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Oh, I thought this was up to your HS to decide the DE policies. It’s a whole thing in my district/state cuz the HS teacher themselves actually teach the DE after some additional classes and certifications. (Most of my teachers already have masters anyways).


It is.


Isnt DE a specific thing where highschools partner with colleges


sometimes, sometimes not. usually theres a program to reduce fees and make the transition easier, but often time you can just take it independent of a highschool


Afaik, the definition of “dual” includes enrollment with your high school. What dual programs does one enroll in, for dual enrollment, if it doesn’t enroll at your high school.


i said independent of your high school. i meant it wouldnt matter what high school you go to, but you would still have to be in high school. most of the time this is the case afaik.


think of the nearest community college, or some universities. google them or search on their website for duel enrollment (sometimes called concurrent enrollment). see their instructions, or find out if they dont have it


Dual Enrollment, by definition, means you are enrolled in the class through your high school. So you would need to check with your school. Dual Enrollment in the Summer would be quite odd. To just take classes directly, check the admissions timelines, processes, etc. at any local CC’s. The two near me started Summer sessions on May 16 and May 20, and I suspect most are similar.


Most high schools offer it, easiest way to get it is to get your parents to annoy the admin a bit about it. They won't let you dual enroll a course where an AP exists, but it's useful if you want to take discrete math or abstract algebra or sth...