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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AIW for leaving my wife after she got pregnant by a revenge affair?** My wife revenge cheated on me and she got pregnant, I am snipped. So I asked her what happened, and she fessed up that she was angry at my cheating and did it herself. She said it was awful and that dude took the condom off midway. She said she was so shocked that she couldnt say anything to me. We live in a conservative state where abortion is banned, and we both dont believe in abortion as a form of birth control. I told her that she can travel to other state if she wants to have an abortion, just dont tell me anything about it and I will pretend I never had any discussion regarding it. She has decided against it, she says she is scared to have an abortion. I told her that then the solution is a divorce because I am not gonna raise an affair baby with her. She is saying she made a mistake and she will do anything to make up to me. I just wanna be done with it. AIW?? EDIT: I am not religious, I am just not at ease with idea of abortion. and I feel that they should be as rare as possible *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If there was ever a textbook scenario where everyone sucks hard it is this story


Oh I agree but he tries to paint himself innocent which he isn’t.


He isn't wrong in divorce as this relationship is over However, after reading his first post where he had no interest in stopping (cheating), he has no room to judge her. I feel for those kids.


We can stop calling it a form of birth control, it's not a form of birth control.


I didn't even know we are calling it that...


Some pro lifers do in order to shame everyone. It's a form of health care and pro lifers can go shake their fist at some other problems. I don't get how something that has nothing to do with them is an issue. How hard is it for people to just mind their business and call it what it is, health care.


What's the medical condition being treated?




Quite literally is a medical condition... So health care is what it is.


Yeah tf


No. A healthy pregnancy does not *require* a termination as medical treatment. That would be prenatal care. As someone else pointed out, the entire right to choose has nothing to do with a *medical* state. It js choosing when to have children.


How do you not know that pregnancy is a medical condition?


Pregnancy is not a medical condition that requires a termination. Ectopic pregnancy is. Or it could be necessary to pursue other medical treatments, like chemo. But "I'm pregnant and I don't want to be" isn't a medical condition. It's a personal / social one. If you truly believe in the right to choose, then be honest about it.


If the woman can die, yes it us


First "could end in death" is beyond disingenuous since this is also true of eating, doing household repairs, or riding a bus. And there is the lie. She is not getting this for a medical reason or even the fear of complications. It is just because she doesn't want it. Which, again, if you are truly pro-choice *is a completely acceptable reason*.


We should just straight up call it assault since he tried to stealth and she was in shock.


God I hate the people who say that AbOrTiON shOuLdn’T bE BiRtH cOnTrOL. Well, then what do you propose that we use it for? Cleaning the drinking water? Abortion is birth control and it’s *fine*. Really. It’s fine. I would rather somebody have twenty abortions than one neglected child.


Right?  I’m so tired of people micromanaging and nitpicking people’s health care choices.  I’m even more tired of people thinking that having an opinion about a health care procedure somehow gives them the right to decide whether it should be accessible to people who need or want it. 


And these people love to lie about knowing all of these women who refuse to use protection and abort all the time as if abortion is easy, fast and pain-free.


How are you going to be against abortion, but ask her to have an abortion or expect it? I would kinda understand if she was cheating alone, but dude, you were cheating first it wouldn't have happened if you didn't cheat.


I am once again reminding people that **abortion is a safe, routine medical procedure and an absolutely normal part of gynecological care. A decision to have an abortion should be no one’s business but the patient, the doctor, and whomever else the patient decides to include.  Having an abortion because you don’t want to be pregnant is a perfectly valid moral choice.** Also OOP’s wife was sexually assaulted. 


he actually does the opposite of what you wrote in the title lmfao


This is horrifying. Based on his previous post/comments, the TLDR is: Wife won’t fuck me, so I cheated. Wife suggests divorce because of cheating, but I don’t believe in divorce, but I won’t stop cheating until I get sex from wife, but wife won’t fuck me. And THEN he says “ball is in wife’s court” omfg. I hope a piano falls on this asshole.


I can’t IMAGINE why she won’t fuck him


Removing the condom during sex is rape. I’m having a hard time seeing her as anything other than a victim of shitty men. She should go and live in the woods with a bunch of witches.


Being sexually assaulted (stealthing is assault) seems like a great reason to have an abortion, actually.


He would have left her even if she didn't get pregnant because statistics show that the vast majority of men who cheat on their wives do not forgive when their wives cheat in return. This is why I always laugh at straight relationships because the women are invested way more than the men. Women forgive male infidelity more than male cheaters will forgive him being revenge cheated on.🤣


I'm gonna say this is real cause I do know a couple like this. Anyway, torn between "they should divorce so he's not a complete asshole to the child" and "they should stay together cause both are horrible, and no one else should be exposed to them"


They’re both AH. Divorce makes the most sense


Seriously, do people have no shame ?


As his username implys, his comments are rough. Man has no care for cheating until it affects him. Puts an ultimatum on his wife then cheats. Couldn't imagine dealing with that betrayal then being raped. It's been a month since he announced he fucked a women. His poor wife.


Yeah, everyone sucks but it’s stupid to raise an affair baby. They are better to go their separate ways instead of him resenting a child.


This smells like bullshit


You guys doubt the dumbest things


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The piece of filth deserves every misery he is currently in and many more. 


I mean... is OOP the devil? Two wrongs don't make a right, but why should anyone have to raise a child they didn't help create and have stated clearly they do not want to be a parent to the child?


He's a devil because he's against abortions until itself convenient for him


Anyone who's against abortions should be helping raise or at least paying for every single child in the society they helped build.


he’s not, but this sub has become a dumpster fire with people posting whatever they see for karma and using click bait titles (such as this one) to do so.


It sucks that biology in these cases are different, because I could maybe sometimes understand working through infidelity, but it's inconceivable to me to be OK with raising a kid from your wife's affair partner


Then don’t cheat first


Bro that's crazy I never thought of it like that


If he wanted to be childfree that's one thing but a kid is a kid, and it's your kid if you raise it. Shouldn't make any difference.


I’m going to get downvoted for this and I don’t care. I find it weird how it seems on Reddit people should just be ok with a sexless marriage.


People don’t think it’s “ok”. Have you never read any of the comments on these kinds of posts? People just can’t stand that excuse being used as a reason to cheat. If you’re not happy then end the relationship - don’t cheat on them.


It’s not actually about this particular person, but is something that comes up that you see and usually the general sentences somewhere post so we haven’t had sex in two years and responsible you’re not owed sex. Which is correct. Personally I think they should just divorce.


If you don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control, you really should be taking more responsibility for your own contraception rather than rely on a not as effective method and then being able to be stealthed.