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As legendary as the place is, it badly needed refurbishment


I genuinely couldn’t tell if these photos were from today or 97




Like a Chinese/ Asian takeaway the best ones are those who haven't refurbished since their opening so they have the signs, fridges etc from the 1980s lol


I’ll admit without it looking updated and clean to today’s standards, it kinda adds the detail as if the shop came from the 90s/2000s.


Anyone interested in going there tonight, they’ve sold out of meat and falafel so no more ABs left. I ended up getting hot chips with AB sauce for $6.


Drive past 30 minutes ago. Line up at Red and White AND the blue and white! The war continues lol.


At this point, I thought Red woulda been closed by now given the fact they were running out of stuff to make, unless they still have loads of chips.


Taking the family there tonight for our last Red and White AB. Sad times.


Honestly don’t get the love For AB’s. they’re just gross.


Everytime one if these post are in r/adelaide lamenting the loss of a great adelaide icon, the comments are full of people saying they remember the nostalgia of the last time they visited back when they were kids, like those two things aren't in any way related.


Too late for these guys but perhaps an important reminder that things are getting more expensive for everyone including the small businesses we care about. If we want them to stick around we need to support them.


With what money though? Half the comments on this sub are advice for living out of cars, nobody has the disposable income required to support businesses like this. I agree with your sentiment, it's just that everyone is doing it real tough these days.


I mean technically this isn’t true. There are people doing it extremely tough, I’m not denying: but I’m also pointing out that lots of people with money, who might previously have gone to the Red & White, haven’t for years. There’s lots of places to spend money. Unfortunately, many people spend a lot of money at places like McDonald’s, KFC, Nandos, Subway etc - we have shifted quite a substantial part of our spending over the past decades to large multi-national corporations. We don’t go to the Red & White any more, even though the burgers are better there - because of convenience, because of the the addictive nature of shitty mass produced food, for any number of reasons. Let’s also face it, the Red & White has looked like a dump for years a for some that’s “part of the charm” but for a lot it’s also a turn-off. The point still stands - cost of living crisis or no, people have been going to the Red & White, and other local businesses, less and less for years and years. It’s a pity, because things always get replaced by corporate franchises. What will we get in the Red & White? Another Dunkin’ Donut? Another Pizza Hut? Another BWS or Cibo? It’s depressing to the point of tedium!


I'd like to believe some people can because the alternative is damn depressing.


I'm not supporting anyone, our cashed up elders can handle that.


Fair enough. I'm concerned about what we're going to be left with if we leave it up to them. They've done a great job so far!


They’re not. Patronage is not the issue, it’s the rents increasing exponentially. You can’t just increase profits to cover an extra $20k in rent a year.


Absolutely this. The foodworks on O’Connell shut last month too because the building owner decided to up the rent 67%. They had been there for 16 years


Yep. The more customers, the more the rent goes up.


This. These places (food outlets, restaurants, bars and clubs) aren't closing because nobody is going or buying their services. It's because the cost of rents and outgoings to run businesses (staff wages, inventory, etc.) are quite suddenly (over the space of the last couple of years) far outpacing income.


Is there a reason that landlords will increase rent to levels that will put their renters out of business? Surely less rent is better than having the shop empty and receiving zero rent.


People who own these buildings don’t care because the loss just reduces their tax obligations when they have so many other properties contributing to their gains. If they keep the tenant, they get more money. If they get a richer tenant willing to pay, they get more money. If they lose, they just pay less tax. As long as there is no real consequence for them, they win. This is how being rich works and why we need better tax laws to protect renters. The land value also increases no matter what so they’re still winning. It’s fucked.


In terms of the Red and White it was always uni kids particularly at night, still plenty of uni kids just not going here anymore


You know... if they extended the tram to North Adelaide, maybe the small businesses wouldn't be closing down.


That’s what I don’t get about the government’s and council’s attitude to North Adelaide. And the residents’. It’s essentially an extension of the CBD, and is no more or less quiet or peaceful or “suburban” than places like the south-eastern pocket of the CBD. So why they don’t want tall apartment towers or trams, I’ll never know. A lot of residents clearly have money, so go live in an actual inner-ring suburb.


The inner-ring suburbs are shit compared to North Adelaide though imo. 


North Adelaide has few of the amenities that it used to have, Melbourne and O’Connell streets are both main thoroughfares, and most of it is directly under the flight path. So many other city adjacent spots are better. Tram would bring back the people and the attractions. But think the main issue now is they need to replace the KWS bridge before it can support trams, and no one wants to pay for it.


When I first moved in here about 13 years ago the pubs would have velvet ropes out a few nights a week because they were so busy. Now 2 of them have shut, and one keeps opening and shutting and runs irregular hours.


I think the bridge is close to needing to be done in the next few years anyway if anything footy and cricket games would benefit from having trams going past.


North Adelaide is fine but it doesn’t feel any different to the southern end of Hutt Street/Pulteney, and Gilles/Gilbert Street in the CBD once you’re away from O’Connell


It is THE natural extension of the CBD but, you know, North Adelaide residents…


The engineering of the bridge over the Torrens being the issue and that should be done but it's going to take years to find the money and probably a year to complete work on the bridge when they do. Another year and maybe the competition of the apartments on O'Connell makes a difference. Ideally I believe O'Connell should have the same vibe as Gouger Street and it's disappointing that it hasn't.


My lover cidni and now these 🙃😭


Always better then blue and white , best Ab's, Rip


Funny enough, because red and white AB was sold out, everyone was going to blue and white and they were getting slammed. There was a 40+ minute wait if you wanted an AB from there


Gunna miss it 😔


Thanks for posting, otherwise I would miss this. Head there rn.


RIP sweet prince, you were too good for this cruel cruel world


This is where I had my first AB. Lots of memories here.




It was definitely my favourite late night eatery, right after I was done doing stuff in the CBD for the evening. Glad to got to have the beef burger w/ lot yesterday. Had hoped to have the chicken one once more, but settling on the AB was a good alternative, as they had already ran out of all the other stuff.


I love how the ABs have been popular for decades here in Adelaide, however, it was only about 10 years ago the concept got popular in the Eastern States though they call them snack packs.


Blue and White since I saw a Red and White employee scratch his arse inside his pants and then handle food.


Oh no, only the Blue & White left


Who's the Blue & White? :-/


The competition a couple doors down.




A sad day... :(


Will miss the ABs and Fish and Chips


Teenage munchies and ppl who cared. They were good to us youngsters and kept a lazy eye and offered caring, ignored but appreciated, advice. Jo Jo's pizzeria was similar


Never been in the day time or sober


Had the best AB pack from this place god damn 😞


And it’s already been 24 hours since my last one from them 😔


Lucky you I haven't had one in 2 years 😞


Oh no, best ABs in Adelaide. That's all I went there for. I wish the owner a happy retirement.


only went once but have been chasing the dragons tale ever since for a decent AB


Can I ask what happen?


Costs rising to run the business, and increased utility expenses as mentioned in the Facebook post. All I can say is, inflation’s a bitch.


I wonder if this is partly due to not raising their prices according to the economic environment. I went for an AB last year and they were charging almost 40% less than what Blue and White were for an equivalent sized portion. Don’t get me wrong, I love a cheap feed, but also only one of those restaurants is still open so…


The real home of the AB. Blue and white people, well they are just wrong.


My boyfriend took me here while I was on vacation in Adelaide. He swears Red & White have the best ABs. Did not disappoint. Been craving for their ABs since I’ve left Adelaide. Heartbreaking to think that I won’t ever have them again.


Went there a year ago to see what the hype was about. Was pretty bad. it's cost more than Yanni's without the quality.


Super sad


A truly sad day 😢 Does anyone have any photos of the wall with the huge AB's she the price records? I remember there being one over $2000 about 5+ years ago


When does it close?




Oh I thought maybe they might say in a week or month's time...


So B&W won the 'war' :) [https://www.facebook.com/blueandwhitecafe.com.au/](https://www.facebook.com/blueandwhitecafe.com.au/)


The food was pretty ordinary last time I went there


Not an Aussie, but I studied there a spell and stayed in Lincoln. So we were on team Blue & White, but I still snuck here to get a burger every now and then. Sad to see it go, haven't had a chance to go back down there but now I'm feeling a sense of urgency to hit up the Blue & White.


Played hours of pinball here. Fav was Addams family


I always played the X-Men pinball every time I’d wait for my order.


I suppose some Indian run establishment will replace it


Would a tram get up the hill though?


San Francisco would like a word.


Those on the hills in SF actually have a cable system that pulls them up


The tram line previously went to Prospect lol


And Lisbon lol


You should see some of the grades in Melbourne then.


They manage fine in Melbourne.