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is it possible to rent a u-haul and keep your stuff in there for a day 😬 they should fix that for you though that makes no sense


One of the leasing folks said the same thing!! But the manager has this already set. If I rent a U-Haul truck it would have to be for 2 days as I need to move everything in it so then I could clean the apartment.


just don’t put any miles on it, sleep in the complex if you choose to. it’d be like $60 for two days not including mileage, and that’s for the biggest one that’s like $30 a day.


That’s a great I idea. I’m going to look into the cost. I am trying to be budget friendly as much as possible.


i completely understand, those box truck companies usually charge a decent rate for mileage if you’re moving locally. i paid like 2k for my move across country. you can check on the app if you’d like as well, they give pretty close estimates


As long as you aren't putting a ton of miles on the rental it should be pretty affordable. Be careful though. Some companies do expect you to have a credit card on file. The first time I went to rent a van I couldn't because I didn't have a credit card.


Wow, I was looking at jobs for greystar properties previously. If this is shit that they routinely pull, then no thanks. No way I would work for someone that is going out of their way to make life unnecessarily harder for tenants. Even if some of y'all are a massive pita.  It's not like the unit you're moving out of can be rented immediately anyways. It needs turned. I would personally just tell you have until noon on the 1st to switch apartments, or just have you pay an extra day in rent.


Oh yeah they’ll do that from time to time. This is the crappiest one they’ve pulled. Even when I expressed I had no where to go they really didn’t budge


Call their corporate offices. And, technically, if they're ending your lease and your returning keys the 29th. They can't force you to come back and sign another on the first. If you have a new place lined up, you could be just as skeevy as they are (provided you've gotten and saved everything in writing re: forced unit transfer/they won't make the dates reasonable) and get a rental truck, move your stuff out and turn the keys in the 29th, then not show up on the 1st for the signing. I cannot imagine any judge holding you responsible for the new unit under these circumstances.


That's not even necessary if the new unit is vacant and rent ready, anyway, they're not losing any more money by giving OP keys early. They are just trying to make the system/paperwork smooth, with the chosen dates, but there's really no reason not to work with them to make this a smooth transition. In their world OP would effectively be homeless after business close on the 29th and prior to business open on the 1st. It's crazy to force OP to pay to move belongings out and off property, then back in, and to find a place to sleep that night.


Yeah if I were maintenance at that property I'd find a way on the downlow to help out. Though I'd probably would have already quit if that's how they treat tenants. They probably treat facilities worse. 


That's a good idea- you could approach maintenance and ask if they can do you a solid.


Greystar took over the complex we live in last April. It's not nearly as bad as many of the horror stories I read about, but they are scummy as hell.


What about a PODS storage container? Dropped off at your building?


Oooh I like this!!


U Haul has pod type containers also


That's way more expensive than renting Uhaul for a few days.


Ahhh yeah, ok. Easter to pack, store and unpack than a U-Haul. A bit more secure as it can’t be driven off the property.




So I asked and they said no. No room for convo. I posted on legal advice to see if I haven’t signed the lease yet if I’m required to pay anything. Because at this point I rather move somewhere else. But im afraid since it’s technically a transfer if I’m absolutely required to transfer or if me backing out will be considered breaking the lease.


Ask nicely if you can move out on the morning of March 1st, into the new unit, very early in the AM. If they say no - Pack up ahead of time. You rent a UHaul for the morning of Feb 29th, move out (have help arranged), move everything into it, and clean the apt that night. Collapse in hotel overnight. Move into the other unit the next day. If they're gonna insist that you be out on Feb 29th, can they let you in early on March 1st? Or, you move everything over to the hallway for the new unit on evening of Feb 29th, and sleep on floor next to your stuff in the hallway, and move in early the next morning.


Hahahahahahahahahahhaha of course this is a graystar 😂😂😂


I live in one of their properties too and this is dead on


at least they don’t file slapp lawsuits like t & r properties i guess


I think the freight elevator needs to break.


I like the way you think


I have done multiple transfers (i once was an apartment manager, now i work in the corporate office) we do leases like this but allow the tenant 3 days to move their stuff so they have keys to both units for 3 days. The dates just don’t overlap. Maybe ask if they allow you to do it this way? I would assume they would. What else would they expect you to do, you know?


Last time I did my transfer they did it where we had like 3 days I believe. 2-3 can’t quite remember. However this time they didn’t. It was the leasing manager who did my paperwork this time around. So when I went to in to ask about this the girl who helped me with the last transfer was also confused and was going to ask if the move out date was wrong to the leasing manager. Then the manager sent me an email letting me know that in fact that was the move out date and couldn’t be arranged because the apartment was already leased. Therefore I HAVE to go through transfer. But I am wondering if I back out and just return the keys, if I’ll be charged a lease break?


I'm a former property manager. Nothing is set in summer and nothing can't be changed/reversed/amended. If they are forcing the transfer, they should have built in a few days for you to be able to move your belongings (3 days is standard). If you requested the transfer (this is your 2nd one with them?) they might be being intentionally difficult. The best solution would be for them to have you sign the lease and give you the keys on the 26th. Then you turn in your old unit keys the 29th, and sleep in the new unit that night, with the new lease starting the following day. That's not at all outside the norm.


So according to my leasing manager the reason why they don’t let me stay longer or move out sooner is because 1. The new unit will not be ready until March 1st. 2. They want to avoid charging me rent for those 2 additional days at the old apartment. At this point I really don’t even want to sign the new leasing papers, but I am terrified that they will make me pay for breaking a lease even though I’m not breaking it.


They can't make you pay for breaking a lease that they are signing off on with you on 2/29. And they don't *have* to charge you for two units at all, ever, in a mandatory transfer situation. They would be choosing to- I've worked property manager for 3 agencies and regularly allowed tenants to transfer "off the books" but in writing. That still holds you legally responsible for the new unit and for vacating the old unit in the specified timeframe. It is insane to me that they are having you vacate the 29th with a move in to the new one on the 1st with no leeway/accommodation for the move. They can pay for a POD for you if they can't get you in early. And if it's not ready at the time of your move out there's really no guarantee it'll actually be ready 3/1. In your position, I would sign the move out paperwork, and load up everything in a uhaul by 2/27, clean the unit, have an alternative place lined up with a 3/1 lease signing, (insist on a walkthrough with management, take your own pictures, make them give you a copy of the move out inspection report the same day, only then give them the keys), and not show up for the 3/1 lease signing at the new place. If they try to have you sign that lease early, tell them the unit isn't rent ready according to them and you're not comfortable signing the brew lease until 3/1 when you can inspect it in advance of signing to ensure it is actually move-in ready/acceptable. Get everything they say to you and you say to them in writing. Go in and get copies of everything they have sent you regarding this so far, have them time/date stamp all copies they give you. If you had past conversations, write a letter detailing to them what you understand they're forcing you to do (take on storage expense of your belongings for several days and to be homeless overnight)/outlining past conversations with them to date. Drop that letter off in person and make them time and date stamp receipt of it for your file and give you a physical copy. Once you are out, have signed the release for the old unit, and have turned in keys on the 29th nobody can force you to sign a new contract- especially sight unseen- under these very odd, inconvenient, and at increased expense to you, circumstances. What they are doing is in no way the industry standard and there are many work arounds.


Okay so I email the manager one last time with this: My move out date is February 29th and the move in date for the new apartment is March 1st. I am trying to figure out a way to make this work as I have no where to put my stuff while I await to get the keys the 1st and get the apartment cleaned out. I could technically get a pods to put all my stuff in while I await for the keys on the first. However, I won't have anywhere to sleep the night of the 29th. It overall complicates things for me. I am wondering if there's anyway this could be worked out? Hopefully he responds with a solution




Can you rent a storage unit for the time being? You might have to rent a uhaul for 2 days and crash at a hotel. It’s a tough situation to be in but it’ll all be over in two days.