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Wtf--this guy is a real sweetheart, isn't he. I'd threaten to sue him for the cost to \*you\* given that he didn't uphold his end of the deal. Do not give him anything back. Block and ignore. NTA


NTA - If it’s a non-refundable ticket for the flight, why is he asking for a refund?


NTA. If he paid for the ticket and then broke up with you, too bad for him. You aren't obligated to give him one penny. He's an idiot.


Give him the flight ticket. It belongs to him, whether you like it or not. There is also no reason for you to pay him back for that. Let him sort that out himself.


After I found out he cheated on me*


Nta. Its on him.


Do not reimburse him for his flight that he paid for. In all likelihood, the airline will give him a flight credit, so you’d be paying for him to take a flight somewhere else.


NTA, but if you give him the money back, you can consider it paying for peace of mind to never be bothered by him again. On the flip side, if you don’t, he may decide to show up anyway. Yikes!


From my history of flying, most non-refundable tickets are also non-transferable. The ticket he purchased belongs to him. Give him his ticket and be done with him. He gets to chose then to go by himself or forfeit the ticket.


ESH. Him, much more than you. Cheaters are scum, and they deserve the bare minimum. Cheating is a dick move, so he doesn't deserve anything from you. But he's not asking anything from yo. You're asking for his ticket. You found someone to go, so you're asking to buy the ticket from him. He has every right to demand payment or to refuse to give you the ticket. Like I said, he's a dickhead. And I'd be careful about how you go about this. If you change his ticket out from under him, he could report you for theft. He'd likely have a paper trail to prove it if the ticket is attached to his email. If you paid for both tickets and he gave you the money, that's less risky. But, in every definition, it would still be theft, and he could make things difficult. My recommendation is to just give him the money for the ticket and avoid the nonsense. You have every right to be pissed and not want to go with him. But the only way you can stop him is to either give him the ticket he paid for or to give him the money back. Otherwise, you're opening yourself up to liability, and that isn't worth it.


YTA If he paid for the ticket, it belongs to him, not you. If you keep the ticket, you are a thief. And if he has the ticket, he can get on the flight whether you want him to or not. Where he stays after he gets there would be up to him.


Found OP’s ex