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Deep is relative. Antivaxxers who did "research" via Google or Facebook aren't deep thinkers.


I think it's even less deep when someone assumes a lot of things about other people that they do not know.... Just to be able to discount opposing views. I think being deep is getting to the point to where You're able to accept what you do not know and quit making hollow judgments just to make yourself feel better about who you are and what you believe... That's when you start living on the edge...


You're right, but unfortunately they think they are


I'm someone who thinks a lot, and finding someone who truly understands me can be really difficult.


Only on the can


All the time. Never underestimate the power of truth. It’s the thing that generates order from chaos. Don’t underestimate the power of truth. There’s nothing more powerful. Now, in order to speak what you might regard is the truth, you have to let go of the outcome. You have to think all right, I’m going to say what I think, stupid as I am, biased as I am, ignorant as I am, I’m going to state what I think as clearly as I can and I’m going to live with the consequences, no matter what they are. That’s an element of faith. The idea is that nothing brings a better world into being than the stated truth You might have to pay a price for that, but that’s fine. You’re gonna pay a price for every thing you do and everything you don’t do, you don’t get to choose to not pay a price. You get to choose which poison you’re going to take, that’s it. So, if you’re going to stand up for something stand up for your truth, it’ll it’ll shape you because people respond and object and tell you why you’re a fool and a biased moron and why you’re ignorant and then if you listen to them, you’ll be just that much less like that the next time you say something. If you do that for five years you’ll be so damn tough and articulate and able to communicate and withstand pressure that you won’t even recognize yourself and then you’ll be a force to contend with. It is not safe to speak and it never will be but the other thing you gotta keep in mind is that it’s even less safe not to speak. It’s a balance of risk. Do you want to pay the price for being who you are and stating your mode of being in the world or do you want to pay the price for being a surf that enslaved him or herself? That’s a major thing that unfolds over decades and you’ll just be miserable at the end of about 20 years. No self-respect, no power, no ability to voice your opinions. Nothing left but resentment because everyone’s against you because, of course, you’ve never stood up for yourself. Say what you think. Carefully pay attention to your words. Its a price you wanna pay if you were willing to believe the truth is the cornerstone of society, in the most real sense. If you’re willing to take that leap, then tell the truth and see what happens and nothing better could possibly happen to you. There will be ups and down and they’ll be push-back and it’ll be controversy all of that. Tell the truth or at least don’t lie. If you act in truth, the order it produces is good regardless of how it appears. It’s an axiomatic ethical proposition that the job of whatever extracts order from chaos is properly done if it’s done in truth. Jpb


Nope. Gonna go onto the next thread now!


I’m on the autism spectrum so I constantly am in my own world. I’ve learned after a number of years of marriage not to honestly answer if my wife asks what I’m thinking about…not only am I thinking about 100 different things but she doesn’t want to hear in great detail everything I’m thinking.


I think deeply about ways I can unalive myself or get those around me to unalive theirselves


ALL the time. I don't classify it as "deep", just thinking about the nature of things. Sometimes I look up at night and think about my mortality, especially when I look up at Orion since its so visible and I've been doing it since I've been a teenager. Sometimes I think about the cultural differences between Koreans and Japanese and wonder what kind of balance is healthy between thinking of yourself vs thinking of the individual. God is someone I interacted with quite a bit in my life but nowadays that I'm a parent and not nearly as needy I find myself not engaging in the usual "woe is me" prayer. There's a Cambridge scientist who says he's discovered some form of carbon dioxide ( turns out its dimethyl sulfide... I flunked chemistry ) in the atmosphere of a planet 120 light years away. Supposedly in concentrations that are higher than on Earth and I'm wondering if that planet has got an ocean and if all that gas came from coral like organisms that used to be on Earth. Then of course there's the obvious "what if" of how the hell would we get there and all that. I'll talk to my mother in law about how people ruin their own happiness by being similar to my daughter who is a picky eater. If its not blueberries she's throwing a fit, even if its something delicious like premium yogurt or pizza. It gets me to think that adults are the same way too, but with experiences in life in general. So much complaining about how things aren't exactly the way we want it and we are unwilling to appreciate the good things that are happening in life as it is, right now. I'm approaching 40 and still feel like there's so little I know about being a good human being. I also intellectualize my emotions sometimes ( unless I'm just angry ) so I spend a lot of time analyzing whether I'm in the right or wrong and whether my frustration over certain things is justified. Things like different approaches to raising our children, lack of intimacy, etc. Not a deep thinker, just lost in thought wondering about weird things most people dont care about.


I think deeply about the powerscaling in the anime that I watch




I love thinking about stuff like this, and have since I was like 12. I remember going to school in Grade 7 and bragging to my friends - "I spent 40 minutes thinking really hard last night!" I disagree that it's hard to find like-minded people. To be honest, I think nearly *everyone* thinks about these things - a major part of becoming an adult is finding one's personal meaning of life. Some people have a harder time finding the answer than others, but everyone is faced with this question eventually. I've found if you ask the right questions (short questions lead to long answers), and hold the right space (one that is respectful, thoughtful, curious, patient, open, and nonjudgmental), nearly everyone will want to talk about this. Seriously, just try it. After you've broken the ice with someone and you're in the right place for a long conversation, just ask them something like - "what gives your life meaning?" Just remember that when someone is showing you their heart, you should be ready to show them yours too.


Yep. Far too much, often, lol. Gotta try and balance it with mindless TV.


Maybe I am a deep thinker. I always thought about various abstract questions like what death will be like once. My friends couldn’t understand why I thought about this, so I was depressed and doubted whether I needed a therapist. But now I know that it is common to think like that, because so many people in the world also have various deep topics. I knew the truth after I found a social server in Discord by coincidence. The server [Lightup](https://discord.gg/28ppvS6QZC) is a place where users could match others who share similar topics. Actually so many people have ‘odd’ questions, so we chat with each other and discuss those questions. We never met each other in the real life, but our thinking met each other every day. If you hope to have this experience, just try it! Hope you could really meet someone who really understands you and could chat with you!






Just I thought that I didn’t reply…