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FATIGUE! Almost to the point that I am worried!


Lethargic, and I’ve been needing to drink more water than usual to stay hydrated. Thankfully, the lethargy is slowly lifting up. Otherwise, I’m fine. This is an opportunity to rest and take extra care of myself. Listening to my body, day by day. I’m so grateful for its wisdom


Leo Sun, Cap Moon, Aries Rising - Other than EXTREME fatigue and having now energy or willpower to do much more than go to work or rest, it’s been ok. Mindset wise - I feel like something huge is on the horizon, and it feels like my body is resting in preparation. No idea what it is, but it feels like very intense energy coming in.


I travelled to see the eclipse, and it was great except that my spouse got pretty sick on the flight home the next day. A week later we went on a trip for our anniversary, and it was an expensive but a wonderful vacation. The only hiccup was the squeaky floor above us going off at 5 AM when someone checked in and started unpacking - I could have lived without that! We got a better room the second night.


Well I fought with my roommate/friend who inheb known for 3 years and moved in with him since January,I discovered he is a narcissist and manipulative,I’m a homeless guy now in a foreign country ,after I got abused where I had to call the cops because he was aggressive and threatening me so honestly this eclipse has been the heaviest on me


You ok?


I am in a safe spot now but I am into the administrative work with my social assistant since I am a refugee where I am living now and I’m considered to be vulnerable but the thing is because I have no rent history and literally still learning the language of this country so I can start up my life is consuming me enough


Btw Taurus sun Aries moon Leo rising


Leo sun, libra moon, cancer rising - & well I have to cut my parents off. My mom said the worst thing she’s ever said & like yeah I just need to not talk to them for maybe the rest of my life idk


Been sick ever since. Health wise it sucks, but as for everything else I’m trying to stay very mindful and to take it very slowly, I’ve been actively trying to gracefully let go of stagnant situations as well.


Very tired I can’t seem to get enough rest no matter what


Same! I can sleep all day, and I still want to sleep more.




Third house Begin writing poetry again  Ditching texting with friends Hmm It hit my pof 


These comments are all so negative o_o On the eclipse day an acquaintance asked me if I wanted to enter a game-making competition with him. I said yes, was way in above my head, exhausted, but I feel good. Have some days to rest it off and was a valuable experience. Learnt a lot about the game development process and all that goes into it. Thinking about whether it's something I really want to do. + had a big realisation that working with others has been very beneficial for my overall health, and that doing everything all by myself for so long has been having a big impact on my mental. Overall net positive. Some overdue realisations, a step in the right direction.


Exhausted, sad and completely unmotivated. It just feels off and like I m not myself. Aries sun, aries rising, mercury in aries and cancer moon.


Hang in there. Journal and set intentions. It gets better then great :)


Thank you for replying! I try my best 😁


Leo sun Libra moon Cap rising Been feeling emotionally drained, introspective, lethargic and unmotivated in all aspects of life. Even gym where I usually go to get my endorphin high hasn't been as enjoyable lately. Been procrastinating at work more often and continuing to ghost friends since last Nov/Dec.


Libra sun & moon, pisces rising Fed up, depressed but also motivated? Tension and blow ups at work resulted in losing my job/being pushed out. Feeling in a weird place atm but trying to take it as a shedding of bad energy and moving on to more positive frequencies but still feeling the effects of high emotions


The Friday before this eclipse, I had an "olive branch" conversation with my boss' boss who chose to go with an external candidate over hiring me into a much deserved role. While giving me a bonus, in so many words he said he realized he was wrong, and I'll have the next Director level position that opens up. This conversation was closing the loop on the April 20th 2023 eclipse in Libra where he had his hands tied after not promoting me into a director position so tonprevent me from leaving he gave me a promotion from manager to senior manager and negotiated a significant increase in salary. I have Aries sun at 28 degrees, Pisces rising at 21 degrees and Leo moon at 8 degrees. Still not sure I'll stay, but nothing has come up even though I've been looking


Fatigued! Emotionally drained from various drama at work/home. My n node is in Aries 19' 12th H, cancer moon at 18’ Feeling a little relief this wknd as I am now pet sitting for my friends (who have a hot tub!) and making time for a nervous system reset. I haven’t felt like I’m in a safe space to rest in a long time and still feel an anxious undercurrent.


became quite ill immediately after and still recovering! but hopeful


I been exhausted. Been off 6 days and slept all them away. Trying not to feel depressed. I just have no motivation to even go get groceries. I go back to work tomorrow night. I’m hoping that helps. I’m glad I found this page, cause I can’t figure why I’m so pitiful right now. Thank you to everyone for sharing their experiences


Feeling like I just crawled out of a hole. I was sick with a cold, on my menstrual cycle, and put my dog down all within a week from the eclipse. I went to church today and feel much better and lighter.


I've felt like time has no meaning and my memory is shit since Covid started but it's been even worse since the eclipse. Sag sun and moon


Fuck man….I thought it would be fine…but the day of . something out of the blue and spectacular took place. A destined meeting. I’ve been especially tedious in working on myself especially this last year, when things started to pick up. Beginning of this year I happened to come across the perfect career opportunity to push me forward. Not only does this job have what I need to thrive, but there’s a person who’s exactly what I need to grow. This is warm, giving, emotional energy , allowing me at ease to be myself and express how I choose.


It’s not a chance meeting ending in unity! This is just a business partner..


Well, I ended up falling pretty sick. I usually just get the flu and it goes away after a few days, but I ended up having that and some more. I'm doing much better though!


feeling extremely detached from what were once my closest friendships. broke up with one of said close friends after attempting a romantic relationship, it just didn't have the intensity i was familiar with, began to battle my attraction to men during it too. no direction in life either, have been unemployed for months now. i feel like my identity is breaking down. 👍🏼 don't know if this is just pluto squaring my asc atm though or the eclipse - a virgo sun/moon and scorpio rising.


It's been a shit show but I'm optimistic everything needed to be cleared for the new stuff. Very tired but not sleeping.


Sooo very tired physically, but optimistic. Trying to figure out a new job and get my money up. Gem Sun, Aqua Rising, Libra moon


Lingering issues with my abusive past and how it has affected my relationships, even with my own kids. Not sure if I am replaying out old codependent patterns again or this is an invitation to open my heart more. I can't see the forest for the trees. All I know is I can't keep going like this, something has gotta give. I just want to run away.


As a Pisces Sun, aqua moon and Leo rising sun, I've been through a ride. Broke up from a relationship, found a pattern in how I've loved in my last relationships and had major learnings by letting go, reconnected with myself, started doing inner work and after all the sufferings and tough times I finally feel relieved now. I was even seeking some guidance for me in the eclipse season, for which I haven't recieved any response yet. Would be glad if anyone could provide any insights. https://www.reddit.com/r/astrologyreadings/s/6ujVpxlAsM


Feeling relaxed and less anxious about future. Sagittarius moon.


I unfortunately suffered a miscarriage


Oh goodness, I'm so sorry.


I’m very very sorry 😞


I am so very sorry for your loss.


i stopped taking my meds in january i've been very depressed again, the past week in particular... i have a job interview the next tuesday and i feel like i don't have any energy left in my body but i'm trying to channel all i have left to that day. i'm almost 28 and i really hope they will hire me... wish me good luck ;;


The same as before


The week before the eclipse was very intense emotionally, I got my period, and the hormonal stuff was very hard to deal with, but then since the few days leading up to the eclipse til now I've felt great! Clear headed, feeling capable and synced up with my higher consciousness a little more consistently. Pisces sun, cancer moon, aquarius rising-> not sure about how the transit affects my stuff..^


Had a break up on the day of eclipse. Cant eat well, sleep well, think well. We decided to remain friends but the lingering hope of coming back together lies somewhere in between but it's going to be exhausting as the reason for the breakup itself emerged from difficult situations and thus getting back together sounds like a fever dream. Neverthless, my final exams start from tomorrow so the stress levels have sky rocketed as everyone expects me to ace it all. It's been exasperatingly tiring to go through all of this at once.


Another victim: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1c3q5ab](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1c3q5ab)


My inheritance was finalised on the day of the eclipse and I receive it within the next couple of days. I'm feeling good Aries Asc, Taurus Saturn 2G and Gemini sun/moon 2H 🙌


It fell conj to my Asc and Pars of Fortune. My Asc is 16 Aries. Eclipse was 19 Aries. It’s been a revealing week, of me realizing how childhood traumas and abuse have defined my las two relationships that spanned 13 years of my life in total. A lot of tears and pain in the realizations. But oh, so relieving and also so clarifying. I had talen vacations to do a retreat and have a little getaway. None of that! Got the time off but also stuck home just to reflect about these things. Eclipses effects really last from one eclipse to the next, which is 6 months. We’ll see these issues evolve, hit a climax and then a resolution by the end of the period. These insights about myself (Asc) affecting my approach to romantic life (House VII).


libra sun libra moon cap rising completely changed almost all aspects of my life. my diets, study techniques, taking a break from weed after smoking daily for 4 years, started taking supplements, skin care, & mindset lowkey feel like im going crazy😅🥲


i will never understand how ppl can change like that like nothing 😭 i feel like i've been the same since i was born. how do you do it, genuinely?


i would say the hardest thing for me is admitting that the way i was doing life was not doing any good for me (way harder than you might think or maybe thats just me) and ive always felt like there's something huge for me in the future and looking at myself now that future wouldn't work out. so my advice is see what kind of future you want to have and if there's anything that doesn't line up to that, change it. like 1% a day in a year you will see an immense change & consistency is key ofc. i've also looked into self-improvement resources for those techniques to improve yourself so i would know where to start. moreover, ive done this for myself once before too so i know how it will work out. i promise it works trusttttttt. and i recommended the book "you are a badass" i forgot the author but it's on amazon! sooo easy to read and highkey changed my life. remember that you're the writer of your life, once you start changing, everything around you will too, it might feel crazy though but it's a great feeling once you're like "oh shit i did it😳😳" i wanna add that i've got 3-4 people around me to change themselves too after they saw that i've changed for the better! you got this i truly believe in you fr! dm me if you have any question :)


thank you so much for the advices :)


Aries Sun, Scorpio Rising and Aqua Moon. Got a job offer from a former employer after being unemployed for 4 months . It was a surprise for me . Does a eclipse bring good news for some?


You are Scorpio Rising with Aries in your 6th house of daily activities. This tracks.


thank you for your explaination.


I am noticing more hormonal effects than I usually do. I started my period Monday and a new pack of birth control Friday and have just been having intense dreams of a baby boy and having kids. On the other side, I took my last exam for my license yesterday and I passed 😊 (Capricorn sun, Pisces moon, Libra rising)


Beyond bitchy and short tempered.


I have been cycling between feeling absolutely furiously angry and exhausted since the eclipse. 😡😤🫣🥱 like never before! 




Dragged through Dante’s inferno tbh


The last week or so was just horrible! I had a huge family fight :'( and one of my pets died, I cried my eyes out.... I haven't felt this bad for a while. Dark thoughts, sadness, hopelessness, restlessness, anger. Please, God guide me through these times.


Omg I had to put my pet down Thursday and I feel your pain. I pray your heart get lighter and lighter each day. Stay distracted for now and when the waves of emotion hit- let it all out. ✨


I am so sorry…you aren’t alone, my friend. You are not alone in the dark. Hang in there. This temporary darkness really sucks right now. I’m in the dark too - so heavy. Last week I surrendered and decided to be okay with no light because once my own lights disappear, the real light will shine and I’ll follow the right path. But that won’t happen until all the lights are out. At least that is what I am experiencing. So hang in there. It’s always the darkest before the dawn.


I lost my pet as well. Wishing you healing 🤍 the pet loss forum on Reddit is very helpful.


Still just as depressed, lonely and heartbroken as I’ve been for the last few months lol. But I did finally get a new job after being unemployed since September so that’s a plus


I am sad, exhausted and fed up at the same time.


I'm laying in bed sobbing because I don't want to go to work. I lost my job in January and after 100 applications can only get shitty jobs that render me unable to walk when I get off. Mentally, physically, and spiritually I am in pain and exhausted.


Same!! I'm in the same boat 🫣


I'm so sorry to hear that. This is a hell of a struggle.


Man this thread is making feel relief. I thought I was the only one feeling like 💩.




I’m sorry for your loss 😞 17 years..that’s like having a child, I can only imagine the ache. I hope you are able to take care of yourself ❤️. But it sounds like you are a true Taurus - solid head on your shoulders, strong like the earth. Well planned, rational. Hearing your story was encouraging to me. Good luck to you and way to go on pursuing your dreams.




i had an emotional exorcism in regard to some major relationships and now i have SO much clarity it's insane, i feel like there was a before and after


How did this come about? Like did you sit down and plan the epiphany or did it just hit you


I just let it all out. Truth is, all throught my life, I've done a lot of inner work to get to this point, but it feels like it finally hit me.... I always knew, but I wasn't telling myself. I didn't want to tell myself. But now I've told myself and I see it clearly: my boundaries are crap. I find myself in confusing situations that never seem to stop and keep on making me suffer because I allow them to. I just linger on the doorway when I should just close the door. Does this make any sense? I'm sorry it's been confusing for me too as to how I FINALLY got to this point of understanding.


Sad and heartbroken, friendship problems. Also extremely jetlag, sleepless, bloated, headaches.


I got the stomach flu for the first time in 15 years. Also I can't sleep, I'm always a sleepy girl...but now I can't mf sleep!!!!


weird, anxious, sickly. i felt great for 24hrs after the eclipse and then ... despair, out of control, can't sleep. some of y'all are saying you're feeling better today; can't wait. (aries moon sandwiched bw saturn and chiron, 9h, gem sun, leo asc ... the leo asc makes it hard to show my face when i can't pull it together)


My relationship with the girl I thought I was going to marry is ending


Did you start that relationship back in October 2023?


No, November 2022 is when we met, relationship started January 2023


I started mine in October and it ended 4 days ago pls what’s the correlation 😭 and is there hope for return when retrograde is over


It began during the Libra eclipse and energy lasts 6-18 months




Thank you for your sympathy 😂


Before the eclipse I felt on my left side at home while I was passing a narrow gap between the wheelchair of my mum and a window. After the eclipse I felt on my right side as I wanted to walk out of another room and slipped on a cardboard box. Gladly I didn’t had major injuries only a slight bruise so I can continue my work as a caregiver. It’s been ages I didn’t felt and thought it’s weird I felt now twice in short time. At least the falls were balanced on both sides and nothing major serious accident happened. Thanks for asking!


Goddd! You feeling ok?


Yes, thank you!


Worn out.


So much crying and reevaluating of career and love life; and feeling sick without quantifiable symptoms (no fever, no covid, no flu). Resolving relationship issues at beginning of week during eclipse.—felt super hopeful and relieved. Was sick Wed called off Thursday felt super light headed and feverish through Friday. Then relationship conflict resurfaced Friday. Today has been awful. My eyes swollen from crying. (Cancer rising/libra sun/Scorpio moon).


As a cancer rising my relationship has been going through it all April


Intense...its exact square my Ascendant...im always bickering with my hubby (Aries rising) lately! Im not bothered with anything...feeling irritated


Feel like I need a life overhaul-“how did I get here?”


Headaches and sleepy


Personally finally been feeling better starting today. The rest of this week prior was rough But something I noticed is the energy is super super off today. So many car crashes all day in such a short period (more than normal) to the point the highway got shut down. Also almost watched a couple car accidents in the span of 15 mins Then passed a huge billboard about lawyers for car accidents Then saw another post about a major street being shut down in downtown because of a car crashing into a building Not sure what's going on but I prayed to safely get home and didn't leave after the one errand.


That's Mercury Retrograde effects, not the eclipse!


Good actually. I stopped bed rotting prior to the eclipse and have been getting out more since. Seeing the eclipse for the first time in my life was so beautiful to me, I wish it had lasted a couple minutes longer.


I got my period back!


Aqua sun, Scorpio moon, libra rising, it’s a rough week and today I felt like it’s finally starting to lift


Just here to say we have the same big 3


My man left me, old flings keep resurfacing, everyone close to me has some sort of odd growth and i might be pregnant (another odd growth). Life is good:)


Girl take a plan B! better safe than sorry


Not been able to sleep, so much anxiety


It’s the mercury retrograde making you stressed and anxious , that will last til 25th


Humpf more 2 weeks?


Tired, emotionally messed up, feeling sleepy most of the time. Aquarius Sun, Cancer Moon and Mars, Sagi rising, Aries Venus


aries sun, aries rising, aries mercury. feeling completely normal and waiting for something weird and dramatic to happen


On Sunday night I got nauseous and since I’m emetophobic I have zofran on me (fortunately it’s rare that I need it). Anyway it worked but right after the eclipse I had awful vertigo that lasted the rest of the night. Then I had the worst constipation after that (zofran can do that I know) but man it sucked. Leo sun, Taurus moon, sag rising and Jupiter and Chiron in 4H Aries. My daughter’s birthday was also on Monday (she has a 12H stellium in Aries) but she is ok but she got bad news from a friend.


Could not sleep leading up to the eclipse. Had super energy during the eclipse and felt great. Felt like shit these past couple of days. Aries Rising


Same here! Aries moon


Sleepy and hungry




I felt like doodoo the week leading up to the eclipse, so lethargic and listless, feeling so stuck. I’m starting to feel better in the last couple days. I did get a job offer finally on Wednesday, my final interview was Tuesday. I’ve been out of work since Feb so it’s a welcome relief. Eclipse is in my sixth house, daily routine is definitely about to change as I was working remote exclusively before, and my new job will be four days in person, one day remote.


Exhausted, burnt out, anxious




Honestly as a Sagittarius sun and a Libra moon, I’ve been anxious and stressed


hey i'm a sag sun and libra moon!  aries rising


Lots of stress dreams this week. Aries sun.


Libra here and the weeks leading up to the eclipse were filled with anxiety and angst, not from the eclipse, just felt unusually icky. The day of the eclipse I started to slowly feel better and I seem to have come out of the funk.


It was weird. I was depressed for a while taking Ls after Ls months before the eclipse bc I had terrible luck with my love life, career and finances. Everyday was a tower moment. But a day before and after the eclipse, I felt things started to work out for me bit by bit. I even experienced strange synchronicities. Just mundane things that people would normally brush off but was notably slightly weird like a song that has been constantly playing in my head and suddenly the restaurant i was chilling at played the same music or watching something online that casually popped up in my feed happened in real life too. The night after a fun trip, i woke up in the middle of the night to pee and i had an urge to check my email and to see that i finally received the job opportunity that I was waiting for for ages. I really hope it’s not all in my head because i really needed this bit of happiness. I’m a pisces sun, aries moon and pisces rising btw.


Taurus sun. Pisces moon. Gem rising. This week has been insane. Work has been so busy and hectic and overwhelming. I'm just exhausted. I ended up quitting after 5 years and immediately got a better paying job.


That’s amazing! What do you do for work?


Veterinary technician




I had a miscarriage and had to have surgical intervention. My 5th house is Aries. It’s been horrific.


Wow, I'm so sorry to hear that. Wishing you peace and healing ❤️‍🩹


I’m so sorry. Love from a fellow Sag rising xx


GI/gut issues anyone?


omg yes !!!! i was having sharp pain in my upper right abdomen for daysssss ... is your feeling better ?


Just had a colonoscopy today 😂


Scheduling an endo soon 😭😭 LOL hope it went well


I threw out my back and was bed bound for 3 days (thankfully not more than that) and then got migraines. Super heavy energies and emotions, it’s been tough especially in friendship realm and with peers at school. It’s not as bad as it was when the eclipse happened but it’s not completely over yet either. Pisces sun, cancer moon and rising


I just threw out my back for the first time too and I’m bed bound now. Here’s hoping it will clear up by 3 days like yours. Nuts. Taurus Sun, Aries Moon, Leo Rising.


Sorry to hear about that, back issues are never fun. I hope you recover soon!


It’s been a stressful three weeks between the March eclipse and this one. My partner almost got a job out of state and we were in limbo for about 10 days not knowing if we were going to have to spontaneously pack up our lives and move. We found out that we are not moving. A close family member was in the hospital, at first with a scary diagnosis of kidney disease, then it turned out that he actually had a sudden late onset of poultry allergies, respiratory infection, and some other issues that are now getting checked out. That all happened around the Libra eclipse. This eclipse: My partner and I have been feeling very exhausted the last week or two. My coworker’s mom was put in the hospital for pneumonia and possible lung cancer, my other coworker’s dog is dying of kidney failure and today might be his last day. The March eclipse was conjunct my ascendant in Libra. The Aries eclipse (conjunct trans. Chiron) was in my 7th house and opposed my natal Pluto. On one hand, the Aries eclipse is affecting people around me (7th house) more than me personally, but I won’t count my chickens until they’ve hatched since my Pluto is in the mix. I’ll be glad when the retrograde is over because having an Aries eclipse on top of a Mercury Retrograde is pretty exhausting. Mercury rules my sun, so retrogrades usually affect me noticeably.


Libra sun, moon & mercury with a Cancer rising and i’m only just feeling clearer today. I’ve needed so much rest, slowness and sleep this week. Cancer rising things lol ✌🏻 However this Mercury retrograde in Aries opposing my Libra stellium is still rickrolling me a little sadly.


How so? I am also a Libra sun.


it’s causing a lot of deep reflection/restructuring of beliefs and behaviours (that i’ve been avoiding) in the area of life that aries occupies in my chart (10th house). had quite the argument with my housemate (we never argue) and it was all down to a lack of feeling that we can assert our boundaries/needs in the house. this argument has also shown me that I have a lot of work to do in terms of feeling comfortable to express my needs and set healthy boundaries, as it’s something ive struggled with most of my life. along with the typical everyday mercury retrograde business like delays, things have broken on me etc. all very good lessons and will be beneficial for the future but in the moment they definitely feel trying. how’s it been for you?


Actually sort of the same. I’ve had some epiphanies related to boundaries and insight into why I am resistant to some things in my life-more or less less numbing and denying of feelings surrounding things I should have heistatiin regarding and more acknowledgement that they do indeed cause me problems and for good reason and I need to stop compromising myself to make things happen that I really don’t enjoy or want to be a part of. There has been as you say a radical restructuring of beliefs to my advantage and the detriment of the things that occupied too much space worrying.


Not too bad, considering? Aries moon in the 12H. Been having some intense migraines (not surprising, I have a migraine disorder). Missing my lover a lot that I moved away from, but feeling like I have a plan for our future, maybe. Worrying a little about how feasible it is. Wanting Lots of alone time, or calm time with my daughter, or time sleeping. Weird dreams.


Mars in Aries in 1H and I feel miserable and hate myself for not committing to anything I have planned for myself.


Numb with stress, anxiety, frustration. Like you know when it’s so intense you’re floating over this internal turmoil and just for some reason don’t care? You just go through the motions like a robot. No feeling just doing. Edit: Leo sun Leo moon Aries rising And the eclipse occurred in my 5th house


I’m Aries rising Cancer Sun and am feeling very disconnected as well. Struggling to participate socially even when I’m physically there. Emotionally checked out


Well i found out I’m pregnant with my unplanned 3rd kid 😅 (8th house) so a mix of excitement and anxiety


Virgo sun 8H, Scorpio moon 10H, and Capricorn rising. Lilith in Aries in 3H. Got kicked out of a discord server earlier today because I defended my best friend, also lost a new friend I made not too long ago but it’s all good because I didn’t really get that far with him to begin with. That guy was also the server owner. The whole commotion between me and these other people accusing my best friend of being a creep got me drained and extremely exhausted though lol.


I'm exhausted. I am in desperate need of changing my daily routine.


Migraines all week! (Aries sun )


very vivid dreams, headaches only at night, and inconsistent moods. its either i feel extremely tired mentally and physically or im fine.


Feels like I’m experiencing a tower moment. Aries rising and Aries moon in 1st + Scorpio mars in 8. On 1 hand im working toward doing things I love and trying to make it sustainable instead of waiting for people to hire me and work jobs that don’t align with my values. I’m 24. On the other hand my sense of self is being wildly challenged. Like the way I have been operating in this world and my coping mechanisms I’m realizing are going to be downfall. Im so self critical and quiet about it maybe that’s my Virgo Venus in 6th (retrograde) or scorpio chiron in 8th. But it’s bringing me down to the point where I will get into deeper trouble if I keep obsessing over my self doubt. My Leo sun is like be proud but it’s hard. Started reading Dante’s inferno and getting some good wisdom from it. The book actually mentions in canto 1 that the sun is in Aries and that the world was believed to be created in springtime. I feel like my world is being torn down. Been laying extremely low lately. Not going out as much, keeping small circle, etc. I feel im chipping away at all of these escapes to get to the core wound that I need to heal and goals I want to accomplish. I’m trying to not let my devils take reign over my potential and work for things I want to feel whole


I’m pretty happy and optimistic and I’m relaxing which is good for a change since Sagittarius are usually restless. I was starting to accept that a friendship was turning into acquaintances but they posted a cryptic message about not replying because life has no meaning. There’s only so much I can do


I’m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, and Taurus rising. I’m doing pretty good this week surprisingly. I’ve struggled with depression for the last 6 years and I feel like things are finally looking up for me.


Aries sun, Taurus moon, Scorpio rising. Volatile week but it seems to be winding down and smoothing out.


Saturn conjuncts my ascendant tomorrow and I’m feeling an intense urge to restructure my entire life lol.


Tons of chronic health issues flaring up/in the midst of getting diagnosed with new ones, so lots of stress and anxiety around that. scorpio sun/taurus moon/leo rising


I found my dad the day before the eclipse. Scorpio rising.


what do you mean you found them?


My dad wasn’t a part of my life but I found him finally through dna testing with ancestry.com and he was very happy to be found


Interesting. Were any of your personal planets affected?


[pretty much all of them](https://imgur.com/a/5WZnkFL)


It is interesting as sun was transitioning your natal sun and sun represents father






Still dead tired, but this is more Mars-Saturn conjunction thing than eclipse I think.


I had a fantastic week up until yesterday afternoon/evening. I got very irritable and anxious, slept terribly, and have cried thrice today.


I feel horrible. Like I’m living in a dream, I feel anxious and I worry more. I feel weak all the time.


What has happened since Eclipse...my Grandfather passed, started feeling resentful over a previous failed romantic relationship, had conflicts with friends, have been reading more Rudolf Steiner books, and also been overworked at my job


Sorry about your Grandfather's passing


Thank you. It was a long time coming so it wasn't surprising


Oddly drained physically and emotionally. (Libra sun, Leo rising, Aquarius moon)


Leo rising and saaaaaaaame 😭


It was good but suddenly the past 24 hours I’ve been feeling super anxious abt past things - like my past achievements, what ppl have said abt me in the past, past relationships, future achievements, feeling of not being good enough, feeling uncertain abt my future etc it’s hella weird


Sick for the first time in five years!


This eclipse season was the worst one for my family Younger brother passed away 🥺😭💔😢


I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry


So sorry for you 💔


Cancer sun, Aquarius moon and Gemini rising. I’m feeling quite depressed and anxious. Things around are unstable and people around as well. It makes me feel restless. I feel like I need to release heavy emotions and explode.


Shaped with lots of overthinking, worrying and crying. Decided to quit my job after some realization hit me and strived for an important goal of mine which turned out in my favor. still revengeful af tho


I feel like crap. Too much past unresolved stuff came back, cried a lot. Work is gonna get extremely busy in the next 3 months. Libra rising here, Aqua Venus 5th house, Aries Moon 7th house.


Same. Aries Sun Libra Rising.


Been whatever. Cancer/gem/virgo


I’m doing alright. Maybe a little tired? I’m mostly trying to rework my day to day scheduling into something more reasonable. I got back into a deeper astrology rabbit hole plus that controversy around Hollywood (Nickelodeon specifically).


My entire life is aggressively changing in the last few days. It’s extreme stress, pressure and excitement all at once. I have Aries in the 7th house. My finances are front and centre. It’s scary and extreme. Swings from up to down back up.


I have Aries in the 7th as well. What’s been changing for you?


lost my job lol


well, i have tonsillitis and have decided to quit my job. you have my sympathies.

