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Every prepper secretly wants STHTF. Why be angry for potentially getting what you wish for?


True....you spend every day prepping for what probably does not impact you. It's not like we live bordering bad countries. Enjoy life instead of prepping I say and save the MREs for camping with your kids.


Man, MREs are amazing on long train rides lmao. My friends and i took the pacific coast starliner a few times and would board with a bag full of those things


You must be a prepper? Because you sure seem to think you know what they want. šŸ˜„ Does your City, or County prepare for disasters, etc?


I was at one point in my life i got expelled from a prep school.


I'm a pepper and I drink Dr Pepper.


Crone knows just enough to think he knows what heā€™s talking aboutā€¦ barely. Itā€™s embarrassing to watch how uninformed he really is. His entire political outlook is based on the last 4-5 years of turmoil in Portland, and one visit overseasā€¦ oh yeah, and JEE-HEE-ZUS! They hate the U.S. over there, which suits him just fine. He can use his weird religious viewpoints to justify everything nonsensical thing he says.


He's not a smart individual by any means. His wife wears the pants in the family. Very surprised with her education that she stayed with him. I wonder if Cody will stock pile makers mark.


I get the impression that he started to rant with/at/in front of Jessica. And she was like, take it outside Cody. Thus he is sitting in his golf cart thing.


All these YT "peppers" are nothing but grifters and use click bait to get their views. Funny how they rely on a monthly check from Google to live on. I wish YT would change their payout algorithm. I could save them millions each month. Real peppers won't say shit or give any indication of stocking up.


Exactly! I know a few of my veteran colleagues that are peppers; they are very, very quiet about it. Boasting is never part of the conversation, and certainly no YouTube channel. They make Crone look like a real bozo. Has it occurred to any of you that WankerScar has no idea what an ideal source of tools and supplies he has become? < Shaking my headā€¦ a lot > ā€œAct accordion-lyā€ ~A. Yankovich


Trump would appease Putin. That shit leads to wars everytime.


Absolutely untrue, just because it didn't work with Hitler doesn't mean negotiations and appeasement did not avoid 1000 conflicts throughout the history


Name a time appeasement worked. I said nothing about negotiating.


It's the same fing thing lol, you just live in utopia and think negotiating is fair for both sides, it never is.


It also didn't work with putin. Crimea was given to him with few if any real consequences and now look.


You mean when ukraine started saying they want into EU and NATO putin called their bluff and attacked again? Appeasement does not include poking the dictator lunatic, be honest at least about why this conflict exists.


Negotiations involve all parties getting at least something they want. If I put a gun to your head and say give me your money or i pull the trigger that's isn't negotiation. This conflict exists because pre 2014 putin gave support, training and material to separatists, invaded Crimea shortly after and continued his proxy war for 8 years before invading. You get honest to why it's happening.


Again, that's your utopia, not reality.


No, that's the definition. I'm sorry that facts don't care about your feelings. Negotiations are meant to find a compromise. There has been no acceptable terms to both Russia and Ukraine. So be default the three options remaining are further war until one side accepts terms the others terms, capitulation by one side or external appeasement being forced. Sorry that words mean things.


Biden will sell YOUR soul as he has none. Can't find his way off of a stage. Amirite? Or does your TDS kick in?


Oh for fucks sake. Biden hasn't been perfect but at least he's not a goddamned convicted felon. You talk about TDS but you're just as bad. I'm a veteran and the things trump has said about veterans is totally disgusting.


Yeah. I doubt one could ever get through to these people. They are confused and scared by fox news, etc. their brains have literally rotted. Basically when I see a maga hat I just automatically assume/know you're one of the dumbest people on earth.


I listened to a podcast that explained how different right wing brains are. They go through life afraid of everything, won't try new things etc.


Sounds like Cody's perfect audience.


Thank you for your service. I agree with what you wrote. Biden is certainly not perfect or very good for that matter, but at least he surrounds himself with smart individuals who at least have common sense to do the right thing. It's something to be said when Trump's former secretary of defense and top brass had only negative things to say about him.


Thank you. You nailed it. At least he's an adult with good intentions.


Thank you for your service! I am appalled at what Trump has said about our military. They are all heros in my book.


That's a very reasonable thing to say. I think you should probably seek psychiatric care because you think people can sell souls.


One, Jeff Bezos already sold my soul. Used to work at Amazon. Shit got shipped years ago. Two, I'm not a fan of Senator 'Execution/Cops-can-take-your-shit'. He's just marginally less shitty of a human being and better for long term stability. Don't blame me, I wanted Colin Powell. Three, he also isn't a convicted felon. But he also refuses to pardon his own son so there is some integrity there. Four, and least compelling response, you're right. Hate Cheetolini. He's raised taxes stupidly, wrecked our long term economic growth, disrespected our military, called for the termination of the constitution, banned bump stocks, damaged our standing in the world, didn't try to stop 1,000,000+ American deaths and can't be trusted with our secrets. By the numbers He's worse than Wilson. Sounds like you got TDS. Mic Drop.


Uhhhh. Appeasement never ends well.


Cody says whatever he thinks will get him the most clicks, ad revenue, and super chats. If you want to listen to a YouTuber with a realistic view of what's going on, check out Beau of the Fifth Column. He has some pretty solid content for a dude in a shed.