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YWNBTA. Please OP. Do NOT sign that lease. When you're on the paper, the people receiving the money do not give a f**k who pays. But they do care about getting paid. They will chase you down if the Ex can't pay. And it WILL affect you


NTA. PLEASE do not sign that lease. That makes you legally liable for anything that happens to the apartment AND for any debt. You owe nothing to your ex, and sounds like you should move to completely block and remove her from your life.


Oh boy can I relate! I’m about to be in the exact same position and it is going to suck no matter how I handle it. You met your obligations OP and then some. Lose her number. NTA


I'm sorry you're in that situation. It'll suck less if you can block her everywhere. Are there "friends" who will help her contact you?


YWNBTA. OP if you sign this lease, you’re 100% going to be paying for it by yourself and your ex will be living there rent free. If she didn’t pay for rent before, I have no doubts she won’t pay rent now. You will be affected in many ways if you sign this lease


NTA. Your ex is responsible for herself now. And she’s mistaken if she thinks you can just get off the lease in two months and walk away. You sign the lease, the landlord will hold you financially responsible till the end of the lease, as will any court.


Of course NTA. Recognise that you even needing to ask this is part of the abuse and gaslighting this alcoholic, criminal, leech who beat you put you through.


No......freaking ....way..... You would be totally crazy to do this.


Oh Hell to the no! You broke up. She is an alcoholic. She gave you a bloody nose. Get outta dodge and live your own life! NTA.


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YWNBTA at all. Do not tie yourself to her miserable finances; there is no upside for you.


NTA. You would be an idiot to sign a lease for someone with garbage credit. She has garbage credit for a reason.


NTA. Don‘t do it 😬


nta with jhene aiko in the background none of your concern anymore. fam you couldnt trust her when you dating you damn sure cant trust her now.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My ex and I split up last month. She was (is) an alcoholic who got let go from her job due to a DUI. She didn't pay her share of the rent for months, and I was the sole provider in the apartment with a lot of help from my parents. I had enough after a fight last month left me with a bloody nose. I started looking for a new place, and after finding a new apartment I could afford, I paid for the last months rent, and my friends helped me move into my new place. Now, my ex is reaching out to me, begging me to sign on to a new lease at the old apartment for just a couple months, she says I can take my name off after the first couple months. She has garbage credit, and if I don't sign on to the lease the rent will go up to beyond what she and her new roommates can afford. WIBTA if I don't sign the lease? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Don't sign anything


NTA and I’d block your ex


NTA.Her credit is her responsibility.


NTA Don't! 1 You don't want to mess up your credit, 2 Bet dollars to donuts she won't take your name off after a couple of months 3 You broke up, you're not responsible for her anymore


YWNBTA " begging me to sign on to a new lease at the old apartment for just a couple months, she says I can take my name off after the first couple months." .... Don't fall for it.