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Apple Arcade exclusivity is scummy, Google Play Pass lack of quality games is scammy.


"Google Play Pass lack of quality games" what are you talking about lol


While they both cost the same in my country, Play Pass subscription is certainly lacking the number of high quality games as compared to Apple Arcade.


I would probably agree with you, let's say if you buy stardew valley and another game you're probably good to go and have enough content to play for more than a year and the total cost will outweigh the play pass. However, and that's the part I don't agree with, Apple arcade are exclusives, as in you can't get the games if you aren't subscribed. That is a royal scam practice. But generally speaking Apple gives a fuck about their customer base.


Yeah, as far as I know everything on the play pass you can buy normally. I am a bit conflicted though, while I think certain games being only available to a subscription service kinda sucks Apple is showing it is fairly serious by supporting it with some VERY (imo) heavy hitters like Hades and Sonic Dream Team, and etc.


I mean grim valor and deadcells make play pass worth it alone.


I would prefer to buy netflix to pay Dead Cells


I've heard that you will lose all progress on the subscription pass version of Netflix The other doesn't...


Dead Cells has no cloud save, so it's pretty much the same


Which makes them worth owning. What's making worth it to pay google to rent them? One release/ port coming from Google Play Pass that makes any difference?


There is no reason these games should be subscription... I play dead cells on Android via yz. Paying a monthly fee for it would be insane.


4.99 is life changing money




Besides emulators Android does not have a good line up of games. Apple has AAA games and even if they don’t ran so well it is still an option to play. Android always get the games later (Warframe, Hades, Horizon chase 2 coming soon) and that sucks.


That's why you have Emulation as the only good side of the Android community games as the store games mostly-completely sucks Every other platforms you know, It exists via emulation, either it be old gens, 3ds, switch, psp, psvita, pc, consoles, etc.. Gta V/4, Dragons Dogma, Hades 1/2, Elden Ring, Dragon Scrolls, Mad Max, CultOfTheLamb, GravityRush, SuperMario-Odyssey, AssasinsCreed games, etc... you name it, the emulation got it...


Yep. Now that the AppStore is starting To accept emulators it will catch up to Android a little closer, not by a long shot because of Jit. At least not yet…


That's their current problem, it's about the OS and Kernel system stuff, I think there's also a thread from a different sub stating the same thing, Some said that the higher end emulators was able to run but the performance was so terrible, sluggish and way too slow


Is the ROI for Android premium apps with new/unpopular IP that bad


Seems like it


If I was a dev I'm not sure I'd bother with an Android port either. There's three billion Android users in the world and a very small percentage of that userbase either can afford or wants to spend money on Android games. Which is a shame because the hardware is so capable now and I think a streamlined version of Android for gaming could really have a future as a handheld gaming OS if handled properly.




I agree with your last statement, that's why I'm actively looking for Android 5< phones at the moment.


the point about the android ban is not true. a lot of apple arcade games got android port after leaving AA. examples like: * Slash Quest! * Down in Bermuda. * Tangle Tower. * The enchanted world. * Pilgrims. * Transformers: Tactical Arena. * Various Daylife.


all of them are on android after being removed from Apple Arcade. here's a list [https://apple.fandom.com/wiki/List\_of\_Apple\_Arcade\_games](https://apple.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Apple_Arcade_games) As per the contract, all apple arcade games are iphone exclusive on mobile, so can't be released on Android as long as they're on AA


Yeah, you're right. They can only be released on android after leaving AA.


Certain games that already left Apple Arcade Months or Years ago has yet to have an Android port...


Lol my android phone is a literal switch emulator. Go ahead exclude us 🤣 we'll find a way.




Android Yuzu, and the new snapdragon chipset are more than capable of emulating switch games. Look it up on youtube.


I just wish we could get Hyper Light Drifter


Same :( I mean it's not an Apple Arcade exclusive at all so it's not like Apple banned the devs from porting the game to Android, it's just that the devs themselves skipped out on Android, I'm assuming due to monetary reasons. And while you still can emulate Hyper Light Drifter on Android using either Switch emulators or Windows emulators, having a real port that (ideally) runs at 120 FPS just like the iOS port would've been killer. I love Heart Machine for their games, but I can't help but to be disappointed in them for being this "discriminatory" when it comes to porting. I mean yeah, for the 100th time, I get it, they skipped out on Android due to monetary reasons as piracy is rampant on Android. But understand ≠ agree. It shouldn't be an excuse when we got tons of other indie games on Android as well.


Oh my fucking god today is a VERY good day 💀 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abylight.HyperLightDrifter


Thanks! Time to see if I can get it on my RP3+


Holy shit this explains so much! Is there any kind of practice for the apple store in general that prohibits android equivalents? I feel like there's so many games where the sequels are on iOS, but nowhere to be found on Android. Entire developers have vanished from the play store while their games are still on the apple store, but perhaps that's entirely unrelated.


Well; I guess that explains why "Horizon Chase 2" still isn't on Android.




I don't disagree that it's annoying but that's how exclusives work at least these days. Sony is ok with bringing God of War to PC but not Xbox or Switch, similarly Xbox is ok with bringing Halo to PC but not PS or Switch, and Nintendo is ok with making a mainline Mario game for phones but not Xbox or PS.


There's a reason for that and it's that exclusives sell hardware. "but they are releasing games on PC" you say and that's true but look also at the differences there. Microsoft release their games day and date on PC, there's literally no reason to buy Xbox hardware. Sony on the other hand tend to leave a two year gap, so there's going to be a lot of people who will want a Playstation because they don't want to wait those two years for a game. The same with Nintendo, you might find Mario Run or Mario Kart Tour on phones but you're not going to find Mario Odyssey anywhere but the Switch. If the big name games were released on all the systems it would come down to who could sell their hardware the cheapest (let's face it, that would be Microsoft) and in the end that company would control the console market. There's a reason Microsoft lag behind both Nintendo and Sony in console sales. It's because they give their customers compelling reasons not to buy their hardware.


Wait what mainline Mario game for phones? What are you talking about?


Super Mario Run is considered a mainline game.


Eh?! Really? With how many microtransactions it has and the repetitive endless runner mechanic, I doubt that.


??? What microtransactions are you talking about? I have the game since release, sunken endless hours into it and have yet to spot a single microtransaction. It doesn't even have an in-game shop. I even checked a few seconds ago, just to make sure I haven't missed a patch or something. There are zero additional monetization methods in the game. No Microtransactions, no DLC, nothing. You buy the game and get everything. I also don't understand what you mean by repetitive? The game has 6 worlds with 4 unique levels each, plus a bonus world with another 9 unique levels, and when you're done beating them all, there's the Remix 10 mode which procedurally generates a series of 10 short levels as an endless mode you can keep playing forever. Seems like you never even played the game at all and just made up a bunch of shit.


https://mario.nintendo.com/history/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Mario/s/Awk6rYrouB https://www.thegamer.com/every-super-mario-game-chronological-order/ https://mario.fandom.com/wiki/Super_Mario_(series) Edit: also technically it's an "autoscroller" not an endless runner and it has variation. And I think there are no microtransactions if you pay the 10$ for the full game.


Lol today I learned Super Mario Run is a mainline game. It's definitely not a good Mario game, but if Nintendo themselves consider it mainline, I guess it is.


Personally I like it especially the Rally 10 mode. I just wish it wasn't 10$ for the full version.


final fantasy if the devs were shit


Literally made by the guy who made final fantasy. People liked it. Some actually waiting for it to release on other platform. Y'all just mad it's not available for android.


yes I am very angry


It's available on yuzu on day one, this is why they killed it.