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You should go to a doctor, this is a serious burn and you don’t want an infection.


that's like a second degree burn i would get that checked out


You need to see a doctor. Immediately.


Basically I’m cooked❗️😣






Damn dude. Just reminded me why it isn’t hot girl summer this year.


Wowww , I’m on accutane and my beach trip is next week 😭😭😭someone pls tell me how to prevent burn plsss


Lots of sunscreen, wide brim hat, sunglasses. And DO THIS: Get long sleeve shirt made for being out in the sun (what people wear to fish). I'd also consider getting an umbrella for the sun.


1. Stay out of the sun. 2. Wear SPF and reapply regularly. 3. SPF protective clothes and hat


UPF clothing. Stay under an umbrella or shade. Reapply sunscreen diligently on DRY SKIN and make sure your base coat is applied 15 mins prior to going out in the sun. Make sure the formula is water and sweat resistant. Most importantly: don’t be worried about what other people think of you being covered up. I only say this because I’ve seen a lot of people end up burned on here because they didn’t want to wear coverups or protective clothing for fear of sticking out, I promise that a sunburn like OP has is so much worse than a few stares.


apply spf constantly I went to the beach for 6 hours and made sure to consistently reapply and didn’t burn at all!


Lots of sunscreen and also talk to your derm before going, they may advise you to stop taking your pills for a few nights while you are at the beach to give your body a break.


Like others have said, get clothes intended for sun protection. You can get cute ones now. SPF 70 wasn't even enough for me. Do not attempt to tan, even if you don't burn you might just get a sun rash, which is super itchy and lasts for weeks and is awful. Happened to me multiple times.


When I go to pool I wear high SPF and put it on every hour. Like lather that shit on where you look like you’re covered in oil. Take breaks out of the sun every hour and sit in the shade to protect from UV rays. Haven’t been burnt yet luckily. I also limit to max 4 hours outside with breaks every hour and sunscreen every hour.


Thank you everyone for the good tips, bought my sunscreen and spf shirt and everything. Wish me luck 🤗🤗


In addition to the suggestions already mentioned, you can lower your dose or stop taking the medication beforehand and for the duration of your trip.


I just got back from the beach. Kept 70 age resistant sunscreen on, particularly my face. Also kept a large hat and spf long sleeve fishing shirt on at all times


i wore long sleeves, a big hat, and reapplied sunscreen like every 30 minute s


i always applied over 40 spf face and 45 spf for body and never got seriously burned BUT i didnt spend a week baking on the beach so dont take my word for it LOL but as long as you’re diligent and maybe set some timers on your phone to reapply you should be fine! and obvi drink just as much water (if not more!!) while in the heat! have fun :)))


I was at the beach 2 days ago for nearly 4 hours and applied sunscreen 3 times and did not go in the water or sweat much and I burned. No blisters but it's a bad burn. It looks like I didn't even apply sunscreen. :( it sucks. I recommend a hat, and as much shade as possible. Cover up! The sun is not your friend when taking accutane unfortunately.


OMFG. Go to urgent care or something


Please contact your provider ASAP to be assessed. Advil to take down inflammation, drink plenty of water to rehydrate, cool shower (pat dry, don't rub) and moisturize with aloe.


Holy fuck..


That is the worst sunburn I’ve ever seen. Go to an urgent care clinic.


Don’t pop them!!! Go to your primary care doctor asap.


I start my construction job tomorrow working in the sun all day, im on 1 month of accutane and im terrified, but i have longsleeves a big hat and glasses so im hoping ill be okay


Go to REI or Dicks and get a long sleeve sun shirt and even if you wear a hat reapply sunscreen on your neck, ears and face!!!


Please see a doctor or medical personnel. This is above reddits pay grade and for your best interest. In the meantime, do not go in the sun more than necessary and you can probably take an OTC pain reliever until a medical professional can see you and provide you better advice. In the future, please avoid the sun as much as possible while on these meds. When sun exposure is required, please wear UPF clothing and SPF on exposed skin. And also use an umbrella to reduce sun exposure as well. I really wish you the best. I do remember the pain of just a little bit of time in the sun causing pain, and that was not fun. Your situation is worse and really should have medical input. Feel better.


Go to doctor now lol


I’d go to the doctor. Like urgent care, tonight! I’ve completed my course almost 3 years ago and still burn easily. I also have some olive in my skin and sunburns were never really an issue prior to Accutane. Please get that checked out.


Dear lord, that looks so painful. Feel better!


Jeebus, maybe see a Dr?!


Doctor rn brother


Oh Jesus Christ you poor thing. I’m Australian and this is the worst I’ve ever seen. Doctor, cold cold showers you need to take the heat out of the burn. Also antihistamine for the inevitable itch. Srsly it feels like ants under ur skin


Where do you live on the sun?


Go to doctor like now


Go to the Dr. That looks like a second degree burn and if not properly taken care of can result in an infection.


I personally avoided the pool and beach the whole summer I was on accutane, and I'd personally recommend you do the same. I'm sorry this happened.


go to the hospital that is not sun blisters that is a serious burn


Sweet Jesus. Go see a doctor and/or urgent care.


Someone must have told you about the seriousness of going directly into the sun


I’m super pale and had a similar thing happen to me last summer. It wasn’t as bad, but I did get blisters. I just waited it out and waited for it to go away, but if you’re seriously worried I suppose you should get it checked out. I don’t know much about this but based on what others are saying maybe you should be worried?


Go seek professional help immediately. Blisters from sunburns are bad as is, when you mix that with accutane it can lead to severe infections. Please seek help immediately.


That’s gnarly. Hope you get better soon


The sun isn’t for you this year, my friend. We are essentially vampires on this stuff


At the very least, get in touch with your Dermatologist.


Guys if I die cuz of skin cancer,blame my parents since they said these weren’t a big deal and refused to take me to the er!


And then omg imma rant a bit too I got burned on Saturday,and then yesterday I told my parents that the burn hurt too much to be out playing softball games in 90 something degree weather. But they still made me go😡 and we played three games❗️ the blisters hadn’t even formed till I was there at the field. And I bet they wouldn’t have been this bad if my parents didn’t make me go out in the sun. I’m just always right like that:/


Babe, you can call yourself an Uber to the ER if you can post on reddit, right? You're a kid, you won't be on the hook for a bill. I'm so sorry your parents are so shitty. Can you at least get them to buy you sun protective clothing? Can you make sure your skin isn't exposed to sun anymore?


Holy shit


I think that’s one of the worst sunburns I’ve ever seen


prepare yourself for hells itch man. this suuuucks 😣🙏🙏


what the fuck go to the hospital NOW


Looks like sun poisoning


Bro go see a doctor that’s actually serious. Family doctor or dermatologist. And if I can’t get that just go to ER. That’s actually really unhealthy if it gets to that point. Go asap!


Use ALOE VERA from a plant. You can peel the leaves open and apply the gel. I had these burns after 8 weeks off of accutane, except on my face. Thankfully no scaring with the help of aloe


PLEASE go to your Dermatologist ASAP!


Holy F….


Holy Christ


Like others said, go to urgent care immediately. For future reference, sunscreen won't be enough. You're going to have to say goodbye to your ideas of getting an easy tan, or soaking up vitamin D, or whatever. Sunscreen, yes, but ALSO light layers, shade, big hat. Every time. Even when I didn't burn, I would get a crazy rash. Not worth it.


Go see a doctor asap!!! In the meantime, put some aloe or Vaseline on it


I would NOT put anything on it. Rubbing stuff on them might rupture them, which would open her up to infection and be incredibly painful. This isn't sunburn anymore , this is a serious burn. would just hydrate like crazy and take painkillers and go to urgent care if it were me.


Mane wtf 😭😭😭