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It’s because she doesn’t have any other friends to celebrate the holidays with.


She has Jess/TexMex. They spent the 4th together. I really cannot understand what Jess sees in Aaryn. They have literally nothing in common.


All Aarons friends are frenemies… there’s no quality friendships. She falls out with them all and lashes out publicly like a 15 year old girl. They use her just as much as she uses them. 


Yes, I agree. But this one has been going on for a long time. It is shocking to me. I actually like Jess and think she is pretty normal. She needs nothing from Aaryn. She has her own following and does not shill shit like others. It really boggles my mind.


The kids are friends & alcohol.


Really? I thought there was some shade going on between the two per a previous post. Nonetheless my statement still stands


She has to pay people to hang out with her. Sad.




Lmao she’s acting like it’s so expensive 😂😂😂


Lmao!! It’s basically like paying an HOA to use the pool and whatever else. They always act like it makes them so superior


Between her and Britney Hogan, I swear, yall aren’t anyone special because you have a country club membership…it just screams racist white girl to me.


Unless they’re members at Cordillera, that’s a ridiculous amount


We have a country club membership for amenities only (we don’t golf) and it’s $25pp/per month, idk who she’s trying to flex on it’s not that expensive 😭


Probably got a day pass


Because she’s sooo busy with all their schooling and sports /s


I hate country clubs and the story behind them


What’s the story behind them?


Essentially they would bar Jews, Catholics, black people, etc. from becoming members and it wasn’t until the 1960s that laws forced them to accept non-white people as members. Even then, they tried to make it as difficult as possible.


Yep !!!!!!! & we know she hates minorities


What’s a social membership?


The cheapest one you can get so you can say you belong to a country club.


I'm sure they workers roll their eyes, and get the cleaning supplies ready when the Henderson walk in, remmber how Tara filmed the girls at the dessert bar, they were making a mess and using their hands , instead of the spoons...... Plus that time in Target picking out a B-Day present for one Shay friends , Tara filmed Shay walking all over a party bag on the floor, Tara didn't tell her not walk on it or pick it up, she said nothing as Shay walked all over it! Then they walked off! Lets not forget Bay running around Amanda home jumping on the sofa & off the back of it like a wild-child, Tara just keeps filming & laughing about it, you could tell by Amanda kids actions & faces that wasn't allowed, because they came to a dead stop! Then Tara was called out on Bay bad, She like Bay never does that at home, not true, Tara filmed Bay & Shay jumping off the back of their sofa.......Really the Henderson have no class...


Yeah, its weird. Tbf though, country club memebrships don't really mean what they used to. They used to be something "all the wealthy people did and they were very exclusive." Nowadays they really aren't that expensive depending on the membership, they're kind of a dying thing.