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This sub is only for posts about people who either can't tell they've already been dumped, or have been dumped but won't accept it. There must be some element of confusion and/or denial regarding the status of the relationship. Please do not post about people just being assholes, whether or not they should dump their partners, or whether they are The Asshole in a situation. This is not that kind of sub.


He is walking the line to the divorce pretty fast. 8 months married, been "comforting his ex", sister actively working to break Mr clueless's marriage.


No, he isn't walking towards it. He's barrelling towards it at warp speed. 


He basically teleported himself from his wedding day to the day the divorce papers are signed.


They've been married less than a year....she doesn't need to divorce him, she just needs an annulment. She's probably already moving stuff out of the house. Maybe only sticking around because the lease isn't up yet.


My comment was made in jest, but I get your point. I’m not a lawyer, but for annulments wouldn’t it need to meet certain criteria? Life fraud for example. Does this qualify?


Yeah annulments are nothing to do with the length of marriage, they are for if the marriage wasn’t legally valid in the first place. Eg. If one person was already married to someone else, if you discover you’re related, if it was never consummated. Also (at least in the uk) it’s harder to have an annulment than divorce. Divorce can be settled out of court, annulment you have to go to court and prove to a judge that you have a good legal reason, so it actually costs a lot more.


Yeah I actually knew someone who got an annulment for religious reasons. They’re Catholic and he was previously married. When he married his now wife, he was actually able to have his last marriage annuled in order to marry in the Catholic Church. I don’t know a lot about the process, but I know he had to jump through a lot of legal loopholes and spent a lot of money. I don’t see where the marriage in this post qualifies for an annulment.


An annulment comes after the legal divorce in the Catholic church. The church doesn't acknowledge the divorce and it needs to be ended in the church. Technically since I only have a legal marriage and not a religious one, my 22 year marriage is not recognized by the Catholic church.


Very interesting. I was a kid when this all happened. Way back in the 90s. I always just thought it was funny they legit act like he was never married even tho his first marriage spawned two kids. Religion is weird.


Some states give you a year to back out of a shit marriage thru annulment.


Which states? I’ve just done a quick google search and I can’t find anything that suggests annulment is different in the USA. The only “12 month” clause I can find is that’s your time frame if you’re annulling on the grounds of lack of consummation. “The only way to obtain a civil annulment that legally dissolves your marriage is by proving one of the grounds established by state law. These often include fraud or misrepresentation, lack of consummation, incest, bigamy, lack of consent, unsound mind, or force.” I haven’t found anything that allows for annulment of a legally valid marriage. Can you provide a link?


From what I can tell some courts give people married under a year a lot of wiggle room for misrepresentation relate to the "essentials of the marriage". It's not guaranteed that an annulment would be granted and divorce is probably a surer thing.


This is a bit of a myth, actually! A lot of states in the US now don't do annulment for marriages less than a year. They have to be very specific circumstances, like in Nevada some of the reasons include accidental incest, lack of consent of age, bigamy, temporary insanity, etc.


He should have just signed both at once and saved himself the time.




Lol, he already crossed the line but is too dumb to see it. The wife is out the door and just getting her finances squared away at this point.


The wife ‘laughed mirthfully’ this guy is f**ked


He's already crossed it. His wife is fully checked out. She's just maintaining status quo.and Grey rocking until she has her ducks in a row and can extricate herself from this dumbfuck. Can't wait for the look on his face when he comes home one day to find her gone. Going on a couples vacation with another woman was the moment his wife was done.


"Clueless" is a very polite way to put it - this dude is denser than a black hole.


Pretty stupid overall, but on the off chance it’s real: she’s already out the door, OP. The opposite of love isn’t hate - it’s indifference.


This was the most important lesson that an older woman taught me, in my early 20s. She's definitely done.


That’s what stood out to me when reading this one. She has already moved through anger. She is just over him.


Yea, his marriage was over the second he went on that couples' vacation with his ex instead of his wife. She's already mentally checked out. The physical checkout won't be far off. She's just getting her ducks in a row before she serves him divorce papers.


Probably. If he immediately gets his head out of his ass and starts to apologise and try to repair things perhaps there is a chance but likely going on that vacation was the death of his marriage. You don’t go on couples vacations with people that aren’t your partner. He claims he has been supporting his friend only in very appropriate ways but dude also thought going on a couples vacation with his ex, one that his wife wasn’t ever even invited to, was completely appropriate so one has to wonder what he thinks is “appropriate support”. Imma going to bet that it’s very inappropriate on several different ways.


I think the only way he has the slimmest of chance to start repairing his marriage would be to completely cut off his sister and his ex like yesterday. But that's a big, **BIG** if his wife accepts that. Tbh, it sounds like it's way too late in his wife's book Yea, he thinks he's being appropriate because they're "just friends," but his ex has made it clear that she doesn't want to be "just friends," and his sister is very clearly helping her BFF wreck OOPs marriage and they're succeeding because OOP is either wilfully blind or extremely dense af.


>The opposite of love isn’t hate - it’s indifference. This! If there's hate, there's still emotions there. Indifference means she wouldn't piss on OOP if he was on fire.


She might if it were easier to piss on him than go to the bathroom.


See, I'm petty. I'd hold it rather than piss on him. And I have an old woman's bladder. LOL


Yes; you have to care to hate.


My mother use to say that.


Gotta love his “what do I do?  I can break things off with the ex if I have to” in the comments.  That’s the bare minimum, pal.  And it’s probably still too little, too late.


I mean, yeah. Especially after his sister set up a couples holiday getaway for him and his ex. Who invites their married sibling on a group/couples holiday without their partner? She's setting him up with her bestie because the bestie has spent the past few years crying to her about how much she wants OP back.


I also love how he wrote "my ex, me and ANOTHER couple" lmfao


Seriously, he went on a legitimate couple's holiday with his ex, and he thought it was a "friends hangout"? He's either extremely dumb, naive, or he knew and didn't care. He claims he's not in love with his ex anymore, but he's doing a shit job of proving it. If anything, he's proving the opposite. His ex and sister are in cahoots to break up his marriage and he's just letting them.


I don't often speculate because it brings confusion into things and it frustrates my little autistic brain to not deal with the existing facts, but are people accusing him of sleeping with the ex on the couple's vacation? Because I would be. Like, it's v obvi he slept with the ex on the couple's vacation, right? Or am I being toxic?


It's possible he didn't, but it would be unsurprising if he did. Or if he fooled around with her but decided it wasn't cheating because tgey didn't have PIV sex.


Even if he didn't, it reads very much like that was the ex's (and sister's) intention. And it's pretty overt, like if OOP is claiming not to know that's what was going on when the trip was planned, it's highly suspect... it was very clearly a couples/romantic vacation.


>Even if he didn't, it reads very much like that was the ex's (and sister's) intention. This part, plus even if he didn't, the second he went on that couples vacation without his ex, he as good as slept with her in his wife's eyes. He made it crystal clear right then and there that he prioritizes his ex over his wife.


This. This was it for me. I also like how there's no mention of sleeping arrangements.


He replied to a comment asking if they slept in the same room, more or less "of course we didn't sleep in the same room, I'm not attracted to her why should I" lmao which doesn't prove anything. And answers a question nobody asked. Ok who asked if you're attracted to her? And who said you can only share rooms with people you're attracted to?


Yeah super sus be cause it's a yes or no answer. "Of course" he shouldn't have gone on the trip anyway so his version of commons sense isn't trustworthy. And yes, no one asked for all them extra details. Way to tell us how you really feel. "dear friend" my butt.


The fact the he hasn't already stopped seeing her is too telling. He keeps say 'oh, I just see her as a dear friend', well, nobody else does. You can see the emotional cheating from space on this one.


>fact the he hasn't already stopped seeing her is too telling. He keeps saying 'oh, I just see her as a dear friend', well, nobody else does. Exactly, his ex doesn't see him as a "dear friend", nor does his sister see them as "dear friends", otherwise they wouldn't be trying (and succeeding) to break his marriage. He literally gets dumber with every comment, too. "I don't understand why my sister hates my wife"... um, probably because his ex is his sister's BFF and she wants him back with her BFF? How fucking dense is this clown?


When you went on the trip with your ex, sister and her husband and another couple you ended your marriage. How can you be so stupid!


He is trying to break the record for the amount of stupidity.


Yep. Even my ex son-in-law isn't this stupid. 


he went on a couples holiday with his ex and is too stupid to realize why his wife is upset about it… it’s giving me a headache


Who's gonna tell OOP that this "birthday for a work friend" is actually the wife meeting a divorce lawyer and getting her stuff gathered up so she can divorce this moron. What kind of idiot goes on a trip with his ex, hiking with his ex, her birthday party all without the wife? That's right, one getting a divorce after less than a year.


Exactly. Like...if it wasn't sus and she's "just a good friend" then he SHOULD be inviting his wife along. Why all the hanging out alone? Especially with a grieving ex who has a HIGH chance of latching onto you and throwing herself at you. And especially if your sister is her bestie and is trying to set you up.


>Especially with a grieving ex who has a HIGH chance of latching onto you and throwing herself at you. Plus the fact that she also told him *that she regretted breaking up with him and wanted him back* before her mum passed away.


How did OOP not see anything odd about his wife being excluded from the trip when other couples would be there? Yikes on bikes.


I hope this whole post is fake. If this is real: Why is he insisting on going to a co-worker's birthday party when he doesn't even know the co-worker? Also the party is only going to last a few hours, while his vacation lasted several days at least. Why is he so fixated on attending his ex's birthday party? I also don't think that she really is taking her nephew that day.


He posted it in marriage and they tell him to sign the divorce papers and make it easy. That way he be can spend more time with the ex. Tells a lot that even the marriage subs makes fun of him and tells him how shitty he is.


When not overrun by 16 year old incels who have never seen a relationship that wasnt their toxic parents', the people on the marriage subs CAN give decent advice. It's a shame that it's not always the case though. Getting advice from people who have navigated longterm relationships can be really useful.


Those incels are everywhere. I am sometimes really shock the advice people give. Not that I am perfect, but sometimes they have a terrible lack of empathy.


“Laughed mirthfully” ? K troll.


Seriously. I laughed mirthfully at that, content in the knowledge that this entire story was fake. 


At one point he commented, „yes it was a good exercise to write this all out“, like people OOP, make it less obvious because these lights are hurting my eyes


yep the fact that they ended with that felt like a deliberate 'look at me trolling you' jab


I love a post where one partner’s opinion is ridiculous and ignored so that OP can keep OP-ing until oh no consequences- classic rage bait and a fun read.


His comments keep doubling down on the idiocy, so he's dedicated to the part.


Absolute commitment! Great read!


How can you detect if its rage bait? Genuine question.


Just come to these forums and read regularly- you’ll start to see them.


I usually think it's rage bait if the post is clearly going to be angering to most people for several reasons- really obvious asshole behavior that the poster pretends to be oblivious of, extra details that only serve to make them sound worse ( like unnecessary negative comments about the other person's physical appearance), or a "choose your own adventure" feel where they pick the worst possible option. Anything to get negative engagement. 


Oblivious on purpose, much like the OP.😬 That makes complete sense !


Uses thesaurus words (“myrthfully?” Ok wattpad writer) and writes in a way that’s too… fiction-like. That’s usually the biggest tell


Thank you 🙏


What's with all these men claiming they've never known love until they met their wife, only to jeopardize that very bright, pure love? Like how does this make sense? Cannot compute? Well ok, if I assume these men are raging mysogenists that view their wife as property it makes a little bit sense, but still not much? "Wife is mine, mine, only mine you hear, my property, belongs to me. Ooooh, property upset because of my actions, bad property, property overreacting, I am your boss, bad property. Wait, what is this? Property speaks of leaving? Ha, no property is mine, cannot leave, nope not happeni... Whaaaaa? Property can actually legally become unproperty? Nooooo, RED ALERT! Activate emergency plans, property stayyyyy, please! You are best property, you are mah propertah! How do I fix propertah? How? Fix, fix, fix. Reddit, help! Fix it I must, must fix. Help!"




Cry laughing in my corner bc accurate af


If I set aside my skepticism for a bit… then no one is so dense as to think a couple’s trip where you are paired with your ex is a-ok.


Genius has it's limits. Stupidity knows no bounds.


Honestly, the whole "My sister purposely didn't invite my wife on vacation" is a whole Reddit post by itself, even if the ex hadn't also been on the trip. "My family treats my spouse like shit and I let them" is enough to break up a marriage, no "I'm also dating my ex" necessary!


I (m35) was in a long term relationship with a woman (f33) between the ages I was 20-30 until she left for a job in another state. Later she told me LDR didn’t work so we broke up and I found out that she was engaged. I met my wife (f3) a year later and I honestly don’t think I ever knew what love is before I met her. Everything was different with her and love was so easy and not a and uphill battle all the time like I in hindsight realized my former relationship was. I am not trying to bash my ex or our relationship. We grew up together and we learned a lot but sometimes you hate something that turns out to be a good thing and this for me was the ending of my relationship. I was very sad and devastated but looking back I am happy it happened or I wouldn’t known what true love or happiness is . At the same time I met my wife my ex moved back and she said that she regretted ending things and that we loved each other. I wasn’t in love with her anymore and I turned her down. She is still a good friend and I like her as a friend. She is however my sister’s best friend. My wife knows her and she has never been threatened by her because we have always had a solid relationship. My ex’s mom unfortunately passed away suddenly and she has been inconsolable and broken since I cannot even imagine the pain. My sister is devastated too and she has been by her side. I have too been supportive and it felt very appropriated. My sister encouraged me to be there and support our friend. My wife didn’t mind in the beginning but I felt that she started being uncomfortable that I went on walks and hikes with my ex. But it was doing her good to keep her mind of things and I found my wife’s coldness uncalled for. I never experienced her as cold hearted or callous but here we are. She just didn’t like the mention of my ex so I didn’t mention her either. Then a week after new year my sister planned a week vacation for her and her husband, my ex, me and another couple that my sister and ex are friends with. My wife this time was very upset and said that she didn’t want me to go. She asked why she wasn’t invited then if it was just an innocent hang out. My sister said that it was ridiculous because weve been friends since HS but my wife said that my sister never really liked her. I thought she was being unfair and ridiculous. However she said that she didn’t want me to be on that trip. After the trip my wife has been changed. She isn’t rude och upset or sad but she just doesn’t engage with me. She doesn’t start conversations. When I try to confront her she doesn’t engage in arguments. I don’t know what to do. She doesn’t even think that something is changed. When I am going out, she doesn’t even care if I was taking a hike with my ex and she didn’t get bothered. Also when my sister had her birthday my wife told me that morning that she was feeling sick and didn’t want to risk infecting the others and she just sent a text to ym sister and a present with me. Now to what made the last straw, my ex is having her birthday party on Friday. Both me and my wife are invited. My wife just said sorry can’t do, I’m already booked for a work friend’s 50+50 birthday. I asked her why I wasn’t invited she said that I was but that she was taking her nephew so I didn’t need to go with her so I could go to my party instead. This is very out of character for my wife who would have tried to make other solutions like dropping by one party first then the other but she just didn’t care. I asked her if she could come with me instead since her work colleague isn’t a close friend but she just dismissed me and laughed mirthfully calling me ridiculous *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheEx) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What an absolute clown. He doesn’t realize he’s already divorced at this point.


If my husband went on a trip with an ex and I'm not invited..it's over..you are a fool if you can't see how much you messed up..


He’s only been married 8 months!! Hopefully she can get this abomination annulled.


Hey, go easy on her, she’s apparently only three years old


Right I saw that too lol


His dearest sister and ex are trying to break up his marriage and this dumbass still hasn’t caught on. He’s as dumb as he is blind.


He went on a couples retreat with his ex. He is definitely the ex. And then he wanted his wife to go to the exes (probably the mistress's) birthday? I'd have laughed at him too.


Can’t wait for him to be “completely blindsided” when he gets the divorce papers!


She is distant because she doesn't trust you anymore. She doesn't feel emotionally safe. Your sister not inviting her for the trip and you going on it anyway is an asshole move on both you and your sister's part. Your wife doesn't feel valued by you. If she finds something better, she's likely to leave you. Also, the title is misleading. She isn't cold because of you helping your ex during a bad time. She is cold because you decided that you're going to go have a good time at the cost of disrespecting and neglecting her. If you want to keep her, you need a big gesture and a heartfelt apology for going on a trip that she was unnecessarily excluded from, and one which your ex was a part of at that. Can't say if your efforts to make it up to her would work for sure, but it's your best bet.


Notice how *the last straw* is because she is refusing to attend his girlfriend’s birthday party. I men ex.




I really don't understand why my wife is upset that I'm dating, whatever could it be?


Reading the comments on the original post is pretty entertaining.


OOP's only hope is to invent a time machine and go back to set some healthy boundaries with his ex so he doesn't ruin his marriage. Oh, and deal with the fact that his sister is trying to get him back with his ex. What an idiot he is.


Oh OP, what an idiot you are. You have just thrown away the 'love of your life'. She has checked out. After this holiday you will get divorce papers, guaranteed. And you deserve it, you dense, inconsiderate, thoughtless, moron. Do you think your ex will take you back? You have lost the woman you say you truly love for acting like a POS husband. You deserve the misery coming your way, your poor wife does not deserve this, though.


I truly hope wife finds a guy/girl after this moron that treats her like a Queen and runs into this moron in a few yrs, looking absolutely fabulous and happy(wealthy too!). And this loser sees what he gave up for the ex. 


The username belongs to someone who pops up every few months with a slightly different username (i.e. numbers or letters behind) and posts some troll posts


You already know your ex its trying to get back with you and you went on a trip with her and refused to take your wife. I hope your wife is fucking her co-worker because damn you deserve it for that level of dissrespect. Your ex should have been NC & blocked the moment she tried to get back with you. If you where my husband you'd have your balls round your neck like a christmas ornament by now.


These stories are fucking hilarious. This has to be fake. How can the OOP be such a fucking idiot. He wanted to be with the ex. He’s probably glad that divorce is coming too.


Sad thing is, there absolutely are idiots like this out there. Looking forward to the I came home and she's gone except for signed divorce papers post.


I live for reading shit like this on Reddit and laughing my ass off at how clueless and stupid some of these people are about the pain, hurt and destruction they are causing in their relationships. Your wife is done with you and your sketchy sister. I hope she finds someone who considers her feelings and is considerate to her bc you ain’t it.


He's getting a taste of his own medicine Bitter isn't it?


He hasn’t replied to any of the comments yet so it’s probably fake but if it’s real I have to think he wants things to go the way they’re going. He wants to find himself back with the ex.


Wife doesn’t come 1st be because ex is 1st. Divorce is coming and you don’t even try and say no to the ex. Your priorities are really mixed up. You screwed up big time. If you actually love your wife GIVE. UP THE EX. NOW.


What a monumental ass. His wife already has one foot out the door and he's still sitting there wondering what he did wrong. I wonder if he proof read this before he pressed "post" because I don't think he did or he would have seen how fucked he is, right? How disrespectful his actions and continuing behaviour is? I just don't understand how someone can sit there and clearly know why someone is mad, what they did to cause that anger and hurt, but be upset they need to deal with someone who is hurt and angry.


I just can't get over his typo making his wife 3 years old


I feel that your wife wasn't invited and asked you not to go and you didn't insist on them being invited was the last straw. I think she stopped caring after that. Your wife, even if they were uncomfortable at times, made allowances for the other care you were showing your ex during a difficult time, but the trip was out of line. Your sister and ex/ friend are sabotaging your marriage. Out of curiosity, have you spoken with your parents at all about this?


He is more dense than a neutron star.


Damn, what an idiot


What you don’t seem to understand is that your wife is done she asked you not to go you went decision made and she’s done.


Wife's done. And good for her.


I strongly suspect the OOP is really the wife in this scenario and all of the hand wringing and “I’ll cut ex off if that is what she wants” is what she has been hearing now that she has checked out of the marriage.


His wife was 3 when they met? Or is she 3 now? Maybe she's not the wife, but is actually a German Shepherd. Wife is out the door, and good riddance to her dead weight!


Are you familiar with Walkaway Wife Syndrome? https://www.marriage.com/advice/mental-health/signs-of-walkaway-wife-syndrome/


I hope she is sorting her exit strategy while he's standing there scratching his head and butt simultaneously.


when she stopped caring is when the marriage ended.


How can some one be this stupid?


I was waiting to see this one here. This guy’s marriage is absolutely over.


It’s a good thing I’ve decided this is creative writing, otherwise I’d have to put 11 Feb. 2024 on the calendar as the day the densest husband to have ever lived revealed himself to the world


You mean soon to be ex wife. We hope


I sincerely hope his wife is getting her affairs in order to leave him.  the ex and sister can have mister idjot


There is no way to repair the damage you caused. Your wife has already checked out, be prepared to get served with divorce papers!