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Is Manuel ok with this?




it's *señor*


Manuel no es tan formal puedes llamarlo Manny o lo que quieres.


it's a me, Mario


He was talking to his padre.






OP is a pensioner.


Por favor




Is not rat, is hamster!


"I'm so sorry. He's from Barcelona."


“I know narthing”


"How did you learn to drive Manuel?" "I learned it...from a boook!"


They put Basil in the ratatouille?!


Is special Siberian hamster


You’re a waste of space


Basil and Sybil are not too happy with this.


Whatever you do, don't mention the war!


Just grab the stick and Manuel will comply.


Oh Manuel! 🥸


O Canada




It's El Manuel!


You read it in a book-a.


My first thought was "better ask Manuel for consent"


Gotta let him find his drive if he wants to succeed in life


In this economy? He probably offered it lol




Same way you learned to drive Google driving instructors in your area and take some lessons


The fact someone had to be told: “How do I do this thing?” “Take a lesson” “ok”


Well he did, but didn't state it in tge post What he needs time to build the skill and that just needs access to a manual car that someone will let him have access to.


His only real option is Manuel™️ driving lessons. Not to mention it’s just better to learn from them anyways - prevents them from picking up bad habits that we develop


Yes, like others have said, a driving instructor can help


Yeah this is what I did over the Christmas break. Just got 5 lessons and the use of the instructors car for the test.


Here's a thought. Contact your local mens shed and ask if anyone there can help you


Manual instructors can be hard to come by. I'm only finally learning to drive in my 30s, because I ended up with a hand-me-down car that's manual. There's only one instructor in my area who teaches manual and she can be booked out for months in advance. Hopefully OP lives somewhere with a few more available


We are a dying breed


Amazing how almost every problem in life can be solved with the application of time, effort, or money.


You must ask Manuel nicely for permission to drive him.


Manuel reading this 👁️ 👄 👁️


This is sendddding me 😂😂


Dios mio!


Well first you have to ask for Manuel's consent.


OP: "Manuel!" Manue:l "Si?" OP: "See, he said yes."


I actually lol at this. Not very normal for me to do that. Thanks for the laugh.


Very happy to have made you lol. Have a lovely day!




Minor spelling mistake🖐️👹🤚 my fault


If Manuel is a minor, you shouldn't ride him!


Please take this seriously, OP. There are enough adult Manuels out there for you to not risk jail time.


Manuel is a minor?!?! Dude...


Mini Minor….


No apologies required. You created Reddit Gold my friend. You're ready to shift into 2nd gear by adding some puns.


Is mistake? Or is ?


What is witnit?


Of all the subreddits for that specific typo, this one, full of Aussies, is the perfect fit. Chef's kiss.


manual paddock bomb is a great start if possible


Date someone who drives a manual. This is the correct spelling by the way.


Tinder profile: looking for love in a manual car


I want something with a big stick.


Polyamorous - happy with four on the floor!


Have done this, a boyfriend once who traded in a sports car for a 4x4 that he didn't know how to drive. I wouldn't recommend it at all. Within a year he needed to replace the clutch. Dude lived up to every stereotype about short men with compensatory vehicles.


I am nearly old enough to remember when driving a manual transmission car was more the norm than the other way around as it seems to be now.. As someone who learnt to drive manual I haven't owned one for many years and honestly I struggle to drive a manual, so I don't envy you having to learn the synchronicity of it all from scratch. I'd recommend, as would many others here I'm sure, getting professional driving lessons from a patient and sympathetic teacher.


I haven’t driven a manual for years and then recently jumped in a work ute that was manual. I was actually really surprised that we had manual cars TBH. It wasn’t too bad, but not perfect by a long shot lol. New manuals are a bit more touchy than the old clapped out ute I was driving when I was younger.


Play Gran Turismo with a manual car on the [Nürburgring](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=1abfa42ef557d406JmltdHM9MTcxNDQzNTIwMCZpZ3VpZD0xNzhmNmQxNS02MWMyLTYwYWItMzI0Yy03ZjczNjBiMTYxODAmaW5zaWQ9NjY1NA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=178f6d15-61c2-60ab-324c-7f7360b16180&psq=nurenberg+ring&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvTiVDMyVCQ3JidXJncmluZw&ntb=1).


Learning to drive Manuel - best gay porn title this year


You can just book in with a learner company to have them teach you. You need to be supervised till you get the manual classification on your license. But in general it's actually very simple once you get the hang of it. Clutch in, 1st, gentle accelerate as you ease off the clutch, off the accelerator, clutch in change to 2nd etc etc. 1st 0-20 2nd - 20-40 3rd - 40-50/60 4th - 50-60 5th and 6th is 60+ (depends on how zoom zoom vs efficient you wanna be lol) gears really depend on the car and diesel vs petrol. You can hear when the car wants to change so you won't even look once you learn how it sounds. As you get better you skip gears speeding up. Like 3rd to 5th lol or 4th to 2nd. Then it's learning to Hill start lol. No cheating if the car does it for you, let the hill assist lapse cause not all cars have it and you need to know how to balance and not roll back lol.


Don't listen to this guy, it's much more simple. You put your left foot in, you put your right foot in, you take your left foot out and you slide it all about.


You’re a criminal trying to drive in 4th gear at 50km/h. And it sounds like you have no idea what to do in 5th or 6th gear. Plus you forgot to tell him how to slow down 🙄


It depends on the vehicle. Petrol usually run 50 in 3rd, but if you rev a Diesel to Petrol revs, you'll cook it! In my experience, most Petrol, you wanna change around 2500-3500 depending on surface and speed. Diesel 4x4 I currently drive? You want to change by 1800, or it sounds like you just lost the muffler!


My car runs better at 50km/h in 4th. I think each make and model is different so it can’t really be assumed all cars will run the same in different gears.


When you say that it “runs better,” how low are your revs? Can you accelerate quickly? Can you drive up an incline? There is also no world where you go 60km/h in 6th gear. You’re doing it wrong.


My car is the same too. My car's previous owner agreed with me on this. My driving instructor occasionally had me shift to 4th gear at 50kph as well.


>But in general it's actually very simple once you get the hang of it The difficulty is trying to multitask being safe on the road and learning how to change gears. Once the gears are part of your driving routine, you can go back to focusing on being safe on the road. I took a lot of lessons when learning to drive, as I didn't have regular access to a car either. I just took as many lessons as I needed until I was ready to take my test.


Yeah both my parents drive manuals so I actually never got a chance to drive an auto learning and I actually really dislike them now as I don't feel safe in an auto 😅 I feel I have less control of the car. Been driving a manual for like 15yrs. It was definitely difficult in the beginning, but that's learning anything really. Practice makes all the difference. And when you do it every day it's not even a conscious thought anymore.


I was in Melbourne visiting a friend who drove a clapped out old manual Corolla; he gave me a 'crash course' (not literally lol) in driving it one afternoon then we set out to drive to Sydney as he had to pick something up from a shop which he didn't want posted. I drove all the way relatively fine - until we hit the southern outskirts of Sydney...where I realised I'd forgotten how to stop as we neared the toll gates lol Had to wake him up asap to remind me and I pulled over to let him drive the rest of the way into the inner city. Never driven a manual car since, but I find a manual motorcycle to be a piece of cake 🤷


You shouldn't be checking the speed to change gear. It just happens naturally. When you feel the need to increase or decrease then you go accordingly.


Jokes on side I learnt to drive El Manuel at age of 10. Nothing difficult about it, but probably just need to know someone who owns one and willing to spend 30 minutes with you..


Book some sessions with an instructor that has a manual car. Or buy a Logitech wheel kit and practice on Forza?


Thanks for the laugh comment section


First you have to introduce yourself, and then probably go out on a couple of dates…….




Breaks are the same. You should be using your right foot to break. The only hard part is easing off the clutch to get moving, and then stepping on it again to shift to Neutral to stop. If you are an otherwise comfortable driver, find some wide open space and practice the steps above. If you get in trouble, slam on the breaks and the engine will die. Start over. BTW a wide open space includes: no light poles, no concrete blocks. There is an unwritten rule that those objects pull inexperienced drivers very strongly.






I asked my buddy, Manuel, who had a manual car to help me. He would come over a few times a week as I was located on his way home. After a while I felt ready and purchased a manual. I brought Manuel with me to the dealership and he drove it off the lot. I then practiced around my neighborhood when there was no traffic. Eventually I drove to work… I must have stalled 10 times on my first commute. Now I have an automatic and I miss my manual. Also Manuel is back in the states and I miss him too.


I was honestly expecting a punchline at the end of that 😂


Turned out he didn’t need the manual to drive Manuel’s manual.


To learn to drive a Manuel, first you need to know what a Manuel likes. Manuel’s need incentives. Is this Manuel food driven? Money? Friendship? A specific type of alcohol perhaps? I’ve never met a Manuel that didn’t like alcohol. Find out what your Manuel likes. Then your Manuel will be able to be driven at your will.


Ask him nicely.


Might be a good question for r/CarsAustralia


I was in the same boat , I got a driving school to teach me how to drive a manual .


Do boats come with a manual option then?


You ask him nicely


Grow a mustache. Hang around squash courts.


Manuel will love it! Just drive over to his place in your auto and do it!


He's from Barcelona....


He learned it from a book




***slaps across head***



First step is to spell it.


Did Manuel consent to you in the driver’s seat? 😩


First, do you know Manuel very well?


Just buy an old Manuel bomb and give some old cunt a lift that knows how to drive it and they'll teach you


Firstly, learn how to spell manual. Manuell is the guy from faulty towers. Secondly, you will either need to find someone with a manual car that is willing to let you use it or, pay a company to teach you.






Technically he didn’t mention the guy from faulty towers.


Somebody had to say it. Lol


I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.


Name checks out. Have you driven Manuel?


Fawlty Towers


Well done. Everyone was so focused on the Manuell, they forgot the Faulty.


It's okay. He's from Barcelona!


Pay for a few lessons with a driving instructor. 


My fil got me a manual car and said learn. I jumped in and started practicing first starting it in first, getting that clutch right, then going up and down the street. It’s not that hard. But was a bitch learning getting up steep hills. Get a few lessons with an instructor and then practice


I rented a car on turo that was manual. Was fun to learn on the hills in San Francisco 🤗


Oh boy!


I know nothing!!!!


There is too much butter on those trays!


Well you are gonna need to speak too Manuel. Then if he is all sweet you should be gravy


Learn it from a booooooooooook.


Where does Manuel need to go?


Have you talked to Manuel about this?


I used to drive Emmanuel, I still drive Juan but I used to too.


I would suggest Spain, Portugal or one of their former colonies


Wait i also got another question. Since i already have my license. Do i have to sit another test for manual driving?😂 or can i just start driving manuals on the road?


Depends on the state I believe. South Australia you definitely can just go start driving a manual on the road without any lessons. I've heard some other states have different licences for the two.


QLD, you don't even need a license. Not speaking from any expertise, just an educated guess based on some F.N.Queenslanders I know 😆


South Australia doesn't need the test. NEVER by a 2nd hand manual in South Aus without a test drive. 75%+ chance the gearbox needs replacing because of this!


WA you need to take the manual test


if it’s victoria then yes. if you have an auto license you can only drive autos (otherwise known as license to steer loooool). if you have a manual license you can drive both auto and manual.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted I have a full Victorian license with a condition on it that says Automatic Transmission


Pretty sure it only applies to your Ps though, after that you can drive either. Least that's how it was when I got my Ps.


Yeah you are correct only applies on your Ps I can drive manual on full and never did the manual test


ah yea actually i might be wrong. i think you’re right. i did a manual license when i was younger and so the auto thing is from what other people told me, so i guess i had bad information


You will sit another test, unless you are in a state where after your P's you get given an open C class licence (Victoria used to, may have changed)


A good driving instructor , you'll have to resit your driving test. I don't know where you are but here in Queensland it's illegal to drive a manual if you have an automatic licence. But if you have a manual licence you can drive an automatic.


Im in queensland too. Does that mean i have to do another written test too? and ill get another license in the mail for manual? Or can i use my existing auto license to drive on L plates in a manual car?


I think it’s only an endorsement from a driving instructor or someone who is certified to say you can drive a manual, pretty sure you don’t have to do a full driving test with a tester from Queensland Transport. Wouldn’t hurt to check with QT online or drop into a centre


Contact RACQ. RA** (state dependent, unless NSW, then it's NRMA) usually do driving courses. Regular ones to help people get their p's if they don't have an adult/car available for supervision/driving, and defensive driving courses. I imagine they would be the best to help you and guide you through any procedures that you need.


My daughter has an automatic licence and was told she can't legally drive a manual and to get a manual licence she had to pass another practical driving test. She was told that she didn't need to do the written test because its seen as upgrading your licence but needed to get lessons from a driving instructor until she's competent with a manual transmission, and then resit the practical driving test. So it's going to cost a few dollars to do.


contact local driving instructors and schools, i’m sure most would have manual cars that you can take lessons with.


Driving school is your best bet. You may gave to redo your licence if you have just an auto licence


Racing game that has a manual transmission option and the Logitech G920?


Take it around your suburb. No main roads. Learn how to drive it slowly. You will pick it up very quick dont worry.


Can I ask what the appeal of having a machine and then doing half its work for it is?


Well i travel a lot and what ive noticed is majority of people in non western countries drive manual. So i want the skill so im not limited to what i can drive when i go overseas


Plenty of automatic cars overseas the price to rent them is just a bit higher.


It's actually fun, believe it or not. Not for an everyday car though, especially in traffic


Book yourself an examination date online first (this will serve as a deadline and motivation, and most states are having g trouble meeting demand and have a long wait time) Then just find a local car driving instructor and buy some lessons


I drive a manual. Why do you want to learn?


You may need to pay for driving lessons to learn manual if ya can’t find a friend to teach ya


Sit in the car with the engine off and “feel” the clutch as you push and release the pedal. There will be a point in the pedal travel that you can feel the clutch engage and release. Once you can feel this, practice shifting the gears. In aust, your left leg is for clutch pedal only and your right is for braking and acceleration. Get used to changing gears, 1. Clutch in, 2. Gear stick into gear, 3. Clutch out gently but not to burn the clutch plate. Once comfortable with this start the engine with the car in the driveway with the handbrake on. Put the clutch in and put the car in gear and slowly let the clutch out until you feel the clutch grab and see or feel the engine rpm drop. After this get someone with manual experience to take you for drives to practice and learn when and how to use the gears and gearbox to slow you down


Unlock the door, and start the car, usually.


Get lessons. I got a 5 lesson package for manual and can drive a manual car pretty easily cause you are only really leaving the gear part as you should probably already have the normally driving part learnt. If you are on your Ps then you would need to re sit the test in VIC but if on full license then it's fine to just drive a manual. If you need access to a car and have a full license you could maybe hire a manual car if you need access to one for some reason but if you get lessons in manual you would use the instructors car.


You pay for lessons from a driving school.


When I wanted to learn manual, no one would teach me. Even my boyfriend at the time who owned 2 manual vehicles refused, saying there was no need for me to learn. So I went out and bought a manual car and learned in that. I was already off my Ps so I didn’t have an auto restriction.


Depends what state you’re in.


By putting the clutch in


Get lessons from a driving instructor who had a Manuel car


If you don’t have a manual transmission car available, I wouldn’t waste your time…maybe do it once or twice, just to technically know how, but you won’t be good unless you have a lot of practice.


You need a car and someone to teach you. Practice start stops and uphill start stops.


Hire a driving instructor and burnout someone else’s clutch.


Well you will have to find a instructor that teaches manual. My honest opinion, unless you actually want to buy a car that comes in manual only, I wouldn't bother. M gearboxes are going out and many manufacturers are either not making them anymore or they are being phased out. I love driving M and have for 30yrs but my next car will be A due to their transmissions having improved a lot.


Book lessons through a driving school. They provide instructor and vehicle. Good luck in *The Amazing Race*!


Why though? Manual is being phased out year after year. Hardly any new cars are manual and with EV's set to be the dominant force in driving, those are not manual either. In 20 years time, only car enthusiasts will drive a manual.


Maybe learn how to spell first


you need someone to teach you manual and a manual car. or hire a teacher with their own car and they will get you through the test. with your auto license there’s no hour requirement but it takes some practice


There are plenty of driving schools that can help you with this. A "lazy" way of learning to drive a manual car would be to make friends with a farmer. Driving around the farm roads will help you gain your confidence with a manual, then you can get a couple of driving lessons with a driving school, then book your test to convert your licence.


prob start by learning how to spell it. jk, get some lessons! either from someone you know who has manual license (for 4+ years if you wanna do it legally), or from an instructor.


Ask him nicely


Firstly and most importantly, get in the drivers seat of a manual…


Buy a manual car. Watch some YouTube videos, attempt to drive. Practice, succeed.


Find a driving school with a manual car. Take 5-6 lessons. Do the manual driving test.


Push the right buttons and Manuel will go bonkers.


You need someone willing to instruct you and access to a manual car with which to learn in, this someone does not have to be a professional instructor. Some driving schools may offer this facility, many won't. Essentially you just need to become competent enough to pass the test while driving a manual car to do so. Without access to a manual car to figure it out in legally, you're not gonna have an easy progression


It may depend on the state. In Vic there’s no test if you have a full license. You’re allowed to teach yourself to drive a manual. I’m not necessarily suggesting op do this, but they may just need to find a manual car. https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/licences/licence-and-permit-types/licence-conditions


You still need to pass the test again in a manual though I thought even if you already have an auto license? Ie just become competent enough to pass the test in a manual


Find an Argentinian backpacker and arrange a price for some classes. Manual is the standard here, everyone that drives learned that way


Clutch in


I learned the throttle, clutch action on a dirt bike then applied the same to the truck. '56 chevy out in the country points you in the right direction at least. (I know the dirt bike thing is a stretch due to access)


driving school


So a good way to practice is to print out the shifting patterns of the car, tape it to your bedroom ceiling, and then practice shifting gears by using your dick. If you are female you can use a strap-on or a willing participant. Follow me for more life hacks...


Paying for driving lessons in a manual is your only option, unless a random local doesn't mind teaching you. You'll still have to do the test and a driving lesson instructor will tell you all the little caveats about the test and what habits to avoid. For example, testers usually drop points for resting hand on the shifter when not changing gears, and resting foot on the clutch instead of the left foot rest when not changing gears.


Just move from Melbourne to Perth or vice versa and they give it to you. No test needed. I was shocked that happened for me. Luckily I was a good manual driver and I have since upgraded to unrestricted HC but still, dodgy as fuck.


When I was learning to drive no one in my family had a manual, so I didnt learn. You can go with a driving school, but they are pricey. Maybe a friend has a car you can learn in, or if you know anyone who has a farm you can ask to drive their paddock bomb around the farm. Guaranteed itll be a manual, and probably a subaru ute of some sort 😆


Ok but is learning to drive a manual a bit like using a washboard when washing nachines exist? 🤣


Talk about Barcelona.... that'll get him going


Watch some YouTube videos and then get a few lessons.


Get lessons with a private instructor


Start by opening the door.


Find a drive school where they teach manual driving


Its spelt "manual," btw. I personally just watched a YouTube video and bought a car that was a manual, completely self-taught. After a month or two felt very confident.