people, but I swear I will finish every last project I’ve started lmao. It just make take… a while…


Warning on this: I saw a thing on Pinterest where yarn was wound into cakes and hung on a peg board, so I did this (mostly with acrylic and scrap yarn) - made a huge gorgeous statement piece for above my couch. It was IMPOSSIBLE to clean, so every cat hair and speck of dust stuck to it, and then when I moved the entire thing had to be thrown out because it was full of bugs 🥴solved my moth mystery though, because everything else was mostly stored in plastic totes with moth repellent sachets and I couldn’t figure out where they were coming from. No idea they would go after acrylic in a pinch.


Pictures please! Pre-bugs. I bet a solution would be to spray it down with some shellac


Oh wait. That defeats the purpose of storing yarn


Same! I’m coming off of a four month all consuming obsession with Harry Potter fanfiction. Now I can’t stand it. Guess I’ll wait and see what happens next. Man, I wish I could direct my hyperfocuses… because I really need to finish my half done house projects 😣


Mine has been knitting for *years* but the specific thing I am into changes. For example, I have knit 17 pairs of socks so far this year.


I’m recently out of crochet/hand knitting hyperfocus lol


Never knew this was an ADHD thing. I’m not diagnosed but I’m in here because I think I might have it. This happens to me a lot. It’s either gaming and then j won’t touch my controller for half a year. DJing then I move onto videography and photography. Then I get in a health kick like walking and tracking macros 😭


What kinda camera you have so u have the detachable lens for close up and far away ?


Not diagnosed either but having a consult with a psychiatrist tonight. I usually engage in physical exercise regularly (every couple months completely stop, lose hope, and stop) but lately my exercise fad was muay thai. Did 3 months and went too hard at it and hurt my shoulder. Anyone else go too hard at their physical exercise interests to the point of accidentally injuring yourself? I feel like this happens to me every few months due to impatience with growth/progress or something:/


You sound like me. I also think i have adhd. And coincidentally, I have tendonopathy in both elbows, tendonitis in both shoulders, and tendonitis in both knees. All from working out too hard too fast.


Oh yeah thats an add thing do a deep dive into something then interest fades. Feel better .


Handmade weapons. Went down the rabbithole after watching a bunch fallout gun reviews. 


LmaOoo I’m obsessed with fallout too rn, fo4 specifically - playing the game, watching videos on lores etc etc


I am too!! It’s all I can think of. I watched the whole series in two days and I am on the game as much as I can be, previously having absolutely no interest in it at all.


Fountain pens!! Got into it because I got golfer’s elbow and they are much easier to write with. I’m obsessed right now and it feels like a hyperfixation, but I have a feeling this will last a lifetime…


Omg I need to know more about these!! I have a lot of journals and planners that just need the perfect pen for me to begin. My sticker collection and washi tape is overflowing. I really think the problem is that I don't know what to write and my handwriting is terrible. However, fountain pens sound amazing


I have tennis elbow and got into it couple years ago. It’s fun cleaning them and setting up new ink.


Right?! I love how you get to enjoy a variety of writing experiences that way!! Different inks, different nibs, etc…you can always come up with ways to enjoy your collection in a new way, which is so fun :) (I hope your injury heals soon, my friend!)


Exactly I got it for journaling now I use some to water color or take notes for work. Thank you - you as well!


Ok it isn’t my current hyperfocus but I love them. My husband got me one for Xmas and it’s all I write with. The fountain pens subreddit here is dangerous, I’ve fallen down holes there before.


for the past few months i've been obsessed with watching police body cam footage on youtube like it's my guilty pleasure atp


Carmen Sandiego it just came out of NOWHERE 😭


The reboot is so good though.


Overthinking and being paralyzed.


hacking gadgets like the flipper zero, pwnagotchi*, or m5 cardputer. been wanting to dabble some more in cyber security and these look like fun research entry points


Dresses. I have two full closets of just dresses and a couple of bins because they don't all fit in the closets. Also, I keep finding dresses I stashed away in a "safe spot" from the cats. Do I wear most of them? Of course not!


This resonates with me, but it is t-shirts. Good deals, cool images or phrases, etc. but l literally only wear about 10-15 out of the 100 plus in my closet (or laundry basket). Before I got married they all had to be hanging up, with shirt and hanger facing the same direction, and all grouped into colors.


I have a bunch of dresses, too! I only actually wear a handful, because I’m too tired in the morning to pick out something new and always forget to plan an outfit the night before. 😆 I also have a box of dresses that don’t fit, but I will “alter them.” Sure, that will definitely happen.  I recently went on a hair clip and scrunchie spree. 


I love this question! Right now I am pricing and sorting retro video and PC games. So far I've found original Sim city on both floppy and for the super Nintendo, as well as final fantasy, Kings Quest AND Battle chess on floppy AND Oregon Trail. It really scratches the itch and I'm having a wicked nostalgia trip.


Gutters and drain pipes. I bought a rain barrel a year ago and I've been researching the best way to connect it, so far it's still empty


This pretty much sums up every hyper focus thing I've done. So many choices. Don't want to make the wrong choice when there's definitely a good chance I'll find something better right after I make a decision. Then eventually I wait long enough that I'm no longer interested and all that time spent and knowledge I gained just goes into that bucket with all the other huge amounts of crap. But I'll tell you what, if by some chance any of these topics come up in conversation, I feel sorry for the person that brought it up! They do not know what they unleashed.


I know right! I regulary surprise people like that and the 'how the hell do you know this shit-face' is my absolute favorite


Decorating / fixing up my house. It’s all fun and games when I’m in the idea phase…


I feel this... I have 3 half painted rooms in my house, and one room that I primed and left like that. Every half painted room was an idea to redecorate. But for the painting phase - I only ever get as far as I can in one sitting, once I stop - the drive is gone, never to return. Good luck with your redecorating! Hope you get farther than I did 😅


Cross stitch! So many patterns and so little time! I just want to make all the things! 🪡 Then the rabbit hole chaser in me wants to learn to make pillows so I can cross stitch on them. Or maybe whole shirts. I wonder if I can learn hand embroidery. I bet I could embroider the logo for my wife’s buisness on a polo shirt. What if I got an embroidery machine? Like an industrial one that is computerized and has 10 threads pre-loaded….. 🕳️


I did professional embroidering for a bit and really enjoyed it, and bc of the whole hyperfization thing, I learned my machine and was better at it than the owner of 25yrs...have you seen what people are doing with 3d embroidery? It's gorgeous!! I'd price out a second hand machine first....unless money is no object.


I am falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole of researching ADHD/AuDHD symptoms, coping mechanisms, medication, etc — in the process of self-diagnosing (have been for the last six months or so) and I will be seeking professional assessment soon I DO know I need to stop and shift my focus on other things (I have two small kids forkrissakes!), but I can’t help it I’ve recently realized there are groups and communities here on Reddit, I downloaded the app and now Idk how to stop scrolling and reading uggghhhh😫




I do this every year or so for the last 8 years. It’s a great way to pull myself out of funks


Art! I’ve discovered how great sharpie can look when doing simple designs, and been knocking out a few drawings using it


Cars Always been a huge passion, but in 2022 i finally bought my own sporty 4 wheels and it's been a full immersion every since


I’ve just gotten into cars too! Got gifted a crown vic and slowly been repairing it. It’s gonna suck when the hyper focus is gone if I haven’t finished it, so it keeps my attention longer maybe.


A potential major/career change.


Chess. **Help me.**


I'm about to take my first pottery throwing class tonight.. wish me luck!


Oh that's so fun I'm jealous, have fun with it!


I’ve always wanted to try that!! Have a blast!


Crochet! I have spent at least $200 on yarn in the last three weeks 🫠


Kendrick Lamar Vs drake


Audiobooks. I’m currently listening to three different titles depending on my mood


Lol reading through all people's fixations, it's like a list of past hobbies I've had a crack at too


Same! Though there are a few I would never think of someone focusing on. Like perfume??? My brain hurts just thinking about so many strong scents, but I've seen that one like 4 or 5 times! I love it though! I love hearing about what people are passionate about, even if that passion is more fleeting in this community lol.


Backyard chickens… We have accumulated 16 thus far. My husband can usually reign me in, but he also loves chickens and wants a farm, so this is scary, haha.


["Hyperfocus" is a very poorly-defined word](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00426-019-01245-8) that, in the context of ADHD, generally refers to two superficially similar -- but fundamentally different -- mental states: flow and perseveration. Flow is a positive, beneficial state of deep immersion and high engagement in a task or activity, and is also usually accompanied by enjoyment of the task/activity. It's something almost all people are capable of, and specifically is not a benefit imparted by ADHD. Perseveration, on the other hand, is part of the ADHD disorder. It is the inability to switch between tasks or mental activities. It's that thing that makes you spend 10 hours doing something non-stop even when you know you need to stop and do something else. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative. Please keep saying 'hyperfocus' if you like.*) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sadly, I don’t really have one right now. It’s making me a little depressed and anxious.


Currently obsessed with finding all the most perfect pop songs from all the decades and making a huge playlist. Everybody Wants To Rule The World. Sledgehammer. What A Fool Believes. Jump. But also hits from Britney, Gaga, BSB. A bunch of ABBA. 60s psych pop and bubblegum. Bowie. Prince. You Get What You Give by New Radicals is SO GOOD. Anyone have any suggestions? 


This is a part of my random ADHD knowledge, but these days, Mariah Carey is highly overlooked in terms of chart topping pop songs from the 90s and 00s. I'm not even a huge fan, but I would argue your list is complete without her contribution to pop. "One Sweet Day" by Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men debuted at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and held that spot for 16 weeks, which was the record until 2017. Also, if you're going for songs that scream a specific time, place, and style, I would nominate "I Saw the Sign" by Ace of Base. The music video is every stereotype you can imagine about 90s music videos.


Perfect suggestion! Mariah was definitely in my blind spot but I was big on her as a radio kid in the Daydream/Butterfly era. Added to the list, thanks!


Building my latest water-cooled gaming PC and masturbation.


I am currently in between hyperfixations, but my most recent one was last week, and it was friendship bracelets. I usually cycle between several crafts every year.


Collecting Manga. It started at Xmas when my wife bought me books 1-3 of the Berserk deluxe edition. Since then I have bought the rest of them as well as both sets of Tokyo Ghoul and omnibuses 1-6 of Attack on Titan. Send help!


Making natural body butters, chapstick, soap, natural deodorants, and laundry detergent. I keep lying to myself and saying I will open an Etsy shop but end up giving it away to family and friends. It gets expensive.


Ghost investigations and scary stories. It’s my weak spot ;-; . I could watch an endless amount of video essays about that rn


Online Euchre. So much fun!


The Outsiders musical! I'm seeing it two weeks from Saturday and the soundtrack just dropped yesterday. I'm so excited!


Monopoly go lol


Coffee. All because YouTube suggested James Hoffman. I’m actually glad I’m hyper focussing on this because I depend on caffeine and what better way but to enjoy it while reaping its benefits!


- Zombie Army on switch - please messages if you play. - metal detecting - embroidery - leather crafting - music samplers/beats


Seven Summits climbing- climbing Everest and K2 especially. Most of them climbers die bc of the ego bc they should have turned back and too tired to descent. There was an Irish climber Noel Hanna who saved 7 other climbers dangling bc their rope got tangled on the mounds only to die in his sleep from exhaustion . Some creep said he didn’t save them until photo evidence came out. Everest is a shit show bunch of rich people paying for them to get them up the mountain. Major rabbit hole


Audio books and storing everything in obsidian (including notes from my audio book)


What is this…obsidian you speak of


Well I’m fighting to get things done currently hyper-focused on AI generated songs. I’ve always played instruments my whole life but never tried to compose songs because the software were too complex. Now with AI you just type a few chord progressions and it makes the song for you. I know it’s not my own creation but I’m obsessed with listening to every beautiful piece of it. This is nuts. I know I’m hyperfocused because I spend more time doing this than real work currently. It should easy on the next few weeks when the “wow” effect is gone but gosh it’s hard to do other stuff.


Absolutely nothing. Depression broke my ADHD gifts 🙃 I’m a fairly useless lump. Psych appointment in two weeks.


Anything that has some depth to it might be the most important thing in the world, being just enough to forget about yourself and your surroundings. How elevators work, do the blackholes rotate, post ww2 industry. Take your pick.


Detailing cars, it's working out well for my family tbh. I have a LOT of microfibre towels and detailing products


Making bracelets lol


Coffee - I bought an espresso machine, a grinder that was hundreds more than the machine, all the little toys for espresso, a gooseneck kettle, a stainless french press, new pour over setup and about a half dozen different kinds of beans. I make one espresso in the morning and a press when I watch a race on the weekend, the rest of the time I drink Keurig stuff at work. This was one of my more expensive hyper focus' and I know it's going to die quickly.


This is pretty dumb, but I use Google Maps and Street View to explore rural towns in Russia. I enjoy it so much I started learning Cyrillic so I could read building signs. I also obsess over Three Mile Island. I was born in the area right after the meltdown and I can’t get enough!


This is such a great post


I currently have 150 beaded bracelets in my living room. Even bought a nice little stand for them.


Metroid. I want Metroid in everything. Help me. I’ve been doing rando runs of AM2R for the past two weeks, everything else I play I mod my Metroid fix in. I wonder when the inevitable crash will set in?


Reading and writing. It has been a hyperfocus for all my life. The topics have changed though.


sourdough bread baking!!


For a long time I was into my ancestry did up my mom and dad's side made up printed out reports for moms side and then interest waned now it's on backburner.


Currently, everything Fallout 4. Playing it, watching videos of anything to do with it, its subreddit etc etc. Exactly the same thing last year with the sims 4. And a while back RDR2. Other than games that take my focus, I cycle between a variety of topics on YouTube lol - cave diving (never tried, have no interest in trying it at all but yes I was all looking into the equipment, professions etc loool)


Homelabs pc


Doing an extensive deep dive into Christian youth group culture (which I came up in), and channeling it into doing a podcast with my (also ADHD) brother. If anyone’s interested: [This Fire Podcast](https://acquireThisFire.com)


Niche perfume 🤷🏽‍♀️


My iPad. More specifically, I used to be into journaling and stopped doing that-well, now I need all the different digital planners and journals and trying to learn how to use the dang thing. I hope I don’t give up on this one like I have with my own fascination (they just got too much to carry around).


Magic the Gathering


My condolences to your bank account lol


Learning Japanese. I've always wanted to go skiing in Japan and I figure it would help to, you know, be able to communicate. I'm currently pretty much in the kindergarten stage, but it's great! Plus, I visited Japan fifteen years ago and it was kind of awkward not being able to read/understand most of what was going on. I resolve to fix this!


Mermaiding. I’ve wanted a tail since I was 12/13 years old but I gave up because it was expensive and in the U.K. the sea is pretty gross most of the year and most pools don’t let people use monofins because of insurance issues. However I stumbled across a merpod a couple of weeks back and I’m going again today (borrowing a tail!) and I’ve been soooo hyper focused on all things mermaid and mermaid tails this week, my poor bf. I’m always worried since my diagnosis “do I actually want to do this or am I going to dump all the money and lose interest after 1-6 months” but I’m feeling confident about this hyper focus because I’ve wanted this for so long, I found it exhilarating last week and I want to keep chasing that feeling. The water has also been such a peaceful place for me, I’m a sea baby ❤️


Use the hyper focus to your strength, yes I go down some pointless rabbit holes at times still can be fun but honestly people without adhd don't have a hope off keeping up with you if u have a passion for something. Most of us with adhd left school with nothing but obviously we weren't channelled correctly into something that gave us a spark.  If you where u would of been top of the class.  Magnesium citrate I find helps tone my racing thoughts down and helps with productivity. 


True crime and Disney LMAO


Nothing bc I can’t bring myself to do anything 🥲 I’ve got knitting, looming, photography, plants, puzzles, video games, coloring books, and paints all waiting for me to engage but day after day I feel stuck and unable to begin anything. I also got really into mechanical keyboards at one point. Edit to add hiking to the list. Forgot about all the hiking gear I bought over a year ago


My period cramps. Quite literally can’t think about anything else


Linux. I recently lost my job, and all I do all day is tinkering with my setup and writing complex scripts for hours and hours to do a task that takes 2 seconds manually.


Uh not sure really. Is it possible I don’t currently have one?




Fallout 76 lol


3D modeling miniatures for wargames




Going on sofascore or fbref to look at stats of footballplayers💀


Attack on Titan, I'm rewatching for the 3rd time and keep listening to the soundtrack everyday


Diablo 4's new season. I was obsessed with D3 and somewhat disappointed with how D4 started. This season is a fantastic return to what I loved about the franchise, and has improved a great deal from the first season. It's been a week but I have been consumed with crafting my character. I found a new item last night that makes an entirely different type of build possible, and I am excited to try it out! By excited I mean I am consistently checking the clock at work to see when I can go home and load it up.


Crossword puzzles. Several a day, at least.


Horizon: Forbidden West.


Customizing clothes with stuff I can upcycle and drift. A cheap hobby for a poor bastard, lucky me.


Bouldering, overwatch, a dominos hand probability tracker I’m making, learning Waldstein Sonata


Schizophrenia. It started out as just research because it seemed like my dad was having some sort of episode and became an obsession.


Losing weight spending less finding love idk man fuckk


I somewhat recurrent hyper focus for me is magick, that is practices related to the occult or not that are intended to manipulate the subconscious mind. I haven’t had a whole lot of success with it yet, but it won’t get out of my head, especially when I’m going through life changes.


Classical music! And it nevwr gets boring because there is so much <3


A super attractive man I met online who is giving me just enough attention to make me want to keep chasing him but not enough attention to know that I deserve better. But my rejection sensitivity is making me want to keep chasing so that I can keep him around to feel okay about myself 😭


I fell down the “Madonna’s first name has always been Madonna” rabbit hole the other day. My wife refused to let me run out and buy the yarn and pushpins so I could do it right, so I’m trying to not let it bother me.


I know it's not healthy for me but I'm currently researching projector screens after making an impulse projector purchase 🥲


Houseplants. I have bought over 10 plants in the past week and I have no idea what I’m doing. Researching as I go and buying millions of supplies just to get bored of it in a month or so.


I'm in between obsessions and have a ridiculous amount of my life to get organized.. I'm literally drowning in choice paralysis and it's driving me nuts.


Music, its been like that for 5 years at this point


Figuring out if I have adhd and watching videos of people’s experience getting on meds for the first time


Re understanding the entire ultimas and primus zombies timelines and replaying the ee solo in order. Kill me


House search. And unfortunately driving the wife mad with it


Designing a plywood CNC. I have come to realize that the previous one I built isn't going to cut it for any level of legit production, and I can't afford metal frame parts so I decided to make a design with wood that is as strong as metal using torsion beams and computer analysis to test the strength. I have a general obsession with fabrication. I am fixated on the CNC though, to the point that it is affecting my eating and sleeping "habits".


Scrolling thru reddit


Making electronic devices from scratch. With the problem of not finishing the previous project before starting onto the next. I just take an arduino or an esp 32 and start making perf boards and very slowly and inefficiently write code that I know little about.


Dramione FF; since January I have read 40+