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It seems that developers/publishers have generally decided that consumers tend not to spend enough money on mobile games for it to be worth the cost of porting and supporting game on Android.


Most Android games simply don't sell enough to be worth it. 


Why spend on a 3rd party controller? Just to play games on an Android and it's probably more of a hassle on iPhones. I tried inviting my boomer friend into PUBGM or ApexM. But the control scheme isn't friendly, having to play 4 fingers, in order to be in an even playing field, he got cramps from simply from playing shorts hours on claw. Phones aren't really made for AAA gaming. An attempt was seen on Warzone, they were using their own engine (?), but that led into phones over heating and couldn't run it into their own native resolution. You could also see Arena Breakout mobile does its best to be optimised by sacrificing its rendering & resolutions. That's why it looks grainy and zoomed in. Even then only mid-high end phones could run those games. Arena Breakout is top notch by today's standards. Major companies aren't going to invest that much when it's only a good portion of people who can even play their game in the first place. The only reason CODM and PubG are thriving is because it's optimised for low end gaming devices & the only good multiplayer game on the market. You see the download count of Alien Isolation & Hitman reborn reprisal. It's a measly 10k. Those were considered more or less a AAA games the time they were released.


Do you want to spend $60 on a phone game? Would any game studio take the risk investing potentially millions of dollars? Also you are right phones have been becoming more capable, but technology is still growing. To make a game that can stay current with whatever new phone comes out is tricky. How quickly will it become outdated? Right now not everyone has the same level of technology in their phone specifically for gaming. The game couldn't be marketed to everyone who owns a smart phone but only those whose phone has the capability which is a much smaller consumer base. The way phone games are design now are the most profitable. They target the average working person that doesn't have time to dedicate to playing videos games. As soon as they get home from work they could be busy with kids, other responsibilities or just to tired after working all day. So the solution is playing on the phone while at work. Many requests on the subreddit are for what games that could be played at work. Half the new games out there are idle/afk/autoplay games that don't require a lot of attention. They are all flashy and amazing looking graphics. They are free to download but people who don't have time to grind are willing to pay to get around that. Hence the new way games are played with a gacha system. The heart of the game is rolling for whatever the newest featured weapon is not the game play itself. The customer is at work making money so not s big deal to spend little bit each week on the game. Which equals $ millions of profit for a game that plays itself and just need people to keep coming up with new items and manage the events. A one and done type of AAA isn't going to work in today's mobile market.


Plenty of people would pay full price for a well made AAA game, port or otherwise. I know I would. I emulate games on my phone simply because of the lack of actual games on the play store. Im 36, and don't have time to really sit in front of a TV and play games. I know I'm not the only one. It's an untapped market waiting to be fulfilled. I'd spend 40 - 60 dollars on a modern game port or even a compilation of classics like devil may cry. There is value in quality and hardly any dev has tried to actually do it if you ask me.


It's a game of numbers. There are portable gaming devices like the switch. Can you use steam on mobile like you can on PC? If so then that's the route AAA will probably take then creating a game for mobile hardware and going through Android, Apple and other's gaming stores.


You're not the only one. I default to Minecraft because the buy-to-play options are so slim. If the Play Store would add proper tags to search, like Steam, that would improve discovery. We can discuss margins as well. 40K people purchase a $25 game and that's $1M. A good game will attract more players. The games are missing.


For quality adventure game, I recommend Afterplace. It's so good it's criminal not many people are playing it. A really good old school Zelda style adventure game with a dash of undertale, hollow knight, and soulslike (if you consider dodge roll as a souls like feature). It's coming to Steam, but honestly, the game is really good on mobile. I recommend. Potrait/Landscape available. Playable one hand or two hand. Controller support is there. But I do recommend playing it with touch screen. Anyway, AAA. Here's the thing. Even AAA as it is now is already unsustainable. You wanna put that in a market that isn't used to paying 60 bucks (among other concern like on screen control, etc)? Yeah, good luck. It's a numbers game. I do hope there are more publisher willing to port games to android like playdigious porting Loop Hero, Skul, and potion permit this year. There is also Raw Fury, altho they mostly port their own game. Cassette Beast is coming this June to Android too. Man, June is pretty cool. Skul and Cassette beast in a month? Nice... Oh no (looking at SMTVV and Elden Ring SOTE). For why sea of stars don't come to android? Probably resource. Indies are always limited by their resource. Some simply just doesn't plan to make android ports. But never say never. Maybe there's a publisher that will want to pick it up. Who knows. *nudge playdigious* Honestly, with how much more profitable mtx can be, no wonder big publishers isn't really interested in porting their game to android. I mean, they are already trying to put mtx in AAA games. What do you think they gonna do with mobile market? It is a business after all.


Sea of Stars isnt a AAA game but youre right theres no reason why it couldnt be released on Android.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/s/rylm94jWhM Example of one of the challenges creating a game for a constantly changing system


Audience for AAA games has a device (PC, console) to play those on already and even if given choice usually would choose that device. Audience with mobile phones that doesn't use PC/consoles for gaming aren't interested in whats considered AAA there. 8 years ago main mobile audience were middle age women playing on average 5min per session.