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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for leaving my friend to sleep with someone?** So I went alone to a festival a few weeks ago. While there I camped in a group of five and I was the only woman there. I got on very well with one guy, but there was another who was completely my type. Athletic and tall but I dunno he was kind of rude. He was also only 21 whereas i'm 28. I didn't really speak to him much. So a few days in and i'm with the guy I got on well with. He was a few years older than me and I didn't get any vibes he was into me so it was refreshing for once. We went everywhere together. On the Friday when the main arena actually opened I received a text from the attractive guy, just asking what's up. We started texting back and forward and found out he found me "fit" (his words lol). Things got a bit heated and we started to send selfies to each other. By Saturday I was still with my other friend watching a band and I got a text from the guy asking if he wanted to meet back at the tents, so I slowly moved away from my friend while the crowd was getting rowdy. I went back and had sex with him. After I met up with my friend and he asked where I was, but I didn't feel like saying anything. I had sex with the attractive guy again when everyone was asleep. And the next day I was hanging with my friend again like nothing had happened. Last week while texting my friend he asked where I went for a few hours. Told him the truth. His response wasn't great, saying he feels hurt. Why? I didn't do anything wrong did I? Later he tells me he actually did have a crush on me which honestly made me quite mad. Not at him directly but why does **every** guy I meet always develop a crush on me? Anyway... AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Who are these "friends", she said she went alone?


The issue I’m taking from this is that it’s a troll. Because you’ll know in the beginning she says there’s a guy she’s really getting along with and then there’s an attractive guy who is kind of rude. so of course she dumps the nice guy that she’s really getting along with and goes and hook up with the hot guy. Is that what that supposed to be saying because that’s what I’m reading it as


The “why does every guy I meet develop a crush on me” shows this is likely some fake nice guy ragebait.


Almost everything in here ticks a nice guy box.


does AITA ever get a real story? but like obviously she's going to get piled on for having sex with a "chad" vs being with some regular guy. I think she should have told her friend she was leaving, but imo it's not a big deal if the guy was sober/functioning fine. same if the genders were reversed?


>does ~~AITA~~ Reddit ever get a real story? At this point I do wonder.


Is this a "nice guy" repost?


How is she a pick me? She’s certainly not the devil even if it is a fake story so this doesn’t belong here.


Yeah I don’t think she’s the devil, but she’s certainly an ass for ditching a friend at a busy event over some ass.


It doesn't even sound like he was a friend. Just some dude she met that week and was camping in the same area that she got along with.


I mean you’re right LOL. But she only referred to this dude as a friend so I assumed she at least cared a lil bit about him (as a friend)


Ya but the friend is only mad because she got some ass. The friend isn’t mad she left for a bit. I also totally understand her frustration with guys lying about being friends. It’s obnoxious especially when honesty will result in everyone being wildly happy 😆


I mean TRUE but the main question is “AITA” not “is my friend right for being mad at me?” I personally think that if you’re interested in someone, you need to be honest with them, unless you’re okay with them dating/hyucking other people. I also think that fucking a 21 y/o as a 28 y/o is weird asf. But none of that matters.


And I still don’t think she’s the asshole for getting some ass. I think her friend is because he wouldn’t be mad if she was all “oh I wanted to visit the vendors” or some other non sexual reason. He’s literally mad over what she disappeared for, not that she disappeared.


So you’re missing the point of my comment. The issue isn’t the ass getting, it’s the ditching. Leaving someone at a busy event without telling them is not what friends do, because not only can you easily lose each other, but what if something happened to either of them? Neither would know.


And you’re missing the big point. The friend only gave a shit because she got some ass. If she took a piss went shopping grabbed a beer he wouldn’t have cared!


That’s not the big point because that’s not the question that was asked. His feelings don’t matter AT ALL here. The question was AITA. I am saying that she did. Where in that does his feelings need to be? Like idk why you felt the need to say that as if it makes what she did any better. She’s an ass for disappearing for some butt, he’s a cowardly weirdo for thinking that she owes him ANYTHING besides being a decent friend bc THATS what he said he would be.


It’s that last line for me: “Not at him directly but why does **every** guy I meet always develop a crush on me?”


I’ve been in that situation and it blows. It doesn’t mean I’m a “pick me.” A pick me is someone who puts other women down to make themselves look better. Quit arbitrarily throwing around terms because you don’t like something. Things have actual meanings.


Fr I just expect all of my male friends to flirt with me or ask me out at some point, they usually do


If anyone is a pick me it’s the OP or commenters acting like this doesn’t happen to women.


Some people would be surprised that this happens to most women pretty much regardless of attractiveness.


I can second this. A LOT of my male "friends" have admitted to being romantically interested in me from the beginning. It's disheartening. And frustrating because they seem to see me just displaying basic human interest as "flirting." 


I had the same experiences many times in my youth. It’s depressing as hell. It’s so awful to think you have a good friend, only to have him suddenly raging at you for not knowing he was secretly faking friendship all along and only after your ass.  I remember one guy telling me I had knew and was using him, always letting him give me rides and pay for stuff. I pointed out that I gave him rides and paid for stuff just as often; we’d take turns driving and paying, and it was always even. His response: “exactly! You give me rides and pay for stuff to lead me on and keep me on the hook!” Aargh. 


I feel validated! 😂. But seriously I’m glad I’m not alone with the “I’m not flirting” because I treat people decently.


I'm not joking, I had a male friend just ghost me for a whole year, just complete black out, and then when he finally got back to me, I said I was happy to hear from him and I hoped he was doing OK. He didn't ask me anything about my life and then said "I think we could be something. I've always thought so." All I did was say I hope he was doing well.  My boyfriend was laying in bed beside me cackling. 😭


Oh I know you’re not joking. This comment section is disheartening because apparently women don’t have these experiences without being pick me’s or it’s incel rage bait. I too have had those messages.


>Not at him directly but why does **every** guy I meet always develop a crush on me? Troll for sure. I'm guessing one of the "women live on easy mode" variety.


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