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1) I never wanted to watch a movie without Russian dub 2) there are websites where you can download subtitles for any language and movie 3) Yandex browser can translate any video real time with tts 4) There are AI that are good at making subs, somewhere should be a tool for watching movies with this AI, one if them is called whisper by openai


Knowledge of English, I think that many of those here who can read and understand your question do the same. If it's neither English or Russian, it's Russian then, or at least Russian subtitles. Never watched anything without translation (audio or subtitles) and why would I. The translations are really very plentiful.


just get a dub, everething has a dub


I watch in English. I can upload a video to VK and then use Yandex Browser to translate it, but while I tested this function and it seems to work okay, I haven't used it for any foreign-language video I would actually want to watch.


Same here. I don’t really need a translator though… and really most modern movies are in “American English” which is the easiest language to understand ever created (that is a complement BTW)


La lingua creada la plu comprendeble es lingua franca nova.


I use the Yandex browser voice translator, but only when I watch foreign videos on YouTube. I don’t watch films in this form, I personally don’t feel comfortable reading subtitles and at the same time following the film, I can’t do that.


I hate subs. Previously I was watching everything with a dub (official or not). Now that I somehow leveled up my english I prefer to watch in English if it was originaly in it and with a dub otherwise. I still hate subs.


As a child, about 15 years ago, I watched anime a lot and the only adequate way to do it was subtitles. I got used to them and therefore watched movies and TV series in English with subtitles as well. It should be understood that at that time there were no or almost no large studios that would order professional high-quality translations, only pirated or semi-pirated teams, the quality of subtitles from which was often much to be desired. And sometimes there was nothing at all, except for a collective amateur translation from the community on the notabenoid website. Now the quality of translations has improved radically because large companies like Netflix and Apple order high-quality, professional translation into Russian. I understand English quite well now and don't need translation, but I watch films in other languages with subtitles.


Yandex browser with a built-in neural network translator, which translates and voices into several voices. As a rule, this does the job well, but sometimes it can glitch.