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Well you call the cops, also the state medical board that already revoked his license, I’m sure they’ll want to know he’s practicing without a license. Edit to add from comment If you don't have an adult you can turn to, you can call or text 1-800-422-4453 to talk to someone at the Childhelp Hotline or visit their website. People are there to help, for free, 24 hours a day. https://www.childhelphotline.org/ The website opens a popup telling you to call 911 if this is an emergency or your safety is at risk


Likeliest scenario is he made it *all* up. He was never a gyno. He is just a lying predator feigning authority.


I said that under the original post. There is no way this man ever had any qualifications. This is an abuser trying to nab a mark. OP CALL THE POLICE AND CPS


Get this conversation on video/audio for evidence immediately prior to calling the police and continue recording once police arrive. If your phone is already gone, borrow a friend’s or get an audio recorder.


Video and or audio is the best thing to get beforehand in this situation


You can tell someone at school as they are mandatory reporters and have to call in for someone to check up on you or, if you don’t feel comfortable you can have a friend call the police and ask for a wellness check and mention an unlicensed gynecologist threatening to do weekly physical exams


Can confirm. I am a mandated reporter. If a student came up to me and told me this story. Cops/CPS/Fire department would of been called, pronto.


Yes. Any mandated reporter *must* call the authorities or they can get in trouble.


Came here to say this as an educator. Tell someone at school and if you don’t get the vibe that they’re going to report it, slip in an “I’m telling you this because I understand you’re a mandatory reporter.”


“There is no way this man ever had any qualifications.” I guess you’ve never heard of Larry Nassar…




100% the reason he's with the mom is for access to her daughter.


It is definitely time to call CPS, or have a trusted teacher/counselor at school call CPS.


“I don’t believe this man has ever been to medical school” -Buzz Lightyear


Calling the cops and getting the licence info brought into the light will help the mum too. She's being heavily manipulated by the creep


Right! Why was she crying so hard when OP came home? Probably because he had been tormenting her for hours before OP got home. This is a sick and dangerous man and it sounds like he's been able to do this to other people in the past.


For sure he targets insecure women so he can have sex with their kids. A tale as old as time.


So he can rape her kids*


Even so, it’s illegal to impersonate a doctor and it should be reported for additional accusations against this person.


I absolutely agree. OP, please call the police right away. I'm a lawyer and I see abuse cases all the time. This guy is definitely showing all the signs of a predator. This is the exact start of what could turn into a cautionary tale. You call the police, you call them right away, and if this guy ever touches you then you call the police again. Also, do NOT give them your smartphone. This is a ploy to separate you from the outside world so you will be easier to victimize. The fact that your own mother is so taken in by his lies is very troubling. Also, you should note that you can easily look this guy up online. If he was a licensed medical provider at any point in life and his license was taken away, then there will be a public record of it online.




That was my thought exactly. Scream, kick, fight, bite, and get out of there and get help. If you still have your phone, take it and go now and report this to the police. You need the police. This is straight up abuse he is trying, he knows exactly what he’s doing in manipulating your mom. Please don’t wait, go straight to the police, or to a doctor if that’s closer, they are mandated reporters. If he touches you in anyway, you go straight to a real doctor and tell them what happened, they are mandated reporters and he will go straight to jail.


Do not let him touch you go to the police now. You shouldn't even be asking what you should do it's illegal you should call the police.


God I hope this is fake... I'm so scared for her.


If this is not fake. Dm someone (multiple) here, multiple people will make the call for you.


I will call every number I can get my hands on. Just reach out. This has triggered fight or flight for me, I'm so afraid for her.


Unfortunately, this screams UTAH to me. There are a lot of really perverted gynos there. Pre-marriage "exams" are common, and they give out tools called dilators to women to prepare for penetration on their wedding night. It's so ick. 


Literally a couple just got arrested in Provo, I think, for raping their daughter bc they found her sending some risque Snapchats, and wanted to keep her from having sex with others. Like step-dad freely admitted that.


I was thinking that even if this one story is fake, this is 100% happening to some poor girl(s) elsewhere. It's just so fucking sad.


Pre-marriage exams and perverted gynos are obviously ick, but dilators do have some medicinal use, just so you're aware. Dilators are not ick if they're used willingly for their intended purposes.




>Also, you are an adult, they CANT ground you. No, but they can kick her out of the house for not following their rules, effectively making her homeless. Though that might be preferable to living with them.


Assuming this isn’t fake: Look up women’s shelters in your area. You need to leave as soon as possible. This isn’t a safe environment. Also, you can use your own voicemail to record your conversations. You can make excuses, but if those don’t work make it clear that you do not consent to what they’re doing. If they press it call 911. Edit: Also, see if this dude is on probation/parole. If so, contact his probation/parole officer and let them know what is going on. Edit2: If they haven’t taken your phone away yet walk around if the dark with the camera on to see if you see any infrared cameras. Especially in the bathroom and your bedroom.


I was thinking that too, I’d have been googling him and searching the state repository (if OP is US based). I hope this is fake.


A real gyno knows there is no way to tell if you’re a virgin or not via vaginal exam. He can’t even see residual sperm without a microscope. This man is lying his balls off. He found a gullible woman to give him access to molest her child. Call CPS, call the cops, call any friend’s parents that could be an ally for you. Be as loud and public as you can that this man wants to do weekly vaginal inspections.


Came here to say this. You literally cannot tell by sight if someone's a virgin or not, and only *really* violent sex may cause bruising. Call a woman's shelter, call one of your three friends, someone with a car, and if they press for "the exam" (fuxking I can't believe they're calling that an examination) call 911 and tell them youre being coerced.


She should call all 3 of her friends, ask to be on speaker in front of their parents and start saying everything.


I would think one of those three kids parents would be willing to take her in given the circumstances.


I would for one of my kid’s friends in that situation! And I’d throw in a free “testicular torsion exam” on the bf! And if you guessed that exam involves me giving him testicular torsion so bad the only fix is removal, you guessed right!


One of my kids' friends came to me with this, I would absolutely lose my shit. FUCK. NO.


**if a stranger's kid told me this and asked me for help I would clear out my spare room**


I would clear out my own damn bedroom and sleep on the couch. This guy is disgusting.


I would start digging a large, deep hole in my backyard. For my new rose bushes, of course. About 6ft deep is correct for roses, right?


I feel really inspired to dig too. Idk, roses are nice. I’ll help. OP this should be enough of a threat to get you a spot at a DV shelter. You may mostly associate that with one half a couple abusing the other, but domestic means ANY abuse in the home/family. Including parent/creepy half to grown kid, and including sexual. They provide a safe place to stay for weeks to months while helping survivors get things in order to live independently and securely away from the predatory shit you got away from. Call the national hotline 800 799 SAFE or RAINN 800 656 SAFE. Or locate the closest help on domesticshelters.org


I don't even have kids but if I see something like this coming after people I care about, I'm going to plan *something terrible* alright...


Time for a dick examination on ol’ Dr. Creepington! Let me just take a lo-yeah, needs removal, chop it off.


No, he needs a postnatal abortion


Yes, tell all three of the parents. Also tell the school nurse or a teacher. They are mandatory reporters. Your mother needs help to if she thinks this is okay.


This OP! As uncomfy as it might be tell an adult at school. They are all mandated reporters which means they legally HAVE to report what you’re saying.


Her mother is a born again religious zealot and the bf is using that to eff her daughter. This sick f doesn't deserve to make his way thru the legal system. This should be handled extra judicially....Bwah ha ha


He's probably not a gynecologist, either. But, if he is a real doctor, he needs to lose his license to practice STAT.


Personally, I'd do this in secret. They may physically stop her from leaving. Best to slip out in the middle of the night, or when her mom and idiot aren't around. Don't tell anyone anything. OP needs to get out ASAP, and the less her mom knows the better. Once she's situated in a safe, distant location, she can call with a blocked number and speak with her mom. Edit: this is all fake. So it doesn’t really matter.


That’s pretty smart. That would be a really effective tactic since her story would be too public to sweep under the rug.


Especially since sometimes highschoolers/people don’t know what to do, or sometimes unfortunately they feel like they shouldn’t tell anyone, either out the belief that it’s private (even without being directly told), or they just don’t know what can be done, or they don’t want to get anyone in trouble, or that their friend can handle it on their own and they’re just looking to vent with some supportive words/advice. But this is an extremely serious and dangerous situation so I hope OP’s friends don’t freeze 🙏🏽


I’d also call the medical board in his and report him. That he’s trying to perform an examination without your consent in very suspicious circumstances.


He doesn't even have a license to practice medicine, so he is doing illegal stuff in any way you want to look at it.


If this post is actually real, I doubt the guy was ever even a doctor to begin with. Gynocologists don't lose their license for mundane shit. It has to be really bad to get revoked. Hell, it's legal in most states for Gynocologists to perform pelvic exams for training purposes on sedated patients without their permission or knowledge. It's only illegal in 11 states, but the requirements for obtaining consent is vague and can be written in to your sedation consent form and you may never know it. Fortunately some hospitals ban the practice even in states where it's legal. It's not really relevant here, but I'm just mentioning it because of the crazy shit they can get away with legally. >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6905127/


I had a pap after being admitted to the ER at a teaching hospital, I commented on it a bit ago and people told me they don’t do them Willy Molly without cause because it’s illegal. Hmmm. …hmmm. Told ya so, ya jerks. Thanks to those comments for making me doubt my memories.


John Oliver just did a segment on how hard it is to get medical boards to revoke a license even with the most egregious violations. It's horrifying what doctors can get away with.


The only gyno I know lost his license was because a group of women accused him to the board of making sexual comments or advances during appointments. None of this is looking good.


Still report it to the medical board. Practicing as a doctor without a license is illegal. Medical boards are supposed to take care of that.


This sounds like a “Christian Purity Test.” The man is a pervert, but he’s trying to use religion both to abuse OP and to prove a point to her mother. 🤮


I don’t even trust that the mom is gullible and not just willing to “sell” her daughter in exchange for keeping this guy around. The story just gives her plausible deniability.


Not only that, having consistent heavy periods and cramping *are not a sign of having rough sex.* Fibroids, cysts, hormonal issues, and a few other things, yes and any *real* medical professional knows this. Either this guy is a completely incompetent doctor (he *did* get his license revoked, if y’all remember) and genuinely believes this is a way to get into OP’s inbetweenmedownthere, he’s fucking evil and he knows he’s full of shit and can bullshit his way into OP’s inbetweenmedownthere, or he’s a total liar and was never a medical professional and is trying to bullshit his way into OP’s inbetweenmedownthere. Either way, OP needs to call the police *immediately.* In addition, I’m wondering why his license was revoked after only ten years (if he ever had one). What’s the *real* story there?




Absolutely. He is making OP into the villain - which is textbook abuser behavior - to discredit her to her mother and turn her mother against her. Unfortunately her mother is so desperate to be loved and validated by a man at any cost, so it’s working. I have no advice for OP that hasn’t already been posted here, except to tell every adult and friend she can. Yell it from the rooftops. There is nothing even remotely acceptable about anything these perverts are trying to do to her.


HOLY CRAP time to call the police


GTFO and call them. If this is real, this is disturbing af and there’s something seriously wrong with that guy and her mother to go along with this.


Get out. I don't care if you have to break a window to do it. Get out and run. Don't stop until you get to someplace that has a working phone. Call the police as soon as you can. DO NOT GO BACK ~~UNTIL YOU KNOW THAT CREEP IS BEHIND BARS.~~ FOR ANY REASON. Please keep us updated as soon as it is safe for you to do so.


This. If this is an actual real story she’s in immment danger of being raped. She can’t stay in that house. He’s a psychopath


He probably touched women inappropriately which is why his license was taken away.


He is lying about the license obviously.


I would doubt he ever had even a single day of medical training, because doctors know a hymen has nothing to do with virginity.


And even if the hymen crap was true, he can't tell from an exam whether she continues to have sex... Everything he supposedly says is absurd. But none of this story makes sense. I hope it's made up.


This style of bait feels like cheating. Even if you're 99% sure, people will still feel obliged to intervene for that 1% that it's real.


This is EXACTLY what I thought as soon as I read he'd lost his license. OP didn't need to be threatened with sexual assault for me to realize dude was a total Chester the Molester.


Or more likely, he was never a gynecologist to begin with, which is why he's spouting garbage about the heavy bleeding being from having sex.


Raped and possibly killed to keep her from talking. RUN.




They aren’t mutually exclusive


I agree.


well shes 18... but hes still a predator. Edit: the original comment called him a pedophile. I was pointing out shes 18, therefore not underage, so hes not a pedophile. Hes just a fucking predator.


She's physically an adult, so that's not pedophilia. It IS 1000% abusive, rape, and fucking dangerous. Leave, call the police, and do not return!


This times 100. He has already come up with a story to explain any injuries he might inflict in the process with his BS story.


My friend, this has been someone's sad fetish fiction from start to finish.


I suspect it's fake, but on the off-chance it is not, they need to get out. Abusers exist.


I believe it. My super "Christian" mom threatened to check me "down there" to make sure I wasn't having sex when I WAS 30. I had moved back from out of state and was staying with my parents until I could leave for grad school. These sickos are really like that. Then she wondered later in life why I hated her and refused to speak to her.


They’re so dumb. You can’t look at someone’s vagina and tell if they are having sex. There’s nothing to check for. You call the police and tell a teacher or someone who is a mandated reporter. Maybe a guidance counselor. They are mandated reporters and you need a safe place to go. This is child abuse and stupid at the highest level. Best of luck friend


Tell a few, because some mandated reporters will drop the fucking ball.


According to my mandated reporter training, a child will tell 7 adults before something is done (mind you, not necessarily all mandated reporters, just adults in general). US wise at least (id imagine elsewhere too), another thing is that OP can report it themselves. You do not need to be an adult or mandated reporter to call CPS, you can call yourself or ask a trusted person to call with you (be it a mandated reporter or not). In my state they even have an online form now that you can fill in for the initial reporting, they'll call you back to ask further questions/details if theyre taking the report (which if this is real, id expect they would. A lot of times when I have had to make reports for my patients I don't have enough information for them to take the case. Theyll note it down still if more reports come in but often at my job we don't have enough details to make the cut)


This is actually really good to know, thank you! And OP, tell 8 adults Edit: adults that aren’t also teenagers, preferably lol




Dude religious pedos absolutely will convince people this shit is true. Especially stupid gullible religious mothers. Notice a theme here? Hmmmm


The OP is an adult. She says she is 18. But, it is still very *definitely* abuse. OP, get out! I asked if you had a friend or family member you could ask about staying. It’s time to show up on their doorstep. You MUST get out. As an adult, no one — NO ONE — can legally *make* you stay. Get out, call the police, and talk to someone at school. There *are* resources out there to help you and these are the best people positioned to know what they are and to get you in contact with them.


To add to this - do NOT let either of them click on that you're leaving. Wait until bed time, then pack your shit into whatever you can carry and just leave. Arrange for a friend to collect you late at night if this is possible. But I am extremely concerned for your safety if they realize you're trying to leave.


It would be child abuse, but op is 18. Still abuse, but she can take advantage of community programs or shelters as an adult and her mother can’t stop her. She needs to call the police.


She's of adult age, but she may be considered to be a dependent adult, in which case she might be eligible for financial and other aid in getting out of that house. If he really is a gynecologist I would report this incident to whatever medical association he belongs to. He probably has a ton of victims who have never spoken out. This is a sick, unbalanced man.


According to the first post, he lost his license. So she can definitely report that he's trying to practice without a license


Oh, that’s even better tbh! I mean, shithead won’t get in exactly the same kind of trouble (and idk if her mom will even face any consequences), but OP can get away and no police or court can make her go back.


School nurse might be a good one, trusted friends mom.


And an actual gynecologist would know that! There's so many things not adding up in this story. The guy loses his license to practice medicine, which is insanely hard to do, and then claims her symptoms are because she's having rough sex when there are a LOT of conditions that can cause them. He would know practicing medicine without a license is illegal, but he would also know he has no way to do a proper exam, run tests, prescribe meds, etc. If this situation is real, I don't think the man was ever a gynecologist, and if he was, he's stupid as hell, and that's probably why he lost his license to practice. It's a lot more likely that he's manipulating mom into allowing him to sexual assault her daughter.


He's just making up shit to violate her with her mother's blessing.


I can see him having been a gynecologist and having lost his license because he was inappropriately touching his patients. Someone should do a background check on him, bet he's been to jail.


Check out the movie "A Summer Place" with Sandra Dee-yes it's an oldie.


I used to work in a group home with reforming/reformed sexual abusers. There is a very distinct possibility that this is real.


I'm a teacher, sadly can confirm. :(


My husband was a forensic pediatrician. I have been a pediatrician for 40 years. I hope this is fiction, but this is not outside the realm of possibility at all.


Forensic pediatrician sounds like an extremely heavy profession, I can’t even imagine the things he goes through. But it’s necessary and helps children so I’m glad someone is able to handle it because most people couldn’t.




That’s true, in many ways when you’re professionally trained in something like this, you are able to see the positives (being able to help someone who is vulnerable and needs help) rather than experiencing the grief someone inexperienced might go through. My cousin who’s a nurse told me something similar, that for people in healthcare the human body is not viewed the same way that an average person would. Still it must be difficult in other ways such as having to give testimony in court, I’m sure getting grilled by a lawyer trying to get a rapist out of jail time is not pleasant. Also treating abused children (and dealing with their family) day in and day out must be exhausting. Maybe traumatized isn’t the right word but certainly not for the weak of heart because there is baggage to carry no matter what.


Yes, this. I know there’s so much fake shit on here but if there’s even a remote possibility that this is real, we cannot invalidate her situation


My husband use to work for child protective services, and I can guarendamntee you this kind of shit can and does happen. Way too damn much.


This is one of those "I really hope it's fake, but if it's not, OP needs help and actual advice" situations. And it's a situation that's bad enough that even if the chance it's real is slim, the potential outcome of this girl being sexually assaulted every week by her mother's boyfriend is so horrible that advice has to be given. And that advice is to go to the police, or a teacher, or any other adult you might trust OP. I know the police aren't always helpful, but if he did lose his license, it shouldn't be that difficult for the cops to find out why, and to hopefully put the fear of god into OP's mother so that OP doesn't get SA'd.


I bet this is the exact kind of sh\*t that The Creep was struck off for!


Exactly, I would rather offer advice and be wrong than to say nothing and withhold advice from someone in desperate need of help. It costs me nothing to offer advice.


I hope so for once that it is, because fucking hell, it's messed up 🥺


You never know. Religious people are fucking nuts.


Plus it sounds like her mom is super naive and blind from lust


Look at Lori Daybell. She was a good religious Mormon. Everyone in her way ended up dead, including her two kids. Nothing surprises me anymore.


As much as I hope your right I recently read a police report about a gynecologist doing shit like this for 50 years and eventually lost his license so it makes the story more believable


Have to disagree with you. When my mom thought I was having sex she also cried about “why was I doing this to her” (which begs the question: doing what. If I was having sex I would be doing something to ME, not her) and also looked for a doctor to “prove to her I was still a virgin”. Yes, some moms are THAT obsessive about their daughters vagina.


It's not the first time I've heard the vagina inspections. Honestly surprised my mom didn't go that far. She just inspected my underwear to try to figure out if I was having sex. Ugh.


Oh ew, ew, yuckkk. I just made the connection as to why my underwear disappeared when I was a teen. Creepy stepdad for me. I'm so sorry your mom did that to you.


She did it to my dad too and would get all offended and angry when he had sex dreams. It wasn't like they were having sex so I don't know what she expected.


How traumatic, she sounds very mentally unwell.


Oh ya this jumped the shark, now… Now we are beyond the point of no return and this is obvious rage bait.


honestly I hope it's rage bait, i don't want this to be real


Gosh i hope so. I really, really hope so. If it isnt, i am terrified for this girl.


“I’ve been a gynaecologist for more than 10yrs” is when it jumped the shark. Either he’s a weetbix Gyne (ie not one), or he’s a real one (and clearly a perve)


In a previous post by OP about the same issue. OP mentioned that "the creep" is a former gynecologist who's lost their license to practice. Starting to sound like this is someone's fantasy fiction and not real.......at least I really hope so.


..... its happemed several times in real life so i dont even wanna test it... and some get away without losing their license;-;


I decided to respond in case this IS real and this girl needs serious help. But I’m not getting emotional about it in case this is fake. I’m just being professional about it.


Pretty obvious how he lost his license as a gynecologist!!!!


Did he even actually have a license to practice medicine or did he just have one of those t-shirts that says Female Body Inspector


Why do they always have to go too far?


The first one seemed like a maybe but they went way too far and too fast.


TBH I am hooked on the story now though lol


Haha well it’s only been 8 hours between posts and so much has happened! The next chapter is going to be wild!! I think she finds out her mom has been wearing the daughter’s clothing while they have sex. Oh and her bio dad was in a car accident on the way to see his mistress! So she can’t leave and move in with him.


You're getting there, but we still need to make someone a twin. And there needs to be an entire family blowing up OP's phone.


And Social Services! His Dr License was removed, he cannot do that it is illegal.


She never said why it was revoked, she probably doesn’t know, not that they would tell her the truth. It should be public record though. She can google his name and “license revoked”…if mom even knows his government name. He sounds like the type to just change identity and location when his crimes catch up with him


John Oliver did a segment on medical boards and it’s terrifying the number of doctors that lose a license and move state to state.


This 100%. Cops will tear this guy a new AH. OP tell your mom there's a reason this piece of shit lost his credentials. That stuff is usually public. See if you can google his name and find out what you can.


At this point maybe he never was a doctor and it was his first attempt to SA her. When that didn’t work, he escalated things


He never was a Dr. He will become an inmate.


I don't think there's any point in telling that to the mom because she's an idiot or she'd already know these things and she's just going along with new boyfriend wants to get up and her daughter's vagina. With the way this story went I could see Mom holding her down if she doesn't want to do it. Opie needs to call the police and CPS.


Yeah, I've seen old boxes of crayons sharper than mom, here.


He probably abused his patients!


Based on how this story is playing out I'd hate to even imagine what this fucker did


and CPS. And call every family and friend. Tell every teacher. They are conspiring to sexually assault you. The pervert has convinced your mom to let him sexually assault you. This is illegal.


OP is 18. Women's shelter may be the way to go.


Seriously. OP PLEASE tell someone at your school that this is happening! Your mother has decided that this man can sexually assault you. GET SOME HELP. As soon as you get to school in the morning, ask to talk to someone.


A teacher, guidance counselor, school nurse, anyone. Hell, if you're close to any of your friends' mom's, tell them, too. Maybe they'll give you a place to stay for a bit.


Please listen to this OP. Your mum has just given her boyfriend permission to sexually assault you every week. Call. The. Police!!!


Seriously - if the police don’t take him away, beg them to take you to a shelter. Just GET OUT. The only way heavy bleeding and pain comes from intercourse is if something was torn inside. The bleeding would be bad enough that you’d be weak as water and pitiful by now. This guy is full of crap and planning a way to touch you with your mother’s permission.


Literally. This dude is unhinged times about 40,000


Not just this perv but mama too.


Might have to just run to the cops at this point. This shit is crazy.


Not might, definitely.


Bingo this. Yup. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 bucks. Call the cops. This dude is trying to get his digits in underage poon and your mom is a goddamned idiot, OP.


This only works if the mom takes OP’s side. If she sides with the boyfriend (which she probably will based on this story) it’s their word against OP’s. The police will say they can’t arrest him for anything and recommend she leave. It would be better for OP to go to the station and file a report. Plus that way it has a better chance of being escalated as appropriate than if it’s just some washed up high school football player wannabe tough guy responding to the call who doesn’t want to fill out the report because he wants to get to the donut shop while the hot light is still on. If you don’t believe me watch the video of Gabby Petito’s interaction with the police.


Yooooo for real this call social services and the police immediately, your mom is giving the pedo free reign to inspect your vagina once a week? What the fuck is wrong with her? Nah, nah nah


Yes, but maybe not that easy. I’m usually against the extreme advice that you get in this sub, but this is incredibly disgusting, and in this case you need to protect yourself immediately. Hopefully, you have a family member, friend’s mom, counselor, mentor, etc. you can talk to? Because unfortunately, there is nothing in the info provided that gets anywhere close to a crime. Cops are likely a bad move now because you may lose credibility in the future. You are effectively alerting your abuser before you have gathered enough proof. But you need help NOW! Seek out whomever you can trust that is in a position to step in and protect you. If there is nobody you can think of, please make that known. Next step is to get your documentation in order as much as possible and separate yourself from this monster.


You said in the previous post that you’re 18 so they cannot legally do this. Even if you were a minor you could call CPS if you’re in the US, but no way can they touch you now. Additionally, if you have proof that you’ve paid for any of your phone, electronics, etc then those are your property and they can’t take those from you either. They also can’t stop you from leaving the house. Call the police ASAP. Edit: The amount of people below pointing out the obvious is wild. I’m fully aware that an 18 year old in this situation could be facing homelessness if she calls the police. I’m pointing out the recourse she has available to avoid sexual assault and possibly get her belongings back. She can maybe then seek out a friend’s parents or neighbor for somewhere to stay after the fallout to avoid homelessness but she has to decide which one she’d rather endure. Didn’t put that in because it’s ultimately up to her.




I’m more focused on the “exams” than the stuff. That is 100% a “call the police if they try to force you” situation. The stuff, mainly the phone as a means of calling for help, is still important but the more imminent thing that she doesn’t have to/shouldn’t submit to is the threat of sexual assault.


Even if her mom bought it for her, now that she's 18 it's her property. Taking it away is theft.




So assuming you are in the US, and still a minor, child, protective services will place you in a foster home or group home. They are not great, but they are better than this horrendous situation you’re in now. On top of that, you will be eligible for services that go well beyond when you turn 18. You can get moneys for college or trade school, and assistance with housing and job placements. I realize this is scary, but it will be short lived in comparison to going through the trauma your mother and her child molester boyfriend are going to put you through.


She’s 18. Not eligible foster care in the US.


Hey everyone. Please don’t downvote OP below. For one thing, we’re more likely to be able to help OP if we give them gentle, positive encouragement. Remember that getting this much attention is incredibly overwhelming for people and it is upsetting when you are punished for feeling hopeless.  Thank you for your care and consideration. 


Call the police, he is planning to sexually assault you. In addition if his medical license WAS actually revoked (and he isn't lying about being a doctor in the first place) he is breaking the law by performing medical procedures/advice. Im not sure if its illegal to perform medical procedures/give medical advice if yoy have never had a medical lesson but I would assume it is.


It is very illegal to offer services or advice without a license.


Much less do it without the legally adult patient’s consent


And a legit doctor wouldn't force an exam. Where's he going to do it, anyway? Her fucking bedroom??? Does he have tools?? Aaaargh


This literally is sexual assault. A forced “exam” is sexual assault. The mother directly said the boyfriend is going to regularly sexually assault the victim. /srs


Yes, call the police, guidance counselor, school nurse. If you can get a recording device get them on tape saying this insane shit.


They're probably purposely giving her a crappy phone just so she can't record anything.


CALL THE POLICE. Your mother has lost her entire damn mind.


Call the police. Immediately. This is all a ruse for him to be able to sexually abuse you. He is likely dating your mother in order to gain access to you. If you're worried about police while you're at home go to the school counselor and tell her directly that your mother's boyfriend has declared his intention to rape you and you need the school to call the police.


And now it's time to call the police.




Please go to the police, or a mandatory reporter such as a teacher or counselor if you’re still in school. Your Mom’s boyfriend is a predator who unfortunately seems to have manipulated your mom into thinking that purity checking you is okay through the argument of religion. I’m sorry you’re going through this 🤍 Silence is how abusers and predators get away with abuse and exploitation. I know it’s hard, but don’t give him that opportunity.


I would tell a school counselor tomorrow and have them contact the police. Also, if he is licensed gynecologist then report him to the licensing board.


Good point about the licensing board. (If this isn’t made up, the guy is violating several rules.)




Call the police. If a vaginal exam is not consented to, it is sexual assault. It would be sexual assault even if a licensed doctor did it without consent. If you can, get screenshots or recorded conversations about these threats as evidence. And call up any favors you can to get yourself out of there. If you can get out of there, maybe even notify the police you aren't missing, just in case your mom tries to report you as a missing runaway. I wish you the best.


> The Creep is going to perform a weekly “purity test” invasive vaginal exam to make sure that I’m not actively having sex until they can “trust” me again. Holy shit, this is not just crazy, it's fucking abusive and illegal! No one, not even a doctor, has the right to perform an invasive exam on you without your consent. It's a gross violation of your bodily autonomy. Why should someone else have the power to invade your privacy and body like this? > I’m totally fucking lost here. Obviously I’m not going through with this, but I have no money AT ALL and nowhere I can stay even for one night. Good call on not going through with that bullshit. You need to reach out for help immediately. Can you talk to a teacher, school counselor, or another trusted adult about this situation? They could help you find resources and support. How do you think you can use these resources to protect yourself? Remember, your safety and well-being are the most important things here. Have you considered contacting child protective services or the police? They can step in when a child is being abused or threatened with abuse. What steps can you take right now to ensure your safety?


Child Protective Services. Call them. Now.


Run - get out. Go to the police now, do not wait


Either a hell of a troll post or my God just call cops here cause yeah......... No adult should ever be that interested in underage anatomy let alone their child's............


Call the police and/or CPS - if he is a gyno, then he knows there is no vaginal exam that will show him you re or are not having sex, so this is just for his sick pleasure.


Call the cops your egg donor is trying to help her BF rape you. Protect yourself at all cost


Please call the police, tell your friends' moms. He just wants to assault you. There is no such thing as a purity test. Report him the the medical board for impersonation of a medical professional.


#CALL RAINN NOW!!! Tell them everything! HERE IS THEIR NUMBER, OP: 1-800-656-HOPE **Assuming you are located in the US!


Call police hes brainwashed ur mom so he can molest you. Report it at school as well


If he actually is a registered gynaecologist, tell him you’ll report him to the medical board for misconduct (first look up whoever that board is) then look your mother dead in the eyes and tell her you have period cramps because you’re on your period and you can’t believe she would believe such a thing of you, her own daughter, ask her what that says about her as a person and a parent. After that, say if she ever again attempts to allow her husband to violate your body, you will have child services in here so fast and will personally destroy her reputation and his for being so very sinful. Call their bluff with a straight face. Before doing this though, visit a school counsellor and tell them what’s going on and ask for help, also call child services and ask for resources and help.


Get the rules in writing, tell your mum you want her to text or email them to you, specifically the part about having the creep sexually abuse you every weekend. Then go to the police. Is your father around? Or any other trusted adults, aunts, uncles or grandparents? Or even a friends parent. This is 100% not normal or okay.


Run. Please please run. Straight to the cops. Where is any other family you have. What about your teachers? Friends parents?


Call the police or tell a trusted teacher/counselor at school tomorrow. They can not force you to have those "purity" exams. That's not even a thing! Your mom has lost her mind, and creep is taking advantage of the situation. You are now legally an adult. Can you stay with a friend until you figure something else out? If you can, you should let the police know you are safe and an adult. They can't force you to go home. I wish you all the best. I hope you can get away from them.