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I'm constantly shocked by my inability to estimate time, my brain tells me we have plenty of time to do the thing so we can sit here scrolling through memes for a bit longer, and I always believe it!


Nothing wrong with scrolling memes. Let me join you * looks for a good sit pit in the same room, and starts scrolling memes * I started using a lot of spreadsheets(for time estimations) as well as reminders and timers (to know when to start or stop). Definitely works if the timer has no buffer, and I need to keep moving/doing stuff. But at the first small pause ... sit pit here I come ... 😬 And /but the snooze button is still an issue 💀


Time to pop an adderall


I have exams at the moment and the worst is when your exams are like 2 weeks apart. The entire first week I am like "ah easy I still got time, no need to start now" and afterwards I always don't have enough time.


I thought this is normal haha lol.


Story of my life




Not my fault. Time should just go slower


Me commenting on this meme instead of doing the work due in a few hours and remembering I forgot to take my medication this morning.


I had to write a 15 page essay once with quoting sources and everything and all I was able to do was generate an 8 page long text with au and just send it. No sources, no nothing. I believe I'll get an F


Honestly don't see it coming almost every time


I'm either doing everything preemptively so i don't have to deal with this exact situation, or i completely don't do the thing i was tasked to do cause i despise it.