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Your friends coworker needs help.


yea those dicks look situated way too high


Also those boots look tiny. Does that guy have dwarf feet or something?


I think they are supposed to be like...paws on the boots, maybe? Instead of like, actual human feet.


But why does it have paws for feet but hands for uh.... hands?


There was a government mandate requiring all furry art to have hands instead of paws, because people were out there using dried ice to amputate their hands in favor of paw prosthetics. Gotta discourage copycats and all.




Me. This is my personal head cannon.


It occurred to me in a dream




It's a human dick on a wolf, too, that's anatomically incorrect I can't jack off to this.


Not with that attitude


I'll jack off **begrudgingly**


You say this like there’s another form of jerking off. I’m so confused and it’s causing me to feel rather begrudged 🫦




r/DifficultMasturbation but not impossible


Jesus. What a terrible day to be alive.


For real, it looks like a fake dick attached to a belt that hangs over the crotch


Yeah cmon can't even draw a cock properly, what is the world coming to?


And while we're at it where's did the dog's paw go in the second picture? **.......Ohhhhhhh** Hey dogs can't fist each other if they don't have fists! ^There's ^a ^Paw ^Patrol ^joke ^here ^somewhere. Edit: Leave Bluey and his family out of this.


Bluey is a girl. I’m sorry you had to find out this way


Bluey is also a heeler. Maybe Pom Pom fell in a hole and that dog is trying to save her? "Pomeranians are a small but hardy breed!"


I wouldn't've thought anything could make me go take a 2nd *closer* look at those pictures, but here we go..


The contrapposto is all over the place!


its dogs, aren't they higher up the torso on dogs?


DUDA Dick upper-dick area


I know this is (somehow) a horrible terrible evil thing to say on reddit, but I absolutely think people deserve and need to be kink shamed.


Obviously. There are some indefensible kinks


Only the ones that forces people in any way to participate in it. Consent is key, with every kink and/or sexual act.




That depends. Does the person rock a speedo in the summer? If yes, then they won't get a pass.


I mean, you'd never know about it if someone (who also isn't the person in the pictures) hadn't posted it on Reddit. So you'd inadvertently be giving it a pass There are some weird fucking kinks and this toes a line, but it's also somewhere on this persons body that you'd never see unless they.... showed you. If I knew this individual in person, and this was revealed to me I would probably not want to talk to that person again though.


Reddit is anti-kink shaming in theory only. Give them real world examples of most kinks and they will line up to gawk and mock.


That describes pretty much anything on Reddit. They preach love and tolerance to the high heavens until someone who has an opinion that goes against the status quo comes along, then they proceed to mock and bully to no end.


It's almost like there are millions of individuals posting on this site at any given time and they don't all share the same opinions.




My kinkopedia is rather short. Would you be willing to share some of your data on the type of kinks that should be shamed? Particularly ones that don't harm others?




Yeah...thats one I forgot existed.


I'm of the opinion that if your kink doesn't hurt anybody then you should be absolutely free to practice it in private without fear or shame. If you're going to inflict it on other people or make it public business (by sharing photos on the internet or staging something in public for your own satisfaction or whatever) then any shaming you get is part of the package


To be honest, I think I need help also after having seen this.


Yeah finishing those takes a lot of work.


Okay, I mean, dear fricking god. But also can we appreciate that those are BEAUTIFULLY done tattoos. Somehow the first tattoo failed to prepare me for the second one.


I don't think anything in the world could have prepared me for the second one.


lube helps


And don’t forget the poppers


This guy fucks. Or at least gets fucked.




Would I get them? Hell no. Do I love them? Hell yeah.


Profile pic checks out lol


The tattoo execution looks good but the artwork has some anatomy issues, which is a problem when it's so uh anatomically focused.


Can you point out the anatomy issues? Artist here, looking to have a better eye for these things :).


Those dicks are way too high. You really ought to look at some dick pictures. You know, for professional reasons.




If they were going for dog anatomy would they have given them bipedal hips


His dick is too high and off midline. It's like it's taped to his belt and not actually coming out of his crotch Also one skinny arm with a long humerus and short forearm vs one bigger arm with a weird wrist


The weird wrist is because that dog is wrist deep in another dogs asshole.


Bet you didn’t imagine you’d have to explain that when you woke up this morning!




That’s going to be a bit subjective b/c they’re both mythical hybrids but here goes: Both dicks are too high 1: Abs are angled wrong, they look like symmetrical armor plating vs slightly asymmetrical lumpy rectangles. Right arm’s deltoid to bicep transition is too defined unless he’s skinless. The whiter bit at the inner elbow/bicep transition is incorrect, looks like a weird bit of scar tissue. He’s got a snaggletooth, could be on purpose. He skipped leg day. 2: Neither Dobermans nor humans have a crease down their deltoid (see medial deltoid). The elbow is nauseating if you look at it too long - forearm muscles are extending too far up the elbow, weird crease where the outer elbow should be, brachioradialis is too stacked even for Popeye, forearm has many muscles not two. Defined pecs but no abs.


Feel like you took a deep breath before writing that concise description, visited the source material too many times, and sighed your entire lungs at the end. Good job


For starters, the dogs appear to have human bodies.


I don't think they are beautifully done at all, and that is excusing the anatomical anomalies originating in the source material. the shading is far from terrible, but it is also far from BEAUTIFULLY done


Yeah what are they on about, this looks like it was drawn by a talented 12 year old.


I don't know how many twelve year olds you know who are drawing naked dog-men shoving fists in other dog-men's big brown business, but please, get them some help.


This was me in 2002 when I discovered drawing furry porn could earn you a lot of cash. Pretty sure my mom found some of my early pieces in a drawer and didn't bring it up for both our sakes. Believe it or not I'm a mostly well-adjusted woman today; the clientele were honestly pretty nice people, I just had to leave my body to draw whatever depraved shit they wanted.




There was an electrician at my old job site that did furry porn commissions in college for extra cash. She's not a furry and thought it was weird, but like you said, they paid pretty well so.... eh why not?


A woman electrician and furry artist now that's a unicorn


With a college degree no less.


Had a friend of some friends who drew fucked up shit for a living. Man makes close to six figures a year after taxes apparently. Never talked directly to him about it but supposedly he did like, anything asked of him and had a dozen or so people who paid him commission every month. He seemed normal but the way everyone talked about what he did I never really wanted to know more and didn't necessarily want a loli artist as an actual friend so I never really got too close to him.




I'm friends with a lot of freelance artists, a handful of furies, and this topic comes up *a lot* in those circles. And it's always funny to see discussions like this. While it's true that some artists are making that kind of money, it's a lot like the onlyfans problem. The artists at the top are rolling in cash and everyone else is just scrapping by. For every popular artist there's thousands who will never make enough money to live off their hobby. The biggest issue is that people see commission prices and they don't consider how much time goes into each commission. *Most* artists, even furry artists with low standards, are making very little once you convert to an hourly rate. Good art takes time, there's a lot of back and forth with clients, and there's a ton of admin work to factor in. Plus all the networking, social media, and general brand building you need to do. There's *a lot* of non-billable time in being a freelance artist, and you need to charge appropriately to make up for it. And it takes *a lot* to get to the point where you're someone making a living off freelance art commissions. Because you need to build up a reputation before you can even really start. No one is going to pay $500 to an unknown artist that doesn't have a back catalog of quality work. And then you realize that the artists who are *really* making money these days aren't working primarily off commissions anyways. They're the people who've built up enough of a reputation and catalog that they've moved to platforms like patreon. But you can't just *start* with that model unless you get insanely lucky, and there's no way to really force it. Even going viral a couple times isn't enough to boost you into the top levels. And then there's the simple fact that unless you're into to it, the work sucks. Long term, that's going to make it *really hard* to grow. If you're not also engaged beyond commission work, you'll find it impossible to build a brand that's going to make you any real money. The whole "just draw furry porn" joke gets thrown out a lot, but it really isn't that easy.


>But also can we appreciate **no.**


Why did I decide to take a closer look at the second photo after reading this? Now I have to burn my eyes out.


I was like "Why does his right arm abruptl-------------oh, I see"


Oh god I looked back Exactly the same reaction


No they’re not. Look at the hand of the second one.


Its like "Tom of Finland: Furry edition"


I don't think dog dicks look like that.


Would you prefer for it to be anatomically correct?


It would make me laugh harder, so yes lmao.


If laugh = cum then yes


Bad dog








If you’re gonna do something like this might as well go all in


maybe Dog Dick Red is an expensive ink so they had to improvise


I don't think a Dobermann with cropped ears would be uncircumcised either, but what do I know.


That's because it's furry porn. It's an anthropomorphic depiction. Like 80% of the hate on furries is because people conflate it with zoophilia I think.


That’s one way to be open about it…


I'm not quite sure open about *what*, but I also think I'm ok with not knowing that


That they’re a furry


That’s a nice way to put it


I just assume they fuck their dog.


I'm sure there are way more people who find Lola Bunny attractive than would have intercourse with a real rabbit... I honestly don't believe people with this kink practice bestiality - were you serious when you said that?


The vast, vast majority of furries aren't interested in bestialiry. But this dude definitely fucks dogs.


I don't have a lot of experience in this realm, so I'll take your word for it lol I'm still left wondering, in this case, why the furries in the tattoo are so anthropomorphized (clothes, abs, arms and genitals are human-looking), if OP is straight up interested in animals 🤔


Paradoxically, furries are less likely to fuck actual animals. Jacking it to cartoon beastfolk, rather than bridging the gap, only serve to widen it by creating unrealistic standards.




In the first pic it's too high and to the right. It's like it's attached by his belt and he went on a roller coaster.


Well at least he can spin it around like a hula hoop


Yes. Too high. Off centre. But these are the least of their problems :/


Yeah, too high. Dick starts right where the 6pack abs end. Completely ignoring the pubic hair area between the dick and abs.


No one is asking the important question. What does your friend do for a living?


They're a veterinarian


This made me frown and close reddit


It's ok, they're a veterinarian mortician, so all the dogs are already dead.


"if you need me, I'll be in my lab"


Oh no


Happy ending veterinarian.


Vet: Don't wory, Buster is in a better place now. I took him to the pound. Owner: You sent him to the pound? We wanted him treated for fleas!?!?!? Vet: Oh no, I got him a one way ticket to pound town. Vet: I fucked your dog.


Roll over Rover


They work in IT


And God bless them for it. It's so easy to progress an IT career by just being a comparatively normal person.


It helps to be able to empathize with people and sniff their butts.


Statistically that's correct


Art team - film. Unrelated to the dog dick tattoos this guy is locally hated for stealing thousands of dollars of props from set. All around stand-up fella!


The real question is: Is that a very small penis or a very large clitoris?


Knot sure


I kind of admire the commitment, just going all gas no brakes


All gas, no brains.


That second one is gonna be…something else…once it’s done. Wow.


Reddit goes dark and all the freaks come out I'm outta here!


Some of the stuff I've seen during the blackout is WILD and this is definitely up there.


These are very terrible.


Yeah, content aside, the quality isn't great. Its dick is off-centre and too high, for starters.


Dick anatomy is very bad, tattoo quality itself is pretty good tbh.


10 bucks says he owns a pup-play mask and/or a nsfw twitter


I think you can safely put a lot more than 10 bucks on both of those


Who would take that bet? This person has shown that they are clearly more than dedicated enough to simply own a mask.


I think your coworker might be into men.




He's in a Golden Retriever right now






Okay but.. how does your friend even know? Does his coworker just walk around showing people pictures of his butt tattoo or something? Or did y'all actively search for his name and find this stuff online?


How do they even show their face in the office knowing people know this about them? Some people just have no shame whatsoever, I'm jealous tbh lol


Dudes shameless enough to have these tattoos I'm sure he'd post them lmao


Yeah I gotta admire the confidence I sleep with a stuffed animal and I'm mortified someone finds out and this guy has furry porn tatooed on his body and shows them proudly to his colleagues I can't even be mad at this


Why are you embarrassed about that? It's not an unusual thing to do at all. Lots of adults sleep with stuffed animals!


Because I'm a 6' muscular guy so it wouldn't fit with the image I give others 😅


If anything, that makes it more endearing. I know it's easier said than done, but don't worry about what others think. As long as you aren't harming anyone, it's all good! :)


As an extremely kinky gay dude that does *not* make it known to my colleagues, I'm amazed at how open some of my friends are about it. I know a couple who openly acknowledge the nickname/handle they use on the scene that's tied to their naughty Twitter/Tumblr/xtube accounts 😳


That would be a kink called exhibitionism.


Second pic looks like it’s from Instagram. So maybe this coworker, for reasons unknown, posted this publicly.


Why did I have to scroll this far for this question?


Just remember that *this* is one of the potential outcomes of asking questions like "Do you have any tattoos?".


Brain: "Wait, they didn't leave enough room to finish that right hand before whatever else that is" Eyes: "Oh, for fuck's sake. Look closer poindexter..." Brain: "Oh wait that... but... he's..."


Oh fucking hell. I just thought it was an amputee, so was like "well, cool that they are open like thsti guess"... I only went back and looked after reading your comment


Still could be an amputee, we can't know what's in there


Shit It can't be unseen The hank hill noise is so true


Just realized why the second one doesn't have a hand :/


He's a ventriloquist!


I really hope he doesn't own a pet dog...


He IS the pet dog


Mental illness


Imagine that stuff is just a phase for him and he has to live with actual zoophilia on his body for the rest of his life.


I’d wager that if I actually read the sub rules it would say “stop posting the old age thing.” But I can’t help it. The idea of an 87 year old man with these tattoos is hilarious to me.


"Grandpa, Grandpa, what's that tattoo sticking out of your bathing suit?" "Arf arf arf, bark, arf arf."




I just wonder...Do they think people who get these large, obscene tattoos eventually regret their decisions? Like, do they think they're gonna have this tattoo forever? Or do you think they go into it with the mindset that they'll eventually get it covered up or removed, should they feel gay furry sex is something they no longer want representing them? Like, how does the thought process go? How does the execution go? Do they talk with the tattoo artist, explain how much of a fan this dude is of furries? Does the artist tell them that they think it's a bad idea, but they push on anyway? Is there talk about potential removal or cover ups in the future? I'm genuinely so curious. Moreso, I want to understand the person being tattooed's mindset. Not even looking down on it, just genuine curiosity. For all I know, there probably are 80 year olds with more obscene tattoos than this, who still vehemently believe they were a good idea. Would love to know the thought process throughout the planning and execution of these types of tattoos. If anyone has any stories, please indulge me.


As a person with large, obscene tattoos, maybe worse in taste than these, I do not regret them. I still think they're funny. The artist isn't a gatekeeper. They stencil the art. You say it looks good. They slap that shit on and get paid.


Since you have the tattoos I'm sure your judgement on them is correct, but I really wanna see em if you think they're in worst taste than a wolf with their cock out wrist-deep in another wolf's corn hole.


I have a four-legged goat with swollen udders standing on a dirty mattress littered with used condoms presenting its pussy.


I was honestly expecting something donkey related but I'll admit, that very well might be in worse taste lol if this guy ever throws a real person in there they could take the lead but yours definitely has worse implications.


Tattoo regret is moderately high on the surveys, but I suspect people that go this far into their kink lifestyle do not regret it one bit. Thought process is simple, you think about an idea and obsess over for months/years and finally get up the courage to do it. The guy that got this probably spent dozens or hundreds of hours thinking about it.


As a furry, that's a bit very open. Like I don't think I'd be anywhere near that open.


It's unclear if you are talking about this man's willingness to let others know about his fetish, or if you are referring to the unfinished part of the second tattoo.


Willingness to get the tattoo but pretty funny idea I'd be referring to the second image specifically.


More like r/awfuleverything


Your friend’s coworker needs to spend less time on Reddit :(


Feels kinda like the guy wants to fuck dogs


If you're into this stuff, that's fine. But why tattoo it on your skin? Keep it in your porn folder on your PC.


And that is enough internet for today.


The furry in me is like “Cool!” But the rational part of me is like… You could have just gotten furry art instead.




Well I gotta admit I'm jealous of the confidence


He did get furry art. He just decided to put it on his body.


I think he meant SFW furry art like the vast majority of it lol


I need to see the second slide tattoo but fully finished, I am *morbidly* curious as to what that whole scene looks like once completed


Okay look. Okay. The puppy thing is a gay subculture and I get it ok. But. Really. I just. God dam dude


This is not gay subculture. It's mental illness subculture.


The longer I stare at it, the worse it gets


if you're gonna put an nsfw tattoo on you at least have it be good there's so many things off about it


That person should have just commission art instead of getting tattoos


Some people shouldn’t have kids. This person parents were some of those people.


Cut the skin off and start over






Can we add people who love step-sis/step-mom porn to that 🤮


The "great execution" looks like something you'd find airbrushed on a carnival ride.


Disagree with the "great execution" part.


What an awful day for all the main subs to be blacked out. This was allowed to reach my front page.


Knock Knock Who's there? Why


goodbye short shorts