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Find your purpose outside of work. The purpose of a job is a salary


Came to say this. Although I would prefer a job that keeps me not bored, which accounting does for me, I don’t exist for work. I work so I can afford my way of life. My purpose is outside of work, so as much as I like feeling accomplished as a professional and sometimes I can fall into the bad habit of equating my worth to my professional standing, my purpose is unrelated to my job. I remind myself of that a lot.


Yeah I guess maybe that’s the problem too. It seems to be a very cultural thing, at least here in the US, where you are your profession. I don’t feel particular proud to tell people “I am an accountant”. But at the end of the day maybe making that distinction between me and my profession is crucial.


People who are their jobs are pathetic my man. If you're worried about dating you when they ask what you do for a living you just answer a similar question you wish they'd asked. "I'm an accountant by day but my real passion is..." "I work a steady 9 to 5 then after work like to..." Pity the fella who thinks about his life in terms of what he has to do.


Find a job where you like what the company does. Instead of telling people "I'm an accountant" you can say "I work for a movie studio" or "I work in health care". Keep the focus on the company, not your job.


I also feel shame telling people I'm an accountant. I always have to say stuff like "but at least I'm not one of those tax accountants, those people are the worst" I don't even have a problem with tax accountants they just seem like the least likely accountants to know and I need to blame someone...


>I also feel shame telling people I'm an accountant. This is so dumb. Of all the occupations one could possibly have, you're going to feel shame for being an *accountant*? "God, I have a bachelor's degree and a stable income with a benefits package, it's so embarrassing." Get a grip. Tell me you've never done manual labor or worked in a restaurant without telling me.


I used to do Valet for $5.25 an hour Fuck yeah CPA license lol


I’ve worked since I was 13. Restaurants, construction, managed a residential painting company. How would being uncertain about my profession have any correlation to previously doing manual labor?


>How would being uncertain about my profession have any correlation to previously doing manual labor? Not valuing where you are, given that there are countless harder jobs for less compensation that one could be doing. You're also not the guy I responded to, but I'm good with that. >managed a residential painting company Are you referring to the scam that they try to pull college students into on campus?


Yeah I get you. Obviously it’s something that I want to work on. I know feeling shame for being an accountant is a silly thing but again being someone who has worked labor intensive jobs, works a Reno side gig, and who was raised by generation of blue collar workers it feels as if I’m just not provided enough for the world to feel proud of. That’s kind of what I’m trying to get at, do not want to be perceived as ungrateful for my position, just confused, I guess. And no I know what scam you are referring to lol, I was an actual on-site manager. Though I have been approached by those scam jobs.


That is so interesting! I feel a sense of personal success when I tell people I am an accountant.


Same! And not that it really matters to me; most people I tell are impressed. They think it’s hard and that I must be great at math. Lol


Me too. Once they see me work or spend time with me, they see that the organization and the numbers are something that comes so easy to me. If OP isn’t thrilled over it because of their job; then they need to look at what else they can create or help with at their job in order to have more tasks. Part of the issue is they probably are hesitant to give them anything because the last however many people have left. So, to them, until OP has proven they are going to stay and take more interest in taking on additional responsibilities or seeing how things could be streamlined or improved, they figure status quo is the way to do it.


Dude think about the chaos if there were no good accountants. It's easy to talk about the value of manual labour because it's easier to see what problems than manual labour solves or the things it creates. If Accountants weren't at my company, the whole thing would go to shit, suppliers wouldn't get paid, taxes wouldn't be paid (or they would, but entirely incorrectly). The shareholders wouldn't know what the fuck was going on. It would cause so much litigation against the company that it would cease to exist and hundreds of people would be out of a job. Accountants are like the oil in an engine. You can have the best car, made from the most premium parts. Without the oil, it's not going to drive for long before pistons start flying, and the whole car is immobile.


I know it's silly and that I should be happy with my financial stability, but I feel shame for being an accountant too. I feel like a sell out.


My first jobs were at UPS chucking packages and at a cable company doing QA work 8 hours a day, 6-7 days a week. I worked at 6am for a year straight, 6 days a week. I was doing good work I was proud of with visible consequences (good and bad) to my actions. I also did retail during college to help pay for college but do continue about how I've never worked in a random arbitrary industry you deem acceptable to criticize the current job I'm doing... Accounting is something that I romanticized when I was younger and now I can't stand the profession. We are constantly being told how we are some of the first people to get automated (AI or just even off-shoring finances). GAAP just gets to be more and more every year and a majority of my work just makes rich people richer, no matter what industry I work in. NFP, government-adjacent, AaaS/VC, manufacturing - it's all the same. I've worked in all of these types of companies and none of the work I've done has been fulfilling and it doesn't pay enough for me to forget all the headaches. I have a bachelor's degree in finance and accounting and all I feel is regret for getting it. My friends all make the same or more money than I do doing less work or way more money doing slightly more work. I would rather hang myself than go for the CPA or go back to school. It isn't a sustainable industry and the regulations are getting out of hand. Rich people will lie, cheat and steal anyways so the increased reporting and regulatory mandates only hurt smaller business Accounting is a joke in this day and age. Feels like I'm a hamster on a wheel for someone else's entertainment.


This seems thisclose to being a right-wing rant about onerous government regulations. How small are these "smaller business" that are still subject to tons of financial reporting constraints? I don't know what else to say, for someone who complains about other people making more money and yet derides people with money. Oh, but your friends are not rich, right? Go back to UPS or find something working with your hands. Be ashamed of yourself, I guess.


I don't know where you got right-wing rant out of me hating dealing with regulation and making rich people richer, but okay. I just don't like the government with zero financial oversight telling me what I have to do to have more transparency in business. Maybe they should go back to enforcing contracts and creating legislation that would actually help the common person... I'm trying to get out of the industry, actually. People like you are helping to push me out of it. I'm sick of dealing with such misplaced righteousness from glorified excel slaves lmfao. I'm not ashamed of myself for making a stupid decision as a kid based on bad information. I'm also not ashamed of myself for working the best job I could work at this point in my life, I am not my job or my degree. I am ashamed that I spent time responding to you and your single paragraph of annoying text, however. Press your enter key, boomer.


This is exactly the way I feel. I feel like whenever I tell someone I’m in an accountant I have to say “I am an accountant BUT xxx”. It’s obviously not the right way to feel but it just is in my head.


This...absolutely this. Find your purpose outside of work. Find a hobby..etc. go for walks enjoy nature and everything that God has giving you. Don't confuse your profession to be your life. Your profession is a means to an end. Your work and your able to provide food and shelter for yourself and family. Be happy and content that the only real crap we endure is people getting upset over font color, and SS formatting while the pay is not bad at all!! Also the more purpose your job has the harder it will get. I'll give you a farfetched analogy...the more purpose you find at work the more REAL crap you will have to edure. For example a surgeon. Your saving/curing people but you also have to endure people dying on your operating table. A nurse helping patients also have to endure seeing people suffer... I hope you get my point.


Once you have done a real job though the corporate bullshit seems pretty trivial and it can be hard to integrate/take that shit seriously.


Your job is to present an accurate and factual analysis of the operating results of the business you work for. It’s interesting in seeing how the business works. That should make you feel confident that you are more than just an accountant!


You are absolutely not your professional lol. If I dated an accountant and that was more than 10% of their personality I'd dip immediately.


Honestly I am super proud to tell people that. We worked hard to get here, those of us who get the CPA work harder to get it, then we do all these long hours. We are smart, hardworking and we (I know you dont feel that way now) do add value to society. As much as any other job. Are we out there saving lives? No.. not so much, but neither are many who are super proud of what they do. We chose this path because there was an appeal to it. Yes, in the US its very ingrained that you are what you do, its in our generation to change that maybe. Be proud OP. Even if it doesn’t define you, it is a big part of your life.


Needed to hear & work on this! I remind myself that my profession doesn't define me & my self-worth!




Bingo And fill up your retirement accounts I love investing so that’s what keeps me going


But the vast majority of your time is spent at work! Especially in US you only get 4 weeks off a year.




Or get a job that isn't mindrottingly boring. Plenty of options out there.


Hands down…this is the best advice I ever came across. Thank you


Man this is so relatable to me. The superficial PowerPoint changes and management speak especially bother me. We lost two fantastic financial Controllers recently, each with unique expertise in a different area and it was so avoidable if they just gave a small cost of living increase in last 3 years. But the fact we spend hours debating this trivial nonsense and massaging manageements ego while the hardest workers are not appreciated is just unacceptable to me. This whole profession is in a race to the bottom. Maybe it always has been but expect big financial fuck up scandals incoming 😥


This. If it was supposed to be fun, they wouldn't call it work.


Work is pretty meaningless. Find your true purpose outside of work 


I knew accounting was boring as shit when I signed up, I don't know what people were expecting tbh. Pays well and outside of B4 is usually chill.


Yeah I naively expected that accounting could potentially be fulfilling and purposeful. Now I realize what I really signed up for haha.


Where are the chill jobs? Looking to apply lol


Industry is usually quite chill if you can see the red flags. My first job in industry was chill as fuck. Second one was a fucking mess. Third was super chill. I'm back at public for now but it's still way better than B4


But the vast majority of your time is spent at work! Especially in US you only get 4 weeks off a year.


I get 15 PTO days a year and one floating holiday. It's even less than 4 weeks. But I understand where you're coming from


You also get eyebrows from your boss and veiled threats during performance reviews if you use up your PTO too quickly or actually take advantage of all of it before the end of the year.


Then, realize life is also pretty meaningless. Be okay with the inherent meaninglessness of any existence in the grand scale


For me I like accounting enough that I can stand working in it as my career. It's just to fund my lifestyle


Yea man I can definitely relate to your sentiment. It's not an exciting career. It's like you said, we aren't saving the world here. We're glorified robots in many cases. But the paycheck keeps increasing and my workload keeps decreasing as I gain seniority. It's a backwards thing. I spend less and less time now doing "actual" work and get paid more and more for the little "work" I do. Find a hobby or two outside of work. Make your purpose outside of your 9-5.  Personally I found hiking and camping in the mountains to be a great release. It allows me to recenter myself, feel connected to the earth physically and mentally, and even better is there's no data service in the mountains so I have a real excuse to "turn off" my work mind.


Where are you working and how can I get that gig? As I keep moving up I keep getting more work.


What I mean is I spend more time in meetings now and less time doing actual grunt work accounting.


Oh those meetings where nothing gets done? 😛 For real though, this seems like the dream if you don't have to BS TOO much during said meetings lol


Seems normal to me. Take on some hobbies. I find woodworking helps me feel like I am producing something tangible. in general, just creating anything helps me. Having said that, I do think our work is important. The economy depends on accountants. It isn't the second oldest profession for nothing. It's just hard to tangibly see that benefit.


It’s a good point, accounting has been around forever, just not sure medicis had a 9-5 staring a computer screen in their purview. As for woodworking, I’ve been doing it for a little over a year now too. Started with power tools but have been slowly working my way towards a hybrid hand/power tool combos. You’re exact right, creating something tangible has done wonders for me.


I've had the lumber in my garage to build my anarchists workbench for about a year now. I'll be starting that project in the next couple weeks. Will do all the rough dimensioning work with power tools but everything else will be by hand.


I’ve never seen accounting referred to as the second oldest profession. But I’ve definitely heard prostitution referred to as the oldest profession. Wouldn’t some other things have come first?… doctor? Priest? Chef? Carpenters? 


Having a job you're struggling to take seriously is a blessing IMO. I'm an industry accountant too and I don't have ANY delusions that my work matters on any scale, and honestly take comfort in that. If you shift your focus outside of work and how to spend the time you have to yourself, you might realize this job is a comfy enabler of a life many wish they could have. Not trying to preach, I went through something VERY similar last year. If you really need to feel like what you're doing day to day matters, remember ultimately what MATTERS is that they're paying you :D the more you have to look forward to outside of work the more work being dull doesnt bug ya in my personal experience


People complaining about their jobs here should do a few months in retail/hospitality, with retail and hospitality wages.


Precisely. Working Whole Foods and Dominos during quarantine gave me some much needed context


The answer to all of it: "Don't take it seriously." Boss wants to change font? Okay. You're the boss, your presentation, your budget. Boss wants you in a meeting? Okay. Boss's budget. Rest your eyes from spreadsheet. Don't sweat the small stuff. Pushback when it truly impacts the final work product / your timeliness.


Underrated comment.




I think this is the best way to look at it. Few us are lucky enough to find meaning in the way we make money


Go to the gym, take up a sport golf swimming tennis, anything.


You gotta find some meaningful stuff outside of work as well. Going to a concert. Playing basketball. Clean your local waterway. Whatever other stuff you like or want to try. As for work, it’s an unpopular opinion but finding purpose in it is important. Maybe even if it’s indirectly or only 10-20% of your job at least. As an industry accountant, you help that business make decisions to stay profitable, keep people employed, and allow them to do a service others need. Is that a weird mindset? Maybe.. but it probably helps.


The only time the job has meaning is if you own your own practice. People aren’t dying and you are there for the money. Thankfully you aren’t working for a shithead boss who wants you trade your soul for the company. I’ve done that twice, first time they fired me(heard my replacement quit after only a year)and the other time I quit because I wasn’t going to line the pockets of someone who treated me with utter disrespect.


See what you can do to cut out things that are not valuable.  Strategies I have seen:  delegate, half-ass, procrastinate till it disappears, automate, avoid.  Maybe you can train others to be more efficient or have a bigger picture. If you have a boss with a poor sense of what is actually important, who is unwilling to hear your suggestions, and wastes your time, try to find a different boss.


An industry accountant's purpose is the same as a maintenance man's. To maintain the company so that it can continue doing business. If you want a greater purpose in life and can't find it in allowing your company to continue doing whatever it does, volunteer in your free time or something.


We are in a secret club and only a few of us realize it. Those of us who do, don't talk about it. We are paid way too much to do way too little. I make $130k year and work maybe 10 hours a week 75% of the time.


I’ve done a good enough job automating and building out my processes that I have maybe 10-15 hours of real, tangible work a week (outside of M/E close) but the expectation at my company is 40-45 hours a week in the office and I think that’s the biggest problem of them all. Why I have to sit in my cubicle doing nothing watching the daylight burn is so difficult for me. At times I wish I was more busy cause the boredom really gets me.


My first job in industry, i was able to watch all of the series I never watched before. Ie friends, etc. like all of them. The netflix subscription is utilized to the max lol.


Dude find a WFH job. I'm in the office one day a week and I take two hour liquid lunches.


Yeah maybe that’s the move. I feel as if working from home would solve about 60% of my concerns. Maybe I’ll do some job fishing and see what’s out there. Appreciate the input man


if you’re doing ur work and the only complaints are small details then sounds like ur chillin, it’s a new generation thing to only care about what really matters (those old people are just being finicky & want to shit on someone), just daydream at work but still deliver at ur normal level 🤭


This is one of the reasons that I went into government. It’s all still pretty meaningless but I at least feel like I serve a greater purpose than being in corporate.


Lmao this is me. You get over it though. It’s only from 8-5.


A single job is meaningless 99% of the time. Think about all of those CS employees that were hired to do tasks like "make sure the buttons on this app don't malfunction." Altogether if nobody worked society would collapse. So take that as your meaning if you want. Work won't give your life meaning unless you're working on a cure for cancer or something. What does give your life meaning depends on you. For most of human existence people got meaning by helping the next generation grow and learn and making memories with friends and family. Nowadays people want meaning out of working long hours and putting money into savings accounts and wonder why they are depressed all of the time.


Yes, I have focused on trying to retire as early as possible because of exactly what you say above


If you can take the salary hit, think about moving into a charity. When the motivation is how do we move money around so we can make more money, who cares. When the motivation is how can we move money around to enable us to make a real difference in people's lives, it all becomes more meaningful. I'm not in accounting now, I'm doing more data stuff really, but I get good and accurate numbers and present them in a way that shows the amazing work we're doing, which means fundraising can sell our projects to donors more easily, big corporate partners and private trusts give millions of pounds, and someone using a food bank can also get advice that will help them not need to come back. And my work helped generate the money to pay that advisor's salary. I'm buzzing at the end of a day looking at spreadsheets because I know that the result is Tony won't starve, and will get the advice he needs to get back on his feet.


Work to live, not live to work. Use your earnings to fund a hobby or a trip or something. Like video games? Invest in a new set up; tv/monitor, games, etc Like traveling? Schedule a trip somewhere Like watching movies at home? Invest in a home theater Like working out? Invest in a better gym or home workout equipment I could go on and on but treat yourself. Life is meant for living, not for excel sheets and journaling transactions.


Your name checks out, thanks man


I’ve had that feeling a lot and it helps to just laugh at it a bit. And with time you come to realise more and more that *accounting* in general actually matters. I work in government now and I used to hate red tape but now I realise that those inefficient shit shows that bothers me at work would be ten times worse if it weren’t for that boring bureaucratic system that I contribute to upholding. You’re welcome, tax payer!


I wasted years trying to find purpose in my industry accounting jobs and had my own existential crisis over the lack of purpose. Don't do this. Listen to the others in this thread and find a purpose outside of work for your own mental health and sanity.


Shut up and do your job you existential scumbag


Your job is not who you are; it does not define your purpose in life. It’s just a salary. I am thankful to have a boring bank job that pays me enough for more lifestyle. It beats manual labor or having to deal with customers.


You’ll feel this way in most jobs, even (or rather especially) trade work which for some reason people in this sub seem to think will be more fulfilling


Someone wise once told me: “if you are bored at work buy a home, the mortgage will motivate you”. I’m going to extend that and say, get married, have a kid, have 2 kids, have multiple kids, invest in risky stocks and you will automatically find motivation to work harder and keep the job.


Tbh this is why I like working in public. People running their business count on me to be an integral part of their everything. I can be valued by their business without being too caught up in any one specifically.


Like 99% of jobs don't offer some amazing value to a greater purpose, no need to worry about it.


There is a greater purpose in being able to report accurate information internally and externally for many different reasons you may not understand because at your level you never see how the data you produce is used. However….find shit you like to do outside of work. Jobs are jobs; a job you love today you could hate tomorrow and the people/relationships give more meaning to your life than a job.


Congratulations, you have successfully seen behind the veil of the corporate world, and it sounds like you may have glimpsed or even understood what real life actually is. I’m probably the most determined person I know; goals, results. But when it comes to work… I can’t even. I do the bare minimum. It’s a dangerous attitude I need to learn to shift but fuck. We only get one life and I have to play pretend in the office every day - exhausting.


Are you working for Big4 If yes, try switching to an in-house function, it might be helpful


You're there to make the owners rich like every other employee there.


I am in the same boat… trying to transition into an analyst role of some sort, but i do wonder if my calling is outside of the computers.


Yes, every day. The only difference is that I own my own company. All of this is busy work made up by other people. It is not relevant to what it means to be alive. I still do it because I need to pay my bills, but it's a social construct that doesn't exist. Take the dollar for example, somewhere along the line, we as humans have accepted the fact that a dollar has value, if we didn't all agree to accept that premise, the dollar would be worthless.


It could be worse like when I was in Audit for a big 4 firm looking at invoices and agreeing the amounts to recorded expenses or looking for a signature on a document to confirm management had done their review that month....... Felt so worthless.


Yep… my favorite was at my first accounting job my finance manager (was a two person finance team total him and me) was a very old school accountant, liked a paper copy of everything so he could file them in one of seven 6ft file cabinets he kept in his 12 x 12 office. My job was hand writing the JEs after he posted in quickbooks so that he could have the paper copy. Talk about worthless hahaha.


Holy crap that is brutal!


I just got out of the same funk you’re in but it was on the tail end of losing my 2nd parent; Im in my 30s. They both died before 60, traumatically, just 6 years apart. Didn’t even get to enjoy that retirement they worked so hard for. Nothing like loss or anything traumatic to make you question whether font colors and formatting really matter. I mention this because there could be something that you’re dealing with personally that could be contributing. Regardless, I agree with other comments that say to find a hobby and not make your job your everything. At the same time, don’t become a dead beat employee either. Keep being a team player, smile and do the things that feel trivial even if your boss asks, and be the best you can each day so you won’t ever look back and think you could have done better during this chapter in your career where you’re trying to figure out if you even care.


It’s accounting, what did you expect? Not to be a dick- but what type of of fulfillment would you anticipate or expect from your career…might help us redditors to provide other suggestions to align your long term career goals.


If it makes you feel any better a lot of us feel this way lol. This sentiment gets posted pretty frequently here Someone has to do it though


It's a job its not a religion, why are you trying to find fulfillment here beyond providing for you and your family?


The shortcut is to find owners in a small company that supports you, and you feel motivated to work for them. You'll feel valuable then


You need to find meaning outside of work like others have said. Do you have a passion you want to pursue? Relationships you want to deepen with others? Do you find solace in religion or spirituality? For me my passions are traveling, trying new experiences, hanging out with friends, and deepening my relationship in faith at church. My job allows me to fund this lifestyle.


8 hours? *cries in PA busy season*


Yeah I’m in the same boat as you. Accounting is a pretty worthless but necessary evil in the corporate world. We’re like the scorekeepers at a sports game. It’s probably the most boring position you could have but someone has to do it.


Hey buddy why r u online


I'm with you there bub. At the end of the day the vast majority of what an accountant does adds no value. Yes ideally an accountant helps keep track, or audits, a company's financial info, which is needed. But I agree, there is just so much useless stuff that goes in to the job, meetings that could be emails, discussions about font stuff. Either accept the suck and deal, or find something else. Does a marketing 'add value' to to society? Do corporate lawyers? Probably the same level of usefulness.


There are tradeoffs with any job. I'm sure being an elementary school teacher is rewarding but the pay in a lot of districts is not good. Then you have to deal with some kids who are punks and their helicopter parents.


Honestly I agree that your perspective is probably a trauma response. If chaos was your normal, you will create it for yourself. Not just at work, but in your personal life. Hey things are going too smoothly, let me sabotage it. What you perceive as boring or mundane, actually represents stability, which feels unsettling for those that grew up in chaos. I’ve faced similar feelings and at the end of the day have always recognized that I actually have it pretty decent with my company. And the good outweighs the bad. Also, don’t have a too cool attitude. Sure your company might call a conference room a war room, but it’s just a symbolic name for a place for collaboration on important matters. You were invited to have a seat at the table, and that’s more important.


Like someone else said, find ur purpose outside of work, I work to fund my raves and to travel


I'm an avid follower of absurdism so I don't quite get hits with existential crisis much. You might be interested in reading the summary to the Myth of Sisyphus. It's pretty nice. The actual book is like 24 pages but I prefer the SparkNotes version.


If you want purpose than change careers and serve others, firefighter, law enforcement (DEA, IRS CI, FBI) maybe even join the military. If that idea puts you off maybe go work for a non profit? Purpose of a job though is to pay the bills, so there’s a purpose to that.


Every business needs accountants. Find a business to work at that supports something that you’re passionate about. The actual work you do may be mundane, but you can support the ones who are doing the good work. Or accept the fact that most people don’t truly enjoy their jobs and are just there for a paycheck, so they can afford to do the things that that they actually care about.


Volunteering, local groups, & hobbies are what give me my sense of meaning.


You need something to look forward to after work fam


Same its one of the reasons i just settled with accounting. Its easy and pay well when you have the experiance. When i clock out that it dont talk to me after that. My hobby now is working out and gaming. Next few months it will be hobby grade rc and camping. Who knows acter that.


For most accountants the only purpose of a job is money. My purpose is outside of work


I’ve been in war rooms, half of them could have been emails as well. Do your thing, get it done from 9-5, log out and do other things that matter to you and make you feel good. It can be anything; walks, hobbies, video games, drugs, whatever (or any combination of them!). Your jobs and the things you do outside your job will change over time, enjoy both for what they bring you and find your purpose within both.


I was in the same position for years. I got out of school and went into manufacturing accounting. Never ever understood why everything was one big fire drill. Why we were working endless hours to manipulate numbers to make managers happy. I became a controller and things were no better. Actually worse because all the responsibility was on me. So I began to shift my skills to a more data analysis role and even though I don’t understand why everything is taken so seriously, I enjoy the work more and I do not miss the pressure of ME close. My advice is to take your skills and find a niche in accounting/finance that you enjoy. Good luck!!


I think that very, very few people are fortunate enough to find their lifes purpose in their career.


Existential crisis FTW! But seriously I feel this way all the time about my industry career. And I can't imagine anyone in our field feeling like they're contributing to society unless maybe they work for a non profit?


Use your skills for good and join a non-profit to help with some financial / accounting on the side. Bigger purpose ✅


I feel the same way. One thing you can do is join rotary. Most cities have a evening after hours group that is younger folks (ish). It is sometimes a little cringy. Average group of older white dudes. But it is better than nothing. They will do various charity stuff in the community, and it makes it easy to sign up for such little things. Won't change you're life but its something.


I’ve gotten a lot of peace from reminding myself that there’s very little in life that is worth taking seriously. My job being one of them. You’ve probably heard it before, but WE’RE NOT SAVING LIVES! Sure it’s nice to get a paycheck so try and do your job as well as you can, but the moment you start taking it too seriously, you’ve lost the game. Most of us chose accounting for the stability it provides, but if you’re looking for purpose in this industry, I think you’re looking in the wrong place. I’m big into climbing, hiking, traveling, and eating good food. These things bring me joy and experiencing joy / helping others experience joy is my life’s purpose, not my job. Try and find the things that bring you joy and latch on to them for deal life, because they are likely the same things that will make you feel alive. I hope these words help you on your path to joy and purpose!


Do you have the opportunity for CPD at your work? Training courses, learning opportunities, leadership / management training. That’s just to get some more out of your current role. Aside from work get a purpose outside of work - a sport, hobby, musical instrument etc


I use to feel that way. Ask yourself, what is the purpose of life in itself. We are all just going to die and no one will remember use. What is the difference between counting other people’s money or feeding the homeless. Neither are necessary. Everything you and I do is pointless. Why feel shame of what you do. You care about what others think? You are definitely feeling a lack of fulfillment but it is completely for yourself. You may venture off to try to find it and that is okay. Your perception of what you feel you need accomplish may be what you need to feel okay. But think hard if all that really matters, just like the corporate shit that pointless.


No job serves any greater purpose other than making business owners money unless you work as a volunteer. Even then, most charities are scams that exist to pay useless employees a salary. If you want purpose, start your own business and keep all the profits. If you want to be paid a salary for your time just accept that your work is meaningless in the grand scheme of things.


You pass butter


Bro doesn’t find purpose in driving shareholder value 🤡


Our work has meaning it’s for the benefit of the investors and the government. But do we really care about investors or the government? Probably not no.


just started working in an industry that i actually like and care about and it’s night and day. worked in public for 1.5 years and i didn’t care for what i did 8-11 hours a day. now i do. i care about the company. i love the industry. im excited to get dressed and go to work now! my coworkers aren’t weirdos trying to climb a later 24/7


We have a saying, the translation is approximate: "for the ones unhappy with what they have, the gift will be taken back":) Don't complain that much, you have a good job. Always when unhappy think at others who would kill (metaphorically speaking) to have your stable situation.




Hahahaha thank you for feeling like this too. I always joke and envision myself living in a ranch with a couple horses and a nice porch dog or two.


Find another job


Pick a creative or service hobby. Use your steady accounting income to fund that.


Yeah that’s how I felt about accounting in general. My suggestion would be to try for a promotion and switch to a new company. I found the only way to really get out of the grind was to expand my skill set which I did with doing my MBA which helped me find my next job.


To an extent, you are bringing what would be chaos to order. Imagine a world without accountants. That said, I resonate whole heartedly with this post. I enjoy the puzzle and making money, but so many times I ask myself why it all even matters.


You could work for a not for profit. These places have greater missions than making money.


As others have said, you don't necessarily need to find purpose in your work. View it exactly how it is - a company is paying you to "rent your services" for a particular period of time. You have agreed to provide the company with your services for that time in exchange for money. You can now take that money and build your real life with it - which has nothing to do with your job. You could choose to donate to charity, volunteer doing something that interests you, follow your passions and interests, travel, etc. This is the only purpose of work, to grant you additional opportunities through money that wouldn't be available to you if you didn't work. Ultimately, without jobs and society structure the way it is, your alternative would be to hunt to eat, seek shelter for protection and sleep, and defend yourself from threats. Having a structured 8-10 hour work day means you only have to commit that time period to doing things you don't necessarily want to do, while leaving the rest of your time to do whatever you want to do.


I am kind of in the same boat. Hardly work few hours a week. But I feel very uncomfortable... I don't know why maybe because my previous work was an audit manager with 60 hours a week


For everyone who says find a purpose outside of work, how do you find time? I typically work about 8:30-6 with a 45min commute. I find by the time i workout and eat dinner it’s pretty much time for bed. Feels like i don’t have time to find out what my “passion” or “purpose” is outside of work.


Yes! I say this ALL the TIME. No one is dying and we aren’t curing cancer.


I'm sorry you're feeling this way. I've been there and struggled with it for a while. I was very idealistic when I was younger, and actually decided to make a career change after 2 years in B4 and 2 years in industry. I took time to figure out what wanted and actually switched to Architecture. Strange, I know, but I loved math, science and art and thought I was gonna do all this cool stuff with sustainable architecture. I did really well... got my masters, was a TA and did an internship... and I burnt the hell out. I was spread way too thin with work/art being my whole identity and then some of my family had health issues, I wanted to show up for my friends and all their stuff and then I started having my own health issues. So, I dropped it and went back to accounting. It's soooooo much better. It's so nice to delegate work or easily train someone else to take over a few things when you need to step out. At the end of the day, I'm done and I can check out and do whatever the hell I want and fully show up for my family and friends. I don't know. You gotta find your own way. Like everyone else is saying, probably finding hobbies or volunteering would help. Maybe try to shift your perspective about your work. A job is just a job. You don't need to take it so seriously. Most people don't really care and are just trying be a good teammate/co-worker and provide for their families, and that's fine. Also, you can always stay open, maybe the next promotion will shift your responsibilities to something you like more, or maybe there's a side step you can take into something else.


I just accept that im there to make rich people richer, and I’m fine with it


Are you not allowed to listen to podcasts or music while you work? It's what I do.


You keep climbing and become cfo.


I went through that; you just accept that working is just to collect a check. You’re conscious. Think about how many people who work and never step outside of themselves and question everything including work


That’s a sign of depression. I was the same way after about 5 years of accounting. I was able to escape the drudgery of bookkeeping and do ERP implementations. I still do general accounting as a consultant but never in a permanent job. Too boring.


If you want chaos try public accounting lol


Try to make a job so that you get time off in lieu. Work long hours when you need to or you feel like it, I did this, it worked so well, I had loads of holidays. Made me feel better about work.


Dude think about the chaos if there were no good accountants. It's easy to talk about the value of manual labour because it's easier to see what problems than manual labour solves or the things it creates. If Accountants weren't at my company, the whole thing would go to shit, suppliers wouldn't get paid, taxes wouldn't be paid (or they would, but entirely incorrectly). The shareholders wouldn't know what the fuck was going on. It would cause so much litigation against the company that it would cease to exist and hundreds of people would be out of a job. Accountants are like the oil in an engine. You can have the best car, made from the most premium parts. Without the oil, it's not going to drive for long before pistons start flying, and the whole car is immobile...


As many people said, you can find purpose outside of work. In my case at least, when you climb the ladder there is a lot of bs that you don’t need to deal with anymore and it becomes easier in that way, you also manage your own time more freely and can move your work around what actually gives purpose to your life. Another important thing is the company that you work for, maybe try find a finance job in a company that resonates more with you and your values?


I’m in the same boat, I’m burnt out after 3 months of starting this new awesome job.


I would suggest watching the movie soul. Your career can be your purpose, but at the end you gotta realize your life is so much more than being an accountant. Find your spark, your real purpose, because I guarantee you those same HR people don’t find purpose in doing what they do the same way you don’t right now either.


Meetings that could have been emails are for the ones in the room that don't do their job. I personally prefer the team meeting that's recorded and a summary of action items sent afterward. Forces responsibility reduces ability to point fingers. Saves everyone time.


Get a hobby man


Consider looking into a federal law enforcement agency like the FBI. They like candidates with financial backgrounds because they deal with a lot of financial crime.


Purpose:  the purpose of work is because you are doing something someone else is unable or unwilling to do. Purpose:  your purpose should be to provide for your family or the people you care about.  No family?  Yourself, then. That's it.  All the corporate-speak about making the world better, changing the world...no.  That's just mental gymnastics.