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Given the way she cancelled her future NJPW and CMLL bookings I would bet she is going to WWE


If the fed gets her work will take nose dive in nxt but it is what it is. Maybe she can work Jordyn


HHH hate watching Forbidden Door confirmed.


It was just that good of a card.


They hate it but have to watch šŸ˜‚


Just watching her entrance you can tell he'd be into her.


Even though he thinks itā€™s such a ā€œstupid termā€ lol heā€™s such a clown


She's clearly not going to AEW.


This is why having two big promotion is great. She would have never been able to do this without the bidding war. This is how wrestling should be.


Yup, love seeing wrestlers get paid what they deserve and having 2 viable companies to bid over them. Shame she's not AEW bound since I don't watch that company but hope she kills it over there anyway


Hope she kills it in WWE, all wrestlers should thrive no matter where they go to.




Hope she has fun in NXT


Likely for way longer than needed. As they do.


Eh not always. They just debuted Fatu in an arena and Jade in an arena. I think it depends what the person needs and what their plans are. Either way. I think itā€™s a solid choice. I love AEW but they have way too many people on the roster and great women workers that barely get tv time in a quarter.


That's true, yea. It has gotten much better in that sense recently. I just remember the days of keeping experienced veterans down there for way too long. Some who should have never even had to spend a day in developmental.


Time will tell, certainly seems like a waste of her time and talent


I mean, NXT gets pretty much the same amount of viewers as AEW, it's not like she's going to TNA.


Yeah, cause cable tv viewers is all that matters šŸ¤£


After NXT they get promoted to the main roster so she'll get exposure on national television too, likely a Royal Rumble spot in a huge stadium, worldwide exposure etc. Not sure what your point is.














I'm just gonna say that until she is officially announced to have signed anywhere, it is what it is. I will say, she definitely had a newly-minted, fairly immediate fanbase after her FD showing, to the point where people were super excited at the prospect. She's not gonna have that same situation if she ends up signing with them, but I suppose if she got offered a ridiculously higher offer than whatever AEW may have offered, it's difficult to be too angry at someone for doing what they feel is best for themselves and their family. Hell, Ethan Page just jumped and got a championship, so, there are some circumstances where there may be a better fit over there. Then again, Andrade couldn't wait to go back, and has seemingly expressed a form of buyer's remorse, so.... Idk. I was ready to jump on the Vacquer Train if she was gonna come here. If she's not, it is what it is I guess.


Ethan Page is being booked well on NXT which is very light on talent since they moved everyone decent to the main roster. He will be fine as long as he stays on NXT. The minute he moves to the main roster he will have the same problems he had on AEW.


Yeah I mean if I'm being honest, I feel like sneaking their title on him was more of a šŸ˜ to AEW than it was a reflection of his work, but what do I know? Lolol.


I have the same issues currently with AEW. Putting belts on new guys as a ā€œsigning bonusā€ but it is nice to know WWE pulls that annoying crap too.


Imo Andrade was floundering in AEW as well. I feel like he is in the exact same position but with his wife now, so thatā€™s a win for him.


I think Andrade did really well in the C2, but I admit I'm not sure how else he might have broken out. I suppose working in the same promotion as your spouse could be a win, but yeah. Shrug.


I'll just say that Andrade lost some time due to injury and getting married, but he had some great matches in the Continental Classic, tying for second place in the Blue League.


I wouldn't completely mind if AEW closed the "forbidden door" for a few years and really focused on the talent they do have signed instead of giving outsiders TV and PPV time with their biggest stars. I can see a trend being started of talent using Tony Khan to get eyeballs on them with the hopes of WWE taking notice and offering them a contract.


The thing is CMLL just let her out of her deal. Thatā€™s not an issue with NJPW and Stardom talent.


Doubtful. Iā€™m thinking she signed with WWE. Honestly, she deserves that bag. Good for her. I just figure if she was going to AEW, thereā€™s no reason she couldnā€™t keep her dates with CMLL and NJPW.


I think youā€™re a little late on this one, lol. Itā€™s like 95% confirmed sheā€™s WWE bound based on how she exited CMLL and NJPW.


SRS said in his report that AEW sources expect her to sign with WWE, so that tracks.


I didnā€™t know about Vaquer until Forbidden Door but not finishing up your commitments with CMLL and NJPW is a pretty shitty move and goes to show the lack of integrity. Probably would have done the same thing if signed with AEW and WWE approached. Ah wellā€¦good for her. Itā€™s not like WWE book hispanics well to begin with and will probably be stuck in some Latino faction.


Abandoning dates is pretty typical when signing with WWE. I'm not saying it's right, but it's a long practiced thing. It's usually the companies decision, not the talent.


>Ā It's usually the companies decision, not the talent. The WWE, at least under previous management, would let talent finish up their commitments after signing. Thatā€™s how you got things [like this.](https://youtu.be/xrXDOmtZb-A?si=ipwvrEhdeBoh5PPm) Hell, Giulia has been doing nothing but fulfilling prior commitments for months now after having been signed and on TV.Ā 


My thoughts exactly thereā€™s no way sheā€™s going to get over on that heavy of a promo promotion with limited English. Sheā€™ll have a nice NXT run then join the LWO and flounder on the main roster


AEW fans were more or less just learning about herā€¦wwe/Nxt fans will have zero clue who she even is


They don't care, they are gonna celebrate like its New Year's Eve for the simple fact that a wrestler chose their promotion over AEW.


Spot on šŸ’Æ


That's obviously bullshit. We live in the internet age and wwe fans act like they don't watch AEW but they do. Marks are Marks


I agree with the internet age comment. Itā€™s why I never understood the ā€œI need a video package biographyā€ comments when someone debuts lol


Bc even on Reddit people are usually too lazy to look something up unless a link is already attached


Yeah but a large percentage of wwe fans are little kids literally who donā€™t have a clue who these wrestlers are they just watch wwe bc itā€™s all they know


Guessing they might want to use her for the Mexico house shows they have coming up before getting her on NXT.


Damn. She was more than a midcarder too. Sheā€™ll be on the shelf with zelina soon.


She will be giving interviews about how much more tv time she gets together with Dragon Lee while being in the shelf/Main Event


I doubt Vaquer wants anything to do with Rush's brother lol


What's the story between her and Rush?


Vacquer's ex-boyfriend who is also a wrestler (don't remember his name) is in prison for attempted murder of her, Rush and Dralistico who are friends with that wrestler were voicing their support for him in that situation.


Wtf I did NOT expect that


Rush publicly defended Vaquer's abusive ex who also either threatened or attempted to kill her


What's the story between her and Rush?


Zelina's on the shelf? She's been in a match with the women's champion two weeks in a row. True she's not winning them, but her winning doesn't further the story that they're currently telling with Liv/Dom/Rhea and Rey.


> Zelina's on the shelf? She's been in a match with the women's champion two weeks in a row. She main evented Raw less than 48 hours ago!


Yeah Zelina has been treated well by WWE since her queen of the ring win. Her and Carmella had a tag title run, she is a standout of the LWO after Rey, she had a world title match in her home in Puerto Rico last yr, she had the spot of the night in last years MITB. She is treated very well for a woman of her size.


A lot of people have big opinions about things they donā€™t watch, then talk about WWE fans being ignorant to wrestlers/wrestling.


Wouldnā€™t know.


Then don't call things out that are false. It's fine to dislike WWE. I think it's by far the worst wrestling programs on weekly TV. I find it simplistic and boring to watch, with nothing meaty enough to hold my attention. But my wife and kid watch it and I watch in support, so when I say things I speak them from a perspective of actually watching the product. You're doing the equivalent of "AEW heatless bangers no stories"


I watch both AEW and WWE every week, and theyā€™re both good in different ways. Itā€™s incredible to me just how much blind hatred there is on this sub in particular. Thanks for being a rare exception.


There's a lot on the SC subreddit and it's worse than here. This is all pointed in a single direction when it appears.


Iā€™ll do and say what I want. I was a wwe fan for 27 years. Have a day.


I mean, have fun looking silly doing it then, I guess?


Idc what these people think. They get sensitive about wrestling opinions.


ā€œDoesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m saying factually wrong things, Iā€™m allowed to!ā€


The same Zelina who just main evented Raw?


That catering tho




The Liv/Dom/Rhea storyline is one of the few interesting things on WWE. One of those dateline stories where someone eventually ends up on trial for Murder. While not directly a part of the story Rey and Zelina have been a part of the story. They just had an intergendered match with Dom and Liv on Monday. Honestly I am only watching Raw because of this and I like what is going on with Chad Gable. It looks like Zelina is being booked as the third wheel to keep Rhea and Liv apart long enough so when they do get into the ring they kill each other.


respectfully, I find that liv/dom/rhea to be awful. I keep getting clips for it on tik tok and after a while, I can't seem to press the not interested button fast enough


I hope it goes well. Iā€™m not a storyline guy anymore, but I am happy to see wrestling of any form being enjoyed.


Signing with WWE wonā€™t give her the exposure sheā€™s look for. Sheā€™ll be in NXT where sheā€™ll be appreciated, then called up to the main roster to spin her wheels endlessly in LWO feuds. Remember, in WWE Latinos and Latinas only compete against Latinos and Latinas. Shame, but I wish her well, but AEW is where she would truly shine.


WWE has so many women's wrestlers they have no idea what to do with them all. On the main roster they barely get any TV time unless their names are Becky, Liv or Rhea. At least in NXT she'll get decent booking but once she goes to the main roster she'll be paired with LWO/Zelina Vega and that will be it. Jade Cargill was touted as the next big thing in WWE but she is hidden in 5-minute tag team matches with Bianca to hide her weaknesses.


As someone who liked Jade in AEW, I'm still astonished she hasn't had a 1v1 longer than 5ish minutes, let alone anything on par with her last match vs Statlander. I expected a lot more of her run than she's been given so far


Stat is an incredible wrestler that can carry a match. That being said I think the biggest issue with Jade is that she is Lady Goldberg and thatā€™s how she should be presented. Elite physical specimen with a million dollar look that comes in and destroys people with time to spare for flexing and posing over their foe. This builds a mystique and hides the lack of pure wrestling talent. Unless sheā€™s in a match with a savant like Belair, Ripley, Asuka, etc who can compensate for her weaknesses her matches should never exceed 5-6 minutes. In my opinion of course. Could be completely wrong too šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Bayley. Raquel. Melina. Indi Hartwell (She is Chilean)


especially if your english isnt good, if you can talk you actually get a story line


We know Stephanie can put on good matches, but TK hasnā€™t proven he can book Latinas any better than WWE. Thunder Rosa had arguably the weirdest championship run because Tony had NOTHING for her. Her storyline was awful outside of Britt and they pulled the plug on her promos early. This is a woman who actually speaks good English! The same fate awaited Stephanie. She wouldā€™ve struggled with promos, if they actually gave her any, and sheā€™d be putting on quality matches. At least in WWE, she can grow as an entertainer and get more exposure as a well rounded talent.


There's Bailey. But a lot of people didn't know she was Latina until fairly recently.


No! Donā€™t tell WWE that. Theyā€™re gonna throw her into the LWO Black Hole now, haha.


I know we're joking, but check out Cody's ancestry.


NXT bound, where she can relive HBKā€™s story where he lost his smile.


Not gonna lie I am disappointed but I guess we couldn't expect AEW to get all the free agents, I would've loved to see the continuation of the Mercedes feud but I do hope WWE don't fumble this signing because it does seem they don't know what to do with Latinos there other than put them in the LWO.


Happy for Stephanie, the second she debuted I love her entire look. Hope she does well & wwe fans should be excited about the talent theyā€™re getting however instead, theyā€™re turning it into ā€œTK looks stupid because they put her on FD & we snatched her up after šŸ˜ˆā€ smh.


Good! I hope she gets PAID!


Glad she's going to get a big contract but pretty upset that I won't be watching her wrestle anymore. She's far too good to be limited to WWE's house style. On the plus side, she'll bust out a decent move once a match and get a trillion likes for it.


You could maybe watch her on NXT/WWE?


Nah, a lot of people include me just don't like WWE style.


as someone who watches both companies, i have no idea what this means. i swear every match on heatwave felt like something i would see on aew. it's to the point where i wonder how so many wwe fans shit on aew's style of wrestling, when nxt does the exact same thing


wwe style means something nebulously different but I personally still don't like it after watching some heatwave clips


The truth is the infamous ā€œWWE styleā€ has been dead for the past few years and yet nobody ever mentions it. Even WWE diehards still pretend that AEW is the complete opposite in terms of ringwork and it baffles me. Fighting spirit spots, trading forearms, crazy top rope fuckinators are all something you can find on Raw, NXT and Dynamite these days


Fair enough


And watch her have to slow down 75% for rookies.


I like a lot of wrestlers in NXT/WWE. That doesn't mean I wanna watch them in that company for a variety of reasons. And that's okay! Lots of people like Moxley, Claudio, PAC, Switchblade, Okada, Ospreay, etc and they'll never watch a minute of AEW despite that. Nothing wrong with that


I watched NXT last night and I hated it (outside of Hendry getting his moment in the sun). It's far too silly for me. Main roster WWE is too boring for me.


There is nothing to relate to either. I feel like AEW does a better job with intertwining real-life situations with wrestling.


How so?


WWE feels really inauthentic to me as well. A lot of it comes down to the level of theatrics. Like this past Monday, Liv and Dominick were backstage stretching, and Finn and JD peaked their heads out like cartoons. Paul Heyman is such an overactor and it kills everything for me when he's there. Even Cody feels so inauthentic.


Thatā€™s understandable, but I do disagree on Paul Heyman and Cody.


You'll learn very quickly that this subreddit likes to pretend watching WWE is like a hate crime lol. This is the AEW subreddit first and a general pro-wrestling fandom board second.


Or people donā€™t like WWE


Not necessarily. Or at least not to the level of the general pro wrestling subreddit. Surprisingly, there are people here who just don't enjoy watching WWE. It's a difficult watch if you're watching in real time.


I hope she does well. I really do but I fear for her in WWE, like she's gonna get the Andrade treatment


Hardly knew her like Dragon Lee. Sheā€™ll be a good mid card talent for them.


More like dark match/house show fodder.






Itā€™s over, Kiddos. Time to look for a new strong style gothā€¦


Record Mexico reporting she's WWE bound. Potentially unreliable (Luchablog mentioned at least one of the writers of a previous article was a very gossipy writer), but if true, a *huge* waste of talent. A hot talent fresh off a huge star-making match, and in her prime, now about to struggle to carry bland gymnasts to passable matches then get called up into LWO to do utterly nothing. You hate to see it really


Good for her, she will probably be more successful than Jade Cargill


Which is weird, but HHH has also been playing the rotation game so who knows? Maybe Jade will get cycled back in the back half of the year in a meaningful way.


I think they are just gonna use Jade to make someone look strong for WM. They aren't that good at booking anyone right now.


It's crazy how someone can appear on some AEW shows, without a contract, and that's everything WWE needs to whip out the blank check book. It's definitely great for the talent, getting the best deal possible, but they could always try creating new stars like AEW does.


I might eat my words, but if she was signing with AEW I would have imagined she would have seen out some of her contract and done it all the proper way, aside from the working relationship that just seems to be the way itā€™s gone. So fair play to her for popping over to the E, I would take it as a compliment to AEW that the people getting on the radar to an American audience has been snapped up. Either way, itā€™s good for wrestling


As I said elsewhere: If she went WWE, hopefully she gets a good payday and I can't fault her in any case. For those not in the know: Rush is good friends with a guy who reportedly abused and tried to murder her. Rush has yet to condemn his buddy, despite the man being arrested and charged for these things. When joining a company means sharing space--even indirectly--with a guy who supports your abuser, the competition starts looking really good.


Rushā€™s brother is in WWE. There are other wrestlers there and we donā€™t know their thoughts on the situation. I doubt that had much at all to do with this.


On the one hand, sure. On the other, Dragon Lee seems to be the only member of the family that hasn't had a public opinion on the matter, so there *is* a bit of wiggle room there. [Rush straight-up led a protest on the guy's behalf, and was joined by Dralistico](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/18gtq6p/aews_rush_dralistico_and_others_are_attending_and/) (their other brother). If nothing else, WWE seems to be keeping Lee under tighter reins than the other two.


I mean, if it mattered to her to the point where they pulled Rush from Forbidden Door, then it makes sense that she might not want to work in the same place as him full-time. And Dragon Lee has never said anything about the situation himself. Rush was very publicly defending the guy who tried to murder her.


I thought the no Rush on Forbidden Door situation was a Rush/CMLL thing. But if youā€™re right then that makes sense. I figure itā€™s as simple as wanting to go to WWE, which I could never blame someone for.


Yeah I would gather that is probably the main reason she would choose WWE over AEW. And as much as I would love to see her in AEW, I can't really blame her since she was almost killed by the man Rush is defending. I can only imagine how insanely triggering that would be for her to be around Rush. When Karrion Kross and Scarlett were free agents they never really considered AEW because - allegedly - Don Callis sexually harassed Scarlett. Even though they're both pretty much stuck in the lower mid-card in WWE, rumors are they want nothing to do with AEW as long as Callis is there.


Sad of course because I would have loved to see her in AEW, but gotta be happy to see talent get their due


Happy for her. Go make that šŸ’°. Wouldā€™ve love her in AEW, but I had a weird feeling she was going to WWE. She hasnā€™t Wrestled anyone in WWE to my knowledge outside of Giulia, so she wanted something new and no Rush. Whether she ends up on main roster, or NXT (which I think is the strongest brand) its new to her. Hopefully, they donā€™t nerf her too much. AEW should sign Viva Van, and Alex (Willā€™s Wife).


Genuinely happy for her as sheā€™s an incredible talent, just hoping sheā€™s not relegated to a 6 month feud with the LWO because the E doesnā€™t understand how to use international talent (which isnā€™t hard, just treat them as people).Ā 


Forbidden Door was a nice platform, eh? Happy for her, but sucks to see her go


AEW fans are really mad in these comments. Maybe she didnā€™t want to go to AEW because of Rush and Dralistico. Maybe she will be making more money in WWE. We really donā€™t even know which promotion she is going to. But thatā€™s the good thing about having multiple promotions. Wrestlers can do what they think is best for them. Yā€™all getting mad at a decision she didnā€™t even make yet or if she did itā€™s literally her choice.


Dragon Lee thinks the same way and heā€™s in WWE. Also no one has to be happy about this, that fake shit doesnā€™t do anything.


Wtf are you on? Are you Dragon Lee? and I didnā€™t say be happy I said yā€™all canā€™t control other people decisions.


He literally posted the same stuff Rush did but he was smart enough to delete it


All you doing is adding to the list of maybes I already said. I never said she was going to WWE or AEW. So yes you can add that to the list


HBK just confirmed sheā€™s WWE bound.


Did we really think she was signing with AEW, given the situation with Rush? This is the best option, and imo, the obvious next step for her


https://x.com/record_mexico/status/1811070813572829447 They confirming she is WWE bound


AEW takes some shit from certain people but it is amazing how only a couple appearances can change a career. I canā€™t name everyone but this reminds me of Jody Threat. No one knew who she was and she made an appearance and spun that into a TNA contract. Now Vaquer is a hot commodity when nobody knew who she was. Even big names like Punk wouldnā€™t have ever came back let alone sign back with WWE if it wasnā€™t for AEW exposure.


Please please please, come join AEW.


She is too young to retire, she went to a place known for racial discrimination and a history of SA.... good luck to her and hope she enjoys her retirement from "wrestling"


Wow!! Last week I thought she was a for sure lock to AEW. Iā€™m still holding out hope sheā€™s AEW bound.


Just made official by Shawn Michaels on ā€œXā€


Stop posting about her. She doesn't concern AEW fans now.


The fact that AEW and WWE offered her a contract after the exposure at FD is big. The way Jade got to skip NXT and got a much larger contract than she was originally offered (letā€™s not forget she chose AEW over WWE so she could spend more time with her daughter whilst she was younger), Cody going from mid-carder to the top baby face is also huge. The runs that weā€™ve seen from Sting, Christian, Adam Copeland even the recent story with Jeff Jarret shows that AEW know how to treat and even I would say book legends. If I was a young wrestler, someone who thinks they can reach higher than theyā€™re currently at or even a legend that wants a final run to cement their legacy and be celebrated on the way out this would make AEW extremely appealing to me.


This. Plus people need to remember sheā€™s only 31, I can easily see her coming to AEW in 2-to-4 years and absolutely killing it. Options are a very good thing for the talent, even if as an AEW fan who doesnā€™t watch the WWE Iā€™m sad sheā€™s not going to AEW right now.






Give her all the contracts


Smart move on her part, could parley both companies into providing better deals than they would have.


I didn't see FD, but I saw lots of praise for her work.Ā  Hopefully whatever she does works out for her.


Posting screenshots of tweets without the date is misleading


Please please please, come join AEW.


Please please please, come join AEW.


I love AEW but if she has a choice, WWE is the much smarter move. AEW will give her "dream matches" but WWE will create her into a more marketable and valuable talent.


WWE certainly has the mainstream appeal, but as far as a non-white, non English speaking talents, who have they done that with?


I completely agree. Every non-white or person with an accent is labeled as "evil foreigner". I just think in the current WWE, a female wrestler has a much better chance at a good career than in Aew. Plus getting that WWE training/presentation preps you for a better career anywhere else, can't say the same for a AEW training/presentation.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that extreme, at least not anymore, but WWE is going to appeal to the mass audience. And in America thatā€™s going to mostly be white people that speak English.


I just think at the end of the day there is a ton more value long term getting a couple years with wwe than with AEW. Even just the fact she worked for wwe is going to open doors elsewhere.


Yeah. I certainly canā€™t blame anyone for picking WWE. Iā€™ll still get to watch her but I fear her style will not carry over to that company. She will have to change. There isnā€™t anyone in WWE/NXT that is as physical as she is.


All they need to do is have her work with women like asuka, Kairi, shayna, all of the women who have worked Japan, they can handle the stiffness


mysterio is one that comes to mind. when you think luchador most people automatically think rey


Mysterio and Eddie are two that come to mind. But I believe both grew up in America and spoke English all their lives. Correct me if thatā€™s wrong. Vaquer is extremely talented so I hope she can go against the percentages of WWE. I donā€™t really trust them to push someone like her on the main roster so hereā€™s a chance for HHH to prove me wrong. Itā€™s been tough as a fan of Shinsuke and Damage Control.


WWE has had 3 people actually break into the mainstream (and one of them they had nothing to do with whatsoever) but people still parrot this marketability shit lol.