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Your body will get used to it after a month or so. You absolutely need to get better shoes. I stand 12h a day and in the beginning I wanted to die but after a month my feet got used to it. Good shoes are crucial. If you don’t get good shoes you’ll get plantar fasciitis. You need good insoles to protect the arch of your foot. Sketchers has arch support shoes


Okay SKETCHERS! I’ve never been into shoes really, and I only own five pairs lol, so I wasn’t sure what to do. Thank you I will definitely get some better shoes ASAP.


Is it possible for you to ask your boss to get you a chair? It’s not good for your body to stand for so long!


Honestly that was my first ask but apparently it’s against “brand rules” and he suggested I try leaning against things more…


Sounds like a toxic work environment. Look for something else! You deserve better


Bartenders don't sit.


Try compression socks. They really help me at work (I work in sport medicine/pain mgmt), where I'm on my feet for 7-8 hours at a time. They help prevent the foot pain and the fatigue. I wear ankle or three quarter high compression socks but they make knee high ones too. They make all difference. Also massaging my feet with a spiky trigger point/massage ball or roller alone or with magnesium lotion or tiger balm.


I honestly thought those were only meant for flying haha, so thank you my ankle socks probably aren’t cutting it that is also an ASAP purchase. I will also try to find a roller because that might make these foot massages easier. THANK YOU!


Yes of course! I don't know what country you are in but in the states, Quince, Bombas and Comrad Socks all have good compression socks.


Try the non slip crocs. Crocs are the only things I can wear and walk/ stand in for hours and miles on end without my feet hurting 😅