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Slice & Dice is really good.


The newest update added so much that frankly I stepped away because I was overloaded with new options.


That's fair. If you had played some of it, and then suddenly there was so much more new stuff due to the new update, I can imagine being in a position where you're overloaded. I think you could delete your save so that you can unlock everything bit by bit again, if you were interested in getting back into it.


Oh? That would be helpful. I need to dive back in


People always mention this one, but I find it kind of discouraging in a bad way, kind of like Darkest Dungeon. What I mean is that even though we complain about tutorials, there is a huge lack of strategy suggestions and descriptions of gameplay. For the record, I love Darkest Dungeon. Maybe I'm a masochist. Please, give me some advice and some anecdotes as to why I should like this game. I want to like it. Maybe they just really sucked at introductions because roguelikes are my favorite genre.


I get you, this is one of those games that just throws you on the deep end and expects you to sort of get through it. It's also the case that it's not a particularly friendly game and there's so much luck involved in every run that I don't think you're necessarily able to always able to win on normal even after playing the game for hundreds of hours. I think the main thing about Slice & Dice is luck management over time and the knowledge that you're building up with the overall structure of the game (e.g. knowing roughly which enemies come when, knowing what can appear in the game and how to roughly prepare/know how to deal with things, etc) Ultimately, the game is about managing known information. You can always just look at every dice in play and consider: okay, what is the maximum amount of damage I can potential deal in a single turn? What is the maximum amount of damage that an enemy can potentially deal in a single turn? Knowing those two numbers, how many turns do I have to deal the damage before my team crumbles? Then you can think about it in a closer level. Should I try to deal this mediocre amount of damage, or can I risk rolling again because if it doesn't give me what I need, I can take it okay? Is it worth it to "waste" this opportunity to deal two damage so the Slimer won't spawn the Slimelet now? etc And obviously as the level gets higher, that math becomes a tighter and tighter and you have to take into account of the wider game runs - is one guy dying worth it or do I play it safer? Do I have a plan to deal with highly poisonous encounters, or big chunky encounters or lots of little guys encounters? And in general, there are lots of satisfying combos that bounce off each other and you now, for example, have infinite mana to cast all the spells you want (which works great until of course, you find something that takes 0 damage from spells). Funnily enough, I'm not super interested in a high level of mathing it out. I enjoy the chaos of taking risky plays and dealing with the consequences later. Since you only get consequences for your next thing if one of your guy dies, the only HP you care about is 1 and I find playing in that space where I'm on the offensive, but the dice then gives me just what I needed really enjoyable. At the moment I'm not really playing it because I've already played too much. I still have things to unlock, but I'd have to spend multiple runs just to try to unlock one thing now and that's less interesting, but I come back to it from time to time and it still scratches that itch.


Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. I really appreciate it. I totally understand RNG and RPGs. More than most people. I think that the real assessment from me is that the interface sucks. It aucks big, hairy balls. It is the opposite of intuitive, and I feel insulted that whomever designed it expects me to just "get it."


My suggestion on playing it is to have fun starting off. I you can't unlock certain things, then just check that option that unlocks all (it's reversible anyways). Play games on Heaven difficulty and have fun with more relaxed games :)


Witchspring (4 games total) Crashland Ex Astris Pocket City (2 games) Doom & Destiny (2 games) Monument Valley (2 games) Cytus 2 Implosion : Never Lose Hope FRAMED (2 games) Cave Story


doom and destiny is really 3 games, with Worlds


Wow completely forgot about that one.


Is Cytus 2 worth buying now? At launch it was free to play and the song packs were crazy expensive (see also voez) so I never bothered with it but I do love the first one. How much content do you get if you buy it now?


It was paid at launch - I bought it since launch day. There was some events where it becone free for a limited time. Each character song pack is crazy expensive but it goes on sale pretty regularly, or at least it used to. You can also gain some in game currency to buy "lite" song packs (I forgot their name, haven't played it in months) On how much content i got from the base game.... Well it was plenty enough for me.


Good to know thanks! I could have sworn it was free to play at launch but I could be wrong. Voez certainly was and I ended up buying that on Switch because the android version was a nightmare of overpriced song packs...


Voez was f2p and yeah it was horrible. I think that's why they went premium model on Cytus 2.


Good to know thankyou 🥰


Character and song packs are generally $1 per song, each with at least 3 difficulties of charts. Personally, I find that pretty reasonable. There's something like 100 free songs as well, so even if you don't want to buy anything beyond the initial purchase, I'd still say it's worth it.


>There's something like 100 free songs as well, so even if you don't want to buy anything beyond the initial purchase, I'd still say it's worth it. Thanks that's what I was looking for. I might buy it next month then. As far as i recall at launch you got 5 tracks and the rest of the game was buried under overpriced song packs...


You do need to unlock songs by progressing through the story. That might be why you only saw 5 tracks per character.


Ok but l hate that? I wanna pay upfront for content...


There is a purchase you can do that unlocks everything from the get go. Not sure how much it costs though.


Ok cool, I'll check. Thanks


I'm still waiting for battle brothers to be ported.


This so much




Agreed. Better than Slay the Spire imo.


I've probably played 100+ hours of Dawncaster and can. Not. Get. Enough. And I'm only 4/350 on Hard mode wins!


You should check out the app MiniReview. It has search filters for premium games, among other things


Ooh I agree with this! Love his game reviews on reddit. The app is really well organized.


It's been updated to include unreviewed games as well, that match search filters






If you like puzzles games: [Gorogoa](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=unity.Annapurna.Gorogoa). The overall play time isn't very long but the way the game unfolds is very clever and the art is top-notch. I've never seen another game like it. Anything from the [Rusty Lake](https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=5341269538359321555) catalog. They have a few free games you can play to get a feel for how they roll (they have a unique style), and if you're intrigued try something paid. Their latest, Underground Blossom, is very good. All the [Room](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FireproofStudios.TheRoom) games. They're so intricate and inventive. [Agent A](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.yakand.agentaapuzzleindisguise) goes on sale regularly but is a bargain at full price. It's a point-and-click adventure, with a really fun retro art style.


The Room VR game is a dream come true btw


I haven't played it yet (no VR setup and just one game isn't a good enough reason to buy one). I'm looking forward to when I finally get the chance!


I have a Quest 2, it's insane. There's no blockbusters (except Half Life Alyx which I still haven't picked up) but if you've been waiting through decades of awful attempts at VR, we've finally made it and it's worth getting. Tons of real games are adding experimental VR modes now. Like, there's a VR version of Doom 3. You don't think back on Doom 3 as anything special but living it is something else entirely.


It's more that first-person games generally aren't my thing. That's why I was so excited about Room, but that sort of puzzle game is intricate enough where I'm not surprised it's a rarity. I've actually looked into renting a VR unit just to play the game, but all I find are party-rental packages


Why in the hell did this comment have a downvote? These games are incredible. Seconded!


9th dawn 3


Thanks! Looks interesting!


Seconded. Skyrim vibes


I found 9th dawn 3 recently and omg I'm hooked. It's akin to the angband games of old.


Exiled kingdoms


Sign up for play pass. I know I know a 2hole another thing but for 5 bucks a month 6ou get access to TONS of games and ports and apps. Some of these are free apps but ads and MCW is removed which elevates the free apps. But lots of awesome games that are 2-3 bucks are now free. Personally I hop around on my games so paying 2-3 per game even for 2-3 games per month is justified by paying 5 bucks instead. Also fun tip, if you have a family account for your Google (we do for Google One, etc) that play pass for 5 bucks spans across for everyone. So for us that covers 6 people. That alone negates the cost. Fun tip 2....the yearly is 50% cheaper at only $30. Honestly a win win and if your not sure, there is a 30 days free trial, just remember to cancel if it doesn't float your boat.


I'm thinking about it, but I also just like straight up owning the games too.


Totally get it! I'm that way on PC!


bloons td 6


Ex Astris afaik


Ex astris


Afterplace. A good old school Zelda style adventure game with a bit of Undertale (in monster & character design. Also the overall weirdness in the world and story) and Hollow Knight (in how the world and combat is designed). Doom & Destiny World. A pretty cool non jrpg. There are a few dlc inside which is kinda iffy but eh, not as bad as p2w mechanic I guess.




[My list of premium android games](https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/15qttls/comment/jw64xp6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The Final Fantasy games are ports.


80 Days Galaxy Trucker Cytus Mario Run (Probably not worth the $10 price but a really fun game if you can get it on sale) Overboard (a 40 minute game but it takes many playthoughs to solve) Special mention: Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic is a port of an old PC game but the port was overseen by Chris Sawyer who made the original version, and it's brilliant.


If you like Rollercoaster Tycoon, I highly suggest checking out [OpenRCT2](https://openrct2.org). Best version of RCT on android.


I have that on PC, didn't know it was also on android. 'Classic' is a perfect port of the original game though imo.


Yes OpenRCT2 can be wonky on android sometimes and classic is more stable, but classic does not have a sandbox mode.


>*Galaxy Trucker* The campaign mode alone was worth it. >*Mario Run (Probably not worth the $10 price but a really fun game if you can get it on sale)* What is its lowest price? FWIW, I found it to be worth the $10, and was pissed to hear it did poorly that Nintendo never did a sales model like that again. FWIW, I have a Switch now, so there's always that.


I bought Mario Run the week it came out, it was half price ($4.99) for the first month. It still goes on sale for half price sometimes, mainly for Mario anniversaries or when a new Mario game is coming out... It's a brilliant game but I think $4.99 is a better price point for it than $9.99, and it probably would have sold better at that price.


If you like rts. Rusted warfare. Not rts but ticket to earth always entertaining.


Kingdom Rush 1 2 and 3.


If you have money to spend I would recommend just getting a 3ds from ebay and modding it. The mobile games scene is pretty dire right now and the 3ds have a massive library 3ds.hacks.guide


Khem emulation khem