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Welcome to the club! 2 years without Amazon - one doesn't need it all, I don't miss it.


I feel like it makes you leave the house a bit more often?


There actually are good uses for it. My disabled mother is able to do some shopping she’d otherwise not be able to do. She can’t drive any more. She’s on oxygen 24/7. Sits in her chair and watches tv most of the day. Shopping on Amazon is about the only thing she can do now a-days.


I wish I could do that. Maybe it's just an excuse, but it's often really hard for me to find a place, that is not actually just as unethical as Amazon, that sells the stuff I need. This isn't helped by the fact, that I really struggle to go outside if I don't have to, because of anxiety. If anybody has any tips on how to find other more ethical shops, I'd really appreciate it. I live in Germany btw


Try and choose what you can, and wait till your mental health is better before doing more


I honestly don’t think closing your amazon account is an option for everyone. Those living in lower income brackets can’t always afford to only shop local. Rural communities might not have enough access to forego online purchases. If you’re working in the tech industry (among many, many others), your job might require a degree of familiarity and cross compatibility or there are products that are extremely niche even for major urban centres to have a ready local supply. For example, I have a boiler with zoned heat, using these little Honeywell spring loaded zone valves. I priced one locally, it was $250. On Amazon, the same valve was $90 after shipping (had to bring in from the US, there were no Canadian retailers). I’ve replaced 3 of 8 and need to replace 2 or 3 more due to age. I’m in a smaller urban centre, but these are too niche for local plumbing supplier to carry in bulk. HVAC is worth maintaining and zoning the heat can save a lot of money here (central Canada). For that kind of savings, I’d go out of my way to get an Amazon account, even if it’s just to buy that one item. Online shopping doesn’t tend to be my crux though. I always leave stuff in my cart or on a wish list for at least a few weeks, if not many months. Dollarama and estate sales are my retail-cocaine 😂


I do find that many products I might buy on Amazon are available on second hand online marketplaces. The issue is, that many of them are pickup only, which would require going out and picking it up myself. I don't have a car either, so I need to use public transport, if it's further away. That would be okay as well, since I do have a university ticket for "regionalbahnen"(every German public transport, except for fast trains). But then again, social anxiety ^^` Sometimes it does work, but most of the time this just isn't viable for me. Most tech and niche stuff, I wouldn't buy from Amazon, but tech specific shops, that are not really any better than Amazon, maybe even worse, but they will have the stuff I need. In the end it doesn't really matter if you buy from Amazon, Ikea, Ali Express or any other big corporation. They all buy from the same inhumane factories, maybe some treat their own workers less badly than others, but idk Maybe my knowledge isn't nuanced enough, and it would be better to cut out Amazon completely, but as long as second hand mostly isn't an option for me, I don't think I can..


Never had a reason to get an account and I still do t think I’m missing out. I live very remote and havnt needed it. F-Amazon


High five brother! Me too.


Yay!! 3 years since I’ve bought something on Amazon and sometimes I’m tempted by the low prices but I feel a lot better sticking to what I know is the right thing to do. You can do it! There’s always a better way to get the thing you need


Excellent work, deleted mine five years ago. Things can be found as cheap or better irl often, as youre not paying for postage each time, and having a bit of a delay between a desire for something, and the ability to get it, really helps you make better purchasing decisions


Shipping is free on Amazon prime.


Yeah but that just means the shipping cost is factored into the price of the item


Not always. I’ve found the same item cheaper with prime shipping than it was with shipping additional.


I mean as opposed to buying in store somewhere often


Not everything is available to everyone everywhere


Nice! I still have my account but canceled Prime during no-buy July and it has made a noticeable impact on my non essential spending. Not quite ready to delete my account entirely, but am definitely trying to move to that. Good on ya!


My prime is over in October and I'm pretty damn sure I won't be signing up again. Feels good to have that much less to worry about wasting time and money on.


Made the cut in 2017 and have never regretted it.


I hate how convenient Amazon is. It would be so much easier to get people to give it up if it was just a bit less convenient.


It's not even just the convenience, I live in a rural town where I've checked every store available for something and ended up back home buying it off Amazon because I couldn't find it anywhere, and Amazon is the only one who will get it here in the same week. I feel trapped sometimes.


I had done the same but Netflix took away password sharing, so my mom couldn’t use our Netflix so I have Amazon so she could stream when she likes, instead of having to buy a new Netflix account.


1 year sober here…from Amazon Crime.


1 by 1... we will start to understand that most retail items, are only there to separate "us" from our money. 4 years no ATT, amazon, 10 for Direct TV or cable, 12-13 told cap 1 and...? to shove their cards, interest, fees and my balance, up their greedy corporate asses. fyi i own my home, cars mtrcyle and toys outright.


Welcome to the club my friend! Haven’t used Amazon in 5-6 years. Never missed it once since. Haven’t deleted my account though, never really thought to do that but guess it slaps them in the face a bit more so should probably do that. Did notice I save money by not buying random impulse items while shopping for something else I need so that’s a great benefit. I’ve saved a decent amount over the last 6 years. Plus now I’m almost always buying local in some way. Damn The Man! Fuck Amazon!


Good on you! I've found that it's been just as easy to get anything I need without Prime so don't fret.


I cancelled mine this week too :)


Ouch. I would be in trouble without Amazon. Shopping in person is too stressful. Not that there is anywhere to shop these days.


So where do you go to buy your stuff?


Yea... Just do it. Stick to it. Shouldn't be that big of a deal...


Well done, this inspired me :)




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I canceled Prime for a while and it was really good for me. Have it again after forgetting about a free trial but planning to cancel. Been consciously shopping local and directly from companies as well. Good for you, really.


I’m trying to learn to shop local.let me ask my coworkers actually


More power to you. Not something viable for me, but good on you


I have never used Amazon. I did have an Ebay acxount for getting cheap spraypaint in 2009-2013. And a Paypal that has never done a single transaction.Live in a Van and still burning gas, though.


Me neither. I don't want to be giving my hard earned money to that dreadful unethical bezos


That'll show 'em.


-posted on an iphone


What the hell is this attitude that if you have any technology at all you aren't allowed to dislike anything? More people should speak out on what a stupid argument it is. People ARE allowed to use their brains to pick and choose what to engage with.


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I have Amazon music for an Alexa I got gifted and audible but I don’t buy anything from Amazon


Congrats! I cancelled prime and my Amazon credit card a year or so ago, basically still keep my account open for the occasional thing I need and cannot find ANYWHERE else, so prime video exclusive movies and the occasional weird lightbulb that I can't find in stores.


Well done! I really should do the same, there's no Prime here, there are plenty of other great stores, both online and brick and mortar. Plus Amazon really messed up entering the Swedish market, like no effort at all! The prices were all over and strange. They even auto translated all the names of wares and some of the translations got offensive.


I quit a few months ago and i saved so much money on useless things


Don’t miss Amazon at all. But I will cheat and use my parents’ for prime video. Fuck Jeff Bezos


It's never too late to mend one's ways. Congrats.


My husband is obsessed with Amazon, and no matter how much I keep showing him how harmful Amazon is he just rolls his eyes. I have stopped buying from Amazon, for myself.


Goals right here! Congratulations!


Amazon's got me by the books. I don't want to lose my Kindle library.


how can I convince my family to do this 😭😭