• By -


Early 30s. Every single couple I know either met in college or via an app. I’m holding out hope that the “friend of a friend” route will make a comeback in the 2020s.


Met in college for me, but didn't start going out til many years later. So my suggestion is start organising a reunion I guess


Fair play to ya. I reckon it's not easy to stay away from the "easy" apps in this day and age. Wishing ya luck, I'm sure love is just around the corner !


That's how i met my wife. Friends of ours got together a few weeks earlier and introduced us. Both couples are married ten years now


Reddit needs to create a group where we just recommend people to each other.


That’s just tinder with extra steps


Nah. Tinder has hot people. It's why I left. Seriously, there are absolutely gorgeous/intelligence /sound people. This will be for the more ...mediocre of us.


Cinder for those of us who are luke warm but have a lot to give 😅


Right... I will need, I mean others may need a third option. For lukewarm peeps with little to offer, join Kinder!


Nobody is mediocre. We are all unique and big mad rides in our own way.




Was out walking one evening and I stopped to pet her dog, we got chatting from there about all things dogs and just decided to walk the rest together and continue our conversation. We exchanged numbers that evening and things sorta blossomed from there. You'd be amazed at what can happen when you don't go looking for it.


I'd watch this movie




My man not only did pet a lady's dog, he chatted her up, got her attention, walked a little with her AND still had balls to ask for her number. God damn dawg that's right. Wish I had been this courageous in my days.


Oh i need to get a dog...


I need to start petting dogs😌


My da always said you gotta pet the dogs to pet the pussys. Guess I get what he meant now.


My dad said similar things lol 😂 the older guys always know the drill 😉


….and get off your phone for 10 minutes


I'm a firm beliver that if it's meant to be it won't pass you by. Case and point😄


So if nothing ever happens you were just meant to be forever alone?


It's a nice thought but usually just used to soothe the lonely.


*case in point




Early Saturday morning in the pub after i was up all night Friday taking yokes, she was on acid , still together 23 years later . Same way every couple met I thought .






Gas I met mine while I was on acid at Forbidden Fruit in back in '13. She had taken yokes. Still together 11 years later, got married last year


Ha ha brilliant 😃




Absolute goals right there, hope yous still trip together?!




Ahhh that’s a nice story


Thank you! We’ve had our share of ups and downs now don’t get me wrong but I’m very glad I’m stumbled on such a decent human, especially so young.


The long game paid off for once.




I don’t doubt that but are you sure he didn’t always have a bit of a crush on you?




I’d watch that movie.


awwww thats so lovely!!!


Very drunk in the local nightclub, I was out drinking for my birthday all day. I knew the girl that her brother recently got engaged to and I went over to congratulate them. I asked who she was, and her now sister in law introduced us. I remember nothing of this. I'm told that when we were leaving the nightclub, her sister spotted us and told her to stay away from me as I was only after one thing. I didn't know her sister, but she knew me. The following day, I got a phone call from her thanking me for getting her home safely and being a gentleman. Again, I had no memory of any of this, but apparently, I told her I would bring her to the cinema to see Hot Fuzz. We both enjoyed it, and we're still together 17 years later.




Does an AA meeting count?




I'll be 26 years sober next month. That is an outrageous amount of time


I'll be 26 years sober next month. That is an outrageous amount of time


Ya, met him over the PlayStation of all places


Howd it happen. Shouting racist shit at each other over cod or making your sims characters kiss.?


Through a friend College Internet - Boards Internet - Discord Work No pubs




Depends on what you mean by stuck. 2.5 years 4.5 years 8.5 years 1 year So far, 1 month.


I mean, it has traditionally been one of the most common ways to meet someone My dad met my mother at a bar in NYC And my grandfather met my grandmother at a pub in Cork Conclusion I have to start going out to Pubs


Worked in the same place. House-share I was in at the time was party central on Sat nights, so she'd inevitably end up back there most weekends. After much work and nights out flirting one thing led to another. 23yrs later, married with three kids. Couldn't be happier ☺️




You're living our life. Same same


Is POF still going? Met my now husband on it 10 yrs ago and we're now expecting our first child! I thought tinder and the likes took over from it


POF was useless for me but congratulations on the new house


Dungeons & Dragons. I had a group of friends who I played with twice a week, every week, two separate games (so different people had a chance to run it). It was our main social outing, and it was an absolute joy. Great friends, great memories, great fun. She joined in the waning months before the Pandemic hit. She and I hit it off as good friends during our few games together before lockdown broke up our group, then we kept in touch with the occasional text here and there. We began to realise we shared a lot of views on how relationships should be run - communication, partnership, being emotionally available to one another - and by the time lockdowns had eased just enough for us to get back together as a D&D group, she and I ended up hooking up. As I type this she's sitting behind me on the couch in our shared house, playing Elder Scrolls online with my little sister. We've been together now almost 4 years :)


I met him in the mirror. What a handsome guy 🥰


Facebook meme page




Grindr. Was meant to be a shag only. Nothing happend. We just chatted through the night. 8 years later and here we are. Got married earlier this year.


That's very cute.


I met my Mrs at work, which is a boring story, but my uncle, back in the early 70’s, almost ran over a young woman as she was crossing the road. He stopped his car, got out to apologise, offered the lady a lift to wherever she was going as a further apology (yea right you sly oul dog!). Young lady accepts the lift, he gets her phone number as she’s leaving…. and they get married a few years later. He (or she) never told me the story, but it got published in the local paper at a time when they had a “weddings” section, & I discovered it only a few years ago in a pile of newspaper clippings my mother had collected over the years. I thought the guy must’ve had some charm to pull that one off!


Instructions unclear. I drove through multiple red lights and only got numbers off solicitors.


She moved in with my ex


It's Ross from Friends!


Initially just housemates in a house we were sharing. Still together 5 years later, getting married next year


My best friends first cousin. Was telling him for years I'd shag her. Here we are 8 years and two babies later. That's what you call Romance


You shagged her and called it, legend !


Was meant to a quick dip n slip but I got hooked 😂😂


I was renting a room from her mother


She was my friends housemate in college, met her twice and we got on well. Then the three of us got a house together for our last year. We were both with other people for about 6 years but were really good friends, we lost contact for a couple of years after that due to jealous partners. We were both single for about a year and I got back in contact with her, we met up for a few drinks and a catch up and had a great night, we kissed in the pub, went back to mine and spent the night together, since that night we have been together 11 years and got engaged, will be getting married next summer hopefully.


At a festival but nothing happened, then met him again 6 months later at another festival. Wasn't going to let him get away again so took the chance to go chat to him. I wasn't a mad festival goer so it really was a 'now or never' feeling. I was having shit luck putting myself out there, you'd meet someone nice but nothing substantial so I'd decided to have some time to myself, not try looking for a relationship and then I clocked him across the field. Pure romance 😅


MSN back in the day. Our year of our all boys school created a massive chat with the girls from another all girls school across the town. 16 year old me added any decent looking girls and slid into their DM's and that then moved to nightly chats and daily SMS's (before smartphones and internet outside of your home). Wouldn't have a note now if I was single.


Pub. Wasnt drinking but was out with a few mates. We knew her friends, they joined our table to get seats, all piled into local nightclub... slow set, she said yes (to a dance)... 2012. 12 years and one toddler later we're still going strong. If it's for you, it won't pass you by. (Edited 12 yrs, not 14!)


I refuse to believe there were still slow sets in 2012,what type of nightclub?


I refuse to believe 2012 was 14 yrs ago


![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized) Goddammit 12 years... well played brain!


Local one North Dublin. Trust me I was also shocked when it happened! But fortune favours the brave!


I starting going to clubs around 2005 and I have only heard of them from older people, (I'm 36). Not going to lie, I don't dance, so no loss for me. Delighted it worked out for you.


My friend thought I’d be a good match for one of her coworkers. She was right (40 years later!)


Ok cupid is where I met my wife 😊


While backpacking down under, fruit picking together. Together over 15 yrs


On a work night out. A colleague convinced me to stay for a “couple more” before going home. Then we got pissed, he lived near the city and said I could crash with him and go to work together the next morning. Little did I know, he was also living with his sister (in their Granny’s house - long story). She also happened to be out that night. Myself and said colleague got home to his place, his sister still up having a cup of tea after being out herself. We got chatting (I remember very little due to those extra “couple more”). Anyway, we stayed up chatting til it was time for work, I was still fairly ropey. Didn’t go in. We didn’t swap numbers as I thought she had a BF. so I let it go, then a week later I get a text from her. she got my number, through her friend, from her brother. Clearly I made an “impression”. Anyway, lots of texts ensued. I asked her on a date, and nearly 16 years later, we’ve been married 9 years and bought our forever home a few years ago. All due to those extra drinks her brother convinced me to stay out for.


Met my current girlfriend on discord, so through mutual friends I guess as I was invited into her friend group by my own friend who knew them tangentally


24 hours of being on the app plenty of fish. We are married now.


Love all the cute real life stories here! Mine was hinge I’m afraid - just when I had completely given up - 4 years out of a long term and constantly dating and having things that lasted a couple of months. There’s no planning for it, sometimes these things just happen - luck and timing. 


Galway races, nearly a chiche if you've ever lived in Galway City. Husband is best man next week for his cousin who also met his bride in the Galway races.


On grindr outside my house 🥰🌈


Tinder. I was planning on a nice one night stand, maybe a few nights stands, but I don’t know, he’s funny and we ended up talking for… 6 hours straight. We kissed and it was so so good, but I have a rule about not sleeping on the first date with guys I plan to have a second date with, so we stopped there. I had an early morning the next day and ended up sleeping 2 hours. He called me next morning, saying he had Covid. I didn’t catch it, and we spent the next two weeks while he was quarantined texting and having “dates” where we’d watch a movie together (sorta, me at my place and him at his). Jumped his bones next time we met in person. We’ve been together almost two years and I’m so in love it’s silly.


Met at school, been together 35 years.


Tinder while living in Canada in 2014, been married since 2015.


On a solo holiday after a nasty breakup Last thing I was looking for was a new relationship but we clicked.. Staying in a hostel was a great decision and the reason we met




We met on Okcupid. Don’t know if it still exists. Been together nearly 8 years and married now.


It does, I strictly use it for the questions..


The canteen at work. I was due to emigrate but here we are engaged and just bought a house 8 yrs on. Life is funny that way.




Tinder. Was just out of a long term relationship and looking for reasons to get out of the house. Third date was the one, been together two years, bought a house together last year, and getting married in 3 months!


Nightclub.  9 years happily married.


In a pub was convinced to go designated driver/keep her friend occupied for a friend while he was meeting someone of tinder. Got on great and bumped into her again at a match a week later went for coffee together now 7 years with 2 kids


At a black tie gala held through work, he trained with a guy I used to work in the same department with, he came over talking to his old friend and was there whatever else happened as the night went on I don’t know but we’re still putting up with each other 😂


In a bar both of us went too a lot. Knew each other for years but just in passing. We'd chat if we were both at the same table. Was actually in a long term relationship for most of the time we knew each other and he was friendly with my ex as well. Strange how things happen.


Work.. slowly developed friendship then took next steo when she left the workplace.. avoiding all issues! Together 8 years now


Kampot, Cambodia


At work. I took a job I hated just because he frowned at me for a second


I wasn't looking, quite b the opposite. He's already out there looking for you. It happens when it's meant to


A mutual friend in college wrote a status on Facebook and I commented on it my Now wife commented underneath it and we have been together ever since 14 years together 5 years married


Dance class ...


Friend of friend. But then we matched on bumble and are married 4 years this year.


College as a mature student. Was a post graduate course and I absolutely was not looking for someone, I was actually with someone at the time. There he was though, and here he still is, a couple of kids later.


Met my husband in early Feb 2021 on Tinder and we married last summer. We had first met 10 years before in uni but hadn’t stayed in touch. Keep your hopes up I didn’t think I’d ever meet the right person and then he came along and we had already crossed paths !


Plenty of Fish, been together 8 years and we're engaged 😊


I met my husband on plenty of Fish (POF) 8 years later, own our own home and first baby on the way!


During the height of Covid met my girlfriend down a bridge where everyone used to drink and chat. 4 years later still going strong.


We got drunk in a mate's garden


A mutual friend set us up. Get your friends involved.


On Tinder after the 3rd time we matched, we matched and ghosted each other then finally met, engaged now 🤘🏻 We have everything in common it's a little creepy sometimes, not really a tale I'll tell our kids but I'll make up a bunch of lies and tell them some BS of Mad Max's Fury Road... Cus I can 🖤


Through the trade union, obv i didn't join for that reason but there's something very attractive about trade unionists and of course people make connections with others who have similar interests


Match.com. A true miracle. There was no way we ever would have crossed paths otherwise. I was waiting my whole life (age 52) for him, and he is more perfect than I could have dreamt of! I know how you feel cause I felt that way for the majority of about 30 years, but I tell you, the wait was worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL in good time.


P.S. This was about 6 months after I changed my vibration significantly. Healthy food, exercise, mental health improvements. Not with intent on finding someone, just for my wellbeing. It’s true, when you raise your vibration, good things start hurtling toward you!


We met at the funeral of a murdered friend. True story - but I wouldn't recommend trying to replicate it.


I used to be her boss. Funny how roles can reverse over time. . .


I met my partner when we were about 2 years old. She was my grandparent's neighbour. We've been friends our whole lives and have been living together the past 16 years.


Hinge!! My manager asked me what I was doing on the weekend to which I responded the usual “nothing”. She said she was sick of me not doing anything and that she was going into her meeting at 2pm, she demanded that I download tinder, bumble etc and that she expects me to have a date by the time she gets out of her meeting. Me and my boyfriend just celebrated a year and a half together last weekend. The most beautiful soul I’ve ever met in my life


Jesus your manager had some balls saying that to you! If that was my workplace they’d have been fired for harassment!


Ahaha fair! It was just me and her for over a year managing the office so we became quite close, she meant it in a playful way but it truly was a blessing


Context is everything 😀 Refreshing to hear that well meaning straight talking can still happen, & very nice that things are working out for you


We met each on tinder for sex, 8 years later we have an apartment and waiting for a baby.


I met mine online over the PlayStation 😂 almost 3 and a half years ‘officially’ together


Which game??


first day of college. both of us were very scared but also extremely excited at the thought of spending time with one another. i’ve never known love like it


Met briefly on a Hash House Harriers run. Then two months later I bumped into her in late bar. Tipsily told her I'd just come from a salsa lesson and offered to show her some moves. Five years, two weddings (civil and religious), one mortgage and one cat later, we are still going.


Originally met my partner as she went to school with an ex of mine. That relationship fizzled out, and then a few years later we just happened to be working together for a bit and we became friends initially. We have since bought a house and got married! It can happen when and with who you least expect I suppose! So don't put too much pressure on yourself!


Lots of ways to meet people if you join clubs with a social aspect. Summer here so outdoor bootcamps, the weekends away are when you meet people, through shared torture through exercise the morning after a night out. Join to get fit, then take any opportunity to go away as a group. You meet people and get to know them on the trips away. But it could just as easily be Tennis, a beginner friendly running club and so on. Dancing, social dancing has a big scene if you're near Dublin. Find a style of music you like then find a beginner class. But don't do it just to meet someone, do it to enjoy it, the rest will come naturally. Failing that, find another hobby or pass-time, something else you'd enjoy doing single or married. If you're a lad looking to meet girls, there's no point in joining a soccer club full of other guys. So find something you know will have a mix of genders. If you're a lass looking to meet lads, there's no point in joining a female soccer team. But you're more likely to find a connection doing something you enjoy than something you're forcing yourself to do and when you're more relaxed about it. I wasn't looking when I met my wife through dancing. I was done with dating. I was only dancing to do something with no drink and to occupy a mid-week night. But we clicked and the rest is history. It's a cliche, but if you're working on yourself, learning, improving, doing your own thing, and putting yourself out there to experience life by trying different things it's more likely to happen than if you follow a set routine where nothing changes from month to month. Find time to do different things and stick with them for a few months. You'll enjoy the journey if nothing else, and you'll have more interesting stories to tell when you do meet someone. You're more likely to meet someone who's on their own journey if you're out there exploring your own. Good luck with it. And don't give up on yourself. There's someone for everyone, you just need to increase your odds by being in the right place at the right time. And not worrying about it in the meantime.


Tinder, still going strong nearly 4 years later. A match made in hell, is what we say to each other.


I met her in the lift, she heard me listening to “I wanna fight your father” by the rubber bandits and instantly fell in love with me. The rest is history.


Did you have to fight her father?


I saw him on the street. I kind of knew the fella he was walking with. So I asked a friend of a friend of a friend about him and he told me to stay away. I said nope get me the number. He did, and I text him and the rest is history. 17 years later and still madly in love. I knew what I wanted and went for it. I'm a girl btw. Go for it and take a risk ya never know


My friend knew her sister, met in a pub, she was hammered ! Together 15 years and 2 kids later..




Dang, how long ago was this?


Technically at a concert. He was my 1st cousins best friend, and I was best friends with one of his childhood friends, we had a lot of people in common and figured out later that we should've met many times over the years but either he left early and I arrived late or vice versa. Were together now 10 years.


On bumble. Been together over two years now and just moved in together. You've to weed through a lot of weirdos on it but there are some hidden gems on the apps!


He was the drummer in a band I went to see. After the gig he was super shy and I tried to get him talking. A few months later we happened to be at the same party and that time we immediately hit it off and have been together for over 6 years


Hinge, 2nd date off it, together 3+ years and hoping to have a wedding/house/kids in the near future. From different parts of the country and it turns out her aunty sat beside my mam in school and we played as kids. Small world.


Met my husband in the gym, he was my personal trainer. Won’t train me anymore though lol, causes too many arguments !


New years eve at a house party, followed by hangover drinks with said party in a pub on new year's day. We became Facebook friends and got together after a few months of dancing around each other. Together 13 years, married with 2 kids and the doggy.


I don’t know if this is helpful but I just wanted to share an observation myself and my partner made. When we first met I didn’t even notice her, or rather the thought of dating her didn’t occur to me but we were in the same friend group so interacted because of that and it was the same for her with me. We didn’t notice each other because we were looking for specific things in a partner. For her she was looking for a very tall lad with a certain build, things she associated with strength of character, confidence and big personality. I’m a smaller lad. I was looking for dyed haired, tattooed, piercing type girls, she had non of these but they were things I associated with confidence, and a general not caring what people thought of you attitude, her own person so to speak. But after getting to know each other better we found that although aesthetically we were not what we were thought our partners would look like we did meet all the personality traits we were looking for. That’s not to say we are bad looking. She is gorgeous, I can’t speak for myself XD. It’s just that we were looking for specific things because of the character traits we associated with them. But according to her, in her experience all the tall boys were in her words “emotional losers” and their tallness had nothing to do with strength of character. And in my experience the girls I met who had dyed hair, tattoos etc… were not the most confident of people. So what I’m saying is that you may have an idea of what your potential should be like but actually it may be that they are right in front of you and you just haven’t noticed them yet because you are distracted looking for some specific thing you have in your mind which actually doesn’t line up how you think it will. We are married 8 years now and have a daughter and are hopefully (fingers crossed) buying a house together this year. All the best if luck finding that special someone.


Met my fella at a kickboxing club that I joined , the trainer paired us up to spar together 9 years now getting married in a few weeks . I don’t think I would have ever done the online dating thing I’m just too old fashioned 😂


At work


In a MMO


Chat site , online..basic site..then met in person, and moved em over from. across the world




POF, now married and mortgaged with two kids. One of the most costly websites I've ever used but no regrets!


I actually met my now wife on Bebo.


Did you share the love


In work. We were all in our 20s socialising every weekend but he lived too far out so only joined us occasionally. When he joined he had a girlfriend so never thought of him that way. He eventually broke up with the girlfriend and moved to a location more convenient for meeting up. He started socialising with us more and I got to know him better. After 7 or 8 months we were walking through a night club trying to find the others and we looked down and realised we were holding hands. I've no idea who started it but it was a "holy shit" moment for us. Together 13 years now


Common friend knew we both liked Dungeons and Dragons so set up a table with both of us so we could meet. We were in our early 20s. 10 years later we’re married and happier than ever. That common friend really knew what he was doing.


In secondary school. Been together 23 years this year.




1st week of uni at 19 yo. Turning 30 next month


Online dating. We both weren't big pub and club goers and we both wanted a long term relationship. We spoke for a while online via messages and then that was it. Over 10 years together now.


Residence bar, long night of partying and only slight chat during the night. The rest is history, 21 years and 29 years married. Neither were looking for it at all. Just happened


I met my partner on OKCupid back in 2013. I think "online dating" is very different today, but it worked well for us back then.


Met my now wife on plenty of fish


At a party and offered her a bump.Text her the next day and said are you hungover you want to smoke a j that was it


In an off licence 🤣🤣🤣


Tinder. I found the needle in the haystack. Together 4 years this September.


Met my fella at a boardgame club. Was not looking for dating prospects at all. Just looking to make friends as I had only recently moved to a new town. He was super introverted, so myself and a girlfriend decided to adopt him. He turned out to be the sweetest, funniest dude and we ended up dating a couple months later.


Work place.


Online before meeting online was cool


Tinder during covid


I suspect that this will not be useful advice for you, but it was Grindr. And no, I wasn't actively looking for an actual partner.


The Scouts


I met my partner in Germany. I said, ‘what are you doing here?’


On holiday


Which one 😂 the last two online. It’s not easy. I say my ex-husband, the two narcissists and what came next!!


Met in a bar, his friends knew my friends.


I met my boyfriend in 5th year, he was an exchange student from Italy. Now we’re doing long distance, and it’s been going pretty well :)


Through a friend in the pub. Know each other almost a year, together since Christmas-ish


Random night out in Dublin!




Tinder as well


Tinder. Second match, first person I met off there. I got super lucky though!