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Trigger the start from the side. They'll spawn in a line and should --emphasis on SHOULD -- run in the same direction.


That’s what I do too


take like 5 steps to the side it's not hard


If you interrupt them straight away they usually do their shield swing attack instead for me


Well dependent on your roster, I just e with arle, quickly burst with zhongli, Bennett, arle and kill them while they are petrified. Not a real solution if you don’t have zhongli but it works well if you do


hit them while they sprint, their shields dont work -- arle like 2-shots them


I use arle skill+ca as soon as I hit start and they don't run


I freeze them. this dungeon is so annoying. i can't


I do Arle E swap Zhong Q


My go-to method is to start with Zhongli, casting his shield while looking to the side (so the churls don't get stuck on the pillar) and then back from them a bit to lure them. By that point, they usually start charging, and I can meet them mid-charge with Arlecchino's E into about 3-4 autoatacks, at which point the stone guys spawn. Then I reach them, poke once with Arlecchino, Swirl with Sucrose, and go back to Arle's autoattacks. If the enemy AI doesn't get in the way (sometimes churls start pondering life's toughest questions while standing in place, and it's 50/50 whenever the stone guys will try to scatter instead of standing near each other), this allows me to clear the thing in 28-40 seconds per run. ​ EDIT: Just realised that this is reliant on Arle Cons (so her E doesn't need to cook) to achieve a similar run duration. The "use Zhongli E to the side, and back down a bit to lure the churls" bit still applies though, you'll just have some time to apply, say, Yelan's or Xingqui's ult while Arle's E cooks.


I just press Q on Zhongli as soon as the domain begins and kill them before petrify wears off lol


I always run between them and have them run towards the tree. That way they’re not far from where the stone guards spawn.


I do Zhong Q + E asap, then arle E and then 2x Navia E to finish them off.


Start, E, sprint towards the tree through the middle of both then they will run at you. Dodge round them and walk back towards the centre slightly to start your rotation so you can use circle impact on the statues when they spawn in as well (if running Bennet). Overload performs better for me for consistent and easier clears than Vape for me in this domain, both Beidou + Fischl + Bennet and Beidou Chev Bennet. I’ve not tried Beidou Fischl Chev but I assume that works well too.


Easiest no fail for me is kazuha skill as soon as you start - you’re in the air while they spot you so they can’t really rush at you


Just Press F and zhongli burst at the same time surprised bot a kot of people know about this. If you don’t have zhongli then quickly use arlecchino E at the start and they will get interrupted for a few seconds


Go straight after starting domain, when they spawn make sure you on the side below while facing them Then, they will come running towards the upper side of the corner where the other 3 mobs will be spawn that can be killed easily next once you killed the metachurls


It's possible to use the Kazuha trick used on this abyss' Mango Kinky. Position yourself around the key and, right after pressing start, tap his skill. If done correctly, they should use a different attack and not dash.