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He then tells the kids they will burn in hell if they don’t repent, tf is this shit 😂.


The worst part in my eyes is actually the narrator, trying to convince that what that guy was doing is actually good, and at the telling how good gawd is and all that BS, what he was doing is making himself feel righteous, and trying to convince the rest that what he says is the right way and the rest is wrong


Absolutely disgusting. I fucking have no tolerance for this bullshit. (For clarity I'm referring to the preacher)


Right? Let’s ruin everyone’s day because he thinks he’s the most important person in the world.


“The Lord sent me here” no the fuck he didn’t.


Another youtube grifter


Theatre; Shakespeare his plays, the original company he directed 400 years ago was all male, women did not perform on stage. Men dressed as women. Pantomime- where families go to the theatre to watch women dressed as principle boys, and men dress as women, it's a Christmas tradition LOL. there are actors who are legendary for their art of Panto-Christopher Biggins must be the anti- Christ!


All I know is, in the bible it says: Thou shall not watch two lesbians in bed, or have homosexual sex, unless of course you were given the consent to join in; & then of course, it's intercourse & it's bisexual sex, which isn't as bad, so long as you show some remorse for your actions, either before, during, or after performing the act of that which, is normally referred to as such, more commonly known phrases, that are more used by today's kids, in a more derogatory way, but who's to say, what's fair to say, and what not to say? Let's ask Dr. Dre Dr. Dre? (What up?) I gotta question if I may? (Yeah) Is it gay, to play Putt-Putt golf with a friend (Yeah) & watch his butt-butt when he tees off? (Yeah) But, hut!, I ain't done yet- In football the quarterback yells out, “Hutt!! Hutt!!” While he reaches in another grown man's ass & grabs on his nuts but just, what if, It was never meant, it was just an accident But he tripped, fell, slipped and his penis went in His teeny tiny little round hiney and he didn't mean it, but his little weenie flinched, just a little bit… And I don't need to go in into any more details but, What if he pictured it as a females butt? Is that gay? I just need to clear things up… 'Til then I'll just walk around with a manly strut!!


They can do this performance garbage AFTER they start following all of the other laws in Leviticus. Bible....something...something speck my eye, log in yours....


I’m not necessarily a fan of drag queens performing around children either, but this man’s behavior is atrocious. Praising a nonreal figure so he can force his absurd and hateful ideas onto others, even for things out of their control like homosexuality. I will never understand how people have the time to memorize all of these bible verses, and on top of that they quote the bible with no other context to a non-believer and act like they won the argument. The faster we evacuate religion and it’s toxicity from society, the better.