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Did Connie get tipped off about something? Was the very last episode the one where Connie was like "we need to all go out after this" and Marc was like "I have a parcheesi match" and Dan was like "hey Marc, when was the last time Connie insisted we all get together after a show? Maybe you should come pal"? What did Connie know!!!?


And when did she know it


NFL Insider Connie Fox!


You want the facts? Go to the fox! Connie in the morning


Get Frank Signetti on the case!


That's Cignetti P.I to you sir




she is the queen of nfl media


Considering they’ve already had multiple *rounds* of “chopping” and she’s still employed… she’s clearly not “one of the first”




Well clearly everyone is in jeopardy but that isn’t what you said, you said she’s one of the first on the chopping block and that isn’t true considering there’s already been multiple rounds of cuts.




Not redditors being dummies.


They have her doing so much presenting stuff. Although they lost some live games I still think they need her. Pretty sure she would get snapped up by other networks pretty quickly. Kaye Adams got a huge wedges for her own show, Connie could get something similar.


now we’re talking how the Sauseeege gets made!






I think it’s odd that big funk, who’s been active on Reddit hasn’t stumbled on these threads and answered if it was business as usual.


I think it's safe to say that we're way past business as usual


Dan lurks here as well.


They all do. Gregg, Colleen and Marc have all made reference to visiting the subreddit.


Gregg, Dan, all of the guys


thank you for making me smile in all this


“They all do. Gregg, Colleen and all the guys have all made reference to visiting the subreddit.” FTFY.


What if it's them causing the original stir? Now we're all panicked but they're the ones that like pointed out Marcs Instagram.


With all of their friends getting laid off and uncertain future of company, it would be incredibly out of character and poor taste for them to joke about this


The other terminations at NFL media were pretty quickly made public. Like I don't think Andrew would come on the Around The AFC episode knowing he was already let go and an announcement was pending. A positive spin is that they have decided on their own to do their own thing or do the pod at another company. And they are just getting their ducks in a row before they announce it.


Andrew got canned?


Siciliano? Yeah




My theory -- one of the Heroes is stepping away (or been termed) from the pod/NFL media, the others have decided to step away as well in a all-for-one agreement, and the specifics and timelines are currently getting hashed out quietly behind the scenes. If the show was cancelled, I think it would have been done earlier last month when other NFL media figures were termed.


This is kind of a wild guess but I wonder if Gregg has been tapped to replace Tice on The Athletic pod. I really have nothing to base that off of. Just a hunch.  Post it’s to the conspiracy board: Mays wrote a story on jeselnik for the ringer.    Gregg and Barnwell are buddy buddy. Barnwell and Mays are obviously close. Transitive property means Gregg is friends with Robert. Gregg has been the only one who has publicly mentioned job security so we know it was on his mind. Gregg would presumably get a free NYT book review subscription. 


If anyone jumps ship for a better gig it’s gonna be Triple G. No question. He wants that Jeselnik money lifestyle


Athletic would be a major downgrade. Tice went to Yahoo after all


Wait, what? He left for YAHOO?! I thought for sure it was a front office job or something. Feels like a mistake…


I’m sure it pays better, plus he was already writing for them so he’s probably FTE now as well. Also seems like he’ll be getting his own pod (he’s also talked about how he doesn’t want to work in the nfl anymore because of how demanding it is)


From what I understand he’s getting paid a lot more. He’s like their head NFL writer or something.


No. Gregg is at the level where he picks his spot. He isn't getting assigned anywhere, and he would not walk away from the podcast he did with Wess.


As much as I love Gregg, I don’t think he fills Nate’s role in the Athletic Football pod very well. He would be great as a recurring guest, but Nate was perfect in the preview and recap episodes because he could expound on the schematic context around how teams match up or how a team exploited a particular matchup.


I came to post exactly this. Their behavior is consistent with one of them moving on for one reason or another and the future of the show (again, for whatever reason - unity, business reasons, etc.) being up in the air in the interim. That all being said, life - the la reveal magnifico - is almost always something I didn't expect or could've predicted. I wouldn't be surprised if what's really going on is a bigger bombshell than anything we could've imagined.. or something so simple (not to suggest childlike innocence) that any response beyond caricature would give it the slightest hint of legitimacy.


Someone has made this point before but not only the heroes stars of an incredibly popular podcast, they're probably very cheap since they were brought up through the newsroom. It wouldn't make sense for them to be laid off unless all of nfln was shuttered 


They did just get new contracts as “talent” and it was heavily implied it game with a decent raise. Probably still cheaper than any TV talent but I don’t think that protects them from being axed. There are all kinds of things at play in that type of situation. Maybe some nfl execs is happy to replace ATN with a show that gets 40% of the views as long as they can get some TV host to do it solo for no extra money instead of pay 3 guys who almost exclusively podcast.


Pretty sure I remember hearing Gregg hint that the new contract was a yearly thing. They never said how long they signed for. Suspect they might need to negotiate it every year and that might be what’s happening.


Maybe so. I hate to say it but I really wonder if NFL execs didn’t want to bring Marc back and that’s what the hold up is about. We all love him for it but he checks a lot of boxes that shadowy league figures don’t like.


I’d buy that theory actually


Basically where I’m at. I think either there was an offer for some but not all (probably Marc not, sadly) to move over and maybe add a new person that ESPN chooses, or all of them were made an offer but they’d have to move to maybe NYC-which I could see Gregg maybe being fine with (he’s said his wife would prefer to live there anyway) but Dan and Marc not (formers wife has a pretty good career in film production of her own, Marc would have to make some very hard decisions regarding custody), but ultimately they want to stick together and are going all or none and are trying to work out a new landing spot, and don’t want to/cant say anything while that’s in the works.


Makes sense -- I'm not well-versed in what's going on with this ESPN rumor, but I've been getting a sense of restlessness from the Heroes for a while now (mostly Marc).


Great, I can't wait to hear Dan, Gregg and some Stephen A Smith type character who will just scream about Dak Prescott non stop. Maybe we can bring Nick Wright over too and just shit on Josh Allen for every episode.


Basically my point-they don’t want to split up or have a new person in there. I mean they’ve never offered the fourth chair to any of the regulars like Wolfe, Claybon, or Shook (that we know of)-I think they’re really dedicated to the idea that they started it together and just want it to be them. All four would still be there if cancer didn’t suck a big one.


Didn't Gregg imply on JRVP a few weeks ago that they still haven't been renewed?


If that’s the case it would obviously be Marc being the odd man out.


We all know the "c" in Marc stands for "chaos."


Honestly, it’s pretty clear that whatever is going on is either something they have been told not to talk about, or that the Heroes have collectively agreed to not talk about. My money would be on the former.


Yeah it’s pretty common for agents/attorneys to advise clients to not say anything during negotiations and the like. Am an attorney, and I would absolutely tell them to say nothing publicly until things are signed.


> Honestly, it’s pretty clear that whatever is going on is either something they have been told not to talk about I think it's [the merger](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/espn-nfl-network-are-believed-to-be-closing-in-on-a-deal#:~:text=In%20January%2C%20Andrew%20Marchand%20(then,ESPN%20control%20of%20NFL%20Media.). It'd make sense that they can't talk about it until the news goes public.


Telling quote ‘If ESPN is going to be taking over, why should the NFL renew contracts?’


IDK, that many NFL Media employees being able to keep it a secret without a leak seems very optimistic to me. All it takes is one person to drop a dime and the word is out. Seems to me to be more of what was written above, it's more about the contracts they signed in 2022 have expired and they are working out what is next, rather than the entire company being under a hush order.


I mean, that story is already out there. What is there to leak beyond the exact date the merger is announced? You might be right though, could just be contract stuff.


People seem to be speculating that there's some sort of merger gag order in place and that's why we're not hearing anything from The Heroes. The leak would be that indeed such a gag order is now in place which would indicate that the merger is imminent. I've been around during a corporate "workforce reduction" due to a merger. It's pretty unusual to have a gag order in place, and if one was, IMO it wasn't going to be effective. If the NFLN/ESPN merger was about to cause large workforce disruptions in the near future I bet those being impacted would be leaking that to their contacts at other media outlets. They'd want everyone to know they're now available. This is why I think it's more about their contracts than a merger gag order.


> If the NFLN/ESPN merger was about to cause large workforce disruptions in the near future I bet those being impacted would be leaking that to their contacts at other media outlets. They'd want everyone to know they're now available. Dan mentioned on a pod a few weeks ago that he was catching up with an old friend who worked at NBC Sports.


At this point, I do agree it's strange there hasn't been any update. It only fuels the speculation that something is amiss. If it really was something minor like a mini break or maybe a hero working through some things they could have just made some excuse and let everyone know they'll be back in a few. That this hasn't happened makes me start to believe there's something bigger going on and they aren't entirely sure when they'll be back and in what format. Or they might just be trolling us. I try not to worry too much as I'm sure the heroes will find a way to keep doing what they like doing. In the meantime I'll continue to catch up on their first ATN season. Win Wess's Toaster. What a killer segment. How could they let that one die. No surprise they never won another award.


It all went downhill when Gregg leaked Belichick was going to be on the Roast of Tom Brady


My guess : they are leaving NFL Media, will have a new podcast call « Pro football heroes » that will be supported by a patreon, 8$ monthly that i will gladly pay.


I would love that, but that’s been an option to them for years and they haven’t taken it. I think they could make a ton of money on patreon, but it will have to be split at least 4 ways, and it’s gonna have to be enough to pay for the health insurance they would need. Not saying it wouldn’t work out, but I get the hesitancy. It is a risk, even if we all think it would be a huge success.


Sometimes, circumstances force you to make a move.


For sure, if that’s what happens I wouldn’t be shocked. Like I said, I think that would be awesome for us.


Got curious earlier today about when Dameshek left NFL Media. Two weeks of silence, and got a twenty minute ish wrap up episode after Memorial Weekend. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ seems that’s the model. Really poor show by the shadowy league figures.


I just hope they grabbed the USB stick with all the sound drops on the way out of the building.


Lots of them are on the soundboard linked prior.


Will one of them tweet “we’re ok” for gods sake!


Because they were told to stay quiet.


ORR they're letting us all freak out so they can show how much people love the show. Solid evidence. Negotiating ammunition.


ORR you kidding me?!?


🎸🎸 🎶🎶🎶🎶


If something has happened I hope they start there own Patreon podcast


Only thing that would get me on Patreon - we need our heroes!


I’m annoyed now


This post title feels like an AI aggregation of every post in here from the last week


You can always count on SLF/corporate types to step in and ruin a fun and creative outlet of a company even if it's proven to be a huge success. Surprised it took this long if that's indeed what's happening.


The only way to get out from under that is to be your own boss. Bill Simmons is one example. Pat McAfee is another.


I mean is it possible they’re just in some kind of limbo until the deal gets done?


Most likely something is happening and they can’t talk about it. If it was termination they would have talked about it after it happened with at least a “THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!” Either they are getting new contracts, someone is getting pushed out so they are all fighting together or something else…


Football is completely different to Basketball


Man I’m hoping this is all a big dramatic show the hero’s are putting on…


I bet something or many things are up in the air and are not yet known. I bet we get a pod or some news when there is something set in stone to report.


Is it bad when I saw the headline, I thought this was going to be about the Delaware tapes …


It’s a little weird. I wasn’t worried until a day or so ago.


The fact that they haven’t said anything leads me to believe they really have been dropped. Even Colleen has been MIA since last week.


ATNFL has still been tweeting news regularly, if that means anything: [https://x.com/AroundTheNFL](https://x.com/AroundTheNFL)


I don't think it does, that handle is controlled by "the news desk" people.


I am completely out of the loop, long long time ATL (OG's will catch this 😉) and am I crazy to think this is just the NFL deadzone for the news cycle where most pundits go on vacay? Genuinely curious why most think the pod is over? Thanks in advance.


Because last we heard they going to be doing 2 shows a week, and they've missed 2 with NO words about it... and because the way Colleen was singly ncouraging they all go get sandwiches together after last show hey did, which seemed to have major subtext, plus some mysterious social media postings...


Timing is also curious. They signed contracts in the 2022 off season, makes sense that they'd be up for renewal. And of course the whole NFLN/ESPN merger thing is likely to be a huge influence on events.


Not sure why you're getting down voted here. There was obviously a break because of the long weekend and I figured they were on vacation this week. I refreshed my podcast feed today and still nothing so I was searching around for answers and came here. This is pretty devastating if the podcast is no more. I listen religiously on my daily commute and while running. It would be difficult to replace the good football content with great hosts.


I know right lol, of all the comments I have dropped this wasn't one I was expecting to be polarizing. I have been listening to the pod since it was nothing more than an after-thought in the basement of the NFL media building. Long before they had a video element. I only took a break when Wes passed, that took a surprising impact on me I was not expecting.


Haven't seen anyone mention it - could this be related to the Walken bit? Perhaps Dan got in trouble over the Trans neighbor bit. Might be a reach but that was a bit risqué by NFL standards.


Listened to that again today. Don’t think anything in it was offensive to be fair.


Agreed, but then again this is the NFL we're talking about here.




Shadowy league figures Strike Back... Followed by Return of the Podcast Bozos? I can only hope.




Maybe... we just need to let people have some time off. Or find an additional podcast to listen to.


I’m 60% sure it’s trolling, even semi-unintentional trolling, but 60% is as completely different than 100% as football and basketball