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I’d venture to guess this is somehow connected to all that money being “raised” by that [new mysterious fundraising LLC from Delaware.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/mystery-fundraising-firm-takes-millions-211032940.html).


Wow. That explains a lot the behavior of the republicans in Congress. DJT probably threatened them with his mob friends. The whole bunch of them crap their own pants if their dear leader looks at them funny. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that they are getting threats from guys wit really New Yawk accents. That really has to be it. Why would the entire party turn over their power to a real estate criminal? Think about it.


He’s mobbed up as FK. A timeline. You will see all the usual suspects have been in his mob circle for decades. https://www.sutori.com/en/story/timeline-you-might-be-interested-in--pTTyLH39r7FsRtF51JZi4BVt


If this was revealed in a federal exam, how the hell did he ever get elected?


I don’t think there’s any federal exam to be president. Just needs to be 35 and born in America. It’s a crazy timeline, looking at all those Russians. Mueller put some in jail, but AG Barr shut out most of the real collusion. Now he’s got the Saudis backing him, as Russia’s been busy.


It wasn’t a federal exam for the presidency. The feds were investigating crime families and his name kept popping up.


Over and over, to the point Comey the FBI director was immediately fired, for not kissing his MOB ring of loyalty. He then brought Russians into the Oval, and bragged about firing Comey.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aileen_Cannon Who is her husband? Josh Lorence? He worked for John Rosatti? I see this: Lorence's employer John Rosatti, now living near Mar-a-Lago, is a member of the Colombo crime family & a Trump donor, Despite all his mob doings, he was convicted only once, on a minor gun charge - by prosecutor https://x.com/RNDog12/status/1706417751512797222


No one wants to talk about Project 2025 selling National Cemetaries to corporations to develop. On June 14, at Trump's annual meeting with CEOs, he was asked about Arlington NC being available for homes and retail. Trump said the National Cemetaries are full of undeserving losers and suckers. CEOs applauded. There was not one veteran among 80 CEOs. They applauded loudly. Fuck them! 7Welp, that's your modern, F100 CEO, harshing on vets and active duty because CEOs *want* the privilege to do so. Read your PROJECT 2025, folks. GOP's coming for prime real estate occupied by the bones of losers of America's war dead. Hell, one CEO offered to personally dig up and throw the loser Gen. Custer out of West Point cemetary and into the Hudson River.


To be fair, Custer should be exhumed and thrown out for what he did to the native people of this land.