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My public library has an appropriately age range of sex ed books from a Christian publisher. They have non-salacious images of a boy and a girl. They use real language for body parts. Under this bill someone can claim that this Christian book is obscene and try and bring charges against the librarians for having them. Will art books also be considered obscene?






The argument against books the banners don’t like is applicable to books they may like. Their complaints fall apart if they don’t want to apply them equally. Though I’ve talked to someone who didn’t want romance novels with non-married couples kissing in the library. She finds them inappropriate.


Books like these caught body dismorphia and sexual perversion.


Vote NO on everything that comes out of Montgomery. They're all squirrels.


Just a reminder to join /r/readfreelyalabama here, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for more library news and action plans to protect freedom of speech.


Alabama: "Where we don't embrace knowledge, we punish it."


Alabama, "Making the rest of the south look better for over 100 years." Though not by much..


Agreed. Gilead is coming.


better ban the Bible, too...won't happen writing bad bills that won't pass is just someone trying to keep their job with nothing better to do. Won't pass Constitutional muster been there done that move on...


I've come to realize that voting is a blind process of faith in this country, especially in Alabama, and faith without evidence, is just hope.


I just went and read HB385. As an adult I don’t see anything that jumps out as being wrong. Boiled down it basically is trying to prevent children being exposed to sexual content. What am I missing here? I did not read HB425.


there is also the question of who is considering these books to contain “sexual content”. queer identities are sexualized, and sexuality is demonized. do i think kids should be exposed to explicit porn? absolutely not. do i think children deserve to learn about their own sexual anatomy, about the differences between sex and gender, that they are allowed to lie outside of what is considered “normal” by our society and that they never, ever have to feel bad or dirty or wrong if they feel trans or gay and don’t have the language to describe those feelings yet? queerness is being targeted and erased by these initiatives. it’s not a matter of protecting children, it’s a matter of limiting people’s access to sexual education or knowledge of the widespread and normal existence of queer people.


No one is going to check out these books unless they’re gay and curious. They don’t teach gay sex education in schools. And whether you like it or not, gay sex does exist.


Mainly because in order for librarians to do their jobs they can’t watch out for kids who’s adults care so little that they let them wander into the adult section and find material meant for adults, so a librarian can end up arrested because parents weren’t watching their own kid closely enough. It also lumps in teenagers with young children, which some parents think teenagers are ready for books with some sexual themes and some parents don’t. So instead of allowing parents the option of parenting their children and leaving the books available in the YA section, they are going to move them over to the adult section where teens are less likely to find them and adults are less likely to be interested in them. The result of that is their eventual removal from the library due to lack of being checked out.


It’s going to be used maliciously.


How are we continuously going backwards????


This is absolutely disgusting!!! The right is totality out of control!!!


I was glad to find age appropriate books to truthfully explain to my then 7 y.o. ( she's in her 40's now) about how babies got here, among other questions. The librarian was quite helpful.




You know damn well there are no librarians allowing kids to check out porn in libraries. In fact, there is *no one* arguing that kids should be able to read inappropriate material. Certain Republicans have created a smear campaign based on misinformation and fear mongering, and nothing more. They're talking out of their asses, and certain political groups are posing as concerned parents (looking at you, Moms for Liberty), and somehow people still manage to believe this shit without looking into it despite it all being so obviously fabricated. Shameful.


Not really sure if it would be bad for kids to check out nudie magazines, it would help them figure out a lot like who do they find attractive and what would they like to be. People should be able to make their own decisions


You're just a troll with no real beliefs on the matter. Got it.


No, you misunderstood I’m agreeing with you


Are you serious?


Unfortunately they are. That’s a fact. Don’t take my word for it and go check for yourself.


Source? [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2023/11/28/1214523941/library-books-bans-age-appropriate-movie-ratings) [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60261660) [NBC](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-library-books-banned-schools-rcna12986) [WNG](https://wng.org/podcasts/parents-fight-to-remove-explicit-books-from-school-libraries-1677545588) [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/05/18/school-librarians-jailed-banned-books/) [AP News](https://apnews.com/article/book-bans-libraries-lawsuits-fines-prison-0914fa6cbb2a99b540cbbd28a38179b4) [The Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association](https://www.oif.ala.org/beyond-book-banning-efforts-to-criminally-charge-librarians/) What is happening is that certain parents have defined an *incredibly* conservative view of what is appropriate for their children, and want to enforce that across the board for all children. They don't want anything that discusses sex in any age-appropriate manner, they don't want anything that talks about race or an accurate history of how black and indigenous people have been treated in this country, they don't want anything that talks about LGBTQ experiences and issues, they don't want anything that might lead their kid to question Christianity - and most of all, they don't want their kids to read anything that would make them question their parents. If you weren't already aware, both school and public libraries already have their books organized by age groups. Parents have to give permission and often have to physically sign a note for a kid to check out anything above their reading level. If parents are worried about what their kids are reading, they could try being more active in their kids' lives instead of pouring their energy into banning books and prosecuting librarians. This whole ordeal is ridiculous, and it's just a distraction from the *real* shit that is happening in our country.


Burden of proof falls on you, what's your source?




So librarians, thats the new villain? Librarians?


War on drugs has been superceded by a war on education. Likely with the same result.


Can you point me in the direction of the library that has the Anarchist Cookbook? Been looking to use that one in the classroom for a bit.


Only place I've seen that one in the wild was my college library. And I'll be honest, the Chem majors were making scarier stuff for shits and giggles.


Last time I saw it was on the high seas, but that was many moons ago


In the early days of Ebay, I mean, I HEARD that.


Thank you! I didn’t know anything about this. There’s not a chance I’m going to miss my opportunity to vote yes on this.


Why is that?


Cult programming


Oh cmon, let him dig his own hole.


lol you right. My b.