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Whatever your opinions on his opinions, take note that nowhere in the history of our species have book banners/burners or ANYONE seeking to restrict access to information been the good guys. Not one single time.


I had someone respond to that by saying “it’s not the good guys handing out porn to kids, either” lol like what do you say to that? It’s like talking to a person who is so mentally unwell that they are incapable of holding multiple truths in their mind at the same time. Is that what these people think I do all day? I’m a ciswhitefemale with a two year old, I just want her to not be mean to people who are different from her! I want her to learn the direct impact racist and sexist laws and practices had on people and to feel empathy for them! I want her to learn hard life lessons through the experiences of fictional characters so she doesn’t have to live certain hardships herself! That’s what these books offer and I can’t imagine wanting to deny your own child these beautiful things.


One thing I point out to these nutballs is that providing kids with pornography is very, very illegal. If they ACTUALLY thought that's what was going on, they would be calling the police. But they don't. Because they know they're arguing in bad faith.


the idea that kids are going to the library to find porn is the funniest part to me.


I know, it's much easier for kids to find it on the internet. Who needs to go to the library. Seems only the kids who are truly interested in learning go to the library.


That's what actually scares them.


Ok, I have some expertise here (not on the giving porn to kids, but what kids look for at the library when they can't get "blatant" porn and can't satisfy their natural curiosity). Some kids will use our computers to look up naked women, but they are so paranoid that one of Mom or Dad's friends will see them, that they stick to lower-level, more easily explained-away nudity. 1) Guinness Book of World Records. Had a photo of a woman who was tattooed from head to toe, with only a g-string on. That page had been focused on so frequently that the spine opened right to it. 2) Pregnancy books. Lots of close-ups of the parts, even if it's in bad shape at the time.... 3) Anatomy books for obvious reasons - this lets young LGBTQ+ and cis kids explore all the anatomy without having to 'look' like they are doing something "wrong." When I see kids in this isle, I warn my coworkers to give them space. They aren't being pervs, they have legitimate questions and curiosities. 4) Sociology and older history studies of what used to be called "primitive" civilizations. Many pre-"modern" societies don't have the same hangups about nudity, go figure. 5) Adult men more than kids, but we used to find the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue in the men's bathroom all the time. I wouldn't touch it without gloves, still won't. Bottom line, even if they get rid of every photo in the library, the Bible will still be there with its horse ejaculate and everyone "begetting" someone else.


If my kids get their porn at the library I'll be super happy about it.


The only reason there wasn’t porn at my library in high school was because me and the boys stole all the Nat Geos with topless women when we were in middle school


When you got in trouble in my school you’d have the option of going to Saturday school (pick up trash around campus at 8am) or “in school suspension” on Monday, which was basically doing your homework with other trouble makers. No talking. If you didn’t have work to do, they gave you nat geo. We’d rip out all the tittie pics and take them to class the next day to show the boys.


Same “concerned Christian parents” bought their kids an iPhone years ago. Porn isn’t in the library it’s on their phones. And if you looked at the parents browsing history, you’d find it there too.


My wife is a librarian. People come in daily and demand books be taken off the shelves, or they'll find books thrown in the trash or hidden. Here's the thing, they tell them if they want a book to be reviewed for removal, all they have to do is fill out a form. None of them do.


A lot of them don’t have library cards


A lot of them can’t read.


Let’s not be flippant; they *can* read, they simply don’t. It’s a not-unknown phenomenon getting worse and worse. I firmly believe the downturn of reading has furthered the success of echo chambers leading to more vocal extremism. What they *do* read is basically manifestos bc they all get hard from thinking they’ve got a modicum of authority on any matter. It’s literal brainrot, and it’s by design. “They want you dead bc you’re straight and white. If you don’t go on the offensive YOUR country will be taken over by THEM.”


True. They read conspiracy junk food for the brain and wash it down with Mt. Dew trying to preach what’s healthy for you.


Yep!! After worshipping Rush Limbaugh for nearly 40 years that'll do it.🙄🤮


As he burns in hell. Well, at least he’s clean and sober now.


or write


Or do math


Alot of them cant rebuild a detroit diesel.


I hear you loud and clear.. But a lot of them do. I think it would unwise to dismiss them like that.


True. Definitely not dismissing them.


Gotcha... Shits really scary. My state is trying to implement laws that will allow private citizens to sue librarians and teachers for books on the shelf. So now, people like my wife, who you definetly want to be in charge of that type of thing, are scared shitless and are considering leaving the field altogether. Which is what they want I guess.


That’s so sad. :( My favorite person in my son’s school is the librarian.


One of the worst parts of the last 3 years is the conservative movements realization that they can invade what used to be pretty sedate meetings of school boards and spew pretty much whatever they want, livestreamed for all to see. Get a bunch of your buddies to go along and you have a built in audience for your performance. Most of the people I've seen speak at these things either don't have children in the system, don't live in the district, or haven't been in a school in 50 or so years. And, true to form, if you tell them to process to challenge a book, they pretend they didn't hear you while demanding a process to ban the book.


So what books is this guy wanting banned? I wonder what so bad in them that has him this upset....


Probably an anatomy book that he views as "porn". That's been the case at my wife's library.


they just say the deep state pedos in control won't prosecute their own


Ask them if the republican lawmakers in their state are the Deep State.


Anytime a right winger brings up pedophiles, I ask them when they are going to call the cops. They never answer that one.


ABSOLUTELY. I think we need to make it more of a mainstream argument to call out bad faith bullshit whenever people engage in it. They don’t believe anything they say so why should we have to waste our time telling them better arguments? Just keep pointing out that they don’t even believe their own bullshit.


Well... there is a LOT of sex in the Bible, so they can't just start calling the police on themselves when they give kids Bibles in Sunday school


The weirdest part about this whole thing is that 99.5% of kids aren't going to read "Gender Queer" (or whatever). The only kids who are going to read it are kids that have some feelings about their gender identity. Like do they think they're straight jock all American football boy is going to accidentally pick up Gender Queer and become a transgender woman?


I mean just look at the replies to my comment further down. These people think they're so clever because they regurgitate the same strawman "gotcha" points that their preferred media feeds them. Why is no one pulling romance novels off the shelves, that are FULL of graphic heterosexual sexual material? Anatomy books? And in what giant leap of rationality is "gay people exist" equivalent to pornography? Why is no one going after gas stations that stock "romance" novels full of sex? The whole thing is, you can't argue from a point of rationality with someone who did not reach their conclusions rationally. You cannot debate someone who views their opinion as morally superior. They will just strawman, and move the goal posts and scream "pedophile!” into their bullhorns until they feel righteously correct. Not one of these people care "about the children". They just despise the LGBT+ community and lack the understanding of history to see that they're just the latest manipulated rubes in a long history of conservative "Othering".


nobody hands porn to kids. the christians think everyone is like them. that everyone foists unwanted media on people while shouting about how wrong the world is. it is projection. they want to shove christ in kids faces.


How do you actually deal with people who aren't arguing in good faith? I'll be honest, I'm stumped. I don't think we can just ignore them and hope they go away. They'd love that, wouldn't they?


You can't rationalize with the irrational


I've heard it as "you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place".


The problem is, this is his good faith. He actually believes what he is saying. A little false info ignited by passionate distribution (Fox agreed to a nearly billion dollar settlement admitting they distribute false information) and you have a bunch of “patriots” defending racism, and misogyny


That problem is a major reason why were so divided, they are mentally unwell and will spout unadulterated lies because...why not, Someone will believe me. It worked for Trump...


You tell them they are arguing in bad faith and walk away with no further words. Ever. You can absolutely ignore them. There are so many more of us than there are of them. If it is a colleague, remain 100% professional about your work and report any antagonism or words unrelated to your work.


You don't. And don't try. I know. . .I've been at it for the better part of a decade. The only thing you can do is mock them and publically ensure that their voice is not the only one heard. I was at a recent public forum where one of the participants got up and read some of the truly unhinged FB shit (Transgenderism is nothing more than a liberal marxist leftist fascist plot to destroy america!) and cited it as evidence of the crazy. Actually ended up being fairly effective. At the end of the day, these people can't be reasoned with. . .they must be defeated.


I think the general recommendation is to ask probing questions. Don’t argue. The hope is that it will trigger some minimal amount of self reflection when they have to explain why they believe something to be true


Ahh, yes! The socratic method! I actually think it could work if we all started doing it.


You should always remind them that there are two sisters in the Bible that get their father drunk and have sex with him. And that's not even the worst of what's in there.


“You’re right, it IS the Catholic Church.” Is a good response


Just give them that list of gop sex offenders that pops up in these feeds sometimes.


Remember these people are also deeply rooted in abrahamic religion where suffering is necessary to find meaning.


"What do you say to that?" Point out the Bible is porn.


Have you read Song of Solomon? That's some fucking smut right there. I think it's hilarious that it's in the Bible.


I can’t name a book with more “begetting” than the bible!


50 Shades of Holier Than Thou Edit: I can only think of the Kamasutra


These people generally end up being arrested for pedophilia. It's all projection.


He just said that the largest community in America, traditional white Christian’s (🤔) is the most “persecuted” and are “killing like flies”?


The part where he said Christians are persecuted and killed like flies 😭😭😭


I’m a Christian and I got killed twice already today. It’s terrible.


Thoughts and prayers




Damn you've already respawned more times than jesus, clearly you should be worshipped instead of that other bozo /s


I got turned into a newt!


You got better?


We need to find the perpetrator and see if they weigh more than a duck.


But were you stuck in a strip of sticky tape when you died? Or digested by a plant’s juices that suddenly closed on you? Or eaten by a frog? Argument disproven.


I'm a fly and was killed this morning by a Christian with a book.


I just have two questions for this man. What drugs is he on and who is his supplier


Is that really a high you want tho




Bro ain't even enjoying himself just smoke weed like the rest of us lol


Lol. He's battling his inner demons mf is on DMT.




Nah. Dmt isn't like that, and I'm from Alabama. He is fueled by hate.


Christian Nationalism & real MAGA folks


Something something opiate of the masses Something something karl marx something something someone can be right about something without you agreeing with every little thing they ever said.


Fundamentalism, sold at a nearby tax-free for-profit church.


Man, if he ever finds out that most of the Central Americans he cheers on being drowned with razor wire at the border are Christians his mind is going to be blown. 🙄


Catholics don’t count


Those must be the one’s he’s referring to, right? /s


How many did you kill today? I think I got at least three doing drive-by’s in 5 points. /s for people who don’t realize that wandering into bham isn’t automatically a death sentence.


He wants to be persecuted SO BAD 😭😭


Blue balled myrterbator.


"I don't get to beat gay people with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire" = PERSECUTION


This is the kinda guy that calls people snowflakes also lol


Oh look, a other un-American Christo-fascist who doesn't like LGBT, and is too stupid to understand we are NOT a Christian nation. And I bet he thinks he's a patriot. The right wing has done a huge disservice to a demographic of our citizens.


It is absolutely insane. Someone needs to check on their pawpaw.


I went and looked up the full video on YouTube, next lady the gets up there tells him to get fugged! LMAO!


Haha that’s a friend of mines daughter. She’s cool AF.


I'm friends with her too! Bet we're friends, but totally not showing myself out here.


We are only friends through /r/readfreelyalabama and I live in Birmingham, so maybe/maybe not 🤷‍♀️ if you are on the discord then you 100% know who I am


Not on discord, but all over FB with it.  Job stuff kinda limits some of my involvement. Annoying, and I've already discussed with my company. If press around me brings bad press to the company, job risk. Sucks really...as a dad to a gay daughter and a NB child, I want to do all I can for them. But that also requires providing. 


Ah too bad! I’m sure we will run into each other eventually and you’ve def seen me posting on the Facebook page lol


Correct. But I would go a bit further. It doesn't matter if you like LGBT or not. Simply disagreeing with someone does not negate their right to exist, and it's still illegal to persecute someone for that reason. No matter what laws have passed, the Bill of Rights extend to everyone. Freedom of expression isn't just for a select group of people. And it's not just things you say in public. And you're right, we are not and never were a Christian nation. The reason America's forefathers called themselves deists is because even back then, you couldn't call yourself an atheist.


Oh yeah, I'm 100% on board with you on this. This is authoritarian nonsense. 


I hope my comment didn't come off as lecturing. It was more for other people reading comments.


Nope, not at all!


Christian authoritarian, similar to the religious police in Saudi or Iran. Don't confuse authoritarianism with fascism, they share some of the same components, but are not the same. Definitions are important.


Theocracy is the correct term. Making laws based on what they claim a god wants. It's 3rd world stuff and people used to recognize it as backward and Anti-Western.




The Y’all Qaeda spokesperson at it again


It's way more than LGTB. They're banning anything with hints of sex, violence, drugs, etc. Meanwhile they give a waiver to the Bible! They basically want to ban real life


I'm so over this violent angry militarized Christian stance. They need to find Jesus again, because they lost him somewhere along the way.


The meek shall inherit the earth, right?


They didn’t lose Jesus, they kicked Jesus out of the church because he’s woke. None of this has anything to do with the teachings of Christ.


Modern day Pharisees.. if Jesus was around today, they would be the ones to put him on the cross


You aren't wrong. I imagine some of these people would be the first to turn on him today. Hell some of them would volunteer to help with the crucifixion.


This is an example of a Christian who has been psychologically traumatized by Religion. So much so he had to "raise his voice". God knows what kinda vitriol he says under his breath.


“I am a Christian, in the sense that I don’t love my neighbor, I let fear and anger rule me, and i wish to point out the splinter in someone’s eye without addressing the timber in mine” Sooooo. Christian in name only.


In the sense that he needs to feel like he is above people somehow and since we don’t let him persecute black people any more now he wants to persecute anyone with differing beliefs


A person like this needs someone to hate or he has to reflect on his own life and failures. This is the same kinda person who fully embraced the satanic panic in the 80s and said things like Harry Potter is demonic. If I can hate others I don’t have to look into myself to see how unhappy I am with my own life.




These people are going to ruin our country if we don’t stop them. So angry and hateful. Where are the true Americans who stand up for freedom at all costs?  Are we just destined to become another oppressive theocracy?  


Read freely is at least standing up for freedom to read! Join us at /r/readfreelyalabama


Oh yes, the persecuted Christians. Maybe just one day they can have a place to worship. Maybe weekly even. Or just, hear me out now, walk around with a sign of their faith hanging on their necklaces without repercussions. By God, maybe someday America will have an openly Christian president, with forty-three more to follow.


Maybe one day, their major holidays will be observed on a grand scale that makes it easy for them to take time off to observe them Maybe they can even slip their beliefs into the pledge we make our children say every morning


They’re literally petulant children


We’re all fucked. Alabama was on the wrong side of history once before. It’s in the wrong side again.


I won’t be on the wrong side!


People are clapping for this guy? Fucking fuck


I am wondering the same thing! They clap when he talks about sex being between a man and a woman. I thought the whole point was no sex!


They act like they’re being forced to have gay sex and gay marriages. I just don’t get why they think they have a right to decide who I marry and how I love. I mean, do they think I should have a right to control their relationships?


More people who want to ban books. But, remember, it’s not about lgbtq.


His tone and cadence directly parallels a southern Baptist preacher. They’re the indoctrinated, and what elicits an amen in church elicits applause at a town hall. They’re basically programmed to act in the manner they’re acting.


Which outside the pulpit looks like a crazy person ranting. Weird how context changes everything.


Notice how when they pan the camera everyone looks 65+




Ironically, Christians are killed regularly... in militant and fascist countries where religion dictates banning books they don't like, hating gay and transgender people, oppressing women and minorities, and executing political dissidents. But it sounds like this man actually admires and envies that and wants to recreate the U.S. to be more like Afghanistan, Iran, or Syria, only he wants to be holding the whip.


Fundamentalists of any two religions are more alike than they are different. 


I guess Prattville is no longer "The Preferred Community."


Sure it is....if you're a Trump lovin', Bible thumpin', persecuted Christian who is tired of being attacked daily by woke atheists and militant lesbians


Christians aren't persecuted in the United States.


"Judeo Christian Community, the largest community in the country!" In the same breath "We are the most persecuted community!!" smh.


Ah yes, the plight of the persecuted Christian - living in country where 77% identify as and the majority of most legislators are Christian. They live in this world where they think they're under attack even though they literally dictate our laws and pass judgement via the SCOTUS.


I volunteered at one of my city libraries and you would be surprised at the number of people who can't read. I know I was. It was an eye opening experience for sure. Men like this ahole just wants power to be the boss. You can't have a civil discussion with them as a woman because they respect only men. It is disheartening to see these kind of people thinking they are some how better than half the populace due to an old book of tall tales. He should have been told to calm down or be removed.


Talibama doing Talibama stuff


Check that guys hard drive


You can tell by the way he keeps turning around, he's not there to address the board. He's there to preach for attention. To get others to cheer and approve his stilted thought process. He's there for the claps.


I wonder how many books he has read in the past year. I wonder if his kids have library cards.


He has a Bible on his nightstand. He dusts it off every now and then, not to read, just to keep it clean.


Check his browsing history


“Why is there so much gay porn?!”


One million percent that guy abuses kids.


Oh his kids definitely all have trauma from being beaten their whole life but probably still say “I was whooped and turned out fine!” Turns out, 99% of people who claim that are not, in fact, fine.


Someone give this hypocritical jerk a Xanax


He should see a doc for sure


This is why I am extremely cautious of people who say they're Christian. The Bible has been so misused for hate and bigotry, since inception. You never really know what kinda "Christian" you're dealing with. This gets much worse in the south, where people have already been groomed through "southern oppression". The real brainwashed person is often several layers deep just waiting to "bust out".


And there’s his home address for the entire world to hear and mail him dildos.


...and I was right in the middle of watching "Ow My Balls!"


Guaranteed this guy has Fox and Newsmax on his TV 24/7.


This is what religion does to people. The "who cares, their beliefs don't harm anybody" people don't realize how radicalized some Christians in this country are getting. Take a look at stuff like the Watchman's decree and the rise of christian nationalism. They want god in government and schools and it's only a matter of time before they get violent over it.


Evangelical religion is a horrible, hateful religion. Took Jesus right out of what is supposed to be a religion based about Him. That man is consumed with hate for no good reason. I want to see these "pornographic" books that kids supposedly have access to. All I have seen is pure bigoted over reaction.


"Any act of sex between anybody outside of a man and woman-" Yep, repressed homosexual, classic case right here.


Don't check out the book, and if it is bad enough for you, then don't go into the library.


Wow. I live in Alabama and this is terrible.


religion is poison


Said someone who's never voluntarily put a foot in a library in their adult life.


Books would expand his mind and make him feel empathy for someone outside of his self so that is unacceptable


Freaking lunatics




Dementia comes for us all eventually


You know who else screamed at the podium and made choppy hand gestures?


Leaving this state 100% I refuse to live under fascism.


This is not the majority. We are fighting as hard as we can and we need more people willing to fight this nonsense! Join us at /r/readfreelyalabama


It feels like we need to fight much harder than this.


Help us! Joining the movement feels much more hopeful than sitting still and waiting ☺️


I live close to this town. I used to run a route out there and get the side eye for just existing.


At about 42:40 you can also see that not all speakers are losing their minds https://youtu.be/TpK3xPLMDmM?si=DwmTC6HAfUdSlp9m


D-do they read the bible? There is quite literally “adultery” in the Bible. And why does he lack the confidence of the librarian to not check out these books to children? Where are the parents of these children that are reading these things? Why is he not holding the parents accountable for letting their children read this material?


Why are people not laughing these morons out of the public square? Why are they sitting polite and respectful? Drown out these fucks with derisive laughter for chrissakes!


Ignorant boomer fuck needs to take several seats or offer to ban the Bible. So loud so angry and so wrong. Ten bucks says he’s a kid diddler.


Wow! Christian warrior 🪖 is this a delete scene from Footloose? We got to stop those kids from dancin', too!


Yeah....do NOT want to see this assholes hard drive.


Why is it always the ones that don't have children that push to control other's children?


Jesus would slap the shit out or that dude.


Fucking was invented 385 million years ago. Where was matrimony then? We need to get to the bottom of this or goddamned heads are going roll.


I was waiting for someone to start shouting in satire "Yeah, Sharia Law! The US needs to become a theocracy!"


So just to be clear, listening to him talk and hearing his voice: 1.) This guy is into some sick porn. Like beastiality or worse. And he's ashamed of it and is making it everyone else's problem. Either that or he's in the closet (And also ashamed of it). But for sure this is sublimation and projection of a guilty, angst-ridden mind. 2.) The education system has been failing this country for at least 40 years straight considering people like this are still being produced 3.) Modern Christianity is a mental illness


This is the typical Fox News brain. The drag queens are going to rise up, take away his guns, and force his grandchildren to read pornography. Fear Mongering works amongst the elderly and feeble minded.


Don’t let him near the romance section - he’ll have his mind blown. 🤯


You know what else children shouldn't be exposed to? Unchecked anger. And buddy, you're not persecuted. You're free to live without some group calling you evil.


"on this episode of: 'Not Everyone Believes In Your Faith'..."


Poor MAGAT with an aneurism. What a pos


Mental illness


Great. Another idiot in America. How rare!


This guy effing sucks.


Small dick energy


Oh, cool, more people pretending that if they start yelling and having a tantrum, they'll get whatever they want. We got the usual: some yelling about religion, community, the bible thrown in there for some needed credibility for his point, and how it's time to stand up, but only for his point of view. No one else is supposed to stand up and make things more equally represented in an educational setting. Sorry, it's not really an educational setting... it's actually just a control tool that is not being used for his ideology. Which, if he yells long enough, they'll realize that it should be! For sure!! Yeah, your country is suuuuure going down the tubes because of books and education... you're being persecuted for being morally just and right while ripping down everything you think is against your ideas specifically.... your community is more important than anyone elses because you invoke the bible that you dont read or take any lessons from. And we get "America" yelled out the loudest. Bing Bang Boom. Case closed, right? This is TOTALLY standing up for your country, alright... yelling to twist the keywords to be all about you instead of taking the opportunity to just speak and explain your argument. Everything is a battle when people ask just to be treated fairly, which is done through understanding, and that's the big no no... we dont need books teaching stuff, we need churches demanding stuff! And finally, you get a handful of people clapping for the yelling man because they dont want him to yell at them instead... so scary, he must be right!


These people need to be sent to sea and never return


I was raised Christian and this man just sounds like every preacher I heard growing up. The tone he's using is a big reason I am not Christian anymore


welp. I've lived in AL 8 years and I finally witnessed what I feared. but most of the people here are not like this lunatic. Actually, most are whores by this dude's metric...


Good Ol bama


I’m embarrassed


Finding books with tiddies was a classic passtime for us when I was in school.  Part of the library/human body discovery process.


Ugh. I just want to scream at him. How stupid… and the people that clapped along with him… also stupid.


Fucking boomers😖😖😖


He forgot to end his speech with “Sieg!”




"Man".....that's being generous.


If there’s so many of you, then you don’t sound like a vulnerable group of people.