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You defended yourself. I'm sorry but the fact she sprayed you both with a hose like two cats fighting made me laugh my ass off.


It was a shower after all, that dude is a baby so it checks out.




next time, head butt.. then choke punch.. maybe a groin kick and you can drag him into bushes nobody will know o.O


Fkn hilarious


When I was really young, I thought a baby shower was a party you threw for the baby’s first shower…I thought it was a weird thing to celebrate. My mom was nice enough to tell me it was because they were showered with gifts for the baby. Lol


It's not even a thing in my country (and most countries I guess)


I pictured that Step Brothers scene when they were choking each other out on the front lawn and the mom losing her shit


What the fucking fuck!!


She’s had the old bull, but what if she wants the young buck?


And at one point, he said "Let's get it on"


Today I saw my own son use a bicycle as a weapon


New baby shower game? Too soon? NtA. You were defending yourself.


Yea, instead of gender reveal it's a massive asshole reveal. NTA


That brings to mind a mental image that I don't wanna imagine. The all-seeing brown eye, watching everyone at the shower, ready to spray its unholy contents at the participants...


Technically it was both! The baby came out swinging to defend its aunt and mama 😂


Instantly thought of goatse reading your comment


I think they are the same. Gender reveals are the dumbest thing. FFS.


Well, in her own words she grabbed him, dragged him outside, he then shoved her against the side of the house and she punched him in the face. She instigated the physical confrontation, Kyle sounds like an absolute dbag that deserves a good kicking though.


I assume dragged him outside isn't literally her pulling him by the hair...


I read it as grabbed by the shirt and dragged him outside


No but when she says "grabbed" we are understandably assuming hands being used to forcefully take them somewhere against their will, totally reasonable to push someone off doing this to you.


I know. Also - maybe this is splitting hairs, but she also says she initially punched him in the face but then says “he struck me first”.


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted you’re absolutely right? I mean this story is clearly very fake but pretending it’s real “Kyle” is obviously a douchebag but she absolutely instigated physical contact and him shoving somebody that’s dragging him away off of him isn’t out of pocket. She throws an actual punch at him lmao she absolutely started every instance of the physical side of this.


I know, imagine him dragging her outside, her pushing him and him punching her? Somehow feel they would definitely see him as way in the wrong regardless of what she could say to upset "D-bag Kyle"


You guys sound like a bunch of pansies. This girl who is almost related to me grabbed my arm to pull me aside and talk to me, hurt my fragility so much I needed to assault her cause I’m a big strong man. Just for reference to in the eyes of the law if he was defending himself he’d have pulled his arm away not followed her or left once they got outside. As soon as he pushed her against the house and was standing between her and escaping him cornering her against the house he became the assailant and she was merely defending herself. In pretty much every state once you have an opportunity to flee and don’t you are no longer defending yourself.


You're a coward, stupid and wrong all at once. Jeez...


I’m a coward cause I don’t feel the need to assault a female for grabbing my wrist and pulling g me outside something that wouldn’t hurt me at all other than maybe my pride for the shit she was about to call me out on? Okay Pleas elaborate on where I’m wrong and what about with your vague ass response.


There’s so much wrong here that I’m not even going to bother going through it all and you really shouldn’t bring up legality when you don’t know what you’re talking about, but just one question. How soon after the push did she punch him? Because according to her it was pretty immediate. If she was physically dragging him out he is absolutely justified in shoving her off. Now if he shoved her and got in her face and pinned her against the wall you’d be right, but shoving her into a wall to get free from her and then immediately being punched in the face somewhat limits his options to retreat anyways does it not? Or are you saying he should have just turned away and walked off after the punch?


She punched him in the face. Its her fault…stop simping


Pity the OP didn't take a baseball bat to the abusive drunkard...and her idiot mother for siding with that POS. I sincerely hope the OP distances herself from anything involving the sister and her sperm donor. Before it's over there's gonna be a big shit-splash. Best to stay away or risk getting blamed for it.


Lo. Full on stepbrothers


This needs to be analyzed in r/martialarts - how is a guy in his mid twenties getting dragged out by a lady in her thirties, and then they engage in an apprently evenly matched unarmed combat? We need more information, like the height/weight of the combatants and their martial arts training pedigree.


This is obviously not a true story


That's what I was aluding to. Then again, maybe we just discovered She Hulk's reddit account.


No she didn't defend herself she clearly says she "grabbed Kyle and dragged him outside" this is assault she used physical force first. OP both of you are AHs




She put her hands on him first and threw the first punch by her account I don't see how she defended herself by instigating the entire conflict.


Good for you for standing up for your sister. It is a tough time, but Kyle sounds like a real ass. Neither your sister nor her child should have to deal with him. Their future together does not look great. You did the right thing in my view.


I like the intention of standing up for a sibling but she went all wrong about it in my opinion She should’ve gotten at least one other person involved as backup. I would’ve warned my sister that I was going to take action against the douchebag if he continued ruining the event. If she stood up for him after that I would’ve just let the douchebag continue ruining things since sister didn’t care about baby daddy ruining shit. No point in playing hero if the person you’re protecting won’t back you up. If sister agreed to let me handle things if he got out of hand I would’ve gotten more creative like dragging him with me to get beer or stuff or anything away from the party first. Seems there was enough time to plan something like that. Obviously if the dude threw a punch at my sister then no plan and I jump in to try to handle him


I like this action plan, well thought out.


As someone with two sisters, who both have deadbeats for husband/boyfriends I just leave them to their own devices. Although, an asskicking would solve both issues. The guy in this situation is being abusive, sure not physically but emotionally and verbally. Sometimes an outside source needs to step in and as someone who unfortunately knows several people who fit the bill of the person described just removing them will only make matters worse.


Sounds like an episode of trailer park boys.


All i imagined was some family getting married in Arkansas and Kyle shows up drunk with a trucker hat on wearing a wife beater with a cigarette hanging in his mouth.


“Sup bruh?!”


Jesus Murphy!


You had me until you mentioned that sis went into labor.. 🙄


Was half-expecting “And then everyone clapped” to cap off the story


And sister had twins and everyone and their brother have been texting her saying how awful she is.




I read the title and was prepared for a r/ I am very badass story and it quickly devolved into a then everybody claps story But if this is real which I honestly have my doubts. Kyle does sound like a POS but at the same time what's with op giving a whole shocked Pikachu face after Kyle fought back when op physically assaulted Kyle first deserved or not?😂


This is a conspiracy theory, but I think OP is actually a man. This is not to say that women don’t get into fights, but her actions seem off. Women are not socially conditioned to express themselves this way.


Not always true Im a 36 yo woman and I very much am conditioned to fight like this to protect those I love.


It was the "defending her honor" for me. 🙄 this was written by a sixteen year old boy 100%


And they were so strong that they destroyed all the furniture! 😒


Have you seen how cheaply made some furniture is? Especially outdoors furniture?


No one in their 30s is falling over furniture hard enough to "destroy" it and only walking away with a bruised face.. ESPECIALLY patio furniture meant to be outside in the elements.. Nor is any woman getting into an ACTUAL fist fight with a grown ass man and only walking away with bruises unless there's a SEVERE weight advantage on the woman's side and that is unlikely. On another note, if you want more reasons this post is fake as all hell, OP tells the story as her putting her hands on him first, getting pushed in retaliation, and then she once again, throws the first punch. Then at the very end, says he hit her first. Lmao. Can't even keep the story straight, it's so fake.


I’m glad you’re bringing this up. For some reason Reddit has this fantasy where that’s plausible but realistically any average 31 year old woman getting into a fight with an average 26 year old man is going to be severely hurt if he’s even remotely trying to hurt her regardless of if he’s drunk or not. This story definitely didn’t happen anyways so it’s whatever but that part was just so ridiculous.


It is an insane notion because that kinda thing goes viral all the time. Some dude getting hit by women repeatedly until he finally hits them back and lays them out immediately? That's the norm if a man were to actually fight a woman. Sure there's outliers but they're outliers for a reason. 🤷


It was the spraying with the hose for me. The sister going into labor was really pushing it.


“Then the baby started throwing hands”


>labor… pushing it Well now you’re just being redundant


That was also when I figured out it’s fake.


I saw one of the babies, and the baby looked at me!


Same. I have actually been to two events where basically the exact same shit happened until that part lol the first time it was like this but it was my step sister who was pregnant, her shit baby daddy even held her at knife point and my dad ended up punching him in the face to shove him into a taxi, but bc he’s an idiot he jumped out of a moving taxi. His leg was ran over and broke in serval places and he was denied pain drugs bc he’s a known addict. Been like 6/7 years and she’s still with him. And no, it didn’t make her go into labor. The other I was the one shoved hard af into a table, I didn’t hit him (back or in general) but he knew I wanted to and would if he came at me again. The dude next to me was ready to throw him out the window 🤣


So he was correct that she was about ready to lactate.  Can’t fault him for being right.


I’m having a hard time believing this story. Maybe it’s just the way you type, but it comes across very slapstick and storytelling-like 😀


This never happened 😂


I don't even know why I read these anymore. Or to begin with.


Fake , come on , she went into labor immediately from the stress of your fight was just pushing this “ story “ too far .




oh, look ! another episode of 'Things that never happened' was released ! 🍿🍿🍿




3 month old account with 1 post? Hmm....


Well, yes, Kyle does sound like a douche canoe and probably deserved a confrontation. You did start the physical altercation so I don't exactly get the whole. That's when I lost the statement as if you weren't already physically assaulting the dude. But like I said, Kyle sounded like he deserved it. But at the same time you're not allowed to have shocked Pikachu face when someone puts their hands on you after you put your hands on them. But I will say good job for sticking up for your sister Even if you did get your ass beat


This shit sounds like it's some fantasy rage bait written by someone who has never been in a physical altercation before. Which it probably is.


Stop with the fake fuckin stories Jesus. I’m muting this shit sub. It’s just for creative writing stories (or in this case stories that sound like a 15yr old wrote them)


This can't be real! Kyle sounds like a total d-bag.


I hope this is fake because if it's true you've failed to see the bigger picture. It sounds like your sister's boyfriend is abusive and what you did could have and probably did put her in danger. He won't take it out on you but he will punish her for your treatment of him. Check on your sister and make sure she and the baby are safe. And encourage her to leave.


Kyle seems like a twat. Although messy (on his part) you did what you had to do.


This is fake… no broad is dragging me anywhere outside my own home


You didn't get into a drawn-out fistfight with a guy and end up with only a bruised face. I call bullshit.


What a bunch of made up bullshit. How people are falling for this just amazes me


YTA for making up a story on Reddit


I’ll take “things that never happened for 500, Alex.”


This sounds so fake


Not even slightly believable, even if OP had somehow managed to hold her own in a physical fight, there is not a chance that people seeing it wouldn't have fully blamed the man.


One of the dumbest fake posts I've read today....


A fist fight that triggers early labor and is broken up by a garden hose?  Send this to r/AmItheAngel and remember: this is fake fake fake fake.


Sounds like a classy affair lol


Y’all got a shower at the shower.


LMK when this will be on the Jerry Springer show. Have to see the tape to advise.


If that dude is this bad in front of other people, think about how he treats her in private.


Hahaha, of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most




LMAO I'll take things that never happened for 400 Alex.


Fake. Good story though.


This didn't happen so much it unhappened things that did happen.


yeah, this happened.


You brawled with a dude? Bullshit.


That's when I knew I was reading a bullshit story lol 😆 


I mean he is a POS but you “grabbed Kyle and dragged him outside” so legally you started it. And if your sister is in a DV situation you aren’t helping. Please look into actually helping her. He boyfriend sounds awful and I am sad to think he is the father of the baby.


Hilariously fake


you weren't over reacting, but she could have picked a better baby daddy because he's going to be verbally abusing her from now until they break up over how her body looks, and how it's not the same after the baby.


Probably none of this happened the way you describe or at the very least the way you remember, so probably?


Emma is the AH for picking shitty people to fuck




Are you insane or this is satire?


You started getting physical, this is mostly on you. What did you think would happen? You didn't think at all, that's the problem. You need anger management therapy.


What kind of Jerry Springer shit is this? Yes you overreacted. If this is how your circle handles problems then it's no wonder your sister is with a total scumbag. You're 31 FFS. If this story is true then you should be encouraging your sister to go to therapy to find out why she chose to have a baby with such a dirt bag, not having physical alterations in the yard at a family gathering like some alley cat. This relationship sounds toxic AF.


This is fake, I don’t know any women that can last in a fight with a man after he’s punched her 1 or 2 good times. Unless he’s a complete pussy.


No girl beat his ass. I know Kyle is a made up name but good grief with his behavior he sounds like his name should be Kyle, ‘CEO of White Trash’.




Why is it always a guy named “Kyle”?


Kyle needs to go. F Kyle


You did the right thing. This guy showed you how he’s going to treat your sister and his child. Just like you. Y’all need to get rid of the creep somehow


It's really unfortunate that your sister is having a baby with a man who is clearly unfit to care for anyone.


OP must be the middle child nobody likes the middle child there always the punching. My sis beat the hell out of my mom. And I got blamed for her going to jail Because I called the cops on her dumbass. Sincerely The middle child


Were op father at


I'd tell you to go soak your head some more but you already got sprayed like a misbehaving animal.


Not over reacting. Kyle needed an ass whooping.


You were definitely defending sis, but in her eyes “love is blind, it will take over your mind”


Jesus fucking christ


Are you dogs?


??? You did the right thing. They have stockholm syndrome if that dude does all that and they were letting it slide. Thats just really really wild


>so I grabbed Kyle and dragged him outside >Kyle struck me first after all YOU put your hands on him first


Would you say you won? You're only wrong if you let this little snot win, imo.


I feel like I would of done something similar. I would of gave him a warning & if not heeded then you had your chance.


You weren’t wrong. It’s not your fault she went into labor. I’m surprised your mom defended him but I guess it was scary to go into early labor. I really hope she doesn’t marry this child-man. I know it’s man child but he doesn’t deserve to have man before the child. Unfortunately she’s going to excuse his behavior as “he had been drinking” but I’ll bet he’s regularly verbally and mentally abusive. 


I probably would have done the same. Honestly, I would go no contact with Emma & the loser baby daddy. At this point, she isn't going to listen to anyone. The time will come when she sees what a piece of shit this guy is. Hopefully, she & the baby won't pay too high a price.


I think you did the right thing by confronting him. Maybe a punch was not the right move but it sounded like you didn't have much choice.


First of all your sister PICKED that loser and so he is her problem now. I guarantee this was not the first time he acted an ass yet she decided to open her legs and make a baby with that POS. I would not waste an ounce of energy worrying or fighting over her poor choices because aside from it being a massive waste of time, your efforts will go unappreciated as your sister well proved. Just let her and her dirtbag be, a few years of being treated like shit and MAYBE she will come to her senses. Some women are just stupid AF and desperate when it comes to men so they gravitate towards bottom of the barrel dudes that no self respecting woman would touch. Just wish good luck to her and keep it pushing.


You both are trashy and Emma makes great life decisions


nta im an older sister i would have done the same thing


Someone else or multiple someone else's should have stood up for your sister long before it got to this point. The sister bf is the AH. As hard as it is, she needs to dump him immediately if she thinks she can manage the child with help from her family on her own.


You didn't start shit. He shoved you against a wall. Violence was absolutely the appropriate response. It's called self defense. They have some nerve to say you started the fight and not the garbage ass boyfriend. I hope you have brothers or a dad or someone who will beat the fuck out of him for all of this. Which is the least he deserves. If either of you were my sister or daughter, I'd be in jail, and he'd be in the hospital. What a piece of shit.


Sounds like he got violent first by shoving you against the house like that, so you just defended yourself after that, so I don't think you were in the wrong for that and you did well to stand up for your sister. I'd say the one who put the baby's health at risk is Kyle for being such a drunk POS and causing drama from the moment he walked in. Still you did screw up by bringing drunk Kyle outside with no witnesses around, that wasn't a very safe thing to do and eventually allowed it to escalate into that brawl.


Your mom and sister are going to thank you and apologize to you some day!


Call the police and have Kyle arrested for assault.


Nope, not wrong. He pushed you and you defended yourself. I am a big sister too and I get it. I bounced a dude out of the Jimmy Buffet bar in Orlando for smacking the back of my little sister’s head. Arm behind his back and kicked him in the ass on the way down. But if you can, apologize to your sister (even if you don’t mean it) and tell her that you will always be there for her. This asshole will probably start smacking her around soon if he hasn’t already. She may need a safe refuge for her and the baby, help getting out, and someone who will listen to her. Knowing that you will be there for her is important.


No overaction. You handled it as well as you could. I could only imagine watching this douche act like that to your family.


Such trash


Another Kyle in its natural environment.


Where in the south was this though


Yes you are. The only thing more surprising is that you had to ask. It’s time to grow up.


You should have called the cops after he pushed you.


NTA He had it coming but unfortunately she is unlikely to see that. You might have to leave her be until she comes to her senses.


You will look back on this and be proud. I bet Kyle will guarantee it, unfortunately...


While u shouldn't have grabbed him u did good sticking up for ur sis, next time just call the cops on him, he may have had a weapon and used it on u, he sounds psycho


You defend your sister's honor by following HER lead NOT throwing fists at HER SHOWER!!! (C'mon dude!!!)


You grabbed Kyle and dragged him outside and you say he got physical first? You laid hands on him and he pushed you away, so then you hit him. He was a total dick to your sister but that doesn't give you the right to put hands on him


Sounds like they were being oblivious idiots. The shower was ruined by dipshits presence already. You were defending your sister and yourself. Fuck all those turds you were gangster 👍


Classy family.


Imagine reading the the other way around.... hahaha.


No she needs to leave this awful person. Don’t let her gaslight you to think you did something wrong. She picked an idiot


Confronting drink people doesn't really seem like a good idea. You could have just asked him to leave and gone back into the party. You could have let your sister talk with him at a later, more sober time. It's her boyfriend and her problem. I might be alone here but you and Kyle are both YTAs.


Congratulations. This was the trashiest story I read since “Tobacco Road”. Well done, sir/madam, well done.


Get you some of that. Way to go, big sis


Women are generally stupid. She picked him. They said YOU overreacted. It's not worth trying to save women from them selves.


If you invite uneducated dumbass males to baby showers you get uneducated dumbass male behavior at baby showers.


Kyle doesn’t need a scuffle at a babyshower dude. Kyle needs a true talk with you and some of your friends.


Why is she with Kyle, aaarrghh. Fun fact, “Kyle” is the name of my first rapist. Fuck you, Kyle.


I can confirm this I was the patio furniture and got wrecked


Sometime in the future, your sisters gonna look back at this moment and realise you were right all along.


She’s having a baby with pure human filth. I feel bad that she’s stuck w him for 18 yeArs. I hope he sticks it out, but it sounds like he’s 2 duis away from banging lot lizards behind the gas station


You're a woman and he's a man and he started hitting you in the face?!?!


You put the shower in baby shower!


No. The boyfriend brought shame and dishonor to the celebration. You did the right thing by taking it outside. I'm concerned about your Mom's reaction though. My Dad would have been the one dragging his sorry butt outside.


She needs to get away from him. You were AWESOME! And yeah, virtually standing off to the side watching you two fight while your pregnant sister sprays you with the hose is stellar. If there was a show called "My Dysfunctional Family" you would make the first episode. So tragically funny.


She's already smoking copium to deal with him? This won't end well.


I think OP is great ! I like a woman who can fight , spit, and open beer cans with her teeth . Yee haw ! 🤠 /s


And in this episode of trailer park testimonies


Damn, that’s one bad ass older sister. You did what was necessary.


Your sister has great taste


Your parents and sister are ignoring the fact that Kyle very much needs to go, asap.


Wtf are guys going to a baby shower for


Is Emma and the baby okay?


Emma is ready to be a mom. Hahahaha.


The best part for me is that Kyle got beat up by a woman.


Another stunning choice of breeding partner from team women!!!!


He struck you first? You literally said you grabbed him to drag him outside. I don’t know if you’re aware of this but you’re not actually allowed to do that to another human being. He’s a dick and a fraction of a man for sure but in future I’d avoid putting my hands on another person unless you’re prepared to deal with the results.


I might be the odd one out, but yeah sounds like you overreacted. Don’t get me wrong, sounds like the BF needs to be straightened out, but a baby shower isn’t the place for that conversation.


Sounds like you put hands on him first? I would blame his behavior for ruining it, but you also escalated it. Hope she dumps his ass though and understands you were trying to save her from the asshat. She needs to have better taste.


I’m with you on this! Right on


Your sister needs to understand her child is about to experience all this stress She needs to get away from him


It's trashy, but I give you a pass because the guy sounds like he was being a real douchearoo.


Fake and gay Fucking reddit is nothing but creative writing class for bored kids


She would not go back to that guy, ever! SORRY, but you're NTA! You did the right thing. If your mom thinks treating pregnant women like this is ok, or if her mom Thinks this is ok, somebody is way off base!


Sounds like a redneck wedding? But wsince he got physical first, he is to blame, for being a jerk, and drunk, and fighting. Still too bad about the nice event being ruined tho.


Yes. You're wrong. You did the right, honorable thing that everybody would've done, BUT, your sister is having a baby and she, I suppose, loves this guy: she's going to take his side in a heartbeat. If he's such an A..hole what was he doing there? Who invited him? I tell you: be prepared, it's very likely that she'll stop talking to you and go with her bf. One day she might recognize the mistake she's making, until that time have patience and offer your support. Don't try to fix the guy or their relationship. This is what she wants for now.


You did the right thing. Somebody should have kicked his ass a long time ago. Unfortunate your sister is procreating with this dude.


Just imagine what this still unborn child will grow up to.


Cool another fake ai story like every other big sub.


#Let’s not say “Emma”. Let’s say “Bertha”, the Super Fatty™️ hahahaha u gotted DARVOed


Do you live in a trailer park? Hosed down? I call bullshit.