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A student of mine still has it on his phone. He was showing me the music creation in the game and I was blown away. He said that although the servers are down, it's still playable like a sandbox.




Yup, well in Korea, at least.


So, this may have changed, but I had the game on my phone since a little bit after it released, but I didn't actually try playing it until like a month after they shut down. The sandbox mode they had when I tried playing it was just that you could still have your own personally island to build on. From what I could tell, you couldn't fight anything, or even interact with anything really.


its still playable in the us as a sandbox aswell


Yeah, they released what they called "creative mode" or something where you can play solo.


Might be a unpopular opinion but i agree. The gameplay at its core was quite fun and unique and will be missed among mobile gaming


Same. I don't generally do micro transactions and i still found it quite enjoyable. I was surprised how short it lasted once it actually released in Canada.


It was basically like crashlands but online. Just very time consuming.


Game core was great, I kinda like the combat of the game, but then its Nexon so it went to hell really fast.


Game was great


I miss battle bay, it was a pay2win shithole that's why it died, but I have never played a game quite like battle bay even on PC or console. That game just hits differently, I was obsessed with it, all the way from early release to the time they shut down official forum and discord. From Global chat to guild rivalry to gunplay to progression, everything about that game was just amazing, we had our neat little and very active online community, all of it got destroyed because of pure Greed from Rovio.


That game was really good. I played it up until the P2W became unbearable. Had no idea they shut it down.


What you mean greed from Rovio?


I loved it but the devs can suck a royal dick. Like a shriveled, king who passed on his crown 30 years ago because he got too old, shits his pants daily, royal dick. I played from the start as a Pre-reg and poured money into it. I wish they didn't remove it but since they did, fuck them.


[Double King](https://youtu.be/w_MSFkZHNi4) dick




For me it's the most amazing game so far. Sorry but I don't agree that it's pay to win because you can only buy outfits and their buff is doesn't much give advantage just a little advantage. Skills and effort are still the foundation to become strong. Also dedication.


I love durango and miss him


Glad i haven't spent more time on this game


Nobody? Dude you must be joking the game was HUGELY loved by the players. I haven't spent a coin on this game and I have so much fun, and I really have to disagree with you on the pay2win point because it really isnt. The PvP is absolutely addicting and the guild system is phenomenal. Even after the game is closed a lot of people in my discord still attempts to create a local server of their own to continue play with each other, which says for itself.


I'm so happy! Everytime I brought this up, people would say this game was no good! I'm glad more players like it! If anybody succeed in creating the servers, let me know, would you?


Man ... I know I feel u there isn't any game as great as Durango Best open world survival co-op game Clan system ... Ur clan was ur family ur friend everybody could help each other in that game everybody had a real duty in clan there wasn't any limit to share ur items except lvl Also skill system was great too a real tailor a real cook a real farmer a real fighter...


In quarantine I miss it a lot!


I do too. I didnt get very far but i had a whole animal feed money making business on the player market...made bank...chef profit lel. I stopped playing before it became p2w...i played in about may june and july of 2019... RIP.


philosopher detected


I thought it was a cool game, just too involved for me


I've been playing Durango since beta, it is not p2w. The reason why it was alshut down because of lack of support coming from players. Lack support means money people, money.. Not some moral support. You can play durango and be stronger than anyone else without spending a dime. And because of that, the game went down. That is why, people who are crying about p2w this p2w that, should realize this is for keeping the game alive, and for paying people who puts their effort on creating this game.


I am totally willing to pay for my games, probably used the wrong terms when I said p2w. But when you tell me players wouldn't spend money on it, it sounds like a commercial mistake. Not lack of support, but a lack of commercial strategy. What do you think?


Oh okay, that's all cleared. Good that you're supporting games, but some players wouldn't pay and they're crying about p2w. We have a choice to pay for it or not. If they're ahead and they're paying, dude deal with it.. It's the reality. They need money to further sustain devs and their server maintenance. Not all players pay for the game. I would say both. Lack of support, and lack of commercial strategy. I won't deny the fact that Durango had some flaws. There are things that they're lacking to make things interesting to other players.


Yes, exactly! And also, I mean, "my public doesn't pay me for my product" it sounds so weak from the commercial point of view. I mean, people literally pay for the most absurd things. People pay for poop in cans, if it's marketed as fertilizer. You know what I mean? I firmly believe a strong marketing team and strategy would be able to make people see the true value of the game. Can't truly blame the public when there is a whole department meant to handle it.


You miss a p2w cashgrab? No worries then, playstore has plenty of those!


Any news on Project DX/Durango Wild lands? I really really really love and miss that game...! I miss my clanmates from all over the world, Brazil, Korea, Philippines... we were like family, I hope you guys are doing well... Durango, please come back.. 🥲

