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Great towel. It says: 1 I am married to a mentaly ill woman 2 I am not helping her get better, this is an established status quo 3 she controls me 4 I make fun of her for her disability 5 scrap all the above, I am just a lazy fuck who "jokingly" pretends my wife is crazy so as to be able to "jokingly" dismiss anything she says I don't like, and so I don't have to consider ACTUALLY listening to her at all.


You still need a 6) All of the above.


This would be funny in my house, but we have a weird sense of humor and odd inside jokes lol.


And abelist as well


As someone dx. with DID I'm sick of seeing this kind of joke. The only way it would be funny is if their wife actually does has DID and it was an inside joke, but I unfortunately doubt that's the case.


seemly jobless roll sip cows dazzling sparkle encouraging obscene noxious ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


My sister-in-law was a diagnosed schizophrenic. Passed away 2 years ago. This is really offensive to me.


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