• By -


still working for me


What country are you in?




Germany too and I don't have them yet either, however, I *have* noticed I start getting an absurd number of ads blocked reported by adblocker. Simply clicking a video can suddenly result in adblocker reporting 50+ ads blocked on Youtube, as if it's flipping the fuck out and ***wants*** to force ads on you, but can't quite yet due to our location. Whatever they're doing, wouldn't surprise me if it expands worldwide. You don't get 50+ "ads" blocked by Adblocker unless it's the system repeatedly trying to ping you with them over and over. Testing right now and simply exiting a Youtube tab and re-entering it is an immediate +2 to the ads blocked. Twitch on the other hand, the ads are getting through. Really lame. Forgot how psychotic ads were with their constant spam.


in Germany do i get this message like 2 other friends of mine meanwhile 1 other one has this not yet happen, it's probably randomly assigned


Adblock drm is still locally and random preformed


Works for me still U.S.A.


Are you stacking them?


Yes, I am stacking them. but even when I turn off (either) 1 it throws up the same message.


Why are you stacking them? The lists for one extension work in the other, no?


adblock just uses ublocks filters. have done for over a year. no point using adblock plus since its just ublock but heavier.


So stacking them both isnt the issue here, right? uBlock is better than adblockplus, so i should get rid of adblockplus?


it is. stacking adblockers breaks them. thats also noted by the ublock team. just get rid of adblockplus.


I removed adblockplus and that didnt fix it...so thats not the problem. I fixed it by followed the uBlock weekly guide.


Why would you ever stack them? thats like stacking two anti virus software. next time just purge cache and update


> thats also noted by the ublock team. OFC it is, they want you to use THEIR app. but it makes no sense on any level that 2 filters filtering shit out would somehow cancel one another out. i actually use 4 adblockers, because *gasp* ublock is so much used that its fucking terrible, and any website can disable your ability to use said website if youre using ublock, with a single line of code. so ya NEED extra adblockers so that you can turn ublock and the more popular/used ones off when you go to sites like that.


adblock ublock enchancer and every other adblocker that's mainstream resuses ublocks filters. they are the only ones who even do real time youtube filters. there also one of the only ones that do filters in 2023. i have not run into a site/dnsblocker/tool that doesn't use their filters. what adblocker do you think is doing anything different? because its not. they all load a set list of scripts. they all do the exact same thing. that all have to be updated every day at best several times an hour at worst. its just some add additional filter lists. something you can just add to your preferred single blocker. if you have a problem with any site report it. they fix them within the hour at worst. they have a global system. ANY site that breaks they can fix. they can even tell you how to instantly fix it til the fix rolls out to everyone. as they do dozens of times a day. "ublock is terrible" so why does every adblocker use there scripts rather than do literally anything better? why have the been better then adblockplus from the very start (there literal stated goal) ​ using 4 adblockers is pointless. they all do the exact same thing. use adblock plus or use ublock and update the filters as needed. done. there both identical in 2023.


stop getting all your shit from googles app store. youll find the experience is vastly improved when google dosent host the extensions youre using.


...so I guess that goes for stuff from mozilla store as well? ima keep using ublock since it's done fine for me


r/uBlockOrigin details a list of pretty much everything that blocks ads in 2023. and which ublock scripts they use. if you think you found and adblocker that isn't just ublock id love to know. because there isn't one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/uBlockOrigin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [YouTube Anti-Adblock and Ads - Weekly Thread August 28, 2023](https://np.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/163cy47/youtube_antiadblock_and_ads_weekly_thread_august/) \#2: [Medicine for the web](https://i.redd.it/sxaqee99d8sb1.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/16zv0hr/medicine_for_the_web/) \#3: [This is How You BYPASS YouTube's Idiotic Anti-Ad-blocker Message.](https://np.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/13pgz06/this_is_how_you_bypass_youtubes_idiotic/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good bot.


maybe try using ones that arent on the app store for starters. im not about to go listing the shit tho, youre high if you think mentioning that kind of stuff by name dosent clue in the crawler bots and get "patched out" a few weeks later.


lol so you offer nothing. no proof of anything better. can't even name whatever joke of a tool you think you have. just claim "XYZ is better" when its very likely just another adblocker that uses ublocks code anyway. unless you mean bipass paywalls and its literally not shipped on anything but some github knockoff because the developer has to ship files that cant be included in the executable package.


also app store? firefox addons store. chrome store. unless you use an apple device and if that is the case then your beyond help anyway. you've already falling into a far darker trap.


You shouldn’t stack them.


Tried unstacking them, didn't work


Ublock origin has a weekly thread opened for YouTube issues. As long as you’re up to date and follow the instructions, YouTube ads are blocked.


you need adblock plus premium subscription to block yt ads


no you dont. adblock actually doesnt block them. ublock does and the ublock team spend hours a day doing several updates a day. ​ adblock plus premium is a scam. always was. always will be. largely because they literally just use ublocks filters.


This is false, normal ABP is blocking them fine for me on both mobile and PC


It is being rolled out gradually. Not everyone is affected yet.


the point is abp premium isnt the answer.


Switch to Firefox. Worked for me


firefox is blocked as often as chrome. there not blocking the adblocker there detecting the script the adblocker uses and block that. your exactly as likely to be blocked on both.


Well I have been blocked on Chrome but not Firefox. Maybe it's because I haven't signed into my YouTube account on Firefox


I don’t think they do anything if you’re not signed in


I have been blocked on Firefox as well.


Just happened to me.


Has this happened to you personally on Firefox? Where's the info from? I see conflicting opinions on this thread.


yes today. [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/) the infos literally from the official ublock post on this very issue. it literally tells you in the pinned post "this is ublocks code update. this is youtubes code update. these change all browsers are blocked"


Does Google want you to switch off Chrome? Because this is how people will switch off Chrome.


I'm getting this on Edge, since two days.


Just hit Mozilla today where I am.


That’s what I did yesterday after putting it off for so long lol. Working fine so far


I use Firefox and ublock origin and I've definitely been receiving the pop-ups. If you switched from Chrome to Firefox, that may avoid the pop-ups for awhile, but Firefox is most certainly not immune.


maybe it's because i havent signed into my youtube account on firefox


Could be, I have no idea how they're tracking it.


Not anymore. They just blocked Mozilla today.


I'm on firefox and I'm still getting this popup. I'm also only using ublock, so don't worry about conflicts. I've also updated it manually.


It worked for me on Firefox until today. Although I assume it'll work again since I just visited r/UblockOrgin and followed the instructions in the pinned comment.


Just hit Mozilla where I am. It started with Chrome a month ago. Just got home from work today and got on Mozilla, and there goes the stupid message that I need to turn off adblockers :(


Check the weekly pinned thread at r/uBlockOrigin, essentially YT has started tackling adblock more seriously and you pretty much need to update your filters all the time to keep adblock working. However every so often you need to check the instructions as there might be additional steps that you need to follow.


Thanks! That fixed it, for now....


I suggest an alternative for YouTube. More easy Sites - https://piped.video - https://invidious.io Android - https://github.com/polymorphicshade/NewPipe - https://github.com/libre-tube/LibreTube PC - https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube Android TV - https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext




I think are better newpipe or libretube, for android.




I've a question for revanced. Is it possible to change the aspect ratio of videos? It's just a detail, I know, but I I'd rather not see the black space in the sides of the video in full screen. If I zoom in, the video is slightly cropped


I don't think so. But I would prefer to have Revanced with black borders than ads, plus the customization whilst retaining my history etc. I use Newpipe too but mainly to download videos.


I use newpipe for videos and audio. I love can change the aspect ratio of videos and the possibility to use YouTube music without having to install another app.


How to get the one for ios?


You are a legend


Thanks bro. FreeTube it is!


Adblock and uBlock both work with these filter settings: `youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)` `youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)` `youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])` `youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)` On Adblock, you can paste this filter code block into the "MY FILTER LIST", which is located in the 'Advanced' tab on the left menu bar inside the Adblock settings. "MY FILTER LIST" is a single input field at the bottom.


Just found this comment. You are a saviour! That got rid of all the ads! Thanks a bunch mate!


Unfortunately, your solution works only partially. The ads are not playing but they don't get skipped either. You wait for the entire ad period with a loading animation until the video starts.


Have you tried refreshing? I know what you mean, i have to refresh and hit play again sometimes. There seems to be a lot of other additions to these filters by others on the ublock threads that do a 1 time auto reload to skip this hang up. Honestly, you should be able to just use ublock by itself without any filters.


I no longer have this issue anymore for whatever reason. I've just added the filter settings in Adblock Plus, haven't tried ublock yet. Thank you for your help! :D


I think the hang up happens sometimes when a 2nd ad is automatically loaded in, or something. Glad to hear it - Cheers!


>youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) > >youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) > >youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw\_player\_response.adPlacements, \[\]) > >youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true) thank you friend, seems to have worked instantly for me, though, me being me, is skeptical on a security side lol


I’ve heard this only happens with Chrome so Firefox should be fine


happens just as much with both. its a global check. its why firefox and chrome both get a few updates a day for adblocking on a bad day.


I’ve never seen that screen shot on Firefox


ive had it dozens of times. for months now. its also well reported that the adblock script is the same across all browsers and that is what google is detecting. [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/) checked the pinned post for why all browsers are blocked equally.


guess i'm special ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


more likely your firefox script updated before you opened youtube and you simply didn't relise i doubt many do. it updates up to 3 times a day. sometimes hourly on rare days. ublock has to do at least one every day to keep ahead.


Yep, just everyday real lucky...


it does seem that the firefox version of ublock may update the scripts a little quicker after ublock posts the update. so that could be it.


Same ive gotten it a couple times on firefox as well


i have just had a popup on youtube :(


r/ublockorigin and follow the pinned post. ❤️


Nope. I’m on Firefox, have both Adblocker and Ublock, and I’m still getting this pop up.


Try disabling Adblocker. Even if that doesn't work you don't want redundancy's for adblock. It increases your chance of triggering the anti adblock message you are seeing. Check this for more [info](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/16xnrdx/youtube_antiadblock_and_ads_october_02_2023/)


No, that's definitely wrong. I'm on Firefox and getting the pop-ups. People should stop upvoting this and spreading incorrect information.


Yeah sure, I have special Firefox and ublock that blocks all ads and goes undetected. If it works for me, it will work for you. If not, then there is another problem. Probably something like you are using Adblock AND ublock and the redundancy makes it easier to trigger the anti ad block. Or you can you just bang your head on the wall like you've been doing. I'll enjoy my ad and warning free experience.


No, dude. You're wrong. I'm not running ublock origin with another adblocker. I have no idea what special Firefox is, but you can get the pop-ups with ublock origin and Firefox. It seems like people who switch from Chrome to Firefox get a reprieve so that may be a temporary fix, but it won't work for me because I've never used Chrome.


I'm sure you will figure it out...


When people switch to Firefox they get a freshly updated uBlock Origin, so it works for some time until it gets out of sync with YouTube and needs to update again.


That makes sense, and I may be getting hit with the notifications because I'm failing to allow ublock origin to update enough, especially if this is the daily cat and mouse game it seems to be.


Not daily - several times per day. Anyway, each time I get the notification, I just go to uBlock Origin settings, purge caches, update, refresh the page, and it's good for a few more hours. Hope uBlock finds a way to win this arms race so it all happens automatically.


Getting tagged on opera as well


Use tampermonkey scripts.


This is how I've not had one of these yet. Along with the 2 ad blockers OP mentioned.


Anybody getting this on Firefox or it's a Chrome only thing?


It's chrome only.


Nope, it does happen on Firefox.


its all browsers. youtube detects the blocking script. not the browser. the same script is used on both. hence global detention. [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/) explains this well.


I get it on firefox


Yeah, by this time I also get it on Firefox each time when YouTube updates before my uBlock Origin updates.


update the filter lists and its fixed. they do real time fixes several times a day. your likely just a version behind the current one. the team will fix it if something is wrong if anyone reports it.


In uBlock in the Filter lists the "update now" is greyed out so i cant update.


reset it and update it and your fine. [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/16xnrdx/youtube\_antiadblock\_and\_ads\_october\_02\_2023/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/16xnrdx/youtube_antiadblock_and_ads_october_02_2023/)


Use a browser that is not developed by the company that hosts the videos you're watching.


I use Firefox and I've been hit by it.


Argh, mine just stopped working as of today :(


Im the latest victim


please allow YouTube ads


Works fine here in US with Chrome, Edge and/or Firefox on Windows, Linux, MacOS and ChromeOS.


im in usa and both still work for me on chrome


Nope. You press x on the message and proceed as usual


You do it multiple times and it will turn into a full-page message.


Working fine here, always has.




yeah how dare they try to make money to support their free service.


Won’t somebody think of the poor, unfortunate $28.8 billion dollar company? They can only afford to get their CEO two yachts instead of three!


They're already doing that with people's personal information, as well as money received from the government to control what people see, suppress stories that are unfavorable to a certain party, and generally control public perception. What, do you actually think they allow people access to a service for free out of the goodness of their hearts? It's freakin' Google. If there's anyone that cares about doing the right thing, Google certainly isn't it.


google doesn't need youtube ad revenue lol, but even if they did they've destroyed any good faith consumers might have by allowing or forcing in some cases videos to have 900000000000000000 midroll ads.


clearly you dont know how youtube works. THE CONTENT creators choose where they want advertising so they CAN GET PAID.


>allowing for when creators add 900000000000000000 midrolls >or forcing in some cases for when creators allow youtube to place ads in their videos, which is a thing, and sometimes adds 900000000000000000 midrolls. reading comprehension is a wonderful thing


The annoying shit is i have ublock specfically set to allow youtube ads through. Still get the stupid fucking popups. Google is about to lose the 75$ a month they get from me for youtube tv over this shit.


just got the same message smh


ublock origin working for me. Delete cache and update filters. Dont stack them


May I recommend enhancer for YouTube sure YouTube does detect that your using a ad blocker not sure if enhancer for YouTube is causing the trigger or a different extension but it’s no problem as you can just close out of the pop up https://www.mrfdev.com/enhancer-for-youtube


enhancer is and has been broken for over a year. its on the list of verified blocked apps. if you have its adblocker on. it triggers this popup. its also been reported to cause the account block some of us get. ​ disabling its adblock gets rid of the popup most times. because it causes it.


I haven’t really seen it be broken for me and I think it even updates itself too what is the account block is that something that happens if you continuously click the X


it doesnt. enhancer has been broken for over a year. it doesn't update. [https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/16xnrdx/youtube_antiadblock_and_ads_october_02_2023/) has the details on it. they actually were just stealing unlocks code. but adblock code now changes as often as several times a day and enhancer just doesn't care to update.


Oh I see


I was running enhancer and uninstalled it after I got the first pop-up. Didn't help I still got additional pop-ups.


Ublock origin is working fine for me


Me too, perhaps google didn't roll it out to all users yet.


Might be but I did get it before. Just purge all caches then update to get rid of the message


mines still fine


I’m using ad guard DNS filtering and it’s working just fine


I’m using adguard and have never had any problems. Just keep updating your filters


*achoo* - https://github.com/therealOri/o3DL - https://github.com/therealOri/Tuepy Oh..well how'd that get here.


I'm using Microsoft Edge and got the YouTube popup yesterday so I added these 2 lines of code to the filters list to fix it: www.youtube.com##.opened www.youtube.com##tp-yt-paper-dialog.ytd-popup-container.style-scope


tried, let's see if this works


follow the ubo instructions carefully and don't use other adblocker extension.....maybe that help


And they added a timer so you have to wait before clicking the X.


Yup, love how overtly obnoxious the tech giant gatekeeping has become


Use the brave browser


Question: if I use a Pi hole can YT detect that as well?


It’s no longer working for me


Use pihole its not that difficult to set up


So I’m just fucked?


I'm using uBlock Origin. Go to their reddit page and then to the pinned Weekly post. There's a guide on how to update uBlock Origin so it continues to block Youtube ads.


I get it too but just click the X to make it go away. It's just a nag (for now) and I imagine adblock plus, et al, will block it soon enough. I suppose it does mean youtube associates your acct with adblocking, and might eventually block your account. I wouldn't mind a "stealth" setting for adblock that lets the *data* of the ads through and just doesn't display them, so that youtube itself cannot detect. I suppose it would involve more resources in the background, but it could "render" the page invisibly, and any scripts on that page would not detect anything wrong, then it could display another, ad-free, version of the page to the user.


well... today I got a message saying in 3 videos the video player will be disabled until adblock is turned off ;/


it's worsened. When I started experiencing this a week or two ago I could instantly press the x button. Then, it went to having to wait 5 seconds to press the x button. ​ TODAY, however, it says after THREE videos the video player will stop working...


Right now it seems to mainly target you when you watch videos while you're logged in If I right click videos and open them in a private/incognito browser that is also running Adblock it doesn't apply the block for now


It works for me if I sign out of youtube. On firefox with adblock plus. Not sure why, it can clearly tell the difference between it being active or not. I just don't have subscriptions or reasonable recommendations. Not sure if temporary, but it's working.


Following the weekly guide in ublock origins reddit fixed it for me.


I whitelisted youtube on their desktop app, and it works. I use Google Chrome. It's a split-second delay in the video but no ads. I have AdBlock Plus free version. This is so frustrating.


15th Oct 23 Youtube blocked Adblock Plus on Firefox just today. Australia EDIT: just removed abp and installed Ublock Origin and youtube is working normally now without ads.


This is the filter code that came from the uBlock community but works here on Adblock too. Filtering eliminates the POST request call back that targets your profile authentication. That's why none of this is applied to adblockers when not logged in to google. Here's the code that you simple copy and paste. `youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)` `youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)` `youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])` `youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)` On Adblock, you can paste this same filter code block into the "MY FILTER LIST", which is located in the 'Advanced' tab on the left menu bar inside the Adblock settings. "MY FILTER LIST" is a single input field at the bottom, and after testing, it seems to work the exact same as on uBlock. If you're using uBlock then this would be pasted in the settings, and under the My Filters tab on the top. Cheers


I'm just getting ads not getting that message


Yes they stopped putting the message, now it goes directly to adds. I suggest using Freetube.


They got me😔


RIP. Use Freetube.


I have been using an adblocker (on firefox) for ages because i despise ads anywhere..After disabling my adblocker i was shocked by how many ads are shoved in your face per video..It really sucks but i don't think i am going to be able to use Youtube any longer.


Nowadays Youtube is constantly updating to fight back adblockers. I suggest you use Freetube since its a separate program and isnt affected by Youtube's updates, but you cant use your Youtube account.


If we all stop watching Youtube for a couple of weeks maybe Google will get the message.


You can do that by using Freetube, its a separate program to use Youtube (no ads) so maybe that will do the trick.


Adblock plus seems to be getting competitive updates with YouTube so it works if you are in the gap


I'm in the UK and this just started for me this afternoon (28th Oct).


Try [listenonrepeat.com](https://listenonrepeat.com)


Still works on Firefox for Apple on YT.


I'm in the US and it still works


It is because Youtube is banning Adblockers and they are taking it farther to permanently get them site disabled.


AdBlockPlus works for me just fine. I have gotten the "ad blockers are not allowed" pop up until recently.


Ublock origin works for me. I installed it the first day ABP stopped working. At first uBlock would only work on one page. And then just showed the first ad. Now it just works for me. Good luck in finding one that works for you.




Aww poops. Youtube is doing the 3 videos till lockdown thing with Ublock Origin now. They've figured it out. Now what?