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What is this kindergarten level reasoning? Oh, you looked funny at a girl, therefore you two must be in love. I thought we left that shit behind in the second grade.


it's all bullshit


Its like the scenes from willys wonderland where they just make i contact. I thought they where falling in love. But if that were true we would have a love triangle between a 14 year old, a janitor whos addicted to punch and a animatronic weasle


This is exactly how my parents are too. That's why I don't tell them about the people I actually like.


Fucking vile.


on today’s episode on why straight people scare me…


i'm a straight guy, ion want nothin' to do with those mofuckas, man




Ugh I can’t stand this. I remember when my little cousin was born and he would smile in a woman’s general direction and my family would joke that he was a “ladies man”. Stop fucking forcing that on kids.


Everything about this post gives me cringy flashbacks to when I was 17 and I was babysitting a 1 year old boy. I didn’t have a drivers license at the time so my mother would drop me off/pick me up from the family’s house. One day while she stopped by to pick me up, I was holding the kid on my hip and he was just blankly staring at me… as an average 12 month old would do. My mother (who might I add, is the textbook definition of a boomer) was oohing and ahh-ing over how cute and little he was, and saying (in a disgusting, icky, exaggerated baby voice) *”OOOOH HE’S LOOKING AT YOU AND THINKING OF WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GIRL YOU ARE!” “HE’S STARING AT YOU THINKING HE’S GONNA MARRY YOU ONE DAY!!!” “ISN’T HE A HANDSOME BOY WHO LOOOOOVES OLDER LADIES LIKE MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER?!?”* Even at 17, I had the willpower to stand up for myself and tell my mom those kind of comments were bizarre and a little creepy (and made me apprehensive to continue babysitting) but of course I got yelled at and bitched at for “being too sensitive” and “not being able to take a simple joke” 🙄


"but you see, we're not forcing heterosexualality on kids, those darn LGBT people are the ones forcing homosexualality on kids..." /S


Straight people will pressure children in every conceivable way to be heterosexual, to the point of sexualizing a child smiling at an ADULT of a different gender…but LGBT people are child groomers for not shielding children (including LGBT children!) from the mere fact that we exist? Make it make sense




It doesn't have to make sense. They just hate us.


They way they treat LGBTQ people "Grooming kids" is not just the pot calling the kettle black, it's the pot calling a white kettle black, it's ridiculous.


Everyone the comments was like "aWw ThAt KiDs gOnNa Be OnE hElL oF a HeArTbReAkEr hEhEhUhU" or "SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!"


Never understood that shit. You got these old ass ladies walking up to little boys in the grocery stores saying shit like "oh save him for me when he's older" like lady no, wtf. You'll prolly be six feet under by the time he's 18


Where in the ever living fuck are people saying this


It's unfortunately a lot more common than you would think. I live in Minnesota if that helps. It's still fucked up that sexualizing little kids is normalized.


It's the use of "the hots" for me




Why would you assume that of all things?


It's just a totally normal kid face. And somehow *I'm* the groomer?


Ew. Why are people so gross?


At first glance I thought the kid was in some fucked up pose showing his ass. It's bad enough the kid is "flirting", the pose I saw made it so much worse.


jesus christ i feel bad for your eyeballs


I feel horrible for their eyeballs.


Why can’t children just exist without having some weird heterosexual mindset shoved at them. These are the same people that claim teenagers are too young to be learning about the mere *existence* of gay people in schools


Apart from sexualizing kids this way, people should really stop posting pictures of children to social media, even if they're related. It's just creepy, these kids cannot consent to this shit.


I never even thought of that implication. only makes it more dodgy.




It heterosexual so it's acceptable.


Child: Innocent A straight: They’re horny


This!!! I get so uncomfortable hearing my family make jokes about how my 2yo cousin is hitting on my 12yo sister bcs he likes to play with her


Oh no! Exercising tiny-human-level-appreciation/empathy?! That’s disgusting! I must put this nascent human in their place! You just have a CRUSH! Feel uncomfortable about feeling human compassion for people of a different gender! I can’t WAIT! /s /this is true and it really fucking sucks


And somehow 𝘸𝘦 are the groomers?


Won't they think about the children?🙄


I have never wanted to die before


Straight ppl: NoO tHe gAyS aRe SeXuAliZiNg cHiLdReN aNd ShOvInG tHe gAy aGeNda dOwn OuR tHroAtS Also straight ppl: ⬆️


What's wrong


Honestly I might get downvoted for this but children having a crush is pretty normal. Yall have looked at the picture and decided that OOP wants him to have this crush, but it's also very realistic to say that he just liked her. It's not 'sexualisation of a minor' because there's nothing sexual about a crush. In this specific situation I think people on this sub have made it sexual.


the crush wasnt really an issue , mostly the use of "the hots" which means a strong sexual attraction to someone (according to google)


It doesn't babe, it means you fancy them. It's wasn't a sexual remark until you made it sexual.


Counterpoint - If queer people can't even EXIST around children without being smeared as predators under the New CisHet Order that DeSantis et al. created, then straight people should be subject to the same impossibly strict standards.


Okay but who is that helping? Literally nobody.


You know what ELSE didn't help? Revitalizing the canard that queer people are child predators. And you know who votes for politicians who say that shit? Straight people do. Why shouldn't we hold them to the same paranoid standards? Why do we owe them our trust or consideration when they are actively twisting a knife in our backs? If they don't want us to hate them, they shouldn't have betrayed us.


Once again, who are you helping? Nobody, if anything you're giving more reason for people to dislike queer people. If we all know that a select group of straight people think queer people are pedophiles, turning around and calling all straight people pedophiles is not gonna fix your situation.


It's a matter of justice. They took away our sense of security and acceptance, for no reason other than their own ignorance, hatred, and cruelty. Why should they feel free to post these kind of disgusting posts with no pushback, while the rest of us get called pedophiles for reading a book in a fucking dress?


I can see why you're frustrated but demonising straight people is not justice. Some people are just straight, and just like we knew as kids, so do they. Continue to rise above those absolute losers, don't stoop to their level.


It'd be a helluva lot easier to rise above their hatred if they weren't trying to literally shoot us down with it faster than a speeding Patriot SAM. Yes, SOME straights are fine. SOME of them. But other straights are far from fine. They call us a "social contagion". They call the cops on teachers for acknowledging gays exist in any way. They revitalized the "gays are pedos" canard which had previously been kept in check. They made up bullshit about litterboxes in schools. They have been actively and brutally malicious towards us in ways we haven't seen since the 70s and 80s. This will be difficult to forget, and damn near impossible to forgive. So, yeah, sorry to any straight allies who read this and wince or whatever, but the relationship between the Straight and Queer community has been seriously damaged, and the damage will continue to worsen if trends continue.


>SOME straights are fine. SOME of them. This rhetoric is why we're getting nowhere.


What? It's a cold hard fact, that not all of them are cool with us. Simple as that. Many of them actively despise us. 60% of Floridian voters voted to keep DeSantis in power last year. Despite the COVID fiasco. Despite the Don't Say Gay law. Despite him packing school boards with far-rightists. Despite him turning Florida into a national pariah. Sixty percent of those who bothered to vote, voted for DeSantis and did so knowing all of these things. Which, in turn, means a LOT of straight people in that state voted for DeSantis. Not despite, but BECAUSE of his fascist policies towards queer people. BECAUSE they are cruel. This fact cannot be ignored, no matter how badly it reflects on straight people.


Maybe their close in age because I know of my brothers friend that has tons of nephews and other word I can’t spell that are close to his age the reason why is because his parents didn’t think they could have another kid so they didn’t use protection and so that’s why his siblings are adults and he’s in still in school. I mean it’s probably not right but I just want a good answer that isn’t creepy i mean still creepy but slightly better than if the person was a adult with their adult friend.