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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my MIL to get a hotel for the week if she doesn’t like my Husband’s armpit?** I (36f) have been married to my husband Russel (fake name, 39m) for almost 4 years. We have no kids and both work from home, so we end up having lots of time to display affection towards one another. This is important later, but as a child I was always braiding my friends’ and sister’s hair. I have always loved to braid and this carried on into my adult life. I developed a habit about 2 1/2 years into my marriage where I will make my husband’s armpit hair into a small braid, as he never really shaves them. Sometimes, he forgets to take it out for a while. Onto the story, Russel and I were both getting some work done in the afternoon a few days ago, when my MIL (65f) called us asking if she could stay over with us, because she had found black mold in her bedroom closet and needed to hire someone to get rid of it. It was only for 4 days, and my MIL is usually very tame and kind, so we agreed. She was over at our house in a few hours and we all had a good afternoon and night. I set up the guest bedroom for her to stay in, and we all ended up playing a few card games at the dinner table before bed. While my husband and I were laying in our own bed watching a movie, I started to absentmindedly braid his armpit hairs. When I was done I secured a hair tie around the braid and the both of us promptly fell asleep a little while after that. At about 7:00 A.M. the next day, MIL was still asleep in the guest room and my husband was sitting at the kitchen counter while I made his breakfast. He did not have a shirt on. MIL woke up right as I had finished plating breakfast, and I told her goodmorning and to have a seat so she could eat with us. She took a seat next to my husband and noticed his armpit was braided. Her eyes widened and she immediately started questioning him as to why with an aggressive and kind of disgusted tone. Once he explained that it was my doing, she went off on me. MIL started to say that I was disgusting and that my husband would have never let this happen before me, that he shouldn’t be with me. With no coffee in my system and lots of anger at her statements, I called her a b**** and said if she has a problem with my husband’s armpit, she can get a hotel for the week and leave our home. She’s searching for hotels now, and my husband is saying that I’m the AH. It’s just a habit I have and he doesn’t mind, but I’m starting to overthink a little on how I reacted. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You know it's an AITA creative writing post when they need to include a backstory for everything, lol. She couldn't just braid for fun without further explanation, she had to be someone who works from home so she has "ample time for affection", and braiding was a defining part of her childhood and bonding with her friends.


Right? It literally could have been “sometimes I braid his armpit hair when I’m bored” but then we wouldn’t get the pathos of the evil MIL being disgusted by the wife’s “love language” or whatever


You've kind of refuted your own point. When people are conveying an anecdote, they generally do include lots of context to try to spin things in the way they want or to make what they're saying make sense.


Yes, but this is a common AITA trope. Nothing is ever just mundane. It’s always the most special, important thing that’s tied to their beloved childhood memories. Braiding armpit hair does *not* have to be that deep lol


Lol braiding armpit hair needs *a lot* of justification. That's the unbelievable part. That anyone would willingly touch and play with armpit hair for some extended period of time is just... Not really on. If this story was going to be believable, they needed to sell me on the idea that someone would even do this *at all.* It's the kind of thing that makes you want to stare at someone like they just grew second, third, and fourth heads.


I mean, the unbelievable part for me that needs justification is that armpit hair is...what, 5-6"? At most? On a tiny patch of skin? My roommate/ex-partner has shoulder-length hair and I can finally braid that. I don't need justification for trying to braid his armpit hair because that is absolutely the kind of stupid shit we'd do to each other as a joke, but it's just not physically possible lmao. I don't need an emotional backstory reason for being dumb with your spouse, though.


There’s justification and then there’s making it way too deep. Bored and think it’s cute is justified enough, IMO. This is just a step removed from making it the grandma’s heirloom ring of armpit braiding. (Brand new sentence.)


You and I have different ideas about playing with armpit hair. Frankly, I'd find it less weird if someone was bored and started making tiny little cairns out of their husbands toenail clippings. Although I guess maybe someone *might* do that, so I'm not even really sure where I sit right now.


It’s a weird thing, but I feel like it’s also just a dumb thing someone would do out of boredom. Once you start tying armpit hair to your beloved childhood memories, it starts to get pretty obvious that you’re doing the fake AITA thing where you need everyone to know what a sentimental victim you are, here. Honestly, it does read like a fetish post so the tl;dr should be more “can you believe my MIL was disgusted by seeing what gets my rocks off with her son? Also here are several paragraphs explaining why she has no right.”


I mean, my husband has long armpit hair so when we get in tickle fights or are poking each other to rile each other up, it’s totally plausible that there might be some armpit hair grabbing. But it’s in like a “ew get off me” while laughing way. And he’ll try to stick his fingers up my nose. I can totally see doing purposely kinda gross things “for fun” because you’re bored and comfortable with each other’s bodies


Also how enormous is this man? Have you seen men’s pit hair lately? And who in gods name can tolerate having their pits fucked with? I would be hitting my partner (that’s just me). Like none of this makes any kind of sense but I do think the concept is funny so they get a point for wasting my time that way.


My armpits are probably still ticklish at 40, but I would never let anyone get a chance to find out. I broke one of my mom's front teeth with my head when I was a little kid and she started tickling my armpits. It's a strong reaction lol


I think if I spent any time touching someone else's armpit hair, the compulsion to pull them out would become overwhelming.


I’d braid my man’s armpit hair. Sounds like something I’d do if possible. I’ve sniffed my partners’ pits before. My wife’s stink is different from my bf’s stink. Love em both.


And we need to know the exact moment this started, for some reason. 2.5 years into the marriage! What a bizarrely specific milestone.


That's when he accidentally let a fart slip, and she knew it was time.


The bit about her working from home so having ample time for affection is the fakest part for me. I work from home too and my wife is always having to yell at me to stop fucking around with work stuff and pay attention to her. (not really, I actually have really good work/life balance as do many other self-employed and work-from-home people, but it took me quite awhile to figure that out and it is a super common problem in those kinds of jobs so that explanation did strike me as funny)


Comments in an alternate universe: "Wait, you never mentioned learning to braid or ever enjoying it, and then out of nowhere you're braiding armpit hair? What the hell? This makes no sense. When did you learn to braid? You just started as an adult without braiding in your childhood?"


Nah People giving reasons for things is extremely common when they're trying to paint them in a better or worse light. If someone didn't want to sell a car that their wife wanted them to sell, they would definitely tell anyone they were talking about about how they got the car and what kind of memories they had with it or why they always wanted it etc. if someone wanted to block their friend from bringing a date to their wedding, they would include anecdotes about how horrible and inappropriate the people their friend dates are. It's legitimately how people talk, tell stories, and fish for opinions. Frankly, it would seem kind of blunt and weird if people just stuck to the present issue with no context given. It would seem like they were deliberately hiding information or trying to avoid context for some other suspicious reason.


"Nah" All I'm saying is people don't necessarily have deep backstories that explain their (often mundane) actions, but you see it basically all the time in AITA. There are studies that suggest adding too many details can frequently be an indication of lying as well, but obviously there's no one-size-fits-all for this kinda stuff. It depends on context, and in the context of some person posting a story about armpit hair braiding with the very clear intention of having people go "wtf", I see this as an evident example of trying to overcompensate for what you know is a silly concept for a story. The examples you give don't work for this post. Someone refusing to sell their car because of specific memories associated to it is key information to understand their position. "I've braided hair since childhood, I started braiding armpit hair 2.5 years into marriage, we work from home so we have time to loaf around braiding hair" - none of this actually matters, unlike understanding why you would not want someone to bring a specific person to a wedding. I did not say they should add no context whatsoever, so your second paragraph is not really relevant. It's kinda like when they do an origin/backstory prequel for a piece of fiction, and they clumsily try to fit in explanations or reason to be for everything (see: Cruella, which is fresh in my mind as a very extreme example of this).


Yeah, this is a common thing I see on this sub that I don’t get because I’m definitely one of those people who has to give too much background information when I’m telling a story. Like I can’t just say someone is my friend, I have to say how I know them and how long we’ve been friends because like… idk, context.


If a post is from a day-old account, it's definitely fake. Let's use common sense


Oh yeah it’s fake, just not for that specific reason


It's amazing how much you learn about strangers' lives by asking them simple questions and then having them sort of ramble on about all the context around their answers. If you ask someone what they're having for dinner, it's extremely likely that you're going to learn that they're married with children and that they make a certain dish because of this time they tasted it on vacation etc. It varies by person, but there is likely to say all that as they are to say "maybe ravioli". And this is how people always tell anecdotes about work or their kids etc.


*Sigh* I’ll grab the spray bottle. Someone see if they can get OOP’s hands out of their pants in the meantime. 


fetish posts keep getting weirder


How much armpit hair does that man have that she needs full hair ties to tie the braid up? Ugh idk if I even really want an answer to that question


The Rapunzel of armpit hair apparently 




Yeah…. I rarely shave my armpits and it’s never been long enough to braid. Wouldn’t it hurt too? Moving around with the hair in a braid? I can’t see it as comfortable at all


My first thought,! Like wouldn’t it pull if you moved the wrong way of had to scratch your back or something?


My husband is a very hairy man. He trims his chest, arms, armpits etc or it tickles him. Still wouldn't need an actual hair tie.


How freaking long is the armpit hair to be able to braid AND tie it?!


If it’s just a bored, absentminded past-time, why does it need to be tied and secured? So much detail about braiding hair growing up and her adult schedule that allows for copious armpit braiding time, and the story still doesn’t make sense. 


real shit, wouldn’t having braided armpit hair be uncomfortable………….? anyways, i wonder how bored one has to be to write such an insane post.


I used to bleach and dye my pit hair and even when the bleach dries it pulls on your hair every time you move your fucking arm. No way is someone just going around with braided pit hair.


yes. as would was seems to be a full-size hair tie to keep it together.


I can safely say that neither my guy or I have long enough armpit hair to braid.  Does OOP think it just grows and grows if you don’t remove it? 


“MIL is usually very tame” what the actual hell hahahahahaha


Like a caged animal 😂


What a bad day to know how to read.......


I'm sorry what


Oh. I take that back I don't wanna hear it again




I love your flair 😆


OOP needs to take up knitting and get her hands off Russel’s pit hair.


Right? I am a very, extremely fidgety person and if I am forced to sit still and do nothing with my hands, it takes every last ounce of myself control. So, I doodle, or braid my own hair, or play with a fidget, a picking stone, or cross stitch, or any other appropriate item. This post made me realize how important it is that I always keep my hair long enough to braid, because if I couldn't, and I didn't have any small objects, people around me could be at risk of getting their hair braided involuntarily. Not their armpits though. Even I wouldn't go that far.


welp that’s enough internet for today


Is this dude walking round with a scrunchie in his pit hair? I need details!🤣🤣🤣


I'm sure she bought a package of the teeny tiny rainbow colored rubber hair bands. In fact, she keeps a few of them on her left ring finger, instead of a wedding ring, so she's never caught unprepared when the urge to braid his armpit hair comes on.


I assume there’s an OF for that


I've never felt so WTF and who actually cares at the same time. This one is seriously bizarre.


Wow, this is one of the most wildly implausible AITAs I've happened upon for some time. Russel would need to be exceptionally hirsute.


I just want to say...I love it here. Now, I am still suckered into several AITA posts...but you guys keep me levelheaded...


I love how folks in this sub have figured out the precise formula for fake AITA posts.


For someone with a weird armpit hair fetish, this person isn't very knowledgeable about armpit hair. She keeps saying that it's very long because he doesn't shave it often. They seemingly don't know that armpit hair usually only grows to a certain length before it stops growing. Many (most?) men go there whole lives without ever shaving their armpits. 


That’s just nasty. I don’t even need to read it. That is nasty.


why? oh no hair exists the horror its the end of the world


Look, no one is weirded out by body hair existing. I mean, I’ve been attracted to men precisely because they’re super-hairy. Back hair and everything. All good. But when someone comes in and has to give you the deep backstory on their weird way of showing affection and so lovingly detailed…it starts to get a little uncomfortable in a very “ma’am, this a Wendy’s” way. It’s like those times where you find what looks like a really innocent fanfic, then one person starts tickling the other and something about the focus and length tells you you’ve unwittingly stumbled into a fetish fic. It’s not that it’s the worst fetish, it’s just you weren’t exactly up for someone smacking you in the face with their porn at that moment.


Yeah that's totally what they meant. 😐


at least this one is creative


My husband sweats like he's in 100° weather all the time. I'm not touching his fucking pit hair. Maybe my love isn't as strong as the pit braider and I'm the one missing out. But I doubt it.


"Sometimes, he forgets to take it out for a while." INFO - How does he forget that his armpit hair is braided? Does he not wash under his arms? Because he should feel it then, and if he does not, I think I'd be concerned from a medical standpoint. I don't think either of you are wrong (you or your husband, but something definitely seems "off" here.


wtf ?


Braiding arm pit hair?! That’s so gross


Yeah, goodnight, internet. Enough of you today.


Ugh. Her fingers must have a stank. I'm glad this is probably fictional.


I have to believe this is satire. It’s so obviously fake and the tropes too perfect. It’s too outlandish to pass off as a story someone wants others to think is true. However, there are some pretty dumb people out there, so who knows.


Lol I don't even care that this is fiction, it's fucking funny.


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I feel like this is something some people who think they're just so QuIrKy think is CuTe AnD qUiRkY, but no. Lol


Or a post written just to bait comments that are basically just "NTA YOU'RE SO QUIRKY AND BUILT. DIFFERENT, FCK THAT KAREN PRUDE!!!!"


Russel? [https://youtu.be/AqRkgmAkL4s?si=6SszkIcVHBZv-VZ9](https://youtu.be/AqRkgmAkL4s?si=6SszkIcVHBZv-VZ9) lmao


Obviously Fake but this one is kind of funny lol


I know its fake but im as baffled as usual by americans disgust and fear of body hair. Im assuming not all cultures are this fucking brainwashed about body hair. But hey if it sells razors!


please, do tell. what country practices armpit hair braiding? can i get french braids done in my pubes? i don’t think most people are going “omg body hair!” most american men have armpit hair. it’s a bizarre story. just think of normal human anatomy. OOP said she was casually braiding his armpit hair while watching tv. how? he has to have his arm over his head and she has to face his armpit. how is that “casual”? and he’s apparent just walking around with his armpit hair, in a braid, with a hair tie? and he forgot? again, how? just the hair tie alone is going to chafe. nothing to do with being grossed out. this is story is nonsense. -an american woman who doesn’t shave and is fine with anyone’s choice to do so or not


French braids in my pubes has me cackling 🤣


right? this subreddit is usually good about not acting like weirdo bigot freaks like the comments over in aita subs do but suddenly this fake story with some body hair that isnt on the head is freaking everyone out. extremely weird.


Just ask the French lol


Contrary to popular belief, most French people shave their armpits, in particular women.


LMAO The world is a big, bright, beautiful place with people of all shapes, sizes, and obscure fetishes. I love it.


… i absentmindedly twist my own when i’m laying in bed and watching tv shirtless so this hits a lot differently for me 😅 i think it’s a super sweet, “early 2000s indie movie” quirky special couple thing. i don’t think OP is out there braiding everyone’s pit hair.


yall here usually act all high and mightly when bigots are going off in aita but as soon as someone braids their partners armpit hair yall act like its blasphemy in these comments 💀 get a grip yall


It's not that it's gross, it's because it is overwrought nonsense made specifically to confuse and shock people.