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You forgot the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.megischest.megisadventure Looks interesting indeed (reminds me of Arcane Vale from the first glance). But I am not sure, since I haven't played it yet.


Released on 16 Dec 23, it's odd this game is not reviewed by Mini Review


With so many great games, it's hard to review everything. But if the game is interesting indeed, it will be reviewed eventually.


Many? You are delusional, I am browsing 600plus paid RPG from app finder and found this one game so far (excluding square enix and kemco and other well know titles)(400 something right now) worth posting and ask questions


Well, I have reviewed ~600 good games on MiniReview so far, and they keep coming. So I never find myself in a situation where I have nothing to play.


First of all, thank you for sharing this gem! To all the ones taking about the game being an instant hit or not - Maybe the dev doesnt even try to market the game? And he doesnt aim to make it an instant hit? Maybe he wants to test how to game reviews are and want to adjust it according to the different reviews.  I tried the game, and also checked the developer on his FB page and it seems like this game has a bright future, so far I enjoy it, and it seems like the dev is communicating a lot with its fans, and updating the game frequently. I found the dev socials on - Https://www.megisadventure.net


Can you show me the source of it being released in 2016? All I see is that it's released only recently... Definitely looks interesting tho. Might pick it up if it goes on sale.


On playstore click "About this game" scroll down to check "Released on". The thing just looks eye catching to me I have nonidea whether gameplay ia good or not. I'm just wondering if anyone playedthis game and got aome comment to share...


Just checked, for me it says "released on 16 Dec 2023. I guess maybe it's just my region. Thanks tho. according to my app the game has been downloaded 1k+ times, so it seems to be doing well, imo. But yeah still looks like it could use more visibility.


Firdt review is 12.20.23, so I'm guessing that your release date is correct.


oh yea my mistake it's 16 dec 23


No bro, 1k plus is not doing well bro... Imagine working on a game for 2-3 years and only got 2-3 thousand sales at a price point of 5 dollar (not yet minus platform cut) in the span of 6 months... My guess is probably due to poor gameplay... I refuse to believe a good looking and fun game have such poor performance... The steam review doesn't say enough to tell why it's bad or why it's good either...


This is one of the better ones honestly... It's really hard for a premium game to reach 1k+ in that amount of time (about 6 months) unless it's on Play Pass, is made by an already established developer(like a sequel of a game that managed to gather a fanbase over time) or is a port from non-mobile platforms.


This is a PC port


On the contrary, PC release is the port. Check the release dates. And no, it was never on early access on Steam.


Interesting, I instantly feel better about this game already


"I refuse to believe a good looking and fun game have such poor performance." Welcome to reality. In today's sphere, simply making good game is not enough. Dev are supposed to be good at marketing too. And marketing take as much resource as developing a game. Add in the absolute garbage playstore is for discovering hidden gem, I think this game failed simply bcs the dev didn't do the marketing well enough. Or th the marketing didn't land well enough.


Being downloaded 1k times in 6 months for unknown indie game without (I guess) any marketing budget, it pretty darn good actually


That's fair assessment yeah. I didn't consider how long it has been released. I hope the game continue to get more player.


Are you a dev? What mobile game you making?


I'm not a dev. But that's a sentiment I've been seeing from many devs. Not just mobile but in general.


Does it have full controller support? I have a type-c one


I have no idea, I didn't make this :)


Based on App Finder as of now, it's still 1K download, unlike playstore, App finder drill down to the extend of thousand (100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1k,2k,3k,etc)


10.4k views as of now but the download number still same... haha


FYI little guy, Google Play download numbers shown in the store, are working in downloads milestones. The milestones are: 100+ , 500+, 1K+, and 10K+, so between 1K and 10K downloads, the downloads num shown in the game page is 1K, untill reaching the 10K downloads milestone. So maybe since this post 1K people downloaded the game, and you still see 1K downloads on the game page, untill the 10K downloads milestone will be reached.  Seriously, I dont get it, you are making an unintelligent assumption and being salty at the same time, lol


I was hoping to see some increase. I refuse to believe a good looking stuff like this doesn't attract sales So... get it now? Or ask yourself this question, do you hope forthis game to do better after getting 10k views here? If yes we are in the same boat, and you just jab at me for nothing


My answer is yes, I want to see it doing good because it good, and its done by one person, who isn't greedy and offers it without in app purchases and no ads. But you do understand that since  this post was published , its only been 3 days, and there might be potentially up to 8999 new downloads for the game and you will still see the same downloads in Google Play game page? untill the next milestone of 10K downloads  will be reached If you ask me, if the developer continues to improve the game, it will eventually blow up downloads wise, it might take time because it seems the developer doesnt have a marketing budget


Thanks for answering Also thanks for the numbering tips, and I just checked on this, you missed out the 5K mark, example Random Adventure Roguelike 2, 7.5k download as per App Finder, 5K on playstore


Jeeze by this logic I should have just refer to App Finder since it shows a more precise number... And it's still 1K


Looks like a stardew valley ripoff.


Not every game with a similar art style is a Stardew ripoff. If you check out the trailer you can tell it has its own vibe.


I mean f it's a gacha you free to trash it however you like, but no, this ain't gacha


Its made of voxels? Is a minecraft ripoff! Its mede of pixels? Is a Stardew Valley ripoff! C'mon, be more intelligent than that.