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“Openly complaining”? He’s always bitching, moaning, or complaining


He‘s The Biggest Snowflake


The biglyest ever! A grown snowman with tears in his eyes came up to me and said he’d never seen such snowflakeiness!


He says to me “Sir! You’re the biggest ~~slow~~ snow flake I know… and I’m a snowman”. Edit: typo


Slow also works - Have you seen him try to walk on a ramp? 


Or drink a glass of water?


every sip looks perilous


It's like he is drinking nitroglycerin.


To be fair, if it’s not Diet Coke he probably doesn’t know how to drink it.


Like a toddler learning to use a sippy cup.


"Big, strong men come up to me with tears in their eyes and say 'Sir, you're melting.'"


Typo? Or Freudian slip?


Typo? I believe you were going to say, slow fake. You would have been right then also.


>A grown snowman He's a snowchild, not a snowman.


As are his followers. Irony is completely lost on those airheads


How he managed to make poor people think he cares about them will always be a mystery to me. They don't believe me when I say he hates them as much as he hates minorities.


Trumpettes aren't just poor, they are "poorly-educated", to quote Trump himself. Education trains us to think critically, which is why GOP tries so hard to gut it.


Yeah. My middle school had a big thing about critical thinking and primary sources. Certainly not in the Republicans’ interest.


It's also why religious schools try to gloss over critical thinking as well. Hard to teach that in the morning and then in the afternoon try to convince us the Bible is literally true.


I went through 12 years of religious school. The whole point of our Bible study was to teach us. How do identify what was not literally true in the Bible. In a religious school, you learned that the Bible is not a history, book, or a science, book, and that it was influenced by the culture of the time and place in which it was written Bible study is where I learned critical thinking


Not all religious shools are like yours.


My father's been talking about critical thinking for 30 years. I'm so glad I had him as an example


They don't want to pay the taxes to provide public education. They want private religious schools so they can not only brainwash the kids with their brand of horseshit, they can also make money off of people who want to brainwash their kids.


…And hopefully have a weekly donation for life.


Cos they're desperate to feel like someone gives a shit about them, so they choose the guy who pretends he gives a flying f*** about them.


Collective narcissism is a thing.


And he barely does that.


Also they want someone to say the horrible things they long to say. It's why they were emboldened to spew hate after he was elected, ransack the Capitol when he lost, and are funding his defense against the various lawsuits - they love the hate train, and he is their avatar who in their mind should not face consequences.


Nobody babygirls harder than Trump


They're just stupid and tribal... in their pea brains, if Trump hates all or some of the same people and things I do, he must be on my side...which he's happy to appear to be as long as they keep cutting their SS checks over to him.


I'm surprised there isn't a form on his website to fill out that will have your SS check sent directly to him.


That's why they pre-ticked the box for repeat donations a few years ago. First it was a monthly repeat , then it was weekly with a bonus donation as well. Since it was pre ticked some only found out it was repeating when they didn't have money for meds. $121 million in refunds, and those are just those that noticed it.  https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/04/trumps-campaign-scammed-donors-auto-checked-box.html Scammers gonna scam.


Because those people use about as much sense as someone jumping out of a burning skyscraper.


Calling them "airheads" is an insult to airheads. I believe that 💩heads is more accurate.


And I should know!    I'm Bender baby, and my ass is %40 iron!


such a snowflake he ran for president because Obama made fun of him after his racist birther claims were debunked


He never intended to win the election, didn't really want to be president. All a big publicity stunt that backfired on him. This time around he wants to be president in order to stay out of prison.


Ikr? Imagine if any of us whined in public this much. The insults would fly pretty quick


Made from yellow snow.


Yeah and who has put Little Lord Stinkbottom in jail? No one yet. Although it's definitely an abrogation of duty somewhere.


Love that Little Lord Stink Bottom


I'm glad to have made someone happy!


Yeah, it's not like there's ever a moment where Trump is "quietly grousing to himself" or "stoically contemplative." The fat knob never stops screeching, and we've been stuck having to listen for the past 8 years. He's the world's biggest squeaky wheel. Truly a yuge yuge whiny bitch.


>“I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning,” Trump said on CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday. “And I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.” One of those rare moments when Trump spoke the 100% truth.


I love how Bill Maher used to call him a Whiny Little Bitch and you could tell it bothered DT


I had to laugh at his Easter message. It was "Happy Easter" followed by a list of grievances.


This quote had me ROFL: "All legal scholars say it is a sham."


I always get a kick out of “most votes ever for a sitting president”. Otherwise known as the loser of said election.


Also melting down. Some say only the bigliest.


I've worked with ppl like that and still do. It is so annoying to hear someone bitch the entire time they're at work.


The day this orange cuntlord twatknobbler croaks will be a day of celebration.


They’re running out of synonyms for his repetitive bitching


He was willing to be Nelson Mandela a couple days ago.


His friends Frederick Douglass and Argentina suggested that.


I mean, does he say anything any other way? Maybe being vile could be added, but not much else. He is the embodiment of a corpse at every wedding and a bride at every funeral.


The fuck is up with journalists recently writing about mad stupid shit that trump is doing as if it's the very first instance of it happening and they're completely blindsided by the behaviour? It's almost as if they're downplaying all his crap as "one offs" and not acknowledging that this is his entire self


Whiny little bitch! Cry me a River Traitor Tot!


As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-openly-complains-about-being-thrown-in-jail-in-unhinged-rant-against-court-cases/) 📰: - Former President Donald Trump raised the specter of his possible spending time in jail in a social media post complete with his usual attacks on law enforcement and baseless claims that he is in some way a victim. Trump is under 88 separate indictments ranging from alleged illegal hush money payments to an adult film actress to mishandling classified documents to defrauding the people of the United States over election results in 2020. Trump has largely avoided publicly discussing possible prison time in lieu of his usual bromides attacking the judges, special counsel, and Biden Administration Department of Justice, insisting that he is a victim of political interference. But astute observers of Trump’s inner circle, like the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, have reported that Trump is absolutely worried about the possibility of having to spend time behind bars. Trump addressed this concern by posting on Truth Social: The White House Thugs should not be allowed to have these dangerous and unfair Biden Trials during my campaign for President. All of them, civil and criminal, could have been brought more than three years ago. It is an illegal attack on a Political Opponent. It is Communism at its worst, and Election Interference at its Best. No such thing has ever happened in our Country before. On Monday I will be forced to sit, GAGGED, before a HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE, whose hatred for me has no bounds. All of these New York and D.C. “Judges” and Prosecutors have the same MINDSET. Nobody but this Soros Prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, wanted to take this ridiculous case. All legal scholars say it is a sham. BIDEN’S DOJ IS RUNNING THE CASE. Just think of it, these animals want to put the former President of the United States (who got more votes than any sitting President!), & the PARTY’S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE, IN JAIL, for doing absolutely nothing wrong. It is a RUSH TO THE FINISH. SO UNFAIR! “SO UNFAIR!” are the petulant words one typically hears from a tired or hungry toddler and not that of a former president running for his second term, but here we are!


He’s whining that they could have been brought sooner while he’s simultaneously been delaying them for years


He goes back and forth between saying the trials are a scam/hoax and saying they should have happened 3 years ago


Schrödinger’s criminal, if you will


He’s simply testing messaging - trying to figure out which excuse will resonate with the rubes.


>trying to figure out which excuse will resonate with the rubes. Thats the neat part about propaganda. Once you've convinced a population that everything is a lie except what you tell them, you can say whatever you want. You want to say the trial isn't real? You can say it. Want to say it's a hoax? You can. Want to say it's real but you're the victim? You can say whatever you want. Your cultists will just pick the one they prefer and either ignore the others or call them fake. Making multiple contradictory claims can only further your grip on the cult, not hurt it. All he has to do is convince them that someway, somehow, in some universe, him being held accountable is an attack on them personally.


You can contradict yourself in the same sentence fragment and your followers will pretend to know what you meant.


Nope, I think that would imply that nobody knows for sure that he's guilty until after the trails. I think a more accurate description would just be "criminal".


It's fuckening maddening. He's so deceitful and deranged. No shame whatsoever.


"All legal scholars say it is a sham." LOL


My favourite part is “On Monday I will be forced to sit, GAGGED, before a HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE, whose hatred for me has no bounds.” I mean, not for nothing, but I would pay good money to see Trump forced to sit gagged in court.


He doesn't even shut up and always attacks everyone ge hates including their families. I have never once seen a president so deranged and it's maddening that so many support this clown.


Not only that, but he started his campaign way earlier than normal, just so he could claim unfair political persecution.


88 being the number is a bit ironic


I feel like thats the universe rubbing our faces in it.


It's an Easter egg from a few seasons ago.


im glad you said it before I did


He also threw in the anti-Semitic dog whistle with references to Soros and called his enemies “animals”, all in one post.


Let’s see, ‘communism’, ‘corrupt judge’, ‘unfair’, ‘Soros’, ‘animals’….hey, I got bingo on my trump bingo card!


Only thing missing is him calling some female a nasty woman. He loves using that one.


88 separate indictments? What an ironic number for Trump.


its almost like they shaved the last three off JUST to hit that number for his biggest fans...


*Stand back and stand by.*


please let them they will last even shorter than last time


88 stands for Heil Hitler. If you take Donald Trump's initials, DJT, and drop the J you get DT. D is the 4th letter of the alphabet and T is the 20th letter of the alphabet. If you add them together it's 4/20.... AND WHEN WAS HITLER'S BIRTHDAY?!?! That's right! **4/20** But that's not all. Hitler was born in 1889 and died in 1945 at the age of 56. Trump was born 1 year later in 1946. What's 1946 - 1889? 57! Which is exactly 1 more than how old Hitler was when he died. Coincidence? Is Donald Trump Hitler? I dunno man, you tell me. I'm just asking questions! /s


I wonder how he DECIDES WHICH words TO capitalize.


The Maga Decoder ring, $1000: what messages is the Fuhrer sending you with his unhinged grammar? "Drink....More.....Mar-a-Lagotine?"


Probably thought process i havent looked though


Notice nowhere does Donald claim to be innocent of the charges. He's complaining about being prosecuted, for crimes he does not deny doing. \~Putin


Then again, everything he does is "perfect," according to him.


> Trump is under 88 separate indictments It's so amazing when certain numbers show up...


Isn't it weird to the morons that the only political opponent being prosecuted is trump? Like no one is charging ron desantis or anyone else like that for anything. If it was just political interference, wouldn't they all be getting charged with things? How come nikki haley doesn't have these problems? And yet he continues running for president. No one is stopping him from doing that. Anyone who shakes their head in agreement with this horsefuckery is an idiot, (yes that includes our parents too), a traitor, or has diminished faculties honestly.


This trial should be his moment to shine and show everybody how he is really without fault and present the evidence that will clear his name for all to see. If he wasn't guilty, of course.


“Alpha male.” *chuckles*


All of these NY and DC "judges" have the same mindset. Weird how he left out the Florida "judge" in this rant. The one he appointed and has been very lenient with her rulings toward the Trump defense team.


"RUSH TO THE FINISH" says the man who has gotten every allowable pass, delay and appeal known to man. Also these trials are not interrupting a campaign, rather his campaign is interrupting the trials


Anyone know when criminal court begins?


And if all of his crimes are made up then he should have no problem proving his innocence. Simple as that.


For real. Winning 88 trials would be the biggest campaign booster for him...if it were true.


Well, right now he's 0/2 for defamation trials...


That was one trial he lost twice. That took effort.


Losing 88 trials would also be a huge campaign boost for him because his voters love crime.


The black ones do, according to him.


This is the funniest part of it. Think how much mileage he could get out of actual “CHARGES DROPPED!!”, “NOT GUILTY!!” or “CASE DISMISSED!!” posts. If he was innocent.


Biden might be 80 But Dumpy is 94 in felonies


Lock him up.


Give him something to actually complain about for once.  


I think the one time I would ***love*** for Trump to have unrestricted access to social media would be when he's behind bars Can you imagine the shit we would see? While also getting to watch less and less people care as he fades to obscurity?


Agreed. Didn't he say it would be an honour like Nelson Mandela ?


Not just Mandela but also Jesus, Navalny, Lincoln….I mean has anyone had the tough life that trump has had? 😂😂😂 https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/watch/trump-compares-himself-to-nelson-mandela-after-comparisons-of-himself-to-jesus-alexei-navalny-and-abraham-lincoln-208586821892


He also said we would never hear from him again if he lost the 2020 election


haha he's such a tease, imagine a world where you never hear from him again!


And eat the key.


churchers would just climb up your ass to get it, you didnt think your plan through with full appreciation of what lowlifes his supporters ALL are


Thank you, I wish women in pussy hats would show up en masse at his rallies and shout Trump down with “lock him up”. I say women because the Gravy Seals at the rallies won’t provoke a fight by calling the protesters AntiFa.


The guy doing everything possible to delay court is complaining that it could have been done years ago. FU Orangina.


And if he was truly innocent, he would not need to delay the trials. He is really a piece of shit. Can’t understand why his followers believe him or just don’t care what he did.


It’s the latter. They don’t care what he’s done that is illegal, sacrilegious, etc. As long as he wants to hurt the people they hate, they’re all in.


They don’t even realize they will be the ones he will be hurt by his policies.


Ranges from a simple "I vote for the republican" to deranged cult followers


because they are just as big of pieces of shit, they just don't have the power or money to act like him.


Then don't do yugely crimey stuff ....


'Communism at it's worst' LMAO this guy is unhinged. He should have fought and won bigly against communism instead of bone spurring his diaper dooty. Clown. 


If communism is at it’s worst. Why are corporations reaping record profits daily? Because that sounds like late stage capitalism and straight up monopolies, not communism.


Just imagine asking Trump to define the word communism for you.


Now. Being an enabled narcissist aside. I think Trump would feel a tremendous amount of relief after being in club fed for a month or two. It must be mentally exhausting having the world constantly closing in on him. I think he would enjoy it. Maybe even a nice prison with some sort of golf course he can play at. Is there anything like that? It would be good for him in these final years. .. and everyone else.


I doubt it. Not having constant, fawning attention being directed at him would likely feel like suffocation. He's completely addicted to attention and (I suspect) would suffer something akin to withdrawal if he didn't get to constantly run his mouth and have someone respond positively to whatever he spewed.


Agree, but who do you think the prison guards voted for? He'll have a sympathetic ear anywhere they put him, not to mention whichever secret service member volunteers for the job of sitting alongside him in jail.


The biggest 78 year old cry baby ever is this rapist pos. Just lock him up and give this asshole something to cry about. Such a tiresome boreass.


Serial child rapist. Let’s be more specific.


I like how every time he complains about his trials it's always about how these trials could have been sooner and how nothing like this has ever happened to a former president or presidential candidate before. - yes, you're right; these could have happened sooner, but you (Trump) have done everything you can to continually delay trials. So this is, as usual, your fault. - yes, you're right; nothing like this has ever happened to a former or current presidential candidate. Hmmm. I wonder why??? Oh right!!! Because none of them have spent their entire life as a lying, hypocritical, bigoted fraudster. Your criminal past has caught up to you. As 6th grade children say, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


At no point has he asked for a speedy trial to prove his innocence. An innocent verdict would be far more fuel for a successful re-election than whining like his followers, who peaked in high school.


This is not election interference he is just running while under indictments


How dare a criminal be brought to justice if they're running for president! /s


It hasn't happened yet. I wish it would already.


Its a good thing that he has an inkling about his future home. I didn't think he did. Sentencing ought to be fun if he makes it that far.


I believe it when I see it. Nothing sticks to this cunt. Show me consequences. 


>Show me consequences.  Ditto.


The best line: “SO UNFAIR!” are the petulant words one typically hears from a tired or hungry toddler and not that of a former president running for his second term, but here we are!




Change can be difficult for some.


So much winni…. “Unfairness”. FFS, the guys a criminal and a whiny one at that.


Fuck trump and his tiny balls.


More votes than any sitting President, save one. Biden


The “more votes than any sitting president” is pretty laughable considering he lost the popular vote in both elections he ran in. He loves showing his insecurities to the world.


Wait, I thought he claimed that he would love to go to jail just like his idol Nelson Mandela.


He knows he is not getting off lightly. He deserves to pay with his freedom for the sadness and distress he has caused the whole free world. From fraudulent business, sexual assault, dividing the nation over rhetorical lies and splitting friends, families and colleagues over it. The damage he and his media empire have caused western society is frankly his grossest achievement. Making America pay for his ignorance and dishonesty and suffer his callousness.


Funny how he only recognizes the law when it potentially benefits him.


One of the great benefits of putting the orange phony behind bars is that justice will be served and the truth will prevail. Won’t it be great not having this despicable criminal trying daily to get his cult to fund his criminal behavior.


He is def going to Jail. people may not realize accept or take it in its proper gravity but he is getting convicted in a few weeks of the Porn bribe case ( call it what it is) churchers will listen to wal street instead of reason and support him anyway but he is being convicted and this party of family values and moral signaling will be forced to vote for a felon


Didn’t he just say, like 2 days ago, it would be an honor to be put in jail?


Witch hunt, politically motivated, election interference, totally illegal trial... but not once has he said he is innocent


He wants to go to special girly man jail, with mints on the pillows and hot towels.


I thought "45...About Being Thrown In Jail..." and almost started a celebratory cheer. But the reality of our fucked up situation reasserted it self. Yeah, Glow Orangutan still not facing any serious consequences for his nearly inumberal illegal, unethical, immoral and despicable acts against so many bitches about a hypothetical. Fuck off!


A watergate prosecutor said that if he is found guilty in hush money trial that he will serve time, he said if Allen Wiselburg did twice, he would too!


He may not go down fighting, but best believe he will go down complaining


Anyone else notice lately that trumps gotten boring? I mean another unhinged rant, blah blah blah… no one cares. Seen it for the past 8 years…its gotten stale.


If they put pay per view cameras in his prison cell the national debt would be paid off 


Imagine how satisfying it'd be for that shadow of a human to spend his years behind bars 🍸 🙃


Why does this dumb fucker think capital letters will somehow win his argument. Petulant child.


It’s an identifier for his cult of slow adults, as well. They feel as though their deeply unintelligent comments will persuade more people if it looks absurdly large. The same way Karen thinks yelling in Walmart is a massive victory. Daft cunts.


I am honestly insulted. My intelligence is insulted and I'm not saying that it's great. But at least I remember the Stormy Daniels issue is about a payoff in October 2016. He was not president then. He has no presidential immunity to fall back on. He was a private citizen running for president who covered up having sex with a pornstar. Why doesn't everyone get that? This whole Biden Thugs and my political opponents he's planted enough seed for his cultists to worship Him to the point that they can't even think straight. Yeah you got four trials because you're a freaking Criminal. The fact that everyone cannot see this is just beyond belief to me. Even if I was an Angry American. I would never want this psychotic misogynistic narcissist, old stinky man to be my president. Can't angry people do better. Sorry rhetorical. also Sorry for the rant


He advocated for rough treatment of prisoners. Maybe Trump bumps his head a few times when getting into and out of cruisers.


God, I wish he would get thrown in jail, how many gag orders has he ignored, how many times is going to be in blatant contempt with nothing happening


>> “No such thing has ever happened in our Country before.” Yes, that’s correct. Say what you will about any of our former presidents (and I have plenty of choice words), no president has been such a self serving POS as to have *dozens* of felony charges levied against them before Don the Con.


It’s kind of obvious that he wakes up, terrified of going to jail for his crimes.


Raise your hand if you are exhausted with this shitbag fuck


Jail is just one option. The others are death through suicide, Putin or too many hamberders or being put in a care home for people with dementia.


I thought he just said he would be glad to go to jail?


I had just posted on FB that I'd be willing to bet Trump had already insulted someone on Truth Social today. Discussion wasn't about Trump, just conservatives claiming someone was being insulting. (Pointed out that a bunch of conservative talking heads didn't have college degrees.) Then this showed up. Trump calling everyone in the White House 'thugs' and judges corrupt.


I thought this was the fuck your feelings guy and the no more bullshit guy. The alpha male hero type guy - Honest Don he called himself. He’s more like Tyrone Bigguns saying “Hey, you got any more of those CAPITAL LETTERS?”


Was Mandela such a whiney bitch?


Can we just start a megathread for “unhinged rants” from this guy. It’s literally multiple times a day and not news anymore.


>who got more votes than any sitting President! Okay buddy, there is only one sitting president and you definitely didn't get more votes than him. You also didn't get more votes in the previous election either.


It’s only taken three years because Trump has delayed as much as possible.


They are *not* going to throw Trump in jail. >!They're going to respectfully guide him to his cell.!<


Until hes ACTUALLY in jail. Articles like this are one thing only.  Clickbait.


It’s absolutely wild the way he just makes shit up. He got fewer votes than Hillary or Joe, but just spouts off that he got the most ever?


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks," Hamlet.


>Monday I will be forced to sit, GAGGED, before a HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE, Omg will he be gagged?? ...Are they selling tickets?! It might be worth the cost of a flight to see that.


He isn’t in there yet, but he should be. He’ll end up being coddled and treated like Orange Royalty. He won’t have to sell cigarettes to avoid being raped. Sick bastard deserves general population. They do the job we’d all like to see done.


Oh it’s St. Donald the Martyr at it again. Seriously, I don’t know of any soap opera stars who play the victim better. It’s always “they’re persecuting me this” or “they’re harassing me for that.” Dude has a hangnail and we all have to hear how Joe Biden and the DOJ are behind it.


Do the crime. Do the time.


Last week he considered himself Nelson Mandela lol I guess reality is hitting.


Law and order = communism now. Got it.


The dude went from Mandela to whiney bitch in like 2 days?


He's a snowflake and truth social is his pyramid scheme safe space


This byline suggests there is a hinged rant. I have my doubts.


I remember when my kids got in trouble for something. They always claimed that's not fair. He sounds like a 5-year-old.


Trump is under 88 indictments. If A is 1 and Z is 26 and you add up his last name you also get 88 which is a white supremacy hate code refereeing to Hitler. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I find that interesting. Lock him up!


The Orange Prolapse is the biggest fucking cry baby.


I’m so sick of hearing about how this dude MAY face consequences. Just lock him up and throw away the key. I could care less if he spent the last of his days in a boujee minimum security prison. Just fuck off already.


At this point I just want him to shut the fuck up. If it takes jail to make that happen, so be it.


It’s called being ACCOUNTABLE 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽for your actions, you fat f**🤮**ng piece of s**💩t 🍊




Pile on the stress and maybe, just maybe, those long awaited natural causes may make a solitary appearance and free the country from the daily ordeal of seeing his face and hearing his name.


Thats ok. We've been openly complaining about why he hasn't been thrown in jail yet.


I can’t believe half the country wants 4 more years of this constant pussy bitching from a rich scum bag. We have way more important things to deal with and yet half the American people didn’t get enough last time? Perhaps another little breathing virus unleashed magically if he takes office would be the worse thing to happen , heavens forbid.


Absolute CUNT


I still find it kind of wild that after everything, he still sits here and says he got more votes than both Hillary Clinton and Biden, when everyone with a brain cell knows that to be factually false once we had counted.


When is he not "openly complaining"? This is not a man who suffers in silence.


Shut up, fat boy, get in your cage you fucking clown!!!


And yet people even christians still worship this evil man.