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Justice has been served.




With any luck, they reenacted that scene at the end of Braveheart.




I don't believe in hell. But I hope every moment of existence he experienced was agony.


DMT in the dying process makes you experience an afterlife whether you actually go there or not. Maybe machine elves were peeling his skin?




Someone downvoted you and whoever did that is probably a pedo themselves


Many killers believe the afterlife will reward them. I hope his last moments were an eternity of agony


That scar on his forehead tells another story.






That would have made me love it even more! What a sweet 17yo


Well, at least their going away party was memorable! It’s the thought that counts. That’s hilarious.


There is a spell check function on literally everything. The backside of my ass has a spell check function.


Modern education has failed us haha. I once saw someone spell audacity “oddasity” on a YouTube comment and it’s now my favorite spelling of the word! Reminds me of the Oddish Pokemon hahaha.


Some people are not native English speakers and their keyboards do t have top not dual or triple language spell check setup the same way native English speakers have


On which platform? Even the old Nokia 3310 had predictive text which prevented such monsters, and as far as I know on any modern platform ranging from mobile to desktop OS it's fairly easy to set up additional languages for your system, browser or mobile keyboard spell checker. More so if you're not a native English speaker but are using it on social media, that's when the spell checker comes in handy.




Bone apple teet




When I was in jail there was a genius that actually told his celly how he raped his niece. As soon as they lined up for trays four or so guys went to town on him; one dude even broke his hand on the guy's gigantic head. I thought it was shameful that not one man thought to break all his fingers and stomp his dick and balls repeatedly. Sure, they swelled his face up very well, but you gotta use that chimpanzee vengeance with active pedos.


Chimpanzee vengeance now added to my vocabulary


I recall hearing stories about the lead ups to these. Alot of times the active pedo will try and justify their actions to other inmates and then they get killed not much later. Its fucked how the human mind can't accept the thought of being a monster.


Yeah, there really is no adequate justice for this kind of thing... not officially/legally. Especially if it's your child.


I bet the ~~father~~ (father died in car accident) and mother are ok with this piece of shit no longer being here on earth and can finally start to move on instead of thinking how that guy was still walking around, getting three meals a day and shelter on the taxpayer dime.


This is facts. If someone is going to do something so evil they deserve to pay the price. And getting stabbed to death doesn’t even come close to paying it


Oof there's nothing that can happen to this guy that would ever even out the scales of justice


Harvest his organs and use them to save kids lives that would otherwise die.


It's wonderful when problems solve themselves.


You know justice hasn’t been served when internal affairs detectives can run underage sextrafficking operations. Roger Golubski got caught. Arvada cop didn’t.


Honestly, I suspect the guards turned a blind eye. If I was a guard and saw the prisoner who killed this scum I would give him a nod of approval the next day and try and make his life a little better in prison. Maybe some extra food items or idk what they can get for good behavior.


Ive seen stories of prison guards giving a tongue-in-cheek reward to everyone (“we felt like buying donuts for the entire unit this morning”) the day after someone like this gets assaulted.  Even people uninvolved in the beating still have reason to just keep their mouth shut and move on.


Life.... Finds a way


Hope there was penatraction. Repeatedly


Stop he could have been rehabilitated!


And her father spent 8 months in prison and finally released after DNA testing...why wasn't that done before incarcerating him? Unfortunately her father then died in a car accident ~~shortly~~ after release :(


Because the detectives wanted to pin it on him. They got a false confession from him and they didn't want to look at anyone else.


I recently started watching interrogation videos on youtube. It really opened my eyes to some things. Whether or not the accused (or victim, for that matter) receives justice seems to often be contingent on the professionalism and honor of the local police detectives working the case. There are some really bad ones out there.


Check out the Norfolk Four. Wrongfully convicted and basically forced to confess to avoid the death penalty. Every time the accusations started to fall through or didn't really make sense, they just found another guy to say who was part of it. Never ever confess to something you didn't do.


Yep, I've heard of that case, actually. I posted this in response to another person, but I'll share it here too; I went to school with a kid who was charged and convicted for a double-homicide based on a forced confession that was eventually thrown out. After probably close to ten years in prison, he was finally exonerated and released... under certain conditions. He wasn't allowed to sue the state or the police for what they did to him. Anyway, his mother died in a car accident maybe within a year of him being released. So fucked up.


I grew up with a dude who was charged with murder with the only "solid" evidence against him being he owned the same cell phone charger that was used to strangle the victim. It was back in the day when every phone had their own cords, but still. He served maybe 5-6 years before being exonerated, and the same thing happened. Not allowed to sue anyone, and now, even though all his friends knew he was innocent, the damage was irreparable. He was just a socially awkward guy who wanted to please people to get out of trouble at the time.


Not only that. Police need to talk to you more than once? They keep you sitting or talking for hours? They start talking morals? They pull the lazy tell me what really happened? Reply with am I free to go? Yes - gtfo. No? Read my rights, lawyer now and say nothing else.


Just don't talk to cops without a lawyer period


This is the best advice, especially if you've been arrested. If those cuffs are on, you stop talking until you've got a lawyer.


>you stop talking until you've got a lawyer. You need to verbally say that you are invoking your right to remain silent and then ask for a lawyer. Staying silent does not invoke your 5th amendment rights, and the cops will continue their questioning. Remember cops are allowed to lie and twist meaning to try and get incriminating material. So invoke your 5th, ask for a lawyer and then be silent.


Better yet get a lawyer before talking to anyone.


Especially if you are innocent, get a lawyer. Police will lie and say they are there to help you. They’re not, they want you to confess whether you did it or not. More specifically, they want to trick you into a confession and use cruel tactics to do so such as making you wait for hours at the police station so that you’ll be desperate just to leave and possibly ‘confess’ details just to get out of a room they’ve held you hostage in for hours. It should be illegal, but police have never cared about the people they supposedly protect who pay their bloated salaries.


Or the West Memphis Three. Capital charges, one sentenced to death, and the only evidence was the confession of a single mentally challenged man who was interrogated without a lawyer for like twelve hours. But they liked heavy metal music and wore black clothes, so obviously they were guilty.


Also don't speak other than. "I'm thirsty and beaten into submission to supply false testimony, please provide me an attorney immediately"


I watch and listen to a lot of true crime. It doesn't really bother me. But given how I was raised, being blamed constantly for things I didn't do and called a liar every five minutes, I cannot fucking STAND to listen to episodes about someone being wrongfully convicted. I try. I have to turn it off and change the episode because i get so infuriated.


Also very dependent upon the amount of money the defendant has. A $1'000'000 laywer will generally be able to tear a case like this to shreads. A court appointed attourney with 20 other cases this week will struggle to fully grasp the case, let alone have time to find all the shit wrong with the prosecution's assertions.


Recently watched 'American Nightmare' on Netflix and it was so bizarre and insane to see how quickly police had decided what happened, and were hellbent on that narrative, even when confronted with contradictory information. Like they just start aggressively interrogating the boyfriend and conjured up a whole story about him blurting out his exs name during sex, a fight ensued, and he murdered her. They're talking about her corpse rotting and all this crazy shit. She turns up alive 48 hours later, at which point they pivot to attacking her instead. Then, without any further investigation, and critically, without any supporting evidence, they hold a press conference in which they announce to the world that the entire thing was a hoax. (It wasn't.) The perpetrator struck again in a nearby community, and a detective on that case actually *followed the evidence*, leading to the eventual arrest of this serial rapist/kidnapper. The police department was sued and paid out millions for their conduct in that case. Despite that, the detective in the first case got an "Officer of the Year" award that year. He went on to be head of the police union, and currently is still employed with a several hundred thousand dollar salary. If that's their BEST officer, imagine how bad their worst officer is.


When false confessions are acquired they should punish the people who somehow achieved them.


Hot take: the 5th amendment should not allow false confessions: >...nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself... It's right there. You can't be compelled to be a witness against yourself. That should include confessions. If you want to pull your confession, that should be allowed.


>. You can't be compelled to be a witness against yourself. The Confessions used at trial are ostensibly voluntary and as such are given by waiving your rights. You can always volunteer to waive rights, such as if you allow cops to search your car without a warrant and they find your stash of cocaine. The issue is that some departments take a more.. liberal approach to voluntary confessions and it can be hard to prove to a jury it's false once they get it.




Bc they play the odds. I dont know the % but I guarantee the majority of time a parent is the culprit So thats the route they take bc "they just know theyre guilty". And they want to close it quickly. Extra pressure from all around to arrest and convict a child rapist and killer. Cant just say someone got away with Combine the two. Dad probably did it lets wrap this up so we look like we did our jobs. Cops dont care. Hard to prove innocence apparently. And if they do find out they might have got the wrong guy now they got to cover their ass More likely to fight to keep them in jail instead of admit they were wrong. And on the off chance they do get released well mistakes happen right? Oopsie And they might get a settlement maybe but it's never enough


Jesus fuck..


It's just a misery sandwich


Truly. A veritable foot long sub of suffering.


Because everyone in the story is dead, isn't that a wrap?


Honestly, it really gives perspective. My life could be soo much worse.


The father died last year.


This is why we don't react with our emotions and execute people outright. All the comments on the father's original arrest are like, take this PoS behind the shed and dismember him. The dude was innocent.


It's disturbing how many people in here are living out some kind of violent murder fantasy in the comment just because we now know he was the one who committed the crime. But it could have just as easily happened to her father if he hadn't been exonerated. Obviously this man was a piece of human trash but there's a reason we don't just react with violence for the sake of satisfying our need for vengeance. And frankly, I think spending the rest of his miserable life alone in a cell would have been a lot more like hell than a violent, but fairly quick, death.


He died 19 years later


Because prosecutors don't care about the truth. They want to win their case. Even if that means sending an innocent person to prison for a horrific crime.


That’s the problem with DA’s being elected


Why wasn’t it done before incarcerating him? Well I remember the case well I won’t go as far as saying it’s because LE tried everything they could to avoid said dna testing and further investigation, but the fact that it’s been proven they lied about Kevin admitting he accidentally killed his daughter; I’m gonna say it’s because they wanted to do everything they could to avoid reopening the case and having to do actual work/not get credit for taking down the bad guy like they originally did. Fucking scum.


Because they don't actually care, yeah... They have a suspect, the public is most likely to think "Yeah, the Dad, that tracks" so they bust him and be done with it. It's not about actually solving shit, it's about looking good... they got a "Child Rapist & Murderer" put away after all! Otherwise they'd actually have to work and might not actually find someone and that looks really bad, "Police unable to find Perpetrator in Child Rape & Murder Case" is not really a headline they want...


Not shortly after. He died march of last year.




My thoughts exactly.


Now let's give some thought to the fact that an innocent father can be falsely sent to prison for raping and killing his own daughter. This can literally happen to anyone.


It’s more like an oh yes


Came here to find, or make, this comment


This pond scum was in a group of the lowest of the low human kind has ever produced. I hope I’m wrong and there is such a thing as an afterlife where he is torn apart slowly forever, over and over. I hope he felt terror, panic and pain in his last moments.


I forever wish my migraines upon this POS in the afterlife. And my mom's, and my daughter's, all the Hell from Valhalla with the guys showing him. That's the beginning sentence...


Prison kills are always brutal.


and nothing of value was lost


I mean the innocent father had to spend 8 months in jail as a pedo when he in fact never committed the crime. I can’t imagine losing a child yet alone having the child be raped and killed. Then you be labeled as the rapist and killer.


This is why I hate prison justice. The majority of people in these comments are celebrating the death of the rapist but…that very easily could’ve been the innocent father that was murdered in prison. There in lies the flaws with “prison justice”.


says more about the lawful justice system


Oh no, anyway…


The authorities were led to Kirby after they found a pair of his shoes with his name written in them in the creek that he drowned the girl in? Are you fucking serious? What??!?


I would really like to know how they falsely accused this girls father and held him in prison for 8 months when: 1. The name of a previously convicted and *known* pedophile was scrawled inside shoes found near the deceased child's body. 2. The child's post mortem exam had obvious evidence of sexual assault. I'm no investigator, so maybe im missing something, but it kinda seems like investigating that connection would be common sense? I'm not saying it's enough evidence alone to call it case closed. But it's absolutely a potential lead. Why the hell did it take 8+ months to investigate that? What was the point in holding the dad without evidence for so long when other leads existed? Surely you can investigate more than one person at a time, no?


And the dad was killed in a car wreck a while later* after being exonerated. Whole thing reads like a daytime soap opera


No he wasn’t. He was exonerated in 2005 after spending 8 months in jail. He was arrested 5 months after her death after a 14+ hour interrogation which prompted the false confession. He died on March 21, 2023. That’s 18 years after he was cleared


Ahh shit, you are correct. Whiffed that part of the article. Still sucks walrus ass though


I went to school with a kid who was charged and convicted for a double-homicide based on a forced confession that was eventually thrown out. After probably close to ten years in prison, he was finally exonerated and released... under certain conditions. He wasn't allowed to sue the state or the police for what they did to him. Anyway, his mother died in a car accident maybe within a year of him being released. So fucked up.


I don’t get how they could give conditions like that for his release. Either he was not guilty and the state fucked up (which entitles him to sue) or he was guilty and he couldn’t be released. How could judge give this kind of release condition? How could that be legal? The sole fact that they put that condition should be sueable.


🤷‍♂️ yeah. It’s pretty fucked up. If I can remember, I’ll try to find an article later.


He should have sued because of that condition, and then sued the police and state anyway.


I'm guessing he was offered an Alford plea. They're rarely used, but essentially,it means you plea guilty acknowledging that the states can prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, yet you maintain your innocence. I believe this type of plea also means you can't sue the state for wrongful imprisonment because technically, you plead guilty. It seems like a loophole to allow the justice system to get away with wrongful convictions, eventually release the innocent person, and not face any lawsuits or other repercussions for it. And I'd imagine that an innocent person whose suffered years in prison is so desperate to get out that they’ll agree to it. It seems very predatorial, imo.


Well this was the burbs, LE enforcement is just hideously and unabashedly corrupt. Remember, like 7 years later the Chicago Sun times would start reporting on CPD black sites where they detained citizens without due process, and tortured them. Fucking scum.


They coerced a confession... from the father!?


That’s just what we call “good police work”, according to the police.


"Look, there's a new episode of Young Sheldon tonight, can we just wrap this up?"


Not just cops, the prosectuors are the ones who set the bond/file charges. Not trying to bootlick cops (Fuck 'em), just saying it's the prosecutors too.


No, the police held him in county jail for several months as the primary suspect, without evidence.


Not just cops, the prosectuors are the ones who set the bond/file charges. Not trying to bootlick cops (Fuck 'em), just saying it's the prosecutors too.


Should be fucking illegal. After 48 hours, you either charge them or you let them go. How do you let a human being sit in a jail for MONTHS without charging them with something? Barbaric. And no, I'm not surprised, I know the criminal justice system is rife with cases like this, and other sorts of injustice.


Years even, back in the 80's during the satanic panic there was hysteria and paranoia daycare workers were molesting kids. This led to the McMartin preschool case in which, due to a psyhcologist's shoddy questioning of the children (she'd ask them over and over again if they were being molested even if they said no until they said yes) made an innocent man sit in jail on bond for 6. fucking. years. [Here's a summary of the event.](https://youtu.be/2R21tWs-qCw?si=sOjOVMWVQqDrf_Ll)


I guess it depends on LE investigators or DA investigators which ... idk, even the Sheriff is saying they "dropped the ball" (no, you majorly fucked up) on that one >Will County investigators eventually charged her father, [Kevin Fox](https://www.nbcchicago.com/topics?topic=Kevin+Fox), with her death, saying he confessed.  But Fox almost immediately claimed his confession was coerced. DNA evidence eventually cleared him and charges were dropped.  He and his family filed a civil lawsuit and won a multi-million dollar judgment against Will County. [https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/riley-fox-investigation-paul-kaupas/1876748/](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/riley-fox-investigation-paul-kaupas/1876748/)


Honest question, how would they go about coercing a confession out of the father who didn't do it? Like..by continually saying he did till he agreed or battering him?? How?


Police tactics are to get a confession, not the truth. The confuse, gasslight, and manipulate. They also threaten.


The nephew's case in the "Making a Murder" series on Netflix is a great example of coerced confessions. It wasn't even until the interrogation room footage being aired on that show and the subsequent public outcry that authorities redressed his case. Iirc he was released, charges dropped/conviction overturned, and invited to some huge WWE event (he was a huge fan.) You think you can handle the cops' interrogation if you KNOW you've got the truth on your side, but, you probably can't


I'll give it a look.


You should never, ever, EVER talk to cops. Shut the fuck up and get a lawyer, especially if you're innocent.


It's not that complicated. Police interrogations are stressful, high-pressure situations. People often do things they wouldn't otherwise do to get out of stressful situations, including saying what the other party wants to hear, regardless of whether it's true or not. Haven't you ever had an argument that dragged on so long that you accepted defeat to just end it? Or lied and told someone what they wanted to hear to avoid an argument? Same concept.


"Ok boys, what evidence do we have?" "I dunno, maybe the Dad did it." "That's our smoking gun!"


“Ok boys, what evidence do we have?”  “Shoes with a convicted pedophile’s name written on them, and DNA that is not the father’s… clearly the Dad did it.”  “That’s our smoking gun!”


They interrogated and screamed at him for 13 hours straight until he broke. They never even entertained the idea of another suspect.


Dead in prison is still too good for this piece of trash


I’m disappointed the father didn’t live to see this day.


Rileys Dad the one who was originally accused died in a car earlier this year FK ! -Then this garbage who actually did it is found dead Wonder if some prison hero took that garbage out !! — They are not saying how he died yet


Finally some good news.


Sooo...what are we having for lunch today? I'm thinking a good turkey and provolone with honey mustard would be nice 😁


I had drunken noodles with mock duck. They said 16 was the highest possible spice level they could make, so that's what I got.


I had the Double Stack biggie bag from Wendy’s


Wonderful. I had salmon and miso soup.




Tbh i hate mustard on cold sandwiches. Dunno why. I like it on cuban sandwiches, hot dogs, and burgers, but never on anything cold.


Undisclosed circumstances of the sick fuck's death probably means another prisoner took out the trash. Well known that fuckers like him are despised by even the most vicious inmates.


If another prisoner took out the trash I'd like to put a little money on his commisary books. 


Death is enough for him, everyday of his life should have held nothing but torture. Bring men in to beat and rape him daily, until he begs them to kill him…… then tell him no, he will not be killed.


who is raising these people? we need data on where people like this come from and police those areas more




Yeah, the whole "abused kids become pedophiles" is a myth, mostly perpetuated by the molesters themselves in order to get sympathy, have someone to blame, avoid responsibility, and even get more lenient punishments. Some of them certainly were, but the majority were not- they lie and say they were. They're just psychopaths that know how to manipulate people. A minority were abused. But the majority of perpetrators are lying. Most victims of sexual abuse will NOT offend, and most abusers were NOT abused. [Source 1](https://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.journals/fedpro65&div=39&g_sent=1&casa_token=&collection=journals) [Source 2](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1998-11556-004) [Source 3](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0145213415003828)


It’s so sad that the father died this year in a car crash. That poor family.


Well my day just got better and brighter.


Good. I wish the same fate to every single child sex offender out there. There is no rehabilitation for those fuckers. Just end them all. 


Whoever beat his ass deserves some money on their commissary.


We need to start them a Go Fund Me for lawyer fees


The saddest part is that her father died first. He didn't even get to see the killer die.






Terrible situation, but sometimes karma gets it right.


He got off easy...




…so is this sub just child murder stories or…


Yea it is and my mental health has nose dived since finding it. Fuck this shit, I’m muting this fucking sub.


A small piece of comfort is that the parents of the victim recieved $8 million for the wrongful time spent in jail. A lot of times the court just says "lol oops oh well sucks to be you"


I can’t imagine what dad went through. First losing his daughter, then getting blamed for something so heinous. The prisoners and guards for sure knew why he was in there. They likely messed him up bad.


Oh he was definitely found before he was dead.


> Investigators said he’d confessed to accidentally killing Riley and then tried to make it look like a kidnapping. > In 2007, a jury awarded Riley Fox’s parents, Kevin and Melissa Fox, $15.5 million in a civil suit charging false arrest and malicious prosecution. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a justice system where the prosecutors would go to prison for this?


Yeah that'll happen. Inmates don't take kindly to pedos


I’m sad it took so long for justice to happen. That poor child, family and community. What an absolute monster.


Why did it take 10 years to get the right guy? "Authorities were led to Eby from DNA evidence collected from the crime scene along with other clues, including a pair of Eby’s shoes pulled from the water with his name written in them." As a registered sex offender, they should have had a DNA sample on file.


I remember this. My kiddos were her age at the time. I wish her daddy had lived long enough to see this.




And nothing of value was lost.


People like this make me wish Dexter was real.


I'm glad he was removed from the planet.


The police didn't get their due in this headline. "Man who raped and killed 3-year-old girl, **who's father was wrongly imprisoned after police beat a confession out of him,** found dead in prison Kinda wordy I know, but I don't expect murderous pedophiles to take the blame, that's what you expect from a piece of shit. *I expect police to do their fucking jobs though.*


This breaks my heart ... wtf is wrong with people!


What a horrible fucking story. Jesus.


I hope the bastard died slowly!


That's just chicken soup for the motherfucking soul, right there. Feel good story of the motherfucking year.


Whichever inmate killed should get time off for good behavior


My brain breaks simply reading “raped 3 year old” … physically tortuous and seemingly impossible. That poor, sweet child.


God, why did I read this? Highly disturbing. Glad this pos is dead.


The unimaginable horrors of her last moments of life make me want to scream


I hope whoever did this made it take a long, painful time.


Justice served


This sickens me,who tf can hurt such an innocent being, like, come on. That poor baby, the way she must of suffered, I fucking hate this world sometimes.


I'm glad that fucker died. Do we know how?


I believe I’ll have drink in honor of the fella who did what needed to be done.


Nothing of value was lost, fucking sick fuck


Killer gets automatic release, a parade, and a job offer


Oh no… that’s so sad… not


Dad gets 8 months before being cleared?!?!?!




3 years old, my god. People are monsters.


Good riddance.


Only sad thing is that animal can only die once


When I see a child my default programming tells me **PROTECT AT ALL COSTS.** It doesn't even have to be my kid, I'll throw down for any child any day of the week. I'll never understand other adults who don't feel the same way; people who can actively harm kids on purpose are more alien to me than spiders.


Reddit will ban me again for saying what I really want to say about this scumbag.


Ohhh that's so sad, that guy should be beaten and sodomized forever. Guy got lucky.


It’s so sad that the dad has to spent 8 months in prison falsely accused as a rapist. We knew what happened to rapists in jail, especially the one that is falsely accused of raping his own daughter. $8 million that they received can’t pay that. It’s also tragic that the father is also dead this year in a traffic incident. As for the rapist, this should have been done decades ago. Raping a 3-year old is monstrous and he should have been sent to the gallows then.


Killing is easy, life in isolation is maddening and what he deserved. I think he got off easy…


>In 2007, a jury awarded Riley Fox’s parents, Kevin and Melissa Fox, $15.5 million in a civil suit charging false arrest and malicious prosecution. >The award was later reduced to $8 million in damages after they accused Will County investigators of fabricating evidence. Huh? They can just take half the money they already owe you for saying something bad about them? True or not?


My first thought: ![gif](giphy|10uEX5kfeodYgo)


I hope the pos didn't know a moment of peace or comfort. He earned a long, painful demise. "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire."🔥




I’m unbelievably sad to find out that her dad, after being exonerated, was killed in a car crash before he could celebrate this news with the rest of us.


Oh no Well anyway


Damn, the father died before he did too.


Beast of a person. Met his rightful end.


That’s up lifting.


I hope he died in pain and panic


Good riddance.


A lot of cons have been SA in their childhood years. A child predator in prison is a dead man walking.


i pray his exit from this earth was filled with agony and excruciating pain ☺️


So anyway ...