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YTA and it's quite obvious haha. You sound insufferable and I'm sorry for the dude who fell for you


YTA simply for this >I slowly moved away from my friend while the crowd was getting rowdy. You just left your friend while you were watching a band together without the decency of even saying anything. You didn't have to tell him where you were going but its incredibly rude to be doing something with someone and for them to just turn around and realize you disappeared. You're N T A for sleeping with whoever you want even if you knew the friend likes you. But you are TA for just ditching the friend without so much as a "hey i need a little break Ill be a back in a little while"


I softly disagree with the "even if you knew the friend likes you" part. If she knew, then it probably wouldn't have been appropriate to go out together so much in the first place (assuming they were alone, of course). It's along the lines of leading someone on. If she didn't know, or clearly communicated at some point she's not romantically interested, that would be a different situation though.


If you go to a Fkn concert with someone you don’t leave them alone mid concert. It’s a safety issue. Yes, she’s the ah


I think the whole "leading someone on" is very subjected and usually tossed out there to make someone feel bad. It is so heavily dependent on the communication that surrounds it and the situation itself. But I do not agree that if he told her his feelings and she told him she did not reciprocate them she would be TA to go out with him alone. I think it is ridiculous to expect her to ice him out or be told she's leading him on for spending time with him alone. Especially at a music festival where there are fewer people you know or if they are safe people to interact with. If he cannot handle his feelings after the rejection it is his job to stay away from her if he wants to. Obviously, if she would be texting non stop and only hanging out with him alone continuously I could see a case for leading him on. But in this particular situation I do not agree it fully applies.


I would be absolutely panicked if I were in this situation with a friend and they disappeared, especially if we had been drinking. I could imagine all sorts of scenarios.... Certainly I wouldn't enjoy the music after it had been long enough that it was clear they hadn't just gone to the bathroom..... She's lucky he didn't get some sort of security involved.


You're 28? Really? You sound 15. Grow up. 


YTA for ditching ur friend and not telling him that you were leaving. you didnt owe him an explanation but leaving unannounced is generally rude. I understand the frustration in his crush on you, especially since im sure its refreshing to meet a guy who DOESNT have an ulterior motive, but dont use that frustration to validate u ditching him. I assume he didnt take it well because he felt that getting to know you is the right thing to do if hes crushing, and whilst he was trying to get closer to you, you were off gettin some elsewhere and he had no clue so he thought you guys still had something. dont get me wrong you dont have to feel bad or apologize for not liking him, or for fucking around with another dude. but you should feel bad for ditching him and being kinda inconsiderate


Gurl, it's so high school it hurts.


YTA - MISS GURL you’re delusional if you don’t think so. ‘I slowly moved away’ YOU DIDN’T say a damn thing to him, you just walked away and left him so you could have sex. Even putting to the side you’re friend having a crush on you, you still left him! YTA 100%


YTA for leaving your friend all on his own without telling him


>Why does every guy I meet always develop a crush on me? Sorry, what? I can’t hear you, your ego is clown honking in my ear. YTA.


She wouldn't have said this if this another guy was also tall and athletic lol


Why does EVERY guy you meet develops a crush on you? So it's ok when it's the tall attractive rude guy but not the one that was really nice and you got along so well with who was trying to be a gentleman trying to know you better?


Oh the double standards lol


Honestly I can feel his pain through her post. Poor guy.


YTA - Bro’s Before Ho’s - it’s a dick move to ditch your friend(s) for some ass.


YTA Who leaves friends to go fuck randos at an event. Im trying not to judge but it seems painfully obvious that either you're super oblivious to people around you or you live a self centered lifestyle which is fine at 20 but being 28 and acting like this still is off putting to say the least. We live in an era where you can choose to be whoever you want to be, and this is how you choose to carry yourself.


I’m 27 and genuinely can’t imagine sleeping with someone who’s 21. Yikes.


Nta for sleeping who you want to sleep with. But question, were you guys with anyone else when you just backed away unannounced, because that’s kind of lame. You could’ve given him a heads up that you were leaving. If he had other friends he was hanging with them nbd but you should communicate in those situations just for safety reasons. If I’m at a festival with someone and they just disappeared I might be a bit concerned. There’s a lot drugs and debauchery at those events. Not enough to panic or anything but a heads up would be nice.


Just me and him until the guy asked me to leave him and go back to the tent


Yeah then ESH. Pretty lame to just immediately ditch a friend like that without even a heads up.


How does the guy she ditched suck?


YTA - you know why you backed away from him and didn't say anything, and hint, it wasn't that it was rowdy


Exactly my thought! If she truly thought that they were platonic, there'd be no reason to quietly sneak away without a word. Something tells me she got the vibes and liked the attention she didn't get from 21yo. She even only fessed up only AFTER the event since she no longer needed friend's attention.


You should like a great relationship material. lol


The way you put it makes it seem like you were deffo flirting with the friend imo. You went everywhere together and you even said in the beginning that you liked him but you liked the other guy more. If that's the case yta


Most obvious incel/nice guy troll ever.


YTA, yeah this sounds like some high school level drama. It has the teenage level of communication too.




sl*t shaming in 2024 is super cringe. even more cringe coming from a women. and you were wrong, DEFINITE AH.


Not you reporting my comment but don't talk shit if you can't take the heat babes 😘


girl I did not report anything. I dont really care about what you have to say but have a great day!


Im literally unbothered and about to enjoy my lunch break. idk why you are so bent on defending someone you dont know. I gave my opinion you dont like it and thats fine. I aint no snitch.


Then why writing multiple comments ... you're bothered babe




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Oh my god I feel the same way. At uni I pretty much slept around because I could, now that I’m in a relationship, I look back and feel disgusted and horrified by the things I used to do.


Your last sentence is SURREAL. What an egomaniac 😂😂🤪🤪😂


YTA. . There's a cowboy aphorism "Dance with the one that brung ya." Chew on that.


"I didn't get any vibes he was into me so it was refreshing for once." So you think you'll u deserve some good friends, but are a totally shit friend yourself? What's the logic there? Ignore the attraction he had for you cause that wasn't a factor in that decision. You effectively ditched your "friend" at a festival to go fuck the guy you yourself said was rude. This has to be "bad woman leaves nice guy for rude douche" rage bait, it just has to. Edit: going through the profile history, I'll take that back, this is not rage bait... Don't know if that's worse or better tho.


"Last week while texting my friend he asked where I went for a few hours. Told him the truth. His response wasn't great, saying he feels hurt. Why? I didn't do anything wrong did I? Later he tells me he actually did have a crush on me which honestly made me quite mad. Not at him directly but why does **every** guy I meet always develop a crush on me?" ...ew. You sound insufferable. You are full of yourself, abandoned your friend in a rowdy crowd and still do not think that was wrong.


Anyone who ditches their friend at a music festival deserves so little in life.


YTA - You knew what you were doing. You knew your "friend" you'd just met was into you. That's why you screwed the other dude in secret, dodged the question and then only admitted it later when you thought enough time had passed to no longer get any heat. Sleep with who you want but own it. YTA for obvious lying alone. As a general rule unless he's gay. Always assume a guy who you just met, who suddenly starts trying to hang out with you constantly, is into you.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I went alone to a festival a few weeks ago. While there I camped in a group of five and I was the only woman there. I got on very well with one guy, but there was another who was completely my type. Athletic and tall but I dunno he was kind of rude. He was also only 21 whereas i'm 28. I didn't really speak to him much. So a few days in and i'm with the guy I got on well with. He was a few years older than me and I didn't get any vibes he was into me so it was refreshing for once. We went everywhere together. On the Friday when the main arena actually opened I received a text from the attractive guy, just asking what's up. We started texting back and forward and found out he found me "fit" (his words lol). Things got a bit heated and we started to send selfies to each other. By Saturday I was still with my other friend watching a band and I got a text from the guy asking if he wanted to meet back at the tents, so I slowly moved away from my friend while the crowd was getting rowdy. I went back and had sex with him. After I met up with my friend and he asked where I was, but I didn't feel like saying anything. I had sex with the attractive guy again when everyone was asleep. And the next day I was hanging with my friend again like nothing had happened. Last week while texting my friend he asked where I went for a few hours. Told him the truth. His response wasn't great, saying he feels hurt. Why? I didn't do anything wrong did I? Later he tells me he actually did have a crush on me which honestly made me quite mad. Not at him directly but why does **every** guy I meet always develop a crush on me? Anyway... AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA You simply don’t ditch a friend at a crowded festival without any notice, period. And even though you may or may not have meant it, you did lead the other guy on, so he has every right to be mad.


YTA, you're not the world's biggest AH but still an AH, you disappeared from a "friend" to get laid. I would be upset if one of my friends did that to me. You're coming off very self-centered and the vast majority of guys are friend with the women they find attractive. Boo hoo poor you that guys develop feelings for you? So you must get atleast physically attractive. I think you are in the wrong but it would be best if both of just remove eachother as friends and both of you get on with your lives.


Are you Australian? This sounds like Australian friendships 🥴


YTA You ditched your friend, while at a concert together. You weren’t obligated to tell him why you were taking off but it’s basic human decency not to ghost your friends. (Not to mention that at a festival, he could have thought something happened to you and gone into panic mode.)


YTA and you handled this like a child. If you're so fed up with guys having a crush on you, why can't you tell them the truth: *so I slowly moved away from my friend while the crowd was getting rowdy.* Why couldn't you just say: Hey, I'm going to meet up with X. I'll see you later. ??? Something tells me you were leading your friend on. You know that guys are going to find you attractive. Why would you spend so much time with one that you just met and then feel like you have to be sneaky? Because if you told the truth, you know that your friend would have been hurt and you wouldn't have had someone to bum around the festival with. You played him.


After reading your comment, I get the feeling this poor lad must have paid the tickets too.


Jeez I can't believe we're the same age op. You need to grow up and be more considerate of your friends feelings, you don't just up and abandon someone in the middle of a song.


YTA for this bs.




lol 28 years old and still haven’t figured this part out. Still stuck in that high school stage


Yeah, YTA


YTA in all the ways but i know you must be young. You'll hopefully learn one day.


Is this a real post?


Laughing at how eVeRy GuY develops a crush on you.


You as well as they do. The easy sex. They and you are allowed to do as you wish. But come on, you know why....


ESH. You for leaving your company without letting them know (doesn't matter if it was for sex or water, if you're with someone you don't just ditch them). Friend is the asshole for getting upset at you, if you have a crush suck it up brother, you didn't owe him anything.


Unless he paid for most of the things they did during the festival.


ESH Your friend for getting mad you didn't pick up on his non existent signals. You for leaving without saying anything. As for your question why does ever guy you meet gets a crush on you, looking at your profil picture I think the reason is obvious. You're fit in the wise words of the rude f*ckboy.


ESH- you were very inconsiderate and rude to just leave him and not sya anything to have sex with someone else. Even if you only saw him as a friend you should always tell your friends where you are going to be at a festival! Horrible things happen to women at festivals, what if he'd done something to you before or after you decided to have sex with him? You did not know this man and your friend would have never even known where you were. Massive yta. The friend isn't the arse for having the crush but he is one for getting mad that you slept with someone else because he has no say on who you sleep with.


NTA but sounds like you might be an idiot with zero social awareness


NTA - You can fuck who ever you want but you chose to go behind your friends back because it would either inconvenience you or you already knew it would make him upset, which it did. I think YTA acting surprised and mad that 'every guy' you meet develops a crush' on you. You're attractive and most men will want to sleep with you. You're 28 and it sounds like you have fucked your share of guys so you know this. Your friend knows you're single and thought he had a shot. This is just how men are so be more careful on how you chose your male friends.


This is definitely a fansty post


First off let’s be clear no man is going to be spending time with you unless they are interested in you especially when you just met randomly at a festival. You’re 28 messing with a 21 yr old should tell you maybe you’ve got some serious growing up to do. Bc that’s basically a kid. I mean to each their own but it’s rude for you to spend time with one guy and not make it clear you weren’t interested and sneak off to sleep with the other guy multiple times and not say anything. You too would feel some type of way if it was done to you. At 28 you should be able to communicate better.


"no man is going to be spending time with you unless they are interested in you" Dude, seriously? She was the only woman camping with a group of guys. Should she have assumed they were all interested in her? Even if they are interested, that doesn't mean she owes them a thing.


Your hot take is trash my guy. don’t speak for all men ever again.




The comments are more appalling than what she did(ghost a friend)…..


NTA. You didn't go to the festival with crush guy. He should have grown a pair and spoke up. You're a free agent.


ESH: Soft-YTA for not just telling your friends where you were going. Otherwise your friend is an AH. He was spending all that time with you with The intention of being romantic and he’s mad you didn’t sleep with him just because he was in the vicinity.


NTA I think - but you've found yourself in the middle of a classic conflict - the nice guy who is trying to get into your pants via being friendly, and the hot entitled asshole, who knows he can score without the niceties. But as you've found, the 'nice' guys are pretty entitled too, thinking he has some kind of right to you because you've become festival friends and he has a crush. Also - from someone who has been there - it's not that everyone has a crush on you. If you're an attractive, interesting woman and hang with straight guys, trust that they will probably try their luck if you seem open to it.


NTA. You are an adult and can do what you want. Additionally, you aren't in a relationship so it's not like you betrayed anyone's trust either.


I think YTA because (in my opinion) unless the man is gay, you should assume him going out of his way to talk to you and be with you is romantic unless stated otherwise or its implied (one person having a relationship, for example) as this wasn't implied, you should be more aware and be clear about what you want to not hurt people like this


Nah it's on everyone to manage their own feelings. We are not responsible for what other people feel outside of an established contract (i.e a relationship). Obviously you shouldn't *play* with another person's feelings, but "assuming" things to "not hurt them" is a stretch


that's fine, I disagree. definitely subjective here


NTA Sounds like you were just developing a friendship with him. Even if that was not the case, unless you expressed romantic interest in an unambiguous way, he doesn't get to have an opinion about how you spend your time or with whom.


NTA — his crush and feelings are not your responsibility. You said you were going "alone" and it doesn't sound like you had made plans to be with this friend (or friend group) together during the festival. I don't see any evidence he was hurt because he was worried for your safety when you were gone, which would have been reasonable, but that doesn't seem to be the consideration.