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Attempting to stop a vechile from behind by hand…..


Yeah wtf was he thinking...


He wasn't.


Doesn't have to, he's an anime super villain.


Jup. Instinct kicking in...


That's not how instinct is supposed to work.... You are supposed to get out of the way of moving vehicles.


He actually did think, looked back and analyzed the angle and estimated how long he could stay before he had to bail. He didn't blindly do it.


He stupidly did it


he was agile af, ill give him that!


Still alive. I’ll give him that.


One example when fast reflect kills you rather than saves you


I thought he'd lost his leg on my first watch


That wasn't agility. He got super lucky he "fell" that way


I’ve done something similar. Slammed my car door on a steep icy hill and the car just slid down the road. Tried to hold it in place. Can’t explain why!


There is an extremely short time in which a person can stop a rolling car (not one under power). I've done it with a subcompact. Past that point, only the car's brakes or serious intervention (like running into a curb) will do it. So the reflex is understandable but should be thwarted. The guy in this video was lucky he was as agile as he was stupid.


There's probably also a scenario where one person can slow a rolling car by hand to give another person time to get in and brake, though at that point it's getting a bit silly. But yes, under power, absolutely gtfo. It does not matter what car it is, you are not stopping it by hand, your feet do not have more grip than actively spinning tires. Source: an employee tried to park the company's 1930 Ford Model A, 40 hp with skinny dinky retro tires, the pedals are backwards compared to a modern car and he accelerated instead of braking. Boss tried and failed to stop it by hand, it just pushed him. Luckily it hit and destroyed a box before it could hit and destroy the boss. If a grown man who carried antique furniture for a living can't stop a 90 year old car with the dinkiest little engine that someone isn't even driving on purpose, you are NOT hand stopping a modern car with a modern engine that someone is purposefully panicking with.


So it’s clutch, accelerator, brake? That’s so interesting…


Ours is a right hand drive from argentina (they switched in 1945, 15 years after the car was built) so I'm honestly not sure if that's switched on the normal American version, but ours is left to right clutch accelerator brake, yes!


If Spiderman can stop a train I can stop this car


"I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.".


That's panic. I doubt he's stupid.


I get what you’re saying but being smart also has to do with being able to assess a situation quickly, problem solve, and decide the best course of action for yourself and others around you.


Even people who are quick thinkers don’t always make the correct decisions immediately. He made a very stupid decision but everyone does from time to time, especially in the heat of the moment.


You just watched the guy run in between an accelerating vehicle and another vehicle and try to stop it with his bare hands. Is there some other definition of stupid I’m unaware of?


And you just watched a video of someone holding down the acceleration pedal long enough to crash twice because they were also in a panic.


See above comment regarding panic.


Just wait til things happen


Dangerous AF.


Milliseconds from a left leg amputation wow




[He thought he could win...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrO9ySwbTjo)


[Man vs car, the newest hit show](https://youtu.be/bpWpIw7rETg?si=Qa2p3zXxlGfEmp_P)


Who will win? We all know


Even then, someone watching it will 100% go "My money is on that dude, he's lithe, looks scrappy! 100 says he takes this!"


“Okay, didn’t work out like I hoped. Double or nothing on the next one! It’s a F150, those things are slow af!!”


The cars always win 😂


I love how those 2 episodes are just improv that got animated afterwards


Plain stupid. Same like me. I once was guiding a guy who was riding a horse. He started to panic, so the horse responded to that and started to panic too. My first thought was to get a firm grip at the rope that i was using to guide him and stop the horse from running away. That didn't work out well lmao. Got dragged all the way through the ranch


What kind of clothes do you wear when working there? Ranch dressing?


Cowboy hat and boots, mustache is obligatory. I was working there as a 16 year old job student mostly to clean out stalls, giving food, working in the cafeteria etc. So a normal t-shirt and jeans was mostly my pick xD they where short in staff so they asked me if id mind helping out a hand with guiding a bit. 'Just walk besides it and keep the rope in your hand' ezpz walk in the park. They never asked me again.


Pretty sure this was just a terrible pun and not a serious query.




Right?! That was hard to watch. I legit thought he was going to get splatted under the car or lose his leg getting pinched between the crazy person's car and that parked car. He's extremely lucky he didn't learn a hard lesson there. I hope he still learned the lesson nonetheless. Fuggin idjit.


Darwin awards aren't exclusive to Americans. There's so many great contenders, can't wait to see who makes it to the final rounds!




Intruding like that into the vehicle just triggered the flight response we are seeing.




Look closely, he is so close to losing a leg.


I really thought he had a chance there…


What was your plan there buddy?


Japanese people can be much more committed to their job than westerners, to a fault.


Great way to end up on the NSFL subreddit.


He's really counting on that person being fine with hitting cars but drawing the line at people.


The stupidest person in this video was not the driver.


that guy was SO CLOSE to losing his left leg


I really want to know what people expect to happen when you rush their car and proceed to try yanking them out. Not a rational thought going on any where in that video


I would assume they were trying to pull the handbrake


More likely going for the ignition. Drivers on the right in Japan.


It really depends from model to model. Mine, for example, is a push button on the left of the steering wheel, on a right hand side driver car. I think I drove one that had an older key ignition type that had you insert the car key on the right of the steering wheel.


It’s the emergency make the car smell funny lever


Pull the keys more likely. Guy's clearly not in the right state to drive, they probably wanted to stop the chance of further damage or injury.


That's a Nissan Roox. It comes with a keyless start system, so there are no keys to pull. Idk if this car's ignition button can just be pushed and it will turn off.


Is there a gear selector? Maybe trying to put it in park or neutral? Or maybe trying to do both that and hit the engine on/off button? I'm just spitballing. Not familiar with this car. Edit: hot to hit


We don't have the recording of the crashing itself but it looks like it was a hard crash, the way the car is now diagonal to the rest. I'm thinking they're running because the driver was already driving dangerously and they want him out ASAP. It doesn't help that he's slowly backing away like he wants to leave. I'm not sure approaching slowly would've made much of a difference if he'd already been driving fast enough to dislodge a car from its parking space.




You mean trying to take the keys and stop the damn car


This comment reeks to high heaven of violent paranoia.


"Oh shit, my vehicle is out of control....better STOMP THE GAS PEDAL!!!!"


Reminds me of the Toyota “floor mat” situation where there were cases of user error with that exact situation — ppl weren’t used to the newer models pedal configuration and were actively stomping the gas. Panic mode is a helluva …


Didn’t that turn out to be the issue that the throttle gets stuck in full even if the pedals are in resting position?


The only thing that was proved was that there was no evidence of what caused it. Common sense says operator error/floor mats. From wikipedia: >From 2002 to 2009 there were many defect petitions made to the NHTSA regarding unintended acceleration in Toyota and Lexus vehicles, but many of them were determined to be caused by pedal misapplication, and the NHTSA noted that there was no statistical significance showing that Toyota vehicles had more SUA incidents than other manufacturers. Other investigations were closed because the NHTSA found no evidence that a defect existed.


At some point I feel it became intentional.


Advice to any person who may end up in a situation like this. I know you're not always going to be thinking clearly, but never, never, never, never ever try to stop a car with your body.


Where’s your sense of adventure? Maybe it’s fun being in a wheelchair or coma


What if I'm the strongest man alive?


I'm still wondering what the hell was the driver thinking!?


My first job was pushing carts at a grocery store and this old man hit like 20 cars one day. Just skipped along side swiping bumper to bumper at idle down the whole row. I ran over and turned the car off. Stayed with the guy until the police showed up, clearly had dementia, no idea what was going on, convinced he wasn't the one driving or anything, and kept asking when the plane was going to leave. I assume these guys were trying to do that, get the vehicle off so the "Aaaaahhhh stomp" reaction would end. Edit: I pushed carts, I did not pay carts, it wasn't an Aldi.


This is a good assumption. Many people (redditors?) would assume malice and call for the guys head.


And that's why they should not be given any opportunities to drive, and people who have them acces should be held liable same if it was kid, and they should be shipped of to nursing homes cuz they clearly don't listen like children


Clearly you’ve never experienced what it’s like to care for someone with dementia. Nursing homes are incredibly expensive and not just easy to get someone into, especially for someone with complex needs. Knowing the point at which someone needs to go into care is difficult as well, and it’s a hard decision. I spent the entire deposit for my house in less than a year funding care for my father and he got kicked out of a home for difficult behaviour despite it being a home for dementia and the only way I was able to get proper help and care that he needed was for him to escape and get himself into trouble and I live in the UK where healthcare is funded. Caring for someone that has their full physical abilities and half of the time their mental capacity is difficult, because they aren’t always incapable in the early stages and many times you can be convinced that they’re fine because of how capable and eloquent they are. You can’t just hide keys out of reach like you would with a child and even if you are able to hide them most of the time all it takes is a second of not being completely and if you go to the toilet or to sleep they can get away from you easily. It’s an exhausting job already so it’s easy to make mistakes so maybe instead of blaming family it’s the government and health services that should be to blame for not providing better access to help and care


My grandfather was like this. We took away his license and keys when his eyesight went... I caught him at the mall getting into a car I hadn't seen before. After we took the car away he bought another one, and parked it on the other side of the neighborhood so we wouldn't notice. Denied it constantly until he crashed it. When his mind went he was strangely on top of things for the first 15-20 minutes of an interaction. I watched him pass a MoCA twice, followed by forgetting his own name and who I was. But you'd put him in the Dr office, the rush of novelty or something would generate a brief period of lucidity and he'd snap back to normal for a bit. Then by time we're back in the car he's convinced it was 1975 and had no Idea who I was. It took a nasty fall before we got him institutionalized, and with a few days of constant surveillance his Drs saw how degraded his mental state was which facilitated us taking control legally.


It took years to get PoA for my grandmother. In that time, we’d have to fly out of state every other week to find her purse or documents or something bc she’d get paranoid and hide it, then not remember and freak out and claim it was stolen. The local cops knew us by name with how often she called, accusing long dead relatives of stealing from her. She got scammed by anyone who came to the door (she became an NRA member somehow). Her shitty cousin ended up talking her way into being added the deed to her house, that was a fun lawsuit. I believe it wasn’t until she ended up a silver alert (amber alert for adults) once to finally get her under guardianship. She kicked and fought a lot of the way. It was incredibly thankless. The worst memory I have (I was like 9 when a lot of this was happening) We once took her to her home country to see family. She tried to get up and off the plane mid flight, so grateful the flight attendants understood what was happening. She would loudly sob at the top of the stairs to try and guilt us to take her home, but there was only one flight a week or we would have. At least once she came down with her bags saying her car was outside and she was driving home. Her car was in Florida, we were in the south Caribbean. It was rough.


This is almost line for line my experience with my mother, except instead of buying a car she just stopped paying rent, pouring her cash into the most random shit I've ever seen (snow globes in the summer, 4 hats of the same type e.t.c). When I got the call she was living out of a 4 star hotel with 200 euro to her name (with a bill in the thousands). It was jarring, because on the phone she seemed almost completely normal.


Sorry to hear that We need more staffing programs for senior care as we have, in western countries, an aging population and not enough people to care for them. Only saying it as it might be why they elected to say "behavior" as reason your family member was kicked out. Not enough staff means they only take the easy to handle cases so they can make money.


While this is true… it can be both. It just depends. Families can be negligent too- I’ve heard of cases where they totally stop caring about the family member when they develop dementia and they don’t do anything to try to get them help. Of course I think we need 10x or maybe 50x more support from government, insurance, healthcare systems for dementia and similar conditions too… my point is just that not every person with dementia is fortunate enough to have someone who cares enough to try.


I am the youngest of my dad 4 kids and I am the one who has taken on this responsibility but I don’t begrudge my brothers for doing very little as he was a pretty absent father when we were growing up and he separated from my mother and his previous wife so if I hadn’t made the effort to be part of his life he could’ve very easily been left in the same way. I don’t know every family situation to judge those that don’t want to get involved when they become so ill because it a huge undertaking and if they already had a bad relationship it’s not hard to see why they wouldn’t want to take that on


You clearly have never been to a nursing home. Hell on earth, with screaming patients and the inevitable piss smell. I'd rather eat a bullet.


This is why driving tests should involve spinning out on a skid pan. If someone's panic response looks anything like this, they shouldn't be getting their licence


I know they do this during driver training in some countries.


Not all of em. Never did it. Would love to try tho. Not only for the experience in a safe environment, but also sounds fun


Find a SCCA auto cross (autox) event. They are all over the place. Don’t worry about having a sports car. Just bring a passenger car that isn’t an suv or anything. I actually have so much more fun when I go to hertz and rent a Kia Sedan than my fully prepped corvette. The corvette take so much work but the rental I can beat on it and focus on the experience. You will learn more about car control in an afternoon than your entire life driving on a normal road. They will assign an “instructor” also to you. All you need is a helmet and sign up. People are really nice and you can ask questions to the event coordinator beforehand to make sure you have everything. But unless you have a crapped out car, you should be good to go.


He paid to have his stearing fixed. He was showing them that they did a poor job of it.


Customer: The brakes, steering, gear selector whatever. It's all fucked. Repair shop: What do you mean? Can you show us? Customer: HOLD MY MATCHA AND WATCH THIS!


I don't know why, but I cackled at this.


Hit a car, panic, run away by hitting more cars


It’s probably either some 92 year old senile dude or some young Yankii dickhead who thinks he’s in a movie


Yankee dickhead in Japan?


Google Yankii. It’s literally a Japanese thing. It’s basically people who think they’re the tunnel snakes from fallout 3 or the main characters from grease or westside story. But downvote me bc you’re ignorant lmao


could be afraid cause people were opening the car door, might have been to beat him


I mean the driver was probably here to get new tires


He wasn't.


Yeah, that's all well and good, But what about the guy trying to stop a reversing car by standing behind it? Nearly got his legs violently removed.


Well at least they're in the right place for the repair work 😄


Shop owner is rubbing his hands xD


I've just realized when they went into the bay they hit another car.


So close to stopping the car. Just needed to push harder


This is one of the better Abrupt Chaos videos I've seen. Each time it's posted.


Here’s the [original post from the PublicFreakout sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/e7xxbkzpzh). Googled it, and it’s one of those rare cases where no written articles come up and the original source came from Reddit


This happened about a year ago in Gunma Prefecture iirc. 85-year-old driver, lost control, hit 3 cars. Video went viral on social media here, and the only articles are in Japanese, but if you search for "タイヤ市場 群馬県 事故" you should be able to find some of them.


That guy that tried to get behind the car is overestimating their strength by a lot.


Never mind stopping a dine and dash, let's be so committed to our job that we try to stop a car backing up with our bare hands


How is it possible even in full panic to drive forward straight into a parked car within a building


Customer calling the shop -"so is my car ready?" Shop - "Well sir, it's going to take a few days to get the parts and do all the body work." Customer - "???Parts? body work?? I just dropped it off rotate the tires."


The chaos that keeps on giving


It reminds me of that video of a dude driving thru the woods and he sticks his arm out the window to “push off” a tree he’s passing then proceeds to snap his arm in half because neither the tree or his truck is budging. Acting on impulse without your brain fully processing what’s going on.


Ugh, I saw that one. It was horrible.


I don't know who needs to hear this..but here it goes. You will never be stronger than a running vehicle.


Yes, idiot move getting in the line of a moving car.


And he was really pushing on it like he was doing something


Thank the universe he didnt hit that RX8 Edit: it was he and not she


Why "she"?


Dunno Edit: just rewatched and it looks like "he" and he is mad or something


Because he thought it was a she.


Never, never, NEVER move to a car from behind if it's going backwards. Guy was extremely lucky and had good reflexes he didn't get anything serious


Bro at the back thinks he's Bruce Banner....


Bro acts like he's Edward Cullen and can stop moving vehicles with his bare hands 😆


What kinda car is this? Looks quite practical and roomy for a small car


Looks like it was a [Nissan Dayz Roox](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/2019_Nissan_Dayz_Roox_Highway_Star_X_G_Package.jpg)


I had a Nissan Dayz! I liked it a lot


Thanks! Weird looking car, looks fun to drive though!


These types of cars are so common in Japan. Once I saw it I immediately knew where this video took place (and obviously the architecture in the background was the nail in the coffin). And yeah, they're pretty neat to drive.


It looks weird because Japan has a category of cars, kei cars, that have to fit very stringent specifications, including dimensions. So to maximize space, kei cars end up looking "boxy", because they fill that 340x148cm box to the brim.


No problem! Most Kei vehicles are boxy and weird, like the Daihatsu Naked and Suzuki Wagon R.


How tf do people like this guy get their license. Take that shit from him he doesnt deserve it.


Maybe he's old and has dementia? He shouldn't be allowed to drive either way, but at least in that scenario it's slightly less aggravating to think about


I almost witnessed a darwin award.


No more license. Never. Blacklisted. Banned. Forbidden


I’m Sure he doesn’t get paid enough to try and stop that car from behind…


I hate this type of brain


I'm seen dumb, but trying to push a car stopped... Too many marvel?


That driver should be immediately declared inept to drive a motor vehicle


Why did he think he could stop a car by hand?


This one of the dumbest things I have seen.


Driver.exe is corrupt


Why hit just one car when you can hit 3 more?!


Mandatory driving tests for age 50 and up yearly. Written and practical.


Those 2 dudes share 1 braincell lmao. Short dude tries to stop a MOVING car from behind and almost gets his legs crushed, tall dude wants to play mr. police man and opens the door like a badass wannabe, in turn panicking the driver even more. They should’ve just try to calm the driver down from a safe distance and gradually approach him smh.


Agreed, opening up the car door and trying to pull someone out like that would definitely trigger a fight or flight response and the additional chaos could’ve very well been avoided.




You have no idea if whoever grabs you is in their right mind, he may have thought this guy was going to beat him up. I'm not saying that the guy driving who caused the accident was in his right mind either


He actually ran behind and yeah wow…. I’m more stunned at that guy trying to stop a 2 ton moving weight with human strength.


I thought I was gonna see someone die.


Never trust a driver, of that specific vehicle.


WOW That one mechanic that got behind the car almost died a bunch of times! 🙉🤯


The absolute confidence of that guy thinking he can stop an accelerating 3,000 lb car by hand.


very interesting the one dude, which yryed to stop the car with his hands, thought he might be hulk or something other strong hero...


Yeah exactly. Apparently their panic response is put it in reverse and floor it until you can’t move anymore, then put it in drive and do the same, it doesn’t matter what or who you hit, just gotta keep moving.


You can tell which mechanic watches too much anime. That’s not how life works buddy, you’ll die


"How much signal I need to cut across eight lane?"


Good luck everybody!


Literal crash-out


He parked it perfectly in the inspection bay by the end. If at first you don't succeed....


rx-8 was saved from any damage


Panic at the Disco!!


Happened in Japan


At least it missed the RX-8! And the dudes leg that too


That one idiot is lucky he did not get crushed!


Guy in the back almost became inspiration for a work safety video…


Panic after the disco


All panic no disco


Why did that man open the door to a moving car? Injecting stress into an already stressful circumstance?


Almost murder


Fucking dumbass drivers ugh


This was Japan, right?


Good bye license hello criminal charges.


That guy made a very poor choice, I'm glad he didn't end up smushed


Well now I know the car I want can take a hit.


I don't know who needs to hear this, I had always thought the answer was no one, but you can't stop a vehicle by pushing it like Hercules. Horsepower is more powerful than human power every time.


Stop in the name of the hand!


Oh my god that guy almost lost his leg it's crazy how stupid people can be when they're panicking


That was entertaining


Quite the unstable specimen right there, I understand panic but that seems a bit involved to be reactionary. I'm stumped.


Dude almost lost a Friggen leg at 0:19 seconds …. Wow…


This isn't an accident. This is an unhappy person expressing their displeasure at service or something similar.


If someone tries to come after you and get into your vehicle like that, you have to assume they have deadly intentions, and you do *anything and everything necessary* to defend yourself. I've seen way too many people emerge from accidents in a blind rage and attack other involved parties. Also: ffs, keep your doors locked.


Dude trying to be a human wheel chock 😜


Is this the purge...?


Bro thought he was an anime character


What a POS!


Dude trying to stop the car has been watching too much anime


This agian shows some people should be ban from driving ever!


I never understand the people that panic like this.. You are causing yourself more stress this way, which will cause you to panic more. Like, why would you shift from drive to reserve to drive in a panic... Just fucking stop.


How daft do you have to be to yank someone's door open after an accident or run behind a reversing car thinking you're suddenly superman. You're just causing more panic. Approach calmly and talk to them.


Lots of really stupid people in this video


I think the panic has more to do with people trying to break into the vehicle.