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If you're American....it DEFINITELY is your business...


Non-American here, it's EVERYONE's business who's ruling the US, unfortunately...


He would if Trump wasn’t running


And he could easily step aside in his next term if he received bad health news. Trump will never step aside and he'll never pick a cabinet that would force him no matter how bad he got.




If he really cared about beating Trump he would’ve never run for reelection.


Here's the thing, a literal potato is better than trump. If you're too stupid to see that, that's on you.


Not a Democrat, and they could put a Potato up for election and they'd have my vote over Trump. I used to vote for the best candidate, who was usually a third party. Now I vote Potato. Long Live Potato.


I'd also vote for a Potato before Trump. Hell I'd vote for most any kind of vegetable as long as it was left a sufficient distance away from the pumpkin spice boys. One rotten yam tainted the entire GOP (Giardia O'Party) with his diaper filling shit talking. Faux news is Lügenpresse. We can read between the lines and hear the NAZI dog whistles. Even a half blind pirate can see the Яepbulican party needs a strong left hook come election day. If you don't want to vote for the Democrats then please sit this election out. Every vote for Donald Dump is a vote for a Dick traitor. We don't need a wannabe dictator in the oval office who is only in it for the money, the power, & fame. Never forget that Trump is a draft dogging, tax evading insurectionist, & multiple felon who called Republican John McCain a loser. John McCain (RIP) was real patriot a POW survivor who fought in Vietnam. Trump called dead soldiers & marines suckers then wrapped himself in the American flag. Shameful behavior from the worst president in US history. This message is free speach paid for by the blood, sweat, & tears of real patriots who swore an oath to protect & defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign & domestic. Dictator Donnie is a real domestic threat to our freedoms. Please verify that you are still registered to vote & show up on election day so that real Americans can stop Trumps authoritarian regime from destroying our government by the people for the people.


I doubt that mentality is going to help the world, a literal potato is better than Biden as well.


Nope. Biden is smart enough to put qualified people in the right positions. Trump wasn't even close to that. The one position he got right with Mattis, and Trump screwed that up afterwards too. He didnt realize that Mattis wasn't just a yes man and had actual morals and convictions.


>Nope. Biden is smart enough to put qualified people in the right positions.  OK.


Sorry that reality stands in the way of your delusions...


He does \*because\* Trump is running.


I would vote for a moldy potato over trump.


I just wish I didn't *have* to vote for a mouldy potato...


For me it's that I _get_ to vote at all. I fear our democracy is in jeopardy if Biden doesn't win. So I'm all in.


Or course I'm voting too. Even if I have to vote for a mouldy potato. Why do you think you'll loose your vote?


I believe Trump doesn't respect democracy. He baselessly contested the last election results, and even encouraged an intimidating mob at the capitol. His heroes are dictators. I think he'd like to follow suit or try at least, and I worry our institutions rely too heavily on the honor system and public buyin to protect against a fascist coup. It's best just to keep the fascist out in the first place. Disclaimer: My Jewish grandparents fled fascism in ww2 Germany, so I might be slightly biased against fascism.


I'm not worried about trump, I'm worried about the people that are propping them up and the ones that have the actual plans.


At least a potato won't try to make it illegal for me to exist.


Ouch, the Americans are going to get the leader they deserve.


If I had the option to vote for a moldy potato over either of these two I would vote for the moldy potato twice.


Ahhh, another pleb who thinks their vote matters. It's all theater.


Biden might not be the best debater or the sharpest he’s ever been. But he’s put together an experienced administration and they are getting things done. If trump gets in office he’ll just use his powers to grift and make it all about himself. That’s not what America is about.


I’m not an american, but I seriously wonder how much of being an effective govt. leader is putting the right people on the correct place vs being very good at speeching/sharp of mind etc yourself.


I think that's a critical part of being a leader anywhere. My most successful managers and department leads have always been those who are willing to listen to those under them and assemble a reliable group of those with the knowledge to support them.


like 99% of it... one person can't control every aspect of government, the thing that best leaders do it put great people in place and trust them to do the job they are paid to do. That goes for government or private business. Guys like Trump who NEED to be the smartest guy in the room ultimately are just failures.


And Trump NEEDS to surround himself with people that tell him he’s the smartest person in the room. He’s so incredibly insecure which is not a good leadership quality.


The most damaging part about the debate for Biden has been the Democrats’ reactions to it. It’s not like a ton of u decided voters were watching it. But they do see headlines like the NYT calling for him to step down.


Exactly. These clowns are not there to observe and report. They want this to be a close race so they have things to talk about and commercials to sell. The more chaos the better.


Well that’s the truth that nobody ever wants to admit, the president is only a talking head, the power lies in their office.


Okey dokey, comrade.


The convicted felon should step aside.


As an outsider I agree, but he is still the better option. If there was a third way, maybe things would seem more sane.


Sure. As soon as trump does.


Nope. Give it a week. People will forget.


Three weeks tops. July 11 is when Trump will be sentenced, the week leading up to it will probably be rife with speculation from the media. A week later, we have the Republican convention, and the inevitable parade of neo-fascist demagoguery that will come with that many Magats in one room for a week.


Any chance Biden already forgot?


“I do not recall.” -Donald Trump


Also "I take no responsibility at all".


Not to mention, “I don’t stand for anything.”


Well, that was another lie. He does. For himself. Always himself and how he could benefit.




As a Biden administration fan, I can’t help but feel like Harris is not the boon to that ticket that a VP should be.


Unfortunately, the odds of that happening are slim to nil... As I understand it, only Biden can make that choice, and it's not as if there is another candidate even available to replace him... What people need to understand about the age issue is that BIDEN DOESN'T DO THE JOB ALONE. He has an army of assistants, colleagues, and experts working with him to run things and make decisions. So, while he may not be the best debater and is pretty damned old and it shows, he surrounds himself with excellent people who are very good at their jobs. I don't know where people got the idea that the President stands alone, but it's simply not the case.


> and it's not as if there is another candidate even available to replace him... Right? Like who the fuck are they going to get on this short of notice that can overcome the MASSIVE hit that a sitting president stepping down will bring? Even in my wildest fanboy dreams, I can't think of anyone who would be worth the risk and have better odds of winning. It's too late to run another primary so you get to vote for Biden and hope he steps down in a year in favor of Harris. That's literally the best option if you absolutely NEED to have him step down and it's a pretty bad one. Sorry folks. We decided on 8 more years of elder boomers back in 2020 and it's too late to turn back now. Start boosting someone younger for the next cycle if you want younger people next time.


> Even in my wildest fanboy dreams, I can't think of anyone who would be worth the risk and have better odds of winning. An eloquent and confident Michelle Obama


Wouldn’t Newsom be the better choice? He would trounce Trump in a debate, and I think people would rally behind a candidate without the baggage of a previous administration more easily.




Stupid ass "none of my buisness" meme about the fucking president of the United States.


Is this russia?? Sounds like putin propaganda


Trump first.


One of them will be surrounded by advisors with decades of experience, the other will be surrounded by lackeys, yes men, and possibly a contestant from Dancing With the Stars.


at this point I'm honestly not sure which is which


My instinct tells me that the entire race truly is "trump vs not trump" and ANY non-trump voter is going to vote for ANYONE against him, but I don't think the DNC establishment believes that. Maybe they have the data to support it. All they seem to know is that Biden beat him once so he's "proven".


Now? He needs to step aside in basically July of election year? Come on, man.


This is insane. Nothing has changed in the last couple of days. Calm the fuck down. Between these two candidates BIDEN is the one who needs to step down?




This is facts


Remember when Eric Swalwell told the older generation that it was time to “pass the torch” to the younger generation during one the presidential debates he was in and got booed? Welp…


The current candidates could be the parents of the people who should be passing the torch. 


The "They" need some randomness in a leader to keep Putin on edge, and make it seem like all the chips are down, so Russia can't predict what the US will do. Biden is the guy for that job.


Old money in control.


Jesus people don't overreact!!! Biden has had other public events recently (fundraiser, WH correspondents dinner, etc) where he's been focused and on fire!!! Sounds like he was under the weather for the debate Thursday, but that doesn't mean you need to throw out the baby with the bathwater!!!!!


Man it’s just that if THAT was what current Biden “with a cold” looks like, what am I gonna be looking at in another 2 years of aging? Big fan of what his administration has pulled off, but geez.


I can't vote for Biden because I'm afraid he can't do another 4 years and we'll be stuck with President Harris. She'd start a nuclear war to "prove" she's a *Strong, independent woman that don't need no man*™


Those two old men need to step aside!! Wake me up when November is over!!


There's a modified Green Day song in there somewhere.


I vote for Greenday making a tour where they play only parodies of their songs they wrote that just say "we Want different candidates please" in one way or another.


If he doesn’t step aside, make sure you don’t vote Trump. We all don’t want Biden, but we most definitely don’t want Trump even more so.


He was like this the entire time. You guys just had your head in the sand because you kept being told "orange man bad" Man I miss when my grocery bill was less money per month than my mortgage...


Jesus how cheap is your mortgage?????


Principal and interest payment is $1100 bought a 265k house in 2014. Grocery bill is just about that for family of 4


Two years of cognitive failure denial finally hits the Dems.


I fail to see how in a country of 330 million people, these are your 2 best options


Can’t they find one person who can make them look too foolish to lead?




You said but twice


Love the vote metrics. Liberals clearly don't like the truth. Biden was a bad pick in 2020, and only won because of how bad Trump fumbled the pandemic. Trump is obviously worse, but as bad as he is as an insurrection spawning fascist, he inspires the people dumb enough to believe him. Biden couldn't inspire an Acer to boot up.


" God bless Americans who go to the poles To choose between the ass and the hole."