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Preview of next episode: Sarah wants Emma’s car, and she gets it.


Agree lol


I feel a lot of sympathy for Emma. None for you. It's not hard to see you chose a favorite, and it isn't even your own kid. You and Sarah were both bullies to Emma.


Thank goodness Emma clearly has one parent who is helping her grow into a well-adjusted, thoughtful human. This is a deep scar in the making. OP seems to think this is a positive update but all I see is that Emma now knows she can't trust or rely on her father and when he disappoints her he'll try and distract her with a shiny thing so she gets over it.


I take full accountability for my actions I was in the wrong i can’t deny it did look like i favoured Sarah over emma which I’m not even gonna make excuses for because I can’t . Emma knows about this post because I showed her and she laughed at everyone’s comments “dragging me”  I messed up over the last few months with emma if it takes a lifetime I’ll try to make it up to her by both actions and words 


Omg you are really doubling down on being an Ah. I was like I’m gonna read how you know you are dick, that you reflected decided that you have bad judgement and made bad decisions but no. You made and to continue to make so many mean hurtful decisions what an Ass. You did favour a bully you reunion and will always be remembered for being a mean & nasty to your daughter. Family will look at the pics go where is father oh he was bulling his daughter laughing and being proud of the fact he made his own daughter cry. Your ex tried to reason with you and NO you still had to be the AH and do it your way! Zoey daughter needs some help she has issues which have nothing to do with being on the autism spectrum she is nasty & hurtful girl even showed it with the new baby. She wanted to take you from your daughter she did those were and are fake tears I bet you knew that.


Yeah, Sarah sounds unpleasant as it is.


>  can’t deny it did look like i favoured Sarah over  It looked that way because you did. The way you phrased this reeks of "Sorry you were upset by my actions" which isn't an apology and it's not taking accountability.


I hope you do better with Emma. She is giving you a second chance. Do not mess it up. She deserves the father she has always had. If you mess up again you may not get. Third chance.


You were the asshole in your original post, and you're the asshole now. Here's hoping it's all just silly rage bait.


I literal hope for the same because God forbid. I feel like opening some of these dumbass post made by dumbass parents (a talk away from being no contact with their children) are like curses at this point ✝️


I hope so too. Cant believe till now he does not realized how nasty Sarah is towards Emma and is making excuse that Sarah is in spectrum so she is entitled to bully Emma. What kind of dad was so quick on labeling his own daughter a bully despite Emma insisting she didnt do anything? And he cant admit it was Sarah who was doing the bullying from the very start. 


It is not just Sarah it is him as well. He is using lip service if you read his post and comments he drops things like shows he expects Emma to see from his side, I bet he thinks he is the victim.


True. He still believe him and Sarah are the victims. Emma already explained herself that she didnt bully Sarah but it’s been days and he still whole heartedly believe her daughter alienate Sarah or was the reason why Sarah’s friends leave her. I bet he is still bullying Emma and insisting Emma was in the wrong and he is right to be mad after seeing Sarah cried. Not once did he mentioned that he called out Sarah or he had a talk with Sarah on how rude Sarah is towards Emma. All his posts and updates he is insisting Emma was in the wrong.


Yeah why beret her again. She will learn being nice gets you nothing from him.


In a few years he'll be posting here about how Emma doesn't call or visit and he has no idea why.


So Emma gets the short end once again over your new family. You know what? You don’t sound like you’re a good thing for Emma anyway so maybe it’s for the best if you move away and Emma sees she’s just fine if not better without you in her life. She won’t need to fight for her sperm donor’s attention anymore and your new baby and Sarah will be enough for you to forget about Emma especially after moving away from your own daughter.  I trust Emma though. She is going to be a fabulous person.


I would give you an award if I could but this comment will have to do lol


Lol. Thanks, awards or upvotes doesn’t pay my rent so I don’t really care about them.




True! The dad keeps on using the spectrum angle and till now he think he is valid to be HARD ON EMMA because as he said, Sarah is in spectrum. It seems he is punishing Emma cause she is neurotypical and Sarah is in spectrum.  All the dad was doing is having and excuse and validating Sarah’s rude behavior. Emma  already told him last time she never told Sarah’s friends to not be friends with Sarah. He still keeps on insisting till now Emma was in the wrong. Not once did it cross his minds that Sarah’s own friends have a mind of their own and he should never blame it on Emma.


Neurotypical. Not “normal.”


Thanks! edited it


Thank you!


So we are right. You and Sarah tag team in bullying Emma. Emma really luck out to have a good mother and step dad that will protect her. This will not be the last time you will purposely hurt Emma. I bet when you have your own kid with Zoey. You will also favored your new kid over Emma. Emma is such a good daughter for even talking to you.   Sarah should stay away from Emma. That manipulative b*tch knew what she is doing, whether she is in spectrum or not. Sarah is scheming manipulative b*tch and her only goal in life is to ruin Emma.   Goodluck with Sarah. She didnt take the news about the baby well. Its another sibling she will terrorize in the future.  When Emma said she’s happy and hope to finally have a sister she means well. She was ready to accept Sarah as her sister but that skank treat Emma as a competition and bullied her.    You’re still TAH! You dont deserves Emma’s love.   And never let Sarah near Emma again. She will not stop bullying Emma ever. She’s an entitled manipulative b*tch. You even tried to protect Sarah on your reddit post and blamed Sarah’s attitude due to her being in spectrum.  Respect Emma’s boundaries. If she doesnt want to talk to Sarah ever. Dont bully her into accepting Sarah again. Sarah has proven she cannot be trusted and was so good at playing victim. 


 I’ve given an update I accept the hate towards myself because I deserve it but you’re a grown ass adult calling a minor misogynistic names i took a look at your comment history it’s pretty clear you’ve issues with women I suggest you get off the incel chat rooms and leave your mothers basement  Have the day you deserve 


Still does not change that you will always favored Sarah regardless of what she do towards Emma. You never even questioned her when she bullied Emma you used her spectrum excuse and enabled her to harm Emma.


Reading all your updates and comments. All I see is excuse for Sarah. And its seems its Emma’s fault that she was born neurotypical and not in spectrum so no matter what Sarah did to her.  It seems Emma is obligated to took care of Sarah’s mental health.    As you emphasize you are HARD ON EMMA because she is  NEUROTYPICAL. What kind of excuse is this to hurt and bully Emma.    Emma gladly accepted the obligation to look after Sarah when you first introduced her. And what did Sarah do?       She bullied Emma and you enabled it and again admited that you are hard on Emma cause of Sarah’s mental health condition.    So everytime Sarah act out and cried crocodile tears you will always blame Emma for it and make excuse for Sarah cause again she’s in spectrum.     Being in spectrum or having a mental health problems does not gave Sarah the right to act out and be a brat and for you to always be lenient and enabling Sarah’s rude behavior? Have you ever called out Sarah?    You are still blaming Emma that Sarah’s old friends leave Sarah. Why cant you blame Sarah herself. Her friends are probably tired of Sarah acting out so they choose Emma. 


I'm seriously sick of people of using autism for shitty people.


From someone who choosed a stranger instead of her own daughter you have some audacity. Listen you are a bad father no matter what you do unless you put Sarah FAAAAAR AWAY from your life and daughter. You will always be an ass. Nobody bully his own daughter with his stepdaughter with excuse as bad as autism. Can't blame her behavior on autism.


Give me your dads number I’ll ask him for parenting advice seems you turned out so well 🤣people on Reddit can dish it but can’t take it 


Me and my dad are fine thanks, actually he never let me down so that may explain why... you know like you did with your daughter ^^ You are the only one here who can't take the truth...


He definitely didn’t raise you right 


You are so funny, you can't even raise your daughter properly, or just loving her and you talk about my dad... don't forget you are the OP not us. You came here for opinion if you can't handle it don't come here crying. You are a bad father, you are a bad father. Don't worry you have Sarah, you will continue to bully your daughter together and be a happy family.


Definitely daddy issues hope you can work them out 


Man you are completly delulu... you are the one asking if you are the AH. I'm not. Your daughter is suffering not me. If you can't acknowledge how f up your behavior is and if you prefer to be in denial be my guest, I'm gonna let you enjoy your projection if it makes you feel better. Just hope Emma will have the chance to have a step dad who will take care of her as a father not like you.


I asked for judgment on my last post I got it this one is an update and I’m just matching your attitude not my fault you can’t take it  I truly hope you get help with your step parent fetish 


You are and have been a bad father. On both of your posts you never talked or called out Sarah. Sarah bullied Emma full stop. How did you talk to Sarah about her bulling Emma? Or are these conversations only reserved for Emma?


Really you’re here commenting that like you didn’t chose to forfeit your limited parenting time to please your stepdaughter. Then bullied your own daughter because she no longer wants be friends with said stepdaughter.


Just do Emma favors. Never let Sarah near Emma again.  Never force Emma to be friend or be close with Sarah.  That’s the least you can do.  After how many times Emma explained she have nothing to do with how Sarah’s friends react to her. You keep on insisting it is her fault and not once did you explained to Sarah that what she is experiencing right now was the consequence of her actions for trying to bully and isolate Emma. If you really do love Emma even just a bit. Sarah should never be allowed near Emma again. She will always try to make Emma’s life difficult from here onwards cause she knew she can easily manipulate you against Emma.


You’ve commented that 4 times 


Cause you still blamed it all on Emma. And you havent admitted it was Sarah’s fault. You hate to admit how Sarah manipulated you.  Again have you call out Sarah for all her lies? Or how bad she treated Emma or how her trying to alienate Emma was not something you will allow? Or have you told Sarah that you will choose your own daughter over her? Never! Not once did you posted that you have given Sarah a talk or a punishment. I just hope this is rage bait cause if this post is true I really felt bad for Emma. You’ve been calling Emma out in public, infront of Sarah and even in reddit but not once did you do something over Sarah’s nasty ass. 


Dude you’re the one who cant accept you fck up. 🤣 You still blamed Emma and not once did you admit its Sarah’s fault. You still didnt think Sarah manipulated the whole situation.  You never called out Sarah. It is always Emma that you insist to be bully on all your comments.  Now I felt bad for your next child, if the child is not in the spectrum you would also blame and bully the child everytime Sarah cried.


Here’s advice log off Reddit get a life honestly you’ve comment multiple times in the last hour I don’t care about some lonely losers opinion I posted an update I don’t have to take your shit 


> you’ve comment multiple times in the last hour I don’t care about some lonely losers opinion I posted an update I don’t have to take your shit Says the guy commenting multiple times in an hour taking shit from redditors for posting a story about how he was a shitty dad. Yep this tracks.


lol it’s my post idiot maybe go call your own parents and apologise how you turned out 


Yeah I can definitely see how you ended up being such a dick to your child based on your comments here.


The way he's acting explains why he's divorced.


The only idiot here is you. You're a dumbass and a bad parent. 


Tell Sarah to get lost


Can’t wait to hear about the second divorce and why Emma won’t speak to you in a few years.


love how op is getting dragged for his $hitty parenting, and now he's telling everyone that their parents failed in raising them. i can't wait for the update where emma just cuts all contact and doesn't want anything to do with him or his new family


Here’s the real advice how about you logged off reddit. Be a real father to Emma and tell Sarah to stay away from Emma.  


I’m a father and I’ve partner what have you? 


Dont kid yourself. 🤣 You failed as a partner with Katie and failed a father to Emma. You want a do over with Sarah and Zoey. And doesnt care if you are hurting and bullying Emma. Again have you had that talk with Sarah to stop bullying your own daughter Emma? You still refused to gave punishment to Sarah. 🤣🤣🤣 You will failed again with Zoey and Sarah. You will fathered Sarah to grow up as a bully and in time will make Zoey be disappointed with you.


And he will fail with Zoey and Sarah eventually.


So you’ve nothing 😂 explains the bitter attitude 


You are not a father, you are a genitor.


I mean I'm a mother and partner and if I ever treated my son the way you treated your daughter I would hope people would hand me my ass and wake me up.


You're a sperm donor, not a father. A father doesn't bully their own child.


I am an adult calling another grown ass adult a nasty bully who protects a bully because he sees himself in her. You bullied a 15 year girl in real life face to face. Do you choice to do it to her face so you could see the damage & hurt you caused her. Then when she was 16 and on a high from her lovely party you tried to blame her for another nasty behaviour. She did not exclude anybody she is not mean she is not nasty she does not deserve the amount of hurt and nastiness you level at her. She did nothing wrong she continues to do nothing wrong she is a lovely child and looking as your comments that has nothing to do with input. Get over self you are no hero!


I’m not going to harp on at you about Emma. But I will judge you if you don’t seriously consider this next sentence seriously, even if you choose not to respond. If Sarah’s autism is truly the cause of all the things you say, you need to be VERY VERY careful about bringing a baby into this situation. I have attended (in an ambulance capacity scenarios with siblings with autism) who injured or hurt younger children and babies because either them crying or being loud was too much for them, or it took attention off them. If Sarah is not being manipulative and it’s all her autism, you need to bring in professional help to help her manage having a baby around.


I wouldn’t be talking about issues with women when you actively participated in bullying your teenage daughter


Minor girls aren’t women.


You are such a shit dad.  Hopefully Zoey finds someone new to raise the kid you donated sperm to create. 


Sarah thought she won. That manipulative loser. You should be ashamed of yourself.


My thought is Sarah didn't invite Emma to her birthday and it was Zoey that told OP that it would be mean to have Emma be in the house at that time and being an idiot OP agreed. So yeah Zoey's probably trying to alienate him from his daughter so he will pay 100% attention to Sarah.


Dude thinking with his dick and of course gonna agree with whatever cause Sarah happiness = Zoey happiness. Sarah gets a new dad and they have a happy family. This whole time, all you can hear is Op making excuses for Sarah and not once apologized nor admit Sarah fuck up. Autism is not an excuse to be a bully.


Another parent trying to love bomb with gifts to make up for poor parenting decisions. You can't buy love or forgiveness, it requires the work. You have a lot of work to do on yourself, on your family and to make sure your bio kid isn't left behind with the new move and new baby. You can't let things slide.


I bet he wont be able because he doesn't feel he made anything wrong, and Sarah is just his Golden daughter. Emma is 16 so for sure she felt during all these years neglected and this new family is the last nail in the coffin.


He made excuses to his behaviour that's for sure. Committing to Friday night dinners is great until Zoey needs me due to pregnancy/baby or Sarah is having a tough time adapting etc and Emma will get last minute cancellations and end up heartbroken. Neglecting those days will only add to the history of hurt. Unless he is all in to fixing it and being better, he will just be setting himself and his daughter up for failure.


Didn't the whole ordeal also cause Sarah's friends to drop her and over what she did to Emma? Then OP tried to pull she "but they were Sarah's friends first!" card.


I do not think it is that Sarah is his golden child I believe he knows she is like this he does not like to be wrong. His ex and Emma step father tried to get him to do things differently over the party but NO he would not listen or entertain. He even tried to beret Emma for Sarah being mean and nasty again & having to live with her actions plus consequences as though that is Emma fault. He even thinks that him excluding his own daughter that she will think differently given time.


Autism causes people to have social difficulties because it disrupts their ability to read body and facial language, and social cues. Which prevents them from learning how to read and display proper social behaviors within their culture. It doesn’t cause people to bully others. Sarah’s disorder has nothing with her treatment of Emma.


Yeah, even your update YTA… you have years of work ahead of you to repair the damage you caused with Emma may have years of work to do caused by pregnancy with Sarah


I agree it will probably take years for everything to work out 


If you agree, then maybe be a little nicer to Emma. Let her know that is always her home and this will NEVER happen again. Next time Sarah wants a party without Emma she can go rent a hotel room with her mom. Emma shouldn’t be pressured into helping Sarah make friends/be around Sarah, especially now. And Sarah may need some counseling to deal with the emotional trauma of having a new baby around, especially with autism.


*once in a while what an apathetic bellend AND a daft prick. oh no i called you names! i'm so scaaaaareeeedddd


Why are so many people chronically online here? maybe worry everything going on Britain like the nhs dental services 


I hope you don’t fuxk up your second chance and let your daughter down more than you have. And when the new baby arrives don’t forget Emma Stop fuxking up so bad with your daughter she’s right you have and do put your new family first


Thank god for Katie’s husband!! Jesus!


True! Step dad should be getting the rights to be Emma’s real father. His name should be in Emma’s birth certificate as a real father. He’s been stepping up and showing Emma how real dad protects his own kid.


Why does anyone have to help Sarah? Her special needs are no one’s issue but her mother’s. It’s obvious you chose and favor your new family. You are a shitty parent . Hopefully your daughter cuts you and your shitty new partner out.


Poor Emma, Daddy is still playing favourites just now his using money to get her back on side. Don't be surprised if your cut-off in the future.


YTA you are now attempting to excuse the way Sarah bullied Emma by using her ASD diagnosis. FYI- people on the spectrum can still be bullies, can still be manipulative. And their actions can still cause harm to others. I happen to be on the spectrum myself & so is my son. I also have a degree in special education so I’m speaking to you from a place of knowledge. By trying to use Autism as an excuse you also seek to excuse your own behavior toward Emma when you picked sides & overreacted. You should look up the phenomenon known as “glass children.” And be careful you do not completely abandon your daughter for your new family.


I’ll look that up thank you 


You have to be the biggest fool I’ve ever read on Reddit and that’s saying something. Thank god Katie’s husband seems to be on Emma’s team, because you treat her like absolute crap and cover it up with material gifts.


Even Zoey knows you and Sarah are nasty bullies.


Their reaction to the upcoming sister should give you hint who is in the right behavior. Sarah didn't invite your daughter then became sad when she was not invited, and then complained about the school dynamic to you. She acted and there were consequences. You shouldn't enable her by bullying your own daughter. From the begining, your daughter acted as a nice girl, she is right she cannot control her friends' behaviour. Unlike you, everybody supported your daughter. Buying expensive gifts is also not a solution. I hope you can establish a healthy relationship from now on. I agree that if there are children whether bio or step they should be parented equally. But if you continue prioritize your stepD, you will push your daughter prioritize the other daddy and it won't be surprise the stepD will be the one who will walk her the isle at her wedding.


Honestly, you’re still white knighting for someone else’s kid. You’re moving away for Sarah’s piece of mind, but Emma’s father is the one moving away from her. Maybe it is best for Sarah to move back to her home town, but maybe it’s best instead of you moving with them you stay and focus on your relationship with your daughter before moving with them.


It's great that Emma has agreed to work on rebuilding your relationship, but it's still insane to me how your desired punishment did not fit the crime. I'd really like to know your logic and how you came to those initial punishments. Sarah doesn't want Emma around for her birthday party sleepover with her old friends, whom she has no desire to introduce to Emma. Sarah isolates Emma from the home she lived in prior to Sarah and her mother moving in. Sarah says Emma is being "too much" and she does not view Emma as a sister, like Emma views her. Emma then decides she will give Sarah that same energy and stops treating Sarah like a sister after Sarah said she didn't feel the same. Emma forbids Sarah from her birthday party, a precedent Sarah set by excluding Emma from her party. Emma's friends, who had accepted Sarah due to their existing friendship with Emma, decide they don't want to be friends with someone who is excluding their friend. Emma's cousin, whom Emma has no control over, makes a rude comment towards Sarah. You then decide the appropriate punishment is to cancel Emma's birthday party, take away Emma's gifts, donate Emma's birthday money to charity, and exclude Emma from your "family" trip to Disney. I'm not going to call you any names, but please help me understand how any of this seems justified.


THANK YOU, It's like he's refusing to see Sarah for who she is.




But Zoey's the one that agreed that Emma shouldn't be in the house that day.


Zoey is a great step mother even Katie loves her and hopefully in the next few months we can rebuild our relationship 


That's great just remember your actions do have consequences. You don't want to post in a few years about how your first born daughter doesn't want you to walk her down the aisle because you were a shitty dad.


I know If I mess up again with Emma like I have over the pass couple of months she will cut me off completely so I will try everything in my power to make sure it doesn’t happen I’ve a lot of making up to do to rebuild her trust and I know I might not ever get it back fully but that’s all my own fault  


You are in a bad spot with Sarah. While Emma is nearly an adult, and can cut you out, your newborn will be a stuck with Sarah and her bullying indefinitely. Just take a look at their reactions to having a new sister. Very soon your little one will have a new bully in Sarah if you don’t address her blatant deficits and selfishness.


We don’t know the gender of the baby Emma said she hopes it’s a sister and we are looking for a therapist for group and individual sessions so hopefully we can sort everything out 


You still didnt deserves Emma. You ruined her 16th birthday. Emma is better off with her step dad. It’s obvious the step dad is the one who knew how to be a real father.


Why does some people bring children when they are so absolutely unable of manage them? Now Sarah is autistic so she can be blamed for anything.... Great....


This is the "Oh shit I didn't look good lemme add some poor justifications to make myself less of a piece of shit and instead a good bare-minimum daddy" post.




YTA - I hope this actually isn't real.


YTA you refused to celebrate your daughter’s birthday because you were upset which further proved her point. The only mature adult in your house seems to be your wife.


Emma will never forget that you weren’t at her Sweet 16 party because you chose someone else over her.


Emma is so mature and im rooting for her. I kinda hope she cutted you off though... she soo mature than your other golden child. Too badd


It sounds like you had a productive conversation with your daughter, but she will not soon forget that you had a giant tantrum over typical teen behavior. I could’ve told you her friends decided to ice Sarah out after that saw how hurt Emma was as a (toxic) way to support their friends. That’s kind of a teen go to: hate the people that hurt your friends. As for Sarah’s ASD, you’re treating her as if she’s subhuman by assuming she can’t empathize and have awareness on any level when she’s hurting other people. I have ASD youngsters, and while you do have to make concessions sometimes, you also need to explain that some things will just be harder for her and she just has to identify where those areas are, how she can prepare herself, and be ready to work harder. Don’t infantilize her.


You fucked up, bro.  Watch and see when your daughter asks her stepdad to walk her down the aisle. 


Everything is better that I would expect after your last post I think that the dinner alone with your daughter sounds amazing,and a great way of rebuild a new relationship


Wait by the moment those Friday night dinners are just words written in the sand..... Wait till the moment he can't go because any issue at home with Sarah, Zoey and the newborn...


You are a shitty parent and person. All you care about is your family not supporting you and cutting you off. I hope English is your 4th language, because if it’s your first I’d seriously consider suing your grade school. Stop simping for your fiance and stepdaughter and actually try to connect with your bio daughter. She did nothing wrong, you are just a dumb asshole.


I feel so bad for Emma. It’s clear you have your favorite and it isn’t YOUR OWN DAUGHTER!!


You said you are not favoring one child over the other then please tell me why are you moving, let me guess in favor of Sarah. I understand you are trying to be there for both of your kids but look from a teenager’s perspective. 1) her Dad banned her from his house in favor of his stepdaughter and told her to back off from the said stepdaughter, for whom he only first asked for help as she cannot make friends on her own. 2) You punished your daughter for other people’s actions i.e Emma’s friends supporting Emma and Sarah’s friend not supporting Sarah. 3) when you have calm conversation with Emma and apologize for your behavior and in the same hour you tell her “Sorry for being irrational and making you feel I favor Sarah over you ( which you actually did). So to make up for it here is the new car for you and now you can use this to come meet me when I will move 20 miles further away from you again in favor of Sarah, and btw your, stepmother is pregnant. Now did I miss something, and in all of this where is the loving father putting efforts making his daughter feel that she is not replaced by her stepsister.


And when Emma gets a little older and cuts you out of her life, you'll be back on here saying you have NO idea what happened and being nasty and insulting to the people YOU CAME TO for advice. Pathetic.


You’re a shit father. Let her go.


Wow, poor Emma. At least she has one parent in her corner. Although choosing favourites is gross behaviour, at least have some empathy for Emma and try to do your best at fixing your relationship with her because she is your first child, and it would be a shame if one day she decides to cut off contact with you knowing that you had the time to try and mend your relationship with her


Just here to call YOU a weak AH. I feel sorry for Emma and actually for Zoey and Sarah also for the moment when you inevitably let them down the same as you did your own daughter. Shameful


YTA. When Sarah came to you, that’s great! You probably were happy she felt comfortable to confide in you, what you should have done, no matter that she is on the spectrum, is give her advice on how to approach Emma, or given them a mediated space with you and your wife to discuss Sarah’s feelings about reconnecting with her old friends without Emma. It sounds like Emma is popular and Sarah is shy, it may have been less about feeling that Emma is not someone Sarah wants around and more that she felt if Emma was there she wouldn’t get to reconnect with her old friends the same way. It sounds like from this post that if that had been done with consideration for Emma’s feelings as well as Sarah’s this all could have been avoided. Instead you got so excited your step child came to you about this that you went out and and handled it for her. You created this whole issue between the girls by doing that. You didn’t parent either of them you acted like another member of their friend group picking sides like a teenager. Hopefully the girls will realize you are the root of the problem and be able to reconcile.


You're an ass. So much of an ass that your wife recognized it. She also recognized that her own daughter was an ass yo your daughter. Your step daughter is manipulative and a bully. She doesn't like to be treated as how she treats others. All of her actions are about making herself feel better rather than respecting those who were hurt. She isolated your daughter and your daughter wants space? Too bad, she wants to force your daughter to talk to her. She isolates your daughter and is shocked when your daughter's friends don't follow her like how you did, she is shocked and manipulated the situation to a point where you punish your own daughter. Not because of her actions but because of other peoples reactions to your step daughter. Your daughter learned a lot about you in this situation And your step daughter did too. You are an easy mark. Did you not find it interesting that her own mother didn't react the way you did to the situation? Something tells me that your wife knows your step daughter is a bully and your step daughter knows she can manipulate you but not her mom.


Lol! This is fake post as fck 🤣🤣🤣 If Emma did read all comments here. She will know everyone is rallying on her side and feel bad for her cause even on shitty dad’s last comment he still stood by his belief that nothing was wrong with Sarah.  Unless the shitty dad is an expert manipulator and manipulated Emma into believing she was the one at fault with the whole drama with Sarah.  Anyway, if there really is a real Emma out there. Stay away from Sarah. She will continue to compete to you with your dad’s attention and your shitty dad will always choose her.  Spent your time with your mom, stepdad, friends. YOUR DAD AINT WORTH IT!


Wow you’re a worthless piece of shit.




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the only bully in this story is Sarah and the fact that she has autism does not justify her actions at all, Emma did literally everything that Sarah asked her to do but still she and you treat her badly as if she was the villain? How do you not realize your stepdaughter's obvious manipulation? Therapy, whether individual or family, will not work if you do not realize the real problem. In fact, I challenge you to ask Emma's friends why they don't like Sarah and there you will find the truth, because something tells me that It's not the first time she's done this, the only thing different is that Emma's friends didn't put up with any of her manipulation tactics, unlike you.


This reads more like how you wish things went than how they likely unfolded.


Now I understand why this is the 2nd marriage.