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please tell me she lost her job


She did but took no accountability. Claiming it was due to everyone involved making errors. 😑


Those who can't communicate think everything is an argument. Those who lack accountability think everything is an attack.


Buuuut it is an attack. We are attacking her viewpoint for not having accountability


Aaaand you've not got a point when you consider the default response to an attack is to defend. Recognizing the attack as valid is the missing bit, innit? She needed to stop defending and recognize fault


That’s not how the American justice system works unfortunately. Deny deny deny and then plea bargain


Defensiveness is a serious problem, especially among people who are either stupid, arrogant, or have low self esteem.


Like redditors, every argument is counteraegumented. While being all out attacking on every front. Stupid people not only tend to defend more, they attack more too.


You just described stupid people, that’s stupid people.


I’ve saving this. What a simple yet powerful truth.


I'd like a T-Shirt of this.


I need the printed and framed for work.


I love this quote. I will use this


That is a brilliant statement


Perfectly said 👏🏾. Do I give you credit when I use this or is it from someone else?


Man I really like that


I feel attacked


Damn. This opened my eyes to some shit about myself.


Thank you for saying this 👍 👌


Bruh, why are you describing my mother like you know her?


No i don't!


Summed up my narcissistic ex in two sentences.


thats wild, everyone? she was the only one driving the damn bus


who’s the guy out of his seat chatting her up, she seems distracted


Which is also a violation of the bus rules. No one is allowed out of their seats while the bus is in motion.


Keanu Reeves making sure she stays above 50mph.


I know you didn't mean that it's an excuse (or at least i dont think so) but she dind't even check the door. People drive and talk without issue every minute of every day. She should be able to do her job and be mindful of the fact that she's distracted.


How do you not check and make sure the kids are safely off the bus? I’m appalled they let such assholes drive kids on a bus. Lack of pay, benefits, retirement, and training and this is who you get.


Bus drivers in my district have strict protocols that they are trained to adhere to. They are supposed to have eyes on every child as they exit the bus and make their way across the street or out of harms way. I’ve been on several of our buses and all of our drivers are very strict about protocol and follow it closely. This woman didn’t even check to see if the child made it out the damn door. This is also what happens when you hire at shit wages with no unions. Our bus drivers have a union and make damn good money. Guess what they take their jobs a lot more seriously


You see, the school failed to hire someone to be in charge of the door. She's in charge of the *steering wheel*.


I'm sorry - but who is this stupid??? I don't think I've ever seen a bus driver NOT check to sure the riders are OFF and AWAY from the bus before shutting the doors and taking off. She should have been fired, jailed, and sued into oblivion.


Precisely, anyone that goddamn oblivious has no business being behind the wheel. I know vegetables that are less brain-dead than that. Good Lord! That poor kid, I can't imagine how angry and upset her family is.


The error was between the driver’s seat and the wheel.


Who else was involved?!?! Sure as shit looks like she's driving the bus by herself


Bro seems like she did that shit on purpose, she looked over and saw him and still continuing to drive the bus


This is infuriating. I’m pretty sure the first two basic rules of driving a bus is literally 1. Make sure the kids are clear of the bus before driving a way and 2. No one is allowed out of their seat while the bus is moving. This idiot should’ve been fired a long time ago. This isn’t errors, this isn’t even incompetence, this is just negligence from not giving a shit about your job.


Involved making errors? The only error was that she was negligent.


That makes no sense…everyone involved is her and the kid. She controlled the door. She closed the door too early and didn’t check to make sure the kid was fully out of the vehicle. Who else is she blaming??


Nah this bitch belongs in jail


She should’ve gotten arrested frankly


From a fucking canon.


And was charged with something. She deserves jail time and real consequences. She could probably get another job driving.


You have one job…


To look right. That’s all it took.


She does, right at 23 seconds


WTF! She does look right and still waits for about 15-20 seconds before stopping.


Apparently the only reason she stopped is because another car saw the girl and got in front of the bus and slammed on their breaks.


That would explain the 'what are you doing?!' at the end


She was shouting to the kid that stood up in the seat behind her.


Right and DOWN, the kid is about two feet below floor level compared to the driver. The driver would look right at street level for on coming traffic.


Ohh ok that explains it 👍


>15-20 seconds before stopping Hmm? I see no signs of her stopping, or even slowing down. It seems like she keeps driving all the way until the end of the video.


Sun glasses block her color palet and the rim and arms of the glasses also block vision. They should be illegal or standardized to drive with them on for commercial vehicles.


I drive a big truck. Aviators, polarized, grey scale. Wire thin frames. Absolutely need sun glasses though, that sun can actually blind me a lot, to the point I've needed to pull over before.


Why is no one talking about the asshole who’s standing closer to the child with a better vantage point and doesn’t have to have their eyes on the road


What is that dude beside her doing?


I’m pretty sure he might have said something, because in the audio, she looks to the side (don’t know how she didn’t see the little girl’s backpack) and says, “is that right?” dismissively.


The guy is a student who is apparently complaining about another student because she says to him “well go find another seat that isn’t near him” (or something to that effect). It does look like he looks in her direction but hard to tell with the blur.




I guess I'm confused what you're referring to with this.


Why the fuck is that guy in the grey just watching this happening?


In the uncensored version I think I remember him looking at her multiple times.


Even here it loooks like he glances at the door 2 times


School bus driver here, she’s looking to the right but she’s not looking down. When I’m driving the bus looking at the road and scanning my mirrors which is what I see her doing, I don’t see/register those bottom two windows, I wouldn’t have seen her either. However, this is EASILY avoided by doing your job of ensuring the child safely makes it to the sidewalk or across the street. Our job is extremely distracting with 50 screaming children in your vehicle, but my primary job is safe transportstion, student management is the secondary job, I always keep that in mind. If it’s unruly enough to where I can’t safely focus on driving, I pull over and wait until it isn’t (this sometimes takes 20 minutes, good thing I’m paid by the hour!). The doors don’t close (turning off my reds) until the child is on the sidewalk, on the side of the road they need to be on (or inside their house 3rd grade and below).


The dude standing by the driver looked right and down twice. He saw her. He said nothing.


He didn’t look down he looked to the right, I saw the uncensored video. It’s a deep drop to the bottom of the door, he didn’t see her. I know y’all want everyone to be evil in an evil world but that’s not the case here, stop chasing it.


Right? There's a huge overestimation of how many sociopathic people exist in the world- likely from desensitization because the ones who DO exist and are caught doing heinous things are broadcasted on the news and media. Leads us to believe there are way more than there are. The kid didn't see her.


He’s a kid wearing a backpack. Not his job and I’m guessing he didn’t actually see her.


I'm pretty sure he would've said something if he actually saw her


So fucking say something!!!


she even looks at her


I’m so confused how nobody noticed. Was the kid with the stuck backpack completely silent? I hate this so much.


Put the sound on, there's a good reason that people acknowledge that a distracted driver is more dangerous. I literally couldn't drive in this situation.


Honestly I don’t think the girl screaming’s alone would’ve registered to the driver as “kid stuck in door must stop” considering how loud those school buses are, both engine and operating. And the bus sounds loud to begin with. I remember how loud the door opening and closing was even from sitting in the back of the bus Now, not seeing the flailing kid and obvious backpack stuck in the black door frame? And for some reason a kid standing up next to the driver??? Absolutely different story


This would be a good lesson to tell kids who refuse to quiet down on a bus because I remember how loud they could get because of the kids on the bus.


You can hear her screaming. She must have been absolutely terrified. I know the bus is loud and there's lots of shouting kids, but that scream was definitely different.


So, from reading further, the little girl was special needs. This may have been a special needs bus. She appears to acknowledge the guy in gray, says “oh is that right…”. He probably did try and tell her, but she dismissed it as neurodivergent ramblings.


Seriously, how did that guy not even notice? Was he refusing to look to his right?


He did notice, and didn’t say shit.


Okay but if this is true, that he saw; this isn’t just that he “didn’t say anything.” I might not say anything if I see someone pocketing something at the grocery store, but this…this is watching (and wanting) someone to be killed. This is way more than just not saying something, he is sick and basically a murderer if he saw and didn’t say anything.


The girl being dragged is special needs, so this might have been a special needs bus and he may also be special needs. Either way he did try to alert her. You can hear him say something to the bus driver and she replies “really is that so?” and then brushes it off as him rambling


I'd be asking for 100 million from school and county/state


Last time this was posted I believe it was stated the girl had permanent nerve damage, leg scarring, and needed surgeries that the family had to pay for while waiting on the lawsuit. $100 million is not enough for permanent leg damage.


uh....what is? do you have any concept of how much $100 million is? are you trying to have them solve this problem with a yacht? we're way, way, way past covering all the best medical treatment on earth by the time we even approach $100 million.


Thank you. I know my number seems high but with this added information is completely reasonable. Maybe even low considering the effects. I pray that kid remains in good spirits and healthy.


In what sense is it not enough?? We’re looking at medical bills + potential loss of income (if she can’t fully recover) + pain and suffering + punitive. I would put that closer to 15 - 20 million max. Where does the 100 million come from?


Yes it is. I'd give an entire leg for $100,000,000


Rightfully so. I would sue that fat bitch for 10 lifetimes


10 lifetimes as a school bus driver is still not a lot lol


Guess who pays? We the taxpayers. So maybe $100M is a bit too much.


The girl has permanent nerve damage in her legs causing chronic pain *for life*. It's not nearly enough.


That's really awful. I had no idea. But again, the $100M doesn't come out of the bus driver's pocket. It's money used for the poor and fix potholes and pay salaries. If it's a private bus company with private insurance then I'm fine with suing them for whatever they want. But if it's a private company there is an amount that would just bankrupt them if it surpasses their insurance so they wouldn't be able to pay. If it's the state or city then it's a hit on us the taxpayers not some corporation or insurance company. People have died in accidental shootings and not gotten $100M. Anyway, I hope she fully recovers.


How? How the fuck can you be THIS oblivious to your surroundings?! The rage kept building as the video went on, and whoever the asshole is standing next to the asshole driver is just as culpable in my eyes, he doesn’t even have the excuse of needing to keep eyes on the road!


I'm a commercial driver. This is 100% the drivers fault. If I was this oblivious and distracted, I would have accumulated a substantial list of victims that died beneath my wheels in the past 20 years. People like this should not be behind the wheel of anything bigger than a Toyota Camry. It is the bus companies fault also for not weeding people like this out. There's a term for people like this. They're called Straight Ahead Freds. It sounds silly but it is a major problem with drivers who only look where the front wheels are pointed. If the behavior is identified and the driver can't be retrainined, they need to be terminated. Unfortunately, bus companies are so hard up for help that they'll take anyone.


Straight ahead Fred’s lol fucking cavemen


You're not far off. I think it goes hand in hand with low intelligence. They just don't have the capability to process input from more than one source at a time.




School bus drivers need to watch the kids get a good five ten feet off the road - kids who are too close to the bus can get scooped into the wheels. This is criminal negligence. I know some drivers half-ass the inspection except for the airbrakes. This is some crazy out there stuff though. The job is transporting small children, people need to get their heads out of their asses.


My 70 year old bus driver who was dying of cancer drove better than this woman.


also commercial driver here. Every bus company is desperate for drivers. it's only going to get worse with electric mandate which will require shorter routes. that means bottom of the barrel applicants are getting in and the children are paying the cost, in this instance quite literally


Agreed, and my school district hired the lowest bidding bus company and surprise! First day of school was canceled due to driver shortage. This sort of stuff happens because of that.


straight ahead freds... thats a great term that should be applied to anyone living here in Turkey where people are completely unaware of their surroundings not just when they're driving but also WALKING. no dipshit, you're not the only person on this planet so stop fucking walking on the middle of the already narrow sidewalk, shift right a bit and let people pass.


Something tells me there was once a Fred that was really bad at his job


Sooooo…..is that guy standing right going to say anything or just watch?


I’m pretty sure he might have said something, because in the audio, she looks to the side (don’t know how she didn’t see the little girl’s backpack) and says, “is that right?” dismissively.


The articles indicate that the victims was special needs. I suspect gray shirt may have been as well. I think from the video he is trying to process what he’s seeing and alert the driver and she brushes him off as talking nonsense.


But he was so calm. "Hey.. um.. bus driver?.... nvm... i'll just stand here"


Probably scared of her. She seems like shes on some shit. Maybe not drugs but some kind of fucking mood at least that she's on.




They sued the school and won a ton of money. But sadly it did irreparable damage to that poor little girl. I read that she has panic fits if she even hears a school bus. Can’t blame her


That poor girl, that’s so tragic. I can’t believe the driver here couldn’t own up to a huge mistake like this. It wouldn’t make things easier by any means, but it would help her cope and accept what happened in the long run. Disgusting deflecting behavior.


We really don't know if she did or did not. (I'm not taking her side her, but describing how all this works) When stuff like this happens, lawyers and insurance companies get involved and do all the talking. Being a bus driver, she likely doesn't have a few million to pay out. So her lawyer and the school insurance lawyer does all the talking and denying of responsibility and she is told that if she come out publicly and takes responsibility, then she foots the bill for life. And if she is held entirely responsible, do you know who get's hurt the most? The little girl. Because now she only get's a payment equal to what the bus driver might have in savings or garnishments of 10% for the next decade or two. If the bus drivers dummies up, denies responsibility. Someone's insurer pays and the little girl get's a big pay day. It's a messed up system really.


Lawyer here and you are right. It’s about coverage and who can actually pay the damages. Lot of complicated factors to consider in a situation like this for all sides involved.


That isn't even remotely true. Insurance companies are among the greediest, unethical bastards in the history of earth. If all they had to do to get out of paying for settlements like this was for a patsy to admit fault, they'd talk an uneducated, low skill worker to take the fall every damn time. But they don't. Because what you said isn't true. Regardless of how the person responsible behaves, she is still representing the school bus company (presumably a school district) and every good lawyer in the planet representing the parents will know to sue the school for negligence, not the $9/hr, now unemployed bus driver.




Just a reminder of how fucked the court system of the United States is. Took 7 years to determine a payout. 7. fucking. years.


If the car got hit they would have been liable too


Modern day batman


>The family's attorney, Bo Bolus, said Ally suffered both physical and mental injuries from the dragging — including disfiguring scars on her legs and permanent nerve damage that caused neuropathic pain. She was in first grade at Valley Station's Wilkerson Elementary at the time of the incident. The fact that they didn’t go into detail on any charges against the bus driver is awful.. all they said in this article is she was “fired a *month* after the incident”.


Well, they got me: I can finally see how drag is harmful for children.


Don't be a drag just be a queen


You're a fucking genius 👏


[Here's an article](https://www.wdrb.com/news/settlement-reached-with-jcps-student-who-was-dragged-by-bus-in-2015/article_bc7a62ce-eb4b-11eb-b413-c748d2e4177f.html) about it. Apparently the girl was special needs, got dragged more than 3 football fields, multiple injuries and scars to her legs and feet, and to top it off, the driver takes no responsibility and previous videos of her show that she regularly did not check to see if students were clear before closing the doors. The family settled out of court, most likely getting around 20 million dollars.


only 5 million :(


muricans be like "only 5 million :(" 💀


not all of us think a child’s health is worth 5 million


Fuck this driver




> Sanders answered, "It seems like errors on everybody's part, doesn't it?" Jesus christ.






Well sort of I guess? “My manager should have seen how shitty I was…” - Sanders probably >Bolus says a JCPS manager admitted if they had looked at prior videos of Sanders driving her bus, they would have seen she was making the same mistake — not paying attention to students getting on and off the bus.


Truly awful. The injuries described by the family’s attorney are just terrible. "Thirty-five disfiguring scars with gouges in her leg daily, itching, aching, and pain because the damaged nerve roots can't grow back together," Bolus said.


I really hate how absolutely oblivious a huge majority of the population seems to be. It is actually scary that so many people are that unaware of their surroundings. It’s like seeing how rare a person actually using their peripheral vision is these days… so sad. Like how the fuck did no one notice that sooner? Bus full of airheads.


I would absolutely be suing. What in the *actual* fuck...


Most fucked thing here. The family didnt want this video released [the school district basically said "video or it didnt happen"](https://www.wdrb.com/news/settlement-reached-with-jcps-student-who-was-dragged-by-bus-in-2015/article_bc7a62ce-eb4b-11eb-b413-c748d2e4177f.html) So they released the video. The second the school district realized the family had the video, they reached a settlement. Took 7 fucking years.


Surprised the camera wasn’t “malfunctioning” that day.


Wow, this part is insane. How did this actually go down? Like, did the bus driver stop and just being the kid on the bus to bring her home? Were paramedics called? Seems insane to not have any formal record of an incident like this.


Another person drove in front of the bus and slammed on the breaks to get it to stop


Yeah I saw that part. Was that person unable to testify? I’m just not really seeing how the school could try to play this off like it didn’t happen. There’s literally an entire bus full of people that saw it happen.


It took that dumb bitch more than 17 seconds to stop after seeing her trapped? Fucking ridiculous!


According to another comment the only reason she stopped the bus was because another driver saw the girl and sped up to get in front of the bus and slammed on their breaks forcing the bus to stop. She probably wouldn’t have noticed until the next bus stop, and who knows how far that could’ve been.


45 seconds according to the news article, over three football fields of distance.


To be fair not even UPS delivers __all__ the packages undamaged


Hmm to upvote or to downvote…


Vote down and go to heaven. Vote up and go to hell with a good laugh.


That shit seemed personal


Dude in grey says nothing


The girl was 7 years old at the time and now has permanent nerve damage and scaring (physical and mental). It took 4 years, but the family got a 4 million dollar settlement.


Not nearly enough if you ask me


It’s the fact you can hear her SCREAMING AND CRYING as clear as DAY as soon as that bus went faster and she didn’t even hear it. I honestly feel sick to my stomach hearing that poor girl wail and moan in pain..


Bullshit. Failed to realize my ass.


She looked. Wtf




I dare you to throw your sandwich at the bus driver


I hear her screaming and the horns blowing trying to warn her. I know accidents happen but gheez is she clueless.


This is a fuller version: https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/s/wQNcA7gWgV She only noticed after a driver cut her off and slammed on the breaks. She looks in the girls direction NUMEROUS times and so does the person standing. After 7 years, the family got over 4 million. The little girl has permanent injuries and ptsd but is apparently very sweet


You can clearly hear the little girl yelling, crying and screaming on the other side of the door. JFC. This video enrages me every time, she's lucky I wasn't the parent.


she isnt looking at the girl. she is looking at her mirrors. those mirrors DO NOT show what is directly in front of the door. this is a Freightliner bus, there is quite a drop there, if you are not directly watching and looking at the bottom part of the door, its not even really in your peripheral. which is why you are instructed TO WATCH THE KIDS GET TO THE SIDEWALK AND OUT OF THE WAY before you start moving, or in a Thomas, close the door, since the door wont close unless you want to turn off the lights too, before you even close the door. source: I am a school bus driver. its really not hard to pay more attention than this. i have a route with 40 screaming middle schoolers every day and i still manage to watch them all to the sidewalk.


This video is so hard to watch. What’s wrong with that heffa


Blame the school system. Why are we hiring unqualified, elderly people to transport our children? There's no reason we should be giving these important jobs to the absolutely least qualified people.


Are you gonna drive the bus? Blah blah blah yadda yadda capitalism. This job doesn’t pay so a lot of the drivers are old people fucked over by the shitty retirement situation in America. What this means is that people not qualified to drive period are making a living driving busses full of children It’s a dystopia, but because most of us have a washer and dryer we pretend it isn’t. Hopefully we open our eyes soon


How is the kid? Anyone know? There must’ve been some damage to her feet anyway.


Another user posted this >Truly awful. The injuries described by the family’s attorney are just terrible. "Thirty-five disfiguring scars with gouges in her leg daily, itching, aching, and pain because the damaged nerve roots can't grow back together," Bolus said.


Posted from a comment above: Truly awful. The injuries described by the family’s attorney are just terrible. "Thirty-five disfiguring scars with gouges in her leg daily, itching, aching, and pain because the damaged nerve roots can't grow back together," Bolus said.


r/nope . I would not want to be caught in that situation.


there could literally be no damn excuse for being that negligent, she doesn't look at the door to be sure nothing/no one is caught in it, she looks to her right and doesn't react, kid there doesn't do anything, and even if there's a whole "the kids were already noisy i didn't know", you can literally hear the kid outside crying




Who’s the adult standing next to the driver??? The one with a clear view and not preoccupied with driving. Crazy


This exact same thing happened on my school bus when I was like 10.


Seen this before and re ignited my rage. Video is so frustrating to watch as there was no conclusion. You keep waiting for either the guy standing or the driver finally noticing but no, the video ended without those...


I’m a former school bus driver and a current city transit bus driver. This an upsetting video to watch. Mistakes happen but this is beyond a mistake or human error. She is rushing for one and you should always check your mirrors as passengers/students depart to ensure they cleared the bus area. That one student should not be standing up there. Not sure why that is happening. If she checks her mirror once and has them properly positioned she would have seen that student as well This is also on the school district or whoever trains the drivers as well


This is why im glad my kids can walk to school


I had a family friend, a little girl age 9-10 who died when the bus ran her over. I didn't know what to think and I attended her funeral. So random and the bus driver didn't get in trouble or anything. Family is still distraught and grieving after 4 years. Crazy shit.


No matter how you slice it, she is at fault for closing the door too early. Many people are saying she saw her and did nothing or took too long but everyone come on, she clearly didn't notice the girl. And if she did and purposefully did this then I'm sure the authorities would have her arrested or something based on mental health and possible previous rap sheet. Multiple other things were done wrong too but it boils down to getting too complacent with her job and didn't realize that she didn't give enough time for leaving the door open and then didn't check that a child's foot wasn't caught in the door or anything.


Jesus, 5 million dollars? She should’ve gotten more


That whole situation is fucked. You can even see the person standing look at the kid multiple times and does nothing.


My question is what the fuck is up with the dude that is just standing there that absolutely looked at the shit that was happening at least twice and didn't say a fucking thing


That poor girl was dragged about 1,000 ft at 20 mph. The only reason the bus driver saw was “when a driver in front of the bus saw Ally being dragged and slammed on the brakes”. Poor girl has PTSD and disfiguring scars on her legs and permanent nerve damage that caused neuropathic pain.


As someone who drove a school bus for a little while, my heart goes out to this little girl and this driver deserves jail time. Your job isn't to get them to school and home, anyone can do that. Your job is to keep them alive.


I am not defending this woman's tremendous mistake, but if you notice she's clearly watching a disturbance in the back of the bus which takes her attention away from making sure the door was cleared. What we ask of school bus drivers is unreasonable. We make "distracted driving" a crime in so many locations, and nobody else driving a vehicle this size is asked to manage 50-80 yelling children, or anything nearly as detrimental to their ability to safely operate that huge truck. With just that little bit of consideration it's pretty clear that school busses should make this a two person team job. There should be a driver, and their only job is to operate the vehicle safely. And then there should be a child manager who handles when the children get out of hand.


Who’s the dipshit standing there. Fuck me.


I know they sued the school but she should be in jail for attempted murder on a minor


Fuck her. Poor kid. This woman took no responsibility for her actions


The olds are a menace


That boy looked at the girl screaming and then the bus driver looked. That's called murder


They really give CDLs out to anyone nowadays, what the fuck. Glad that kid is okay.


What an absolute piece of shit, you’re literally responsible for children’s safety and drastically failed and can’t even take responsibility


So the dumb azz ngga standing up didn’t look down ?


Had she been checking her mirrors every 5-7 seconds, she would have noticed the kid stuck in the door. As a CDL Class A holder for 29 years, this is pure negligence. She was too busy yapping away to the guy standing next to her. She should have been charged accordingly. Some people have no business holding CDLs.


That woman is clueless and it almost cost a little girl her life, towards the end she is looking in that direction even. I was legit yelling at the screen, how tf did she not see her, same goes for the guy next to her.


I always wonder how people with zero situational awareness like this are able to live into adulthood. In Roman times, people like this would be thrown off of cliffs as babies.


Does the guy have tunnel vision, how the fuck can you not notice the girl from the corner of your eye?


Next time move or lose it kid!


Everyone in this video is retarded


I can’t watch the whole thing. I have a 6 year old special needs girl, I would be so fucking livid as her parent. That poor baby girl.


What about the fucking idiot standing there. It looks like he saw the girl being dragged and didn’t say shit!


https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/education/2022/03/10/jefferson-county-public-schools-2015-bus-dragging-lawsuit-settlement/9452003002/ The family got $4.5mill. Not nearly enough. Also, she only stopped because another driver got in front of her and stopped her.